
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urban
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120 Chs

Chapter 33 Two kinds of people you need to cherish

In the backyard of the secretary of the municipal party committee's house, Li Zicong stood respectfully in front of an old man, who was about seventy years old, with snow-white hair and eyes that revealed an air of superiority. This person was Li Zicong's grandfather, Li Lei.


Li Lei looked at Li Zi Cong with eyes like electricity and said, "Xiao Cong ah, grandpa knows that you have been smart since you were a child, and you are also very motivated, you single-mindedly want to carry forward the Li family, for which grandpa feels very pleased. Grandpa also knows that you have close cooperation with the islanders, I don't want to ask anything more about this matter."


"But what grandpa wants to tell you is, never touch the bottom line of the Chinese political axe, especially now at this sensitive time, or else the Li family will face a thunderous blast from the political axe. Any individual or family, even if they are powerful, it is impossible to fight against a country. I hope you won't deceive yourself and others, otherwise the Li family will also be placed in a place of no return."


Li Zicong also nodded his head obediently when he heard this, and then said, "Grandpa, Little Smarty White, I won't joke around with the future of the Li family."


Hearing Li Zicong answer like this, Li Lei also smiled in relief. He looked at his grandson, who he had always been proud of, and said, "It's good that you understand, so I'm relieved. But if you have any difficulties, you can also talk to grandpa, although grandpa has retired, he still has some connections."


Li Zi Cong was also blossoming when he heard this, and quickly said, "Then Xiao Cong thanks grandpa first, if it's alright you can rest first, I'll go down first."


Li Lei waved his hand and said, "You go and busy yourself, people are getting old and this energy is not as good as one day."


Li Zicong bid farewell to Li Lei and then called Li Zihua, "Cousin, the funds raised by the Koga faction should arrive in the next two days, so I'll leave it to you to deal with the Nan Yun Group commercially." Li Zihua picked up the phone and also assured him repeatedly on the other end of the phone.


When Yutian returned to the school, it was exactly noon. So he called up Zhao Yutong and walked towards the school cafeteria together, and just as he reached the entrance of the cafeteria, he saw Jiang Bo running over in a hurry with his head down.


Yutian hurriedly called out to Jiang Bo and asked, "Lao San, leaving in such a hurry, did something happen?"


Jiang Bo looked up and saw Yu Tian, and immediately shouted with great joy, "Boss, you've come at a great time, I was about to go look for you."


"What is it that you want from me?" Utena asked in a hurry.


Jiang Bo heard Yutian asked, also a look of hatred said: "the old four were bullied, I and the second brother said together to dry his damn, that kid but stop me do not want me to mess, this is not no way, I am ready to go to you to discuss to see how to do?"


"Oh, it's like this, go and take a look." Yutian was also a bit curious, from the barbecue he ate that day, Lao Si wasn't a weak person ah, how could he let people bully him?


While walking Jiang Bo also said the thing roughly, it turned out that the school has a Goryeo country to the exchange student called Park Jung Eun, this Park Jung Eun looked at a girl called Liu Fei Fei, but Liu Fei Fei to him has not been cold. But this Liu Feifei is Yang Mingqi has been pursuing the object, originally Liu Feifei to Lao Si also a little meaning, but then Park Zheng En see is the case, it is interfered, and every time you see Lao Si, with Lao Si, it is not good. This Park Zhengn's father is the chairman of the Goryeo Mingdao Group, Mingdao Group in China and the deep sea have built a large branch, the old four family company has a large part of the business from the Mingdao, so in order not to involve the family's company situation, the old four for Park Zhengn's provocations are also everywhere to tolerate, Liu Fei Fei look at the old four so weak even the old four also ignored. This is not today, the old four in the cafeteria met Liu Fei Fei want to ask her out, did not expect to be Park Zhengen see, to the old four is a meal of humiliation, but also threatened the old four, said it is to cancel the Ming Dynasty Group on the old four home company all business, the old four in order to the home of the company on the tolerance, and even he did not let me out of the hand.


As the words came out, Yu Tian and the others arrived at the scene. He only saw Park Jung Eun slapping the right side of Yang Ming Qi's face with his hand and said, "Kid, if you don't want your father's company to close down, stay away from Fei Fei. Otherwise, I'll make you regret it too late." Yang Mingqi also glared at Park Jung Eun with an ironized face, but did not make any moves. Seeing Yang Mingqi glaring at him, Park Zheng En kicked Yang Mingqi in the stomach and then rampantly shouted, "Kid, why don't you serve, right? Try moving me if you don't want to?" Yang Mingqi retreated two steps by Park Zheng En's kick and lowered his head in frustration, while Liu Fei Fei looked at the two men with cold eyes without saying anything.


At this time, when Park Zheng En saw that Yang Ming Qi didn't dare to go against him, he smiled smugly and then said to Liu Fei Fei, "Fei Fei, how can you eat here? How bad is the food here, come and follow me upstairs to the private room." Saying that, he pulled Liu Fei Fei's hand and wanted to go upstairs.


Liu Fei Fei shook off Park Jung Eun and said coldly, "I'm sorry, senior, please focus on yourself."


Park Jung Eun saw that Liu Fei Fei had refuted his face in public, and his face was also a little embarrassed. He reached out and slapped Liu Fei Fei's hand, and cursed under his breath: "Bitch, who do you think you are? I tell you I see you, is your honor, want to be my Park Zhengn's woman are queuing up, you really take yourself as a treasure ah? Be smart and obediently obey me, or I'll tell you to get out of Deep Sea University, do you believe me? Don't be shameless."


Liu Fei Fei covered the right side of her face that was reddened by Park Jung Eun with her hand, her eyes filled with tears. Yang Mingqi looked at Liu Fei Fei being hit by Park Jung Eun, he was furious, he rushed up like a madman, and punched the right side of Park Jung Eun's face so hard that Park Jung Eun's teeth fell out a few times.


Park Jung Eun couldn't care about the blood at the corner of his mouth and looked at Yang Ming Qi with those incredible eyes. Only after a while did he react and shouted at Yang Mingqi, "You. You dare to hit me. Kid, you wait for me, you wait for your family's company to close down for me immediately." The followers behind Park Jung Eun also shouted to, "Yang Ming Qi, you actually dare to hit young Park, just wait for the school's disciplinary action." With that, someone ran towards the school's teaching office.


Yu Tian is also cold eyes looking at what happened in front of him, he also did not go over, Jiang Bo and Fan just ready to go over was also pulled by Yu Tian. Looking at the two doubtful eyes, Yu Tian lightly said: "Men always have to experience some things to mature, this thing we first look, the old four this is not also did not let us disappointed is not it?"


While this was happening, another group of people came over. As soon as Park Jung Eun saw this group of people, he immediately became energized and shouted at the group of people, "President Ahn, you've come at the right time, this kid in front of me dared to hit me, please help me teach this kid a good lesson."


When An Dongxu heard that someone dared to beat up Park Jung Eun, he hurried over, he was the president of Taekwondo, their Taekwondo club had been financially benefited by a lot of benefits from the Mingyi Group, and now that Park Jung Eun was being beaten up, it was only natural that he had to step in and help. Seeing Yang Mingqi Andong Xu was like looking at a dead man, he arrogantly asked, "Kid, were you the one who beat up young Park?"


Yang Mingqi knew that there was nothing to be afraid of now that the matter was also in trouble, so he said lightly, "It's me, so what?"


An Dongxu laughed, he gave Yang Mingqi a defiant look and said, "Kid, since it's you, it's a good thing, if you obediently kneel down and kowtow three times to Shao Park, this matter will be settled, otherwise, don't blame us Taekwondo for bullying people."


Yang Mingqi coldly said, "Oh, kowtowing I have not learned, have any moves just feel free to make it out well, I'll take them all."


An Dongxu's face suddenly turned to one side and said grimly, "Good boy, I hope your bones are as hard as your mouth." After saying that, he waved his hand and said to the people behind him, "Give me on, give me a good lesson to this kid." Just after the words were said, two juniors rushed up, raised their legs and kicked towards Yang Mingqi, Yang Mingqi smoothly copied the chair by the dining table and swung it over. Only heard a click, the chair was broken by those two kicks, the people on An Dongxu's side naturally rose up and shouted.


Faced with taekwondo two people, Yang Mingqi naturally is not a rival, not a moment will be beaten to the head, see Yang Mingqi's appearance, Liu Fei Fei that has always been ice-cold face seems to have a little change. At this time, Yu Tian slowly walked up, blocked in front of Yang Mingqi, blandly said, "Taekwondo is really powerful ah, but it is just not good hands."


As soon as Yang Mingqi saw Yutian, he lowered his head and said noisily, "Boss, me. I."


Yu Tian patted Yang Mingqi's shoulder and said, "Old Four, you're very good today. You stand to the side and rest first, I'll do the rest."


An Dongxu glanced at Yu Tian, he realized that the young man in front of him was very ordinary, he couldn't see anything special, but he seemed to feel that something was wrong, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Who are you? And what do you want to do?"


Yu Tian said softly, "My name is Yu Tian, as for what I want to do, it's very simple, you guys beat up my brother, so I, as a big brother, came to ask for advice."


"Oh," as soon as Andong-wook heard this, he immediately said, "Can you do it alone?"


"Whether it's good or not, you have to try before you know. Make your move, I'm afraid you won't have a chance if I do." Yu Tian smiled faintly.


An Dongxu looked around at so many people, and felt that this was also a good opportunity for their Taekwondo to establish their prestige, so he decided to personally strike, intending to make Yu Tian lie down in the shortest possible time, so that their Taekwondo in the Deep Sea University even if they were famous. Setting his attention, An Dongxu then flew up his right foot and kicked towards Yu Tian's chest with a powerful attack, Yu Tian coldly smiled and spoke, "Since you Taekwondo is famous for your legs, then I'll teach you today, that's not how legs are used." After saying that, Yu Tian was facing the right leg of An Dong Xu that kicked at him, and he gently kicked at it in a plain and uninteresting manner, this kick looked so slow and light. However, when the two legs were matched, only heard a "click" sound, An Dongxu flew out backwards, and fell on the back counter table with a bang.


The whole place was silent, how could the Taekwondo members not expect that the idol in their eyes, the number one expert in Taekwondo - An Dongxu was defeated like this, and so miserably. An Dongxu also regretted, he thought that his opponent was so hard, he clutched his right leg in pain and tears flowed down his eyes, he knew that his leg might be ruined.


Yu Tian looked at An Dong Xu and said, "You go to the hospital right now, maybe the leg can still be saved." Turning back to Yang Mingqi again, he shouted, "Lao Si, let's go, this time the cafeteria is probably out of food, let's go eat outside."


Yang Mingqi glanced at Liu Fei Fei upon hearing this, then said, "Fei Fei, you can come with us as well."


After hearing this, Liu Fei Fei shook her head and said, "I won't go, Yang Mingqi, I beg you, don't come to me in the future either, we are not suitable." After saying that, she was in tears, Yang Mingqi broke out today because she was beaten, she was indeed a bit touched, but all along, Yang Mingqi had been acting too cowardly, this was not the man she wanted to find.


Yang Mingqi's face changed drastically when he heard it, silently lowering his head, his heart was like a knife, but he didn't know what to say now.


Yutian shook his head as soon as he looked at it, walked up and said to Liu Feifei, "You are Liu Feifei, right? Oh I'm also surnamed Liu, for the sake of the family, I'll say a few words to you, there are two kinds of people in this world you have to cherish, the first is the one who has been shedding tears suddenly bleeds for you, and the second is the one who has been shedding blood suddenly sheds tears for you. Think about it yourself, and I won't say much about the rest."


Turning his head, he said to Fan Gang and the others, "Let's go." With that, he pulled Yang Mingqi outside, leaving only Liu Fei Fei who was there in deep thought.