
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urban
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120 Chs

Chapter 20: Obstruction in the Countryside

In the Mangrove Villa's Villa 2, Zhao Yutong was wearing silk pajamas and lying horizontally on the bed, Sun Xiaodie was also wearing pajamas and lying next to her. Zhao Yutong pouted and said, "Stinking rascal, dead asshole, all he knows is picking up women all day long." While saying this, she also waved her hand and slapped the pillow in her hand, emotionally she took the pillow in her hand as Yu Tian.


Thinking of Yu Tian, Zhao Yutong was furious. This bastard had been running to the hospital all day and night since Fan Si Yu had been shot, and hadn't let them go out, and had given a death order to Fei Long and the four of them, telling Fei Long to watch over Zhao Yutong and the girls. Zhao Yutong tried everything to escape. Finally, the hard can not come soft, Sun Xiaodie this girl gave her a bad idea, told her to use the beauty plan.


So for the sake of freedom, Zhao Yutong went out on a limb. One night while Yu Tian came back, Zhao Yutong wearing this hidden pajamas, bare little feet, with a hint of winks and walked into Yu Tian's room. But before Zhao Yutong opened his mouth, Yu Tian a sentence will be her back to the original form.


Yu Tian glanced at Zhao Yutong and just said lightly, "My surname is Liu, and my ancestor is Liu Xiahui."


The short sentence made Zhao Yutong tear up, isn t it obvious? Who is Liu Xiahui? He is famous for not getting upset. He Yu Tian also surnamed Liu, this does not mean that the beauty plan is useless to him? Of course Zhao Yutong rushed into his room, will be there waiting for news Sun Xiaodie severely repaired a meal. Thinking of this Zhao Yutong heart suffocation is even greater, the hand pillow was also her ravaged beyond shape.


Seeing Zhao Yutong's gritted teeth, Sun Xiaodie couldn't help but ask, "Sister Yutong, do you hate Brother Xiaotian that much?"


"I can't wait to kill him. Hmph, the stinking rascal just knows how to accompany that policewoman all day long, but keeps us at home."


"Are you jealous, Sister Yu Tong?"


Zhao Yutong jumped up as if she had been stepped on, her eyes widened, "Are you kidding, I'm jealous, what kind of flying vinegar am I eating? Do you see me like this as being jealous? I wouldn't be jealous even if I eat salt." What Zhao Yutong didn't know was that just because of this sentence today, she was later teased by someone countless times.


Scared by Zhao Yutong's open-mouthed look, Sun Xiaodie shrank her head and weakly returned, "It doesn't look like it, the more you look at it, the more it looks like it."


"Ah, Sun Xiaodie, I'm going to kill you." Zhao Yutong was furious at hearing this, and with that, she rushed over and wrestled with Sun Xiaodie, "Let's see if I don't tickle you to death, I'm telling you to talk nonsense."


"Heh. Oh," Sun Xiaodie laughed and begged for mercy, "I don't dare anymore, I'll never say it again."


The two of them frolicked around to their heart's content, and Sun Xiaodie was no match for her, so she ran outside, while Zhao Yutong followed and chased after her. The two had just run to the stairway when Yutian returned.


Yu Tian heard the sound of playfulness and couldn't help but raise his head to take a look uh, then he turned his head over in a hurry. Only to see Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie two people are hair messy, pajamas buttons are also open two, that white breasts are also hidden, let a person have unlimited reverie.


When the two saw that Yutian had returned, they glanced at each other, and then quickly surveyed themselves. With a scream of "Ah", they rushed into their respective rooms and slammed the doors with a bang.


Yu Tian touched his nose and yelled upstairs, "Aren't you going to buy clothes? Give you guys ten minutes to get ready, ten minutes without coming down means you don't want to go ah."


Stepping on point, ten minutes later Zhao Yutong and Sun Xiaodie both changed their clothes and rushed down with red faces. Seeing Yutian, both of them were a bit afraid to meet their eyes.


Yutian coughed softly and said faintly, "Let's go"


Yu Tian got into a car with Zhao Yutong Sun Xiaodie, while the four Flying Dragons followed behind in a car. Just as the car drove out of the mountain village not much farther, someone in a van by the roadside took out a cell phone and softly said, "The rabbit to leave the nest." Then they started the car and followed.


Arriving at the mall, as soon as Yu Tian got out of the car, he saw a few people with suspicious behavior following him. At this time, Hound also came up, "Head, it seems like we are being followed." Those who are good at tracking are also good at counter-tracking, and Hound has his unique talent in this regard.


Yutian nodded, "Don't mind him, just be careful, once something happens, you guys protect them and go first, I'll break the back."


Under Yu Tian's intervention, Zhao Yutong and the girls didn't shop much and quickly bought clothes. Yutian pulled them and headed back, Zhao Yutong was surprisingly well-behaved, with the experience of this period of time, from Yutian's serious face, she also saw a hint of unusual, so she let Yutian lead silently towards the car.


Just as they were about to get into the car, Yutian sensed a hint of danger and rolled to the side with Zhao Yutong in his arms, and with a thud, a bullet was fired at the door of the car, splattering a cloud of sparks.


"There's a sniper, three o'clock." Hound shouted. The four Flying Dragons also quickly drew their guns in preparation for battle.


Yu Tian shouted to Fei Long, "Fei Long, take care of the two of them, be careful they have accomplices." After saying that, he cupped the gun in his hand. Luckily, he made preparations when he went out.


Just then a cab drove over, and Yutian raised his hand and fired a shot. That driver's forehead exploded with blood, scaring the crowd at the side and scattering with a bang. Viper ran over and was a bit surprised to see the gun in that driver's hand.


"Get in the car immediately" Yu Tian took this opportunity to give orders, "Flying Dragon, Viper, Brute Bull you guys take Zhao Yutong Sun Xiaodie and the others to go first, I'll break off with Hound."


So the two cars huffed and scurried out. But just left the downtown area, Flying Dragon stopped the car, the front of a few cars side by side across where. Yu Tian first got out of the car, walked to the front of Zhao Yutong and said to her, "Do not be afraid, lock the door tightly, this car is bulletproof, as long as I'm not dead, they will not be able to hurt you." After saying that, he went ahead, Flying Dragon, Hound, Brute Bull followed behind, Viper was left in the car by Flying Dragon, as long as the situation is not right, he was told to find a way to take Zhao Yutong and they left first.


Utena swept a glance at the people on the opposite side of the street, thirty or so sturdy men with crisp white t-shirts. Behind these people were two gangs of ninjas, why two gangs, because there were three ninjas standing on the left and right with those ten or so ninjas. The three ninjas on the left were two ninjas and one upper ninja. The right side of the ten or so ninjas are six lower ninjas, four middle ninjas and one upper ninja. In addition, there are actually four westerners, that figure is a brute cow to their side, that also becomes a calf.


Yutian said faintly, "Who are you people and what are you doing blocking my way?"


One of the men in white clothes said, "Two days ago, you wasted a dozen of our brothers, so today I'm here to find you to regain face."


"Oh, what about you guys?" Utena said with a slight smile again to the Shinobi "Leave the girl in the car, you go." The top Shinobi on the right said.


Yu Tian heard turned his head to Fei Long and said, "Today is a bit of trouble, so many people is a sea of people tactics to make us enough, not to mention that there are a few masters inside, so you three are responsible for those thirty or so, the rest of me to take the top, you guys fight quickly." Flying Dragon's three nodded, now is not the time to show off. Yutian was the head, what he said was what he said.


Yu Tian spoke to the people on the opposite side of the room, "Unfortunately, I can't give you all what you want. Do it." With that, he lunged towards those ninjas. The three of them, Fei Long, also lunged towards those of the White Tiger Gang.


Meanwhile, in the Rose Garden, Huang Yulong was talking to his daughter. Shen Xinghe hurriedly walked in and opened his mouth, "Mr. Huang, the following brothers sent word that Yutian encountered snipers at the mall today when he brought Zhao Zhennan's daughter to buy clothes, and that there are roughly thirty elite disciples below the White Tiger Gang gathering in the suburbs, and it seems that they are going to be unfavorable to Yutian and the others."


"Oh," hearing Shen Xinghe's report, Huang Yulong frowned, "Is Yutian alright?"


"They are currently fine, but the brothers under the hall said that they are now heading towards the Red Tree Villa on the outskirts, and it is estimated that nine times out of ten, they will be caught in an ambush by the White Tiger Gang." Shen Xinghe replied.


"Dad, please help them, TsaoTian is also feuding with the White Tiger Gang because of your daughter." As soon as Huang Yuejiao heard that Yu Tian was in danger, she also spoke in a hurry.


Huang Yulong glanced at his own daughter, alas, a woman is too big for her father. So he said to Shen Xinghe, "Xinghe, you take the people from the Blood Battle Hall and quickly rush over there, remember to bring more people with you and make sure that Yu Tian is safe."


"Yes," Shen Xinghe answered and hurriedly gathered his men.