
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urban
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120 Chs

Chapter 23 - Shadows

In the top floor presidential suite of the Penghai Hotel, Li Zicong smashed everything and was sitting on the sofa breathing heavily, a handsome face was now so hideous. Uncle Guan stood at the side without making a sound.


Just now he received the news, the island country's people were all wiped out. He now kind of hated Li Shaohua, he this is for him to provoke ah what kind of person, two upper ninjas six middle ninjas six lower ninjas plus four masters of the rice country, actually let Yu Tian a person to settle down. This person is too terrible, absolutely can not let him stay in the world.


So he shouted to Uncle Guan, ''Uncle Guan, contact the people from the Heavenly Ranking for me, this man Yu Tian, I must let him die. I can't have peace of mind for a day with him around. In addition, tell the people from the Koga Sect to send some more experts over, first help the White Tiger Gang hold the Deep Sea ** in their hands. Remember to tell them that I, Li Zicong, don't want trash, I want experts." Uncle Guan didn't say anything and silently followed Li Zicong's instructions.


Getting up, Yu Tian was still thinking about yesterday's events with the doughnut in his hand. He felt that no matter what collusion the Li family had with the islanders, he had to find out where the Black Dragon Society people had gone first. So he made a phone call.


A small country in the Middle East called Tanginia, in a bungalow in a small, nameless village. There are five young men sitting or lying inside.


A twenty-four or twenty-five year old black man was sitting at a table gnawing on a chicken drumstick; the black man looked like a pylon wherever he sat with his bare head.


A westerner in his mid-twenties, however, was walking around somewhere, only with curly blonde hair and a scalpel in his hand, playing with it as he walked.


Suddenly he spoke up and said, "Do you think I'm just going to stay here and mingle? We've stayed here and haven't gone out since the head left." Seeing that no one was paying any attention to him, he turned his head and looked at the black man and said, "Popping Bear, do you think we should go and do something?"


Exploding Bear slurred, "It's good to be here too, with chicken legs and wine. Here, Miller why don't you have some too?"


Seeing Exploding Bear say that, Miller was a picture of hate. "Why don't you choke on it?" Turning his head he looked at a twenty-four or twenty-five year old western man on the couch again and said, "Jack, what do you say?" Jack, however, ignored him.


The man named Jack was lying on the couch with his head in the lap of a Western woman of the same age, a copy of the Wall Street Financial Times covered his face. The woman was wearing a blue dress, it seemed she favored the color blue, even the nail polish on her hands was blue. The woman was also looking at Jack in her arms, wondering what she was thinking.


Seeing that Jack ignored her, he turned his attention again to a young Oriental man in his twenties, who stood in a shadowy corner, seeming to hate the light that came in through the window, and without a dead expression on his pale face.


Miller opened his mouth and said, "Shadow, the head is now back in Huaxia. You are also a Chinese, you know China better than us, why don't you take us back to China to find Head."


Hearing this, Shadow reacted. His eyes shot out a hint of coldness as he said coldly, "Without the young master's permission, whoever dares to take half a step into Huaxia will be killed without pardon."


Miller scowled at that, "I was joking, forget I said that."


At this time, Jack removed the newspaper from his face and said lightly, "Actually, we still have something to do, in the absence of the head, Bakugo will train his Bakugo Mercenary Corps, Alice will run her intelligence organization, you, Miller, will be your surgeon, and I will still be my gold-medal investment advisor. As for Shadow, he'll continue to wait for news from the Head."


As they were talking Shadow's phone rang, so all of them stared at Shadow with glowing eyes, even the woman. Because they know that the shadow of the phone in addition to them a few people, it seems that only the head know. The head now called, must be something want them to do, also only follow the head they do things, can find that kind of exciting feeling.


Picking up the phone, Shadow softly said something and hung up. Looking at the few people in front of him who were staring at him like wolves staring at their prey, Shadow actually smiled in a very rare way. "That's a good sign" Jack said to himself mentally.


"Looking at me for what?" Shadow said faintly, "Alice, recently people from the Black Dragon Society went to China, the head asked you to check where exactly they are, what are the recent movements of the Black Dragon Society, and better yet, what is their purpose?"


"Yes, I'll go right away." Alice said and stood up.


"What about us? What about us?" Miller asked in a rush of continuous questions.


"What's your hurry?" Shadow glared at Miller, "Everyone get ready, the head could call us to the Waifs at any moment."


Upon hearing this, Miller's scalpel made a series of crosses on his chest, "God, you have finally heard my prayer. I sincerely thank You, my merciful God."


Explosive Bear also left the chicken leg in his hand, "I'll go back to hand over the regiment first, you guys have to wait for me ah, not allowed to slip away first."


Alice then kissed Jack hard, "Honey, I'm going to get busy. I'll miss you."


Jack yelled at Alice's back, "Honey, you're not enthusiastic enough, let's do it again."


Looking at the several people in front of him, Shadow was also helpless for a while. The way these few people were acting right now looked like a few children. But if you really look at them as children, then you will be in tragedy, because they have another name.


Explosive Bear: Known as Iron Tower, he is normally the leader of the Explosive Bear mercenary group. He is quite good in close combat, because his body is tall and strong, the normal punches and kicks on his body are just like scratching an itch for him. In addition, he is a black man, if he stands there, he is like an iron tower, so he is known as Iron Tower. He is ranked ninth in the Heavenly Ranking.


Miller: known as Doc, and usually really a surgeon. He is good at disguise, and his knife skills are out of this world. Ranked seventh in the Heavenly Ranking.


Alice: known as the Blue Goblin, controls several high class clubs in Europe and North America from which she gathers information. A wire in her hand is something to keep people on the defensive, plus she's a beautiful woman, so maybe while you're swooning over her, her wire penetrates your neck. Ranked fifth in the Sky Rankings.


Jack: known as the Hunter, he is an excellent shot. Normally he is an investment advisor, hunting for money, when he is on a mission he is the hunter, almost no one can escape under his gun. He is ranked fourth in the Heavenly Ranking.


Yu Tian, on the other hand, had a unique title in the assassin world, and he was not ranked first or second. Because he has a title that makes the killer world worship - the God of Death. Which means that no one who has been targeted by him is still alive. He is the godfather of the killer world.


As for his own shadow, as the name suggests he was Yu Tian's shadow. Ever since he was saved by Yutian that year, he decided to be Yutian's shadow for the rest of his life.


That year's winter, he was still a ten-year-old beggar, cold and hungry for a steamed bread, by other beggars pressed to the ground and severely beaten.


Yutian went down the mountain with his seventh uncle to buy things, and saw the shadow was beaten up and swollen face also did not grunt, the hand is still dead clutching that has been cold steamed buns.


Yutian remembered that he used to struggle like this for a meal, so he hastened to ask his seventh uncle to drive away the group of beggars who bullied Shadow, and invited Shadow to have a good meal.


Then Yutian gave Shadow a little money, Shadow did not want, Shadow said I was saved by you, this life is yours, let me follow you, I will be your shadow.


So Yutian took Shadow up the mountain, and Yutian's seventh uncle saw Shadow's perseverance and qualifications and took Shadow as his disciple.


Shadow's master said to Shadow, "After hearing you say that you want to be his shadow, I decided to take you as my disciple, I will now teach you a set of Seven Killings Sword Technique, you have to learn it well, after all, you need strength if you want to be his shadow as well. But before I teach you I want to make it clear to you that I am Master Tsunami's shadow, and since you want to be Tsunami's shadow, then I hope that you do what you say you will do. Otherwise I will kill you myself. I'll give you three days to think about it, and when you're done you'll come to me."


To Uncle Qi's surprise, Shadow did not leave and directly waited in the same place for three days. Uncle Qi also taught Shadow all of the Seven Killing Sword Techniques. Shadow practiced painstakingly and finally achieved something.


From the moment Shadow descended from the mountain, Shadow decided that he would take care of anything that was inconvenient for Yutian to do, he would kill anyone that was inconvenient for him to kill, and he would block any danger for Shadow. These years in the Middle East, wherever Yutian went, he followed like a shadow.


This time Yutian returned to China and told him to stay here, he never refused when Yutian spoke. Originally he thought that he would be separated for a long time this time, but he didn't expect Yutian to call so soon, and it was good news for him.


Thinking of this, Shadow looked in the direction of Huaxia and silently said in his heart, "Young master, I can be your shadow again."