
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urban
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120 Chs

Chapter 77 - Not One Less

In the office of the chairman of Nan Yun Group, Zhao Zhennan and Yu Tian were sitting next to each other on the sofa. On the coffee table in front of the two of them, there were two cups of steaming hot Superior Red Robe, which Zhao Zhennan's secretary had just brought in.

"Xiaotian, suddenly coming over today, is there something you want to discuss with me?" Zhao Zhennan looked at Yu Tian with a smile and asked directly.

Picking up the Big Red Robe in front of him and gently taking a sip, Yutian nodded his head a little embarrassed, "Ahem, there is something I need to ask Uncle Zhao for help."

"Just say it, as long as I, Zhao Zhennan, can help, no second thoughts." Zhao Zhennan said without hesitation, patting his chest.

"It's like this, a person I asked Uncle Zhao to arrange some time ago, how is he doing in the South Cloud Group now?" Yu Tian put down his teacup and looked at Zhao Zhennan and asked.

"You mean Hu Nian Zong?"


"Oh, this said he ah, Uncle Zhao really have to admire your vision. When he first came here, he didn't show his face, but after a few days, I ran into him by chance, and after chatting, he suggested several management loopholes to me. After being surprised, I promoted him to be my assistant. During this time, whether it's business, purchasing, or administration, copywriting, he's done a great job." Zhao Zhennan spoke of Hu Nianzong's ability, that joy was in the air. Suddenly he seemed to think of something and asked with some uncertainty, "Xiaotian, you won't be ... here today?"

Yu Tian nodded his head with a bitter smile before looking at Zhao Zhennan with an apologetic expression, "Yes, Uncle Zhao, however, we also have to see what he himself wants first. If he wants to stay in the Southern Cloud Group, then I don't want to force things."

"Which business do you want to do, and what do you need Uncle Zhao's help with? Uncle Zhao has nothing else, but in the business world, he still has some connections."

For Zhao Zhennan's enthusiasm, Yu Tian was also somewhat touched, he looked up at Zhao Zhennan and slightly shook his head, "What exactly to do, it's still undecided now, as for help, it's not needed for the time being, when I need Uncle Zhao's help in the future, I'll definitely look for you to open your mouth and ask for help."

As soon as he heard Yu Tian's words, Zhao Zhennan immediately became anxious. "That's not good, you haven't even thought about which line of work to do and you're rushing to open up manpower. Tell me, why are you in such a hurry? Have you encountered any difficulties? Tell me, maybe I can help you with reference."

Facing Zhao Zhennan's series of questions, Liu Xiao was too embarrassed to hide it, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't hide it, Zhao Zhennan would know sooner or later.

Thus, Yu Tian told Zhao Zhennan about how he had bumped into the Lingnan Gang's people that day, and had beaten up the young master of the Character South Gang. In order to deal with the Lingnan Gang's upcoming retaliation against himself and the Green Dragon Gang, he decided to take over the Green Dragon Gang and renamed it as the Easy Sect, telling Zhao Zhennan in detail.

In the end, Yu Tian sighed slightly and said somewhat helplessly, ''Uncle Zhao, I'm now severely prohibiting the brothers of the Easy Sect from selling drugs, so I should be responsible for their livelihood security . Running a nightclub and casino, the profits are high, but when spread over the heads of several hundred people, there isn't much left. Besides, when you're on this road, life and death are commonplace, and your brothers' settlement money and disability pensions are a lot of money. Therefore, I have to find a way to solve their worries, and it is imminent, early to solve, can early to screw them into a rope, so that the next face Lingnan Gang, there will be one more chance of victory."

After listening to Yu Tian's explanation, Zhao Zhennan furrowed his brows with a somewhat serious expression, his fingers gently tapping on the tandem table as if he was considering something.

After a long time and a period of silence, Zhao Zhennan looked up at Yu Tian and said seriously, ''To be honest, Uncle Zhao really doesn't want to see you take this path. However, since you've made up your mind, just let it go. I can't help you with the fighting and killing on the road. But in the business world, if you need connections, funds, or business, just ask, and I'll do my best, Uncle Zhao."

"? Thank you, Uncle Zhao." For a moment, Yu Tian didn't know what to say in response to this sentiment of Zhao Zhennan's, and simply said thank you.

"Haha, what's the point of being polite with me." Zhao Zhennan laughed out loud, got up and walked to his desk, dialed the intercom and said into the phone, "Inform Assistant Hu to come to my office."

Not two minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Zhao Zhennan shouted in a deep voice as he sat behind his desk.

"Mr. Zhao, you're looking for me?" Hu Nianzong pushed the door in in response and asked Zhao Zhennan. Suddenly, when he saw Yu Tian, who was sitting on the sofa next to him, his eyes shot out a light and his expression became a little excited. "Boss, why are you here?"

"Assistant Hu, it's not me looking for you, it's this one in front of me." Zhao Zhennan faintly smiled and spoke in a calm tone.

"Boss, looking for me for something?" Affirming what he had in mind, Hu Nianzong became more and more agitated. Without even responding to Zhao Zhennan's speech with a polite surname, he eagerly asked Yu Tian. He knew that the fact that Yu Tian had suddenly come to look for him meant that it was time for him to make his own move.

"Yes, I'm going to invest in the business world, but I haven't decided which line to test the waters from yet. I've heard that you're doing well in the Southern Cloud Group, so I'd like to ask you what you think. Will you stay and continue to develop, or will you join me ..."

"Boss, from the moment I stepped out of the gate of the Deep Sea Detention Center, I looked at the path beneath my feet and swore in my heart that I, Hu Nianzong, would follow you in this life, without any second thoughts." Before Yu Tian could finish his words, he was eagerly interrupted by Hu Nianzong.

Hu Nianzong hands clenched tightly, he told himself in his heart, he must grasp this opportunity, for the boss in the economic field to lay down a piece of the mountain, as a way to repay Yutian to him this favor and trust.

Looking at Hu Nianzong's excited expression, Yu Tian patted his shoulder and said seriously, "This path will mean suffering."

"If I can have the day when I can see the Boss, standing at the top of the pyramid, laughing at the wind and clouds, what's a little bit of suffering worth?" Hu Nianzong smiled indifferently, however, the conviction that came through his eyes was extremely firm.

"Well then, if that day really comes, I would prefer that when that day comes, all of you are still standing by my side, not a single one of you." Yu Tian stretched out his fist, and Hu Nianzong's fist, gently touched it, as a sign of mutual encouragement. "I'll give you three days to hand over the work here, and then come back to me."

"Well," Hu Nianzong nodded his head to show that he understood, and turning his head, he saluted Zhao Zhennan again and said seriously, "Mr. Zhao, I'm very thankful for the care that you've taken care of me over these past days. During the time I've been working at the Southern Cloud Group, I've also benefited a lot from it. But today, my boss came over and I have to leave with him. There are no words to express the gratitude in Nian Zong's heart for the love that Mr. Zhao has shown me, so I can only say thank you here."

"Oh, from the first day you entered the South Cloud Group, I knew there would be such a day. I just never thought that this day would come so early. Alas, honestly, I'm still a bit sad to let you go."

Zhao Zhennan sighed, seemingly a bit helpless. "However, since it's Xiaotian who came to ask for someone, you have to give it even if you don't, go, I'll arrange for the finances to settle your salary later."

"Oh, the salary will be waived, it's also the training fee for this period of time ."

"What kind of words, can I still let you work for nothing? Saying this in front of Xiaotian, isn't this an intentional slap in my face?" Zhao Zhennan's eyes glared, his face slightly angry. Hu Nianzong was about to explain something, but Yu Tian stopped him with a look. Yu Tian laughed and came up to relieve Hu Nianzong.

"Uncle Zhao, there's still a long way to go, why do you have to be so clear? In the future, you'll have a lot of time to deal with each other in the business world, and you'll have to pay more than that to drink with each other. Nian Zong is just trying to minimize his guilt when he faces you in the future. In the future, I may need your help in many other ways, so how should I calculate with you?"

Yutian's turn of phrase made Zhao Zhennan cry and laugh a little, feeling that he had no words to refute, Zhao Zhennan sighed helplessly, "Alright, I can't say anything about you, just do whatever you say."

When the words came to this, Hu Nianzong interjected at the right time: Mr. Zhao, in that case, I'll go down first and hand over the work in hand to them. ""Well, go ahead. "Zhao Zhennan waved his hand, and Hu Nianzong opened the door and went out."

"Uncle Zhao, then I'll go back first as well ."

"What's the rush, let's go to dinner together later, it's almost time, why don't we go now?"

"No, I'm afraid I won't get a chance to eat. I have to go back and talk to my brothers to see what exactly to do. If this matter is resolved earlier, I will also be relieved earlier." After saying that, Yu Tian politely declined Zhao Zhennan's invitation again and drove his car back to Mangrove Villa.

Walking into Villa 2, Yu Tian saw that Bakugo had already returned, so he asked, "How was it, do you have a preliminary understanding of their base?"

"There is some understanding that their physique is too weak and they need intensive training. However, it's not a small thing to train so many people together, you have to find a better place to maximize the training effect."

"A good venue?" Yutian lowered his head in thought, and suddenly, with a flash of light in his head, he looked up and asked, "How about that Sycamore Hill?"

Bakuda's eyes lit up and he hurriedly replied, "Oh, that place is nice."

"That's good, I'll arrange for someone to think of a way to buy that mountain tomorrow, and use it as a training base for our Easy Sect in the future."

It was at this time that Fan Si Yu and Zhao Yutong Sun Xiaodie came down from upstairs. When Fan Si Yu saw Yu Tian, she couldn't hide the joy in her heart and walked up briskly. "Xiaotian, you're back?

"En," Yu Tian nodded Zhao Yutong turned around in a hurry, brewed a cup of tea and handed it to Yu Tian, smiling gently.

Yu Tian took the tea from Zhao Yutong's hand and reported a smile. Then he spoke to Bakugo, "Bakugo, call Jack and Miller and the others in."

Explosive Bear nodded and turned to go out, and within a few moments, the three of them walked in together. Miller was a man who couldn't hide his words, and when he saw Utena, he opened his mouth, "Head, what's the matter with calling us?"

Yu Tian then told everyone about the fact that he had taken over the Green Dragon Gang and would be overhauling it, and then asked, "Now that there are so many people in the Easy Sect, relying on the income from the nightclubs and casinos alone is obviously not enough. I still have a bit of money in my hand, so let's all take a look and see what's better to invest in. Of course, the premise is that the profit should be large, the effect should be fast, I can wait, the free door so many brothers can't afford to wait ah."