
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urban
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120 Chs

Chapter 95 - Thanks for the Encouragement

At the Huang Family in the capital, Huang Tianba looked at Huang Yulang, who had been beaten by Yu Tian in front of him, and was instantly furious.

Viciously stomping his cane to the ground a few times, Huang Tianba said with a gloomy face, "Deceiving people too much, even my Huang Tianba's grandson dares to beat him, do you really think that there is no one in my Huang family?"

Looking at his father's furious appearance, Huang Tianba's second son, Huang Yulang's father, Huang Yingjie, stood by the side and did not dare to utter a single breath.

Huang Yulang, on the other hand, covered his face that was swollen like bread and added to the conversation, saying how Yu Tian had insulted his Huang family and threatened him. He, Huang Yulang, was so angry that he asked the special guards to teach Yu Tian a lesson. Just did not expect Yu Tian's hands are too powerful, not only did not teach him a lesson, the four special guards were also heavily injured by Yu Tian, and he himself was also beaten to such a state.

After Huang Tianba heard his grandson's complaint, he was even more furious. He hurriedly shouted to the one standing beside him, Huang Yingjie: "Yingjie, prepare a car, I'm going to go and ask Old Pitiful Peng now, to see how he educates his men, even beating my grandson, do you really think I, Huang Tianba, am dead?"

Hearing this, Huang Yingjie didn't dare to be the slightest bit slow and hurriedly ran towards the door.

Huang Tianba brought Huang Yingjie, as well as Huang Yulang, and another two guards with him to Peng's house.

Before he even entered the door, Huang Tianba roared, "Old man Peng, come out."

Zhou Shuxian was sitting in the living room with Dong Wanrou and Peng Feiyan, chatting about family matters, while Luo Qianxue was alone, sitting on the sofa watching cartoons.

Hearing someone yelling outside the door, Zhou Shuxian frowned and hurriedly stood up, ready to go out to see what was going on.

When she just stood up, Huang Tianba walked in on his crutches, followed by Huang Yingjie, the second oldest member of the Huang family, and his son Huang Yulang. After Huang Yulang walked in the door, he covered his face with his hand and stood behind Huang Yingjie, his head lowered there without making a sound, and at the end was Huang Tianba's guard.

Suppressing the displeasure in her heart, Zhou Shuxian greeted with a smile, "So it's Elder Huang, why are you free to come over for a walk today? Sit down and talk first, I'll go make you some tea."

"No more tea, where's that old man Peng Gang? Tell him to come out, I'm looking for him." To the younger generation and still a woman, Huang Tianba couldn't pull his old face to lash out at her. However, his voice still carried a hint of anger.

Locke Qianxue, who was sitting on the sofa watching cartoons, but by Huang Tianba's gloomy face and a low roar, she was instantly frightened and ran into Peng Feiyan's arms, her curled up body trembling slightly.? Seeing the situation in front of her, Zhou Shuxian frowned slightly and made a wink towards Peng Feiyan.

Peng Feiyan stood up knowingly and carried Luo Qianxue towards her room. "Elder Huang, sister-in-law, you guys chat, I'll take Qianxue to the room to do her homework."

After Peng Feiyan left with Luo Qianxue, looking at Huang Tianba, Zhou Shuxian then, hurriedly opened her mouth and said, ''Elder Huang, now that my old master has gone out. If there's anything you want to do, just say it and see if I can help. You are so old and need to recuperate, Shuxian wouldn't dare to delay you too much."

Zhou Shuxian said this, not so polite. Indirectly, she told Huang Tianba, say something, leave if there is nothing, don't yell at the Peng family.

Huang Tianba, naturally heard Zhou Shuxian's words. Old face slightly hot, cane on the ground a little, huffed: "This matter I have to ask old man Peng face to face, I'm afraid you can not do the main."

"Hehe, although Shuxian is a woman, she is still the Peng family's eldest daughter-in-law, and should share my family's old man's worries. Peng Huang Lao has something to say just say it, if I can't make the decision, I will naturally report to my family's old master." Zhou Shuxian did not get angry when she heard Huang Tianba's words, and with a slight smile, she looked at Huang Tianba and said in a non-condescending manner.

"Alright then, I'll tell you about it." Huang Tianba couldn't argue with Zhou Shuxian and turned his head towards his grandson and shouted, "Yulang, come here. Let the Peng family take a look."

Huang Yulang lowered his head and walked to Zhou Shuxian, slowly removing his hand.

Seeing that swollen face, Zhou Shuxian was also surprised in her heart, she didn't know who had hit Huang Yulang so hard that he had beaten him up like this.

No, Huang Tianba had brought someone to the Peng family, and from the way he entered, it was obvious that he had come to make an offense. Could it be that the person who beat up Huang Yulang was someone from the Peng family? Thinking of this, Zhou Shuxian hurriedly asked, "Elder Huang, what's going on?"

"What's going on? That's for you to ask your bodyguards from the Peng Mansion." The one who spoke was Huang Yingjie. Seeing his son beaten up like this, he was also heartbroken. He was the only son he had, and he usually couldn't even say a word to Huang Yulang. Today, yet he was beaten up like this by the Peng family.

Earlier, with the old man in front of him, Huang Yingjie didn't dare to open his mouth casually. Now when he heard Zhou Shuxian's inquiry, Huang Yingjie was enraged. In his opinion, Zhou Shuxian was deliberately pretending not to know. Thus, without caring, he asked Zhou Shuxian in a stern voice.

"Elder Huang, don't be angry yet. Perhaps there's some misunderstanding here." Dong Wanrou opened her mouth at the right time, wanting to defuse Huang Tianba's anger first.

Seeing the situation in front of her, Dong Wanrou also felt that something was wrong. Because she thought of Yutian and Peng Yuyan, there was something wrong with their complexion when they came back today. Zhou Shuxian didn't notice it in the kitchen, she saw it in the living room at the time but didn't make a sound.

Thinking of Yutian's skill and temper, the more Dong Wanrou thought about it, the more she felt that it was very likely that Huang Yulang's current appearance was Yutian's handiwork.

Thinking of this, Dong Wanrou couldn't help but complain in her heart, "This child, can't settle down a bit, all day long net causing trouble." So, out of the love and care for Yu Tian in her heart, she opened her mouth and tried to suppress the matter, trivializing the matter.

"Misunderstanding, what kind of misunderstanding, people have been beaten like this, and you still call it a misunderstanding." Huang Tianba's old eyes glared, a picture of unforgiving reasoning.

At this time, hearing the noise in the living room, Yu Tian brought Peng Yuyan out of the room with a sharp step.

"Auntie, what happened?" Yu Tian's voice came before the man arrived.

When Dong Wanrou heard Yutian's voice, she couldn't help but cry out in her heart, "You say you're a child, what are you doing running out now? Isn't this driving towards the gun?" But Yu Tian had already come out, it was useless for her to be anxious, she could only wait helplessly for things to develop.

As soon as Huang Yulang saw Yu Tian appear, he hurriedly pointed at him and shouted to Huang Tianba, "Grandpa, he's the one who beat me up, you have to help me teach him a good lesson."

The anger on Huang Tianba's face added a few more points when he saw that the rightful owner had appeared. Gazing at Yu Tian, Huang Tianba asked with an air of superiority, "You're the kid who beat up my Huang Tianba's grandson?"

"It's me." Utena shrugged, not denying it in the slightest.

"Good boy, you have guts." Seeing Yu Tian's calm demeanor, Huang Tianba laughed in anger. With a big wave of his hand towards the guards in his body. "Take it down for me."

Those two guards heard Huang Tianba's order and immediately rushed up and were ready to arrest him.

"You guys dare?" Peng Yuyan immediately rushed up and used her body to block Yu Tian's front. Pang Yuyan looked at Huang Yulang with cold eyes and shouted angrily, "Huang Yulang, can you be more shameless?"

"How am I shameless? My face wasn't swollen by this kid?" Huang Yulang scowled and glanced at Yu Tian, hiding behind Huang Tianba and retorted.

Seeing that Huang Yulang was still resisting death and sophistry, Pang Yuyan was so furious that her little face turned red, her little hands were clenched into fist-like shapes as she yelled at Huang Yulang, "It's true that your face was swollen from Yu Tian's beating. But why don't you say why Yu Tian hit you?" ? It was at this moment that a voice came from outside the door. "Who messed with my precious granddaughter to make you so angry?"

Seeing Peng Gang, who was wearing a smile and had his hands behind his back, he walked in from outside the door. Peng Yuyan immediately ran towards him and immediately jumped into Peng Gang's arms, aggressively shouting grandfather.

"Oh, don't be aggravated, what happened, tell grandpa. Don't be afraid, there's grandpa to do it for you." Peng Gang stretched out his wrinkled right hand, gently stroked Peng Yuyan's hair and comforted in a low voice.

Hearing Peng Gang's consolation, Peng Yuyan hurriedly lifted her head and told Peng Gang everything that happened in the school today as it was. As she spoke, she even cried in an aggrieved whisper.

When Peng Gang heard his granddaughter's cries, his face became more and more gloomy with it. When Peng Yuyan finished speaking, Peng Gang suddenly roared sternly. "Bastard. Huang Tianba ah Huang Tianba, I've given you face by not going to look for you, but you're still looking for my Peng family. Good, good, good, if you don't give me an explanation today, I'm going to let you out of this door, I won't be called Peng Gang."

Looking at Peng Gang's eyes that wanted to eat people, Huang Tianba was also a bit puzzled in his heart. He felt that he was clearly the sufferer, so how come he was questioned by Old Man Peng instead. Thus, he also looked at Peng Gang angrily. "Old man Peng, what do you mean by that? Could it be that I have to thank you for my grandson being beaten up by your Peng family?"

"Thank you is not necessary, why don't you ask your grandson what he did? Your grandson is a human being and my granddaughter is just picked up outside?" Peng Gang coldly interrupted Huang Tianba's words, pointing at Huang Yulang and shouting at Huang Tianba.

Hearing Peng Gang's words, Huang Tianba's heart was also a bit weak. Dare it be that his grandson had done something to Peng Yuyan. If that was really the case, with Old Man Peng's favoritism towards the Peng family's girl, then it would be hard to say what happened today.

Thinking of this, Huang Tianba turned his head towards Huang Yulang and said seriously; "Tell me what happened today, from beginning to end, I want to hear the truth."

Huang Yulang saw his grandfather's eyes, no longer dare to have the slightest concealment, will be things, one by one, truthfully told.

''Pah'' Huang Tianba slapped his grandson's originally swollen face viciously with another slap. Turning his head, Huang Tianba looked at Peng Gang and slowly said, ''Old man Peng, you win. Count me out for not understanding the situation. As for my grandson, I will bring him back for a good education."

"Young man, you are very wild. I hope you can stay mad." Huang Tianba walked up to Yu Tian and softly dropped this sentence before waving his hand and leading the Huang Clan's people away.

"Thank you Elder Huang for your encouragement, I will keep it in mind." Yu Tian looked at Huang Tianba's back and shouted.

Huang Tianba instantly slipped on his feet and looked back at Yu Tian, a hint of sharp killing aura coming out of his eyes. "That's good." After saying that, he hurriedly walked up to the car and left in it.