
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urban
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120 Chs

Chapter 26 - Violent Resistance?

Just as Yu Tian and his group were drinking enthusiastically, someone shouted, "The city police are coming." Just see the side of many stalls put away the stalls and run. Xia Kexin's aunt was also in a hurry to clean up and said to Yutian, "Students, sorry, the city police are here. We have to pack up and go back, you see you guys?"


As he was talking, a loud shout came over, "Don't run." Yu Tian glanced over, only to see a city manager with a general's belly with seven or eight people were walking over fiercely. The leading city manager had a red face and a mouthful of alcohol, looking like he had drunk a lot. Seeing Xia Kexin's aunt collecting the stall, the leading city manager kicked at the stall: "Don't move." The barbecue stall was immediately kicked over, the reddish charcoal fire scattered in all directions, some sparks also flew to Xia Kexin's aunt's body, the pain of the wrinkled face is also a little bit changed shape.


Xia Kexin's aunt couldn't care less about the burns on his body and hurriedly said, "Don't you kick the stall, I'll pack up and leave right away, okay?"


That general's belly heard, to Xia Kexin's aunt's stomach is a scream, mouth also scolded to: "Let you clean up and leave, tomorrow and come to mess up and put?"


Xia Kexin's aunt was also scared and cried, "Don't hit anyone, old man. How are you, is it alright?"


When General Belly heard this, he became even more arrogant and said, "So what if I hit someone? What can you do to me? I'm glad I didn't kill you."


Yutian heard the fire, grabbed the side of the empty bottle of wine and smashed it, the general's head was immediately bloody.


General Belly saw that there were actually people who dared to hit him, so he hastened to turn around to see that it was ten or so students, and then he became furious, and waved his fat hand, "All of them, give me a hard beating to death of this bunch of little brats."


The seven or eight city police rushed up as soon as they heard that the leaders had spoken. Yu Tian saw the city police rushing up then said to Fan Gang, "Lao Er, you take these girls to go first."


Fan just said to: "What is this talk, you have called me a second, brother something I go first alone, TV is acting like this?"


Yang Mingqi also nodded his head and said, "Boss you're the boss even though you only met us today, you're the boss, you're the one who got a good fight and told us to go first as juniors? It's not written that way in the book."


On the contrary, Jiang Bo swung a bottle of wine and rushed out, and dropped a sentence, "You guys are so full of crap, dry."


Peng Xiaofeng on the other hand didn't move, still gnawing on his chicken leg. Sun Xiaodie screamed at Peng Xiaofeng, "Crazy Peng, why don't you go and help, wasn't this your favorite thing to do in the capital before?"


Peng Xiaofeng glanced at Yu Tian and said to Sun Xiaodie, "When have you ever heard that I moved first with my brother-in-law. Don't worry, just these few trash, a matter of minutes. I have to drink and eat well, then have the strength to clean up the battlefield, alas! Following my brother-in-law, I've become a fucking cleaner." Sun Xiaodie also knew that he was telling the truth, but still gave Peng Xiaofeng a hateful look, "Choke on it."


Those seven or eight city officials were all drunk, their actions were a bit slow, while the people on Yu Tian's side were united, and there was Yu Tian, the devil, a few moments of effort to put them all down. General belly look, wine also woke up half, pointing at the Yu Tian said: "Have the balls you do not run." After saying that, he took out his cell phone, "Hello, Deputy Director Xiao? I'm Yu Daqing from the Urban Management Bureau, I'm currently encountering violent resistance to law enforcement on XX Road, please provide prompt support." Then he dialed another phone, "Hello, Captain He, this is Yu Daqing, I'm encountering violent resistance to law enforcement on XX Road, please send support." After hanging up the phone he couldn't care less about the blood on his head, he looked at Yu Tian in a grim manner, "Kid, you guys actually dare to beat me, if you have the guts, don't run, I'll take your name if I don't get you guys killed later."


At this time, Xia Kexin's aunt came over, "Young man, you guys should quickly leave. You guys will be in trouble when their people come over later."


Yu Tian smiled, "Uncle, we're leaving, so you're in trouble. Don't worry, it's fine."


Xia Kexin also said, "Why don't you guys go back first, big deal, I'll ask my aunt and uncle to go back home."


Peng Xiaofeng took a sip of wine and said, "I say beautiful woman, don't be blind* hearted, isn't it just a few city officials? No big deal." Pang Xiaofeng has never been afraid of anything, and he is even less afraid with Brother Tian.


Xia Kexin's aunt was still about to say something when he heard sirens coming over, and then his face changed drastically, and his mouth read, "It's over, the police are coming."


In the twinkling of an eye twenty or so criminal police arrived at the scene, Yu Daqing looked at the leader and said, "Xiao deputy director you came too good, it is in front of a few boys violently resisted the law, look at my head are broken, you quickly arrest them."


Deputy Director Xiao was just transferred over after Fang Datong was transferred, so he didn't recognize Yu Tian. Seeing that it was Yutian and the others, he asked, "Were you the ones who beat up Deputy Director Yu and the others?"


Yutian nodded his head and responded, "That's right, who told them to enforce the law violently, even if they kicked the barbecue stand, they also hit people."


Deputy Director Xiao waved his hand, "Bring them all back to the police station."


He had two rushing over beside him ready to arrest people, these two were transferred over after him, so they were obedient to Deputy Director Xiao. At this time, a criminal police officer came up behind Deputy Director Xiao and whispered in his ear, "Xiao Bureau, this young man in front of us is a friend of Team Fan, you see?" Deputy Director Xiao didn't recognize Yu Tian, but he did. Last time, because Yu Tian made such a big commotion at the police station, he could have been at the scene. What's more, when they went to see their Fan team in the past few days, they ran into Yu Tian a few times, and also knew that their Fan team had an unusual relationship with Yu Tian. Now this Fatty Yu actually asked them to catch Yu Tian, not to say that they do not have the ability to catch, even if he can catch he would not dare to catch ah. If he mistakenly arrested Yu Tian, then Fan team knows that he will not let himself off layers of skin ah. But in front of him is not his turn to make the decision, so he whispered to remind the deputy director, did not think of touching the dust.


Deputy Director Xiao was quite tough and bellowed, "So what if he's Captain Fan's friend? Bring me back to the police station just like you violated the law." Hearing that his own director had said so, the criminal police officer didn't make a sound.


"You dare?" Sun Xiaodie at this time is not low-profile, she is from the capital, what scenes have not seen ah? When she heard that the police wanted to arrest her brother Xiaotian, she immediately shouted, "You police want to arrest someone just because you hear one side of the story? Who gave you the right?"


Xiao deputy director said: "you have no illegal with us back to the police station, we will not wrongly accused a good person, but also will not let go of a bad person. However, in front of you injured people this is a fact, all to me to take away."


As soon as those two criminal police officers heard that, they rushed at Yu Tian and grabbed him, Yu Tian raised his leg and kicked both of them twice, sending both of them flying.


Deputy Director Xiao was furious and shouted at Yutian, "You'd better cooperate and go back to the police station with us, we'll deal with it fairly if there's any violation of the law. I advise you not to be obsessed, continue to make trouble is not good for you, if you continue to resist the law violently, I will shoot." He said, and then drew his pistol and pointed it at Yutian.


As soon as Peng Xiaofeng saw Deputy Director Xiao pointing his gun at Brother Tian, he huffed and scurried over, followed by a grapple, he snatched Deputy Director Xiao's pistol and backhanded it on Deputy Director Xiao's head. As soon as he saw this situation, so the criminal police immediately also dialed out their pistols, all pointing at Yu Tian and the others.


Deputy Director Xiao is also a man, he is not afraid of being pointed at by a gun, he just coldly said to Peng Xiaofeng: "I now order you to put down your gun and surrender with your hands tied, so that I will count you as surrendering yourself, otherwise you will not be able to escape the severe punishment of the law."


Looking at Deputy Director Xiao, Peng Xiaofeng said indifferently, "Arrest me? Just you, not qualified enough."


This is to see Xiao deputy director head by Peng Xiaofeng with a gun, Yu Daqing also scared blind, he did not expect these young in front of him so bold.


Just at this time, an armed police squad also arrived. Seeing that the armed police had also arrived, Fatty Yu felt that his savior had come, pointing at Yutian and the others, he shouted, "Captain He you're here, the few people in front of us can do a couple of things, not only are they violently resisting the law, but they also snatched Deputy Director Xiao's gun, please help to arrest them."


These armed police didn't recognize Yu Tian, when they heard Yu Daqing's words, Captain He waved his hand, and those armed police surrounded them, and their blackened guns were also aimed at Yu Tian and them.


Peng Xiaofeng called back to the base when the criminal police came, just at this time Cui Hao also arrived with people, a military truck stopped, the special operations team rushed down heavily armed. The muzzles of all the sub-machine guns were pointed at the criminal police and the armed police: "Don't move, or I'll shoot you." Cui Hao said loudly.


This time the armed police also blinded, they did not expect such a thing, Yu fat man is also scared and sweating, he did not expect these young people in front of him to come so big, he knows that today he is finished.