
Yuta Okkotsu

Yuta Okkotsu might be one of the most OP characters in JJK because he is like the combination of Gojo and Geto. Gojo is strong because he was born strong, but he has a peak, and once that peak is reached, then that's it. Geto, meanwhile, though he is trash, that guy has no peak. If he were immortal like Tengen, given enough time, that guy could potentially beat Sukuna in a one-on-one battle. Though it might take a million years, he still theoretically can do it. Yuta is both born strong and has no peak; his cursed technique enables him to improve himself every day as long as jujutsu sorcerers keep being born (he can also copy curse techniques, by the way, so yeah). He has only been a sorcerer for 2, maybe 3 years, and somehow he is now up against Sukuna. Though he got cooked, I'm going to say it's because he didn't have enough prep time (unlike that fraud Geto, who went on a decade-long time skip not knowing RCT). So I thought, what if I make someone take over Yuta's body and give him prep time? Around 5 years before he even gets into Jujutsu High? What kind of monster will he be? And thus, this story is born. Enjoy.

DailyTransmigrator · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The start of the event

"And here's the boys' dorm!" Two young men can be seen walking down a hallway, with wooden floors and white walls reminiscent of a traditional Japanese house.

"There's an empty room right next to mine. You can put your... stuff?" Todo, the muscular young man, looked at the other young man, noticing he wasn't carrying any bags, which puzzled him.

"Where are your stuff?" He asked, despite spending the entire afternoon together. He just now asked

"Here," the young man smiled, and suddenly a portal-like object appeared above them. A set of white, claw-like hands emerged from it, dropping a standard black suitcase.

Todo smiled back at the young man beside him, acknowledging the strength of a special grade. When dealing with these kinds of people, it's better to assume they can do anything rather than the opposite.

The two of them walked towards the empty room, finding a standard guest room with beds, cabinets, and a small lamp on top.

"Nice. Kind of the same as my room in Tokyo, but I guess since we're under the same institution, they're all standardized," Yuta commented on the room's familiar layout. It seemed as though each room was a replica of the next.

"Well, since this is my first day here, there's absolutely something we need to do, right?" Yuta turned to the muscular young man beside him, smiling as if anticipating some sort of adventure.


The next morning arrived, and all the Kyoto students from first and second years gathered in the middle of an open stadium-like structure. The teachers sat on the seats, observing them, like a chunin exam type of stuff

Strangely, the male students were nowhere to be found in the arena. Only the female students and a robot stood there.

"Has this building always been here?" Miwa questioned, but everyone simply shrugged in response.

"Utahime sensei, where are the boys? And the Tokyo student?" Momo inquired, glancing at their teacher, who stood before them, also awaiting the missing students.

"They should be here soon. I texted Todo, and he said they forgot," the teacher informed them, prompting everyone to wonder what the boys and the Tokyo student were up to that caused them to forget the time.

"Right on time!" Three young men appeared at the door of the colosseum, rushing toward the center. One of them was panting heavily, having run all the way from the boys' dorm.

"This is *pant*, all your fault," said the monk-like young man with his eyes closed, seemingly indifferent to vision.

"Hey, don't act like you didn't enjoy the game," the three boys had stayed up all night playing video games inside the Tokyo student's room.

They were playing League of Legends.

Of course Noritoshi was kidnapped from his room by the other two boys and forced to play along with them.

The other students looked at the newly arrived boys, who were laughing at one of them being on the ground, panting heavily as if losing his breath.

"Alright, that's enough from you three. Get into line so we can start the event," Utahime-sensei clapped her hands to get the boys' attention. Despite her soft tone, the students did what she instructed, walking towards the line in a carefree manner.

"Sup," Yuta greeted the robot standing beside him.

"He's so undisciplined, just like you," one of the principals groaned from the observer stand as they watched the boys late arrival, which was 30 minutes later than scheduled.

"You're right. Now I have to deal with this type again. I thought my suffering would end after Gojo graduated, but another one of him appears," the younger principal replied, agreeing with the older one's remarks.

"Hey, I'm right here, you know?" the white haired teacher chimed in from the back of the seat, feeling a bit offended by their remarks.

Back to the stadium

"Now, since all of you are here, I can finally explain the rules of this year's sister school goodwill events," the shrine maiden teacher said in front of the students, and they all listened carefully.

"As per our tradition, the events will be held for two days. The first day will consist of group battles, while the second day will be an individual battle." A hand immediately raised as soon as she finished her sentence.

"I don't have a group," the Tokyo student chimed in, injecting a playful tone into his words, much like his white-haired teacher.

"Yes, this year's events will be a bit different as the Tokyo school only sent one student to compete. But don't worry, being a special grade, You should be fine even if you are alone," the teacher reassured him patiently, though Yuta persisted with his raised hand.

"*Sigh.. yes?" She prompted him

"That doesn't change the fact I don't have a group," Yuta persisted, nudging for a reaction from his teacher.

"I understand, but being a special grade means you're already a group by yourself," the teacher replied calmly, resisting any attempts to engage in Yuta's playful antics.

"That's not how a group works," the boy stubbornly teased, finally eliciting a reaction from the teacher as a few angry marks appeared on her forehead as she struggled to contain her frustration.

"You... You have Rika. Two people can be counted as a group," the teacher gritted her teeth in anger as the boy continued to talk back, refusing to let her finish the announcement.

"So is a marriage between two people considered a group marriage?"

"Yes! Yes it is! Shut up and let me finish my line!" the teacher snapped, unable to handle any more teasing from the Tokyo boy as he laughed smugly at her reaction, satisfied with his mischief.

"Exactly like him," the two principals remarked as they observed the boy's rude teasing towards the teacher, while the white-haired teacher in the back laughed at his student's antics.

The boy finally dropped his hands after getting a reaction from the shrine Miko teacher, with a smug smile still plastered on his face.

"*Sigh. As I was saying, the first day will be a group battle. All of you will be placed on the edge of Kurama Mountain (it's a real mountain), and each group will be placed on the opposite side to prevent a full-on battle right from the start.

On the mountain, there are five grade 3 curses, five grade 2 curses, And one grade 1 curses. Your objective is to exorcise them, and for each curse you exorcise, your group will receive points depending on its grade.

Grade 3 is worth 1 point, grade 2 is worth 2 points, and grade 1 is worth 3 points. The event will end when there are no more curses on the mountain or if the time runs out, which is 4 hours after the event begins." A hand was raised again, and it came from the same person as before.

"*Sigh... yessss???" She said, prolonging the 's' to show how mad she is.

"When will the event start? Is it right now? Should I start bodying everyone?" Yuta, being the usual weeb that he is, had watched a lot of this kind of event where the teacher would act smart and not tell them when the event starts so they lose a few precious seconds.

But the teacher looked at him with a mix of confusion and shock, realizing that this time he wasn't asking a stupid question... well, at least not too stupid.

"It's in your schedule," she replied.

"I don't have a schedule," he replied back, and now the teacher was even more confused.

"Your teacher didn't give you a schedule?" She asked, glancing at the podium to see the white-haired teacher gesturing an apology to her.

"Tch" she clicked her tongue to her old friend

"Anyway, the event will start at 12 o'clock. Since right now is 8:30a.m you have 3 and a half hours to discuss your strategy with your group" the teacher annouced and once again a hand was raised into the air

"I don't have a g-"

"I know!!! Just... discuss it with yourself!" And the announcement was over


"We should avoid him at all costs," the Kyoto students agreed. Their plan was straightforward: exorcise as many curses as they could find and avoid encountering the special grade boy.

"That's easy enough to do. What about our strategy regarding the curses?" Mai Zen'in asked, turning to Noritoshi, who appeared to be the one thinking of a plan around here.

"We'll break into three groups: Miwa and Momo will take the left wing, while Mai and I will take the right wing. Mechamaru will be alongside Todo and his team in the center.

If any of our team is attacked by Yuta, we'll signal to the air, and Todo's group will handle him until we can escape," Noritoshi explained his plan, and they all nodded in agreement.

Except for Todo

"Yes, that's a great plan and all, but what if I go and defeat him alone? if he is eliminated, then we win," Todo suggested to the group. They understood his plan and acknowledged the possibility of its success.

But there is one big flaw on his plan

"But can you defeat him alone?" Noritoshi asked, pointing out the major flaw in his plan.

Todo began to ponder, evaluating Yuta's behavior and strength based on all the data he had gathered.

"I can't, but with you and Mechamaru, we might stood a chance," Todo admitted, recognizing his shortcomings. He proposed another plan that could give them an advantage.

"But if we do that and we lose, then that's basically it for the event," Noritoshi said calmly, unaware of the insult he inadvertently directed at the other students.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Mai asked the monk guy, feeling offended by his remark.

"No offense, but you two are grade 3. Even if he were to wear a blindfold and we somehow manage to exhaust his cursed energy, he will still completely obliterate you two in a second.

Momo might have a chance in running away but... I heard that Rika can fly so that is not an option either," the girl group could feel themselves being underestimated by the boys, but no matter where they looked, it was just the truth.

They are Grade 3, with the exception of Momo being Grade 2. The only ones who could stand a chance are Todo, being Grade 1, and Noritoshi, being semi-Grade 1.

But... their opponent is Special Grade. Is fighting head-on really a good idea?

"So, we stick to the initial plan, right?" Mechamaru said in his robotic voice, realizing that fighting the boy head-on might not be such a great idea.


On the other room

"So what's the plan?" Yuta said to the left

"We bodied everything and anything we see" Yuta answer himself to the right

"Got it" Yuta agreed to the left



After the the students have finished their strategic meeting they all decide to go out and grab a lunch

The lunch lady Is a curse they tame..... Yuta doesn't know how he feels about eating food made by curses

But that's probably just him being racist so he took the food and stop being a bitch about it

On the table he saw the kyoto students, still trying to come up with a strategy to beat him while enjoying their meal before they have to fight him

"Hi there! Mind if i have seat?" And he quickly bridge the gap between their relationship with him

The kyoto student are in shock, they are too immerse in their strategy meeting that they don't notice the boy walking up on them

Despite the fact that Yuta pretty much stand out like a sore thumb with his cursed energy output being crazy high

"We are having a strategy meeting here, go sit somewhere else" Mai replied to Yuta's earlier question but it really is not a question.

"Oh? Then it's more reason for me to sit here" Yuta stubbornly put his plate on the table and sit beside Noritoshi and Todo facing the girls on the other side of the table

"Why? Are you afraid that you are gonna lose?" Mai commented mockingly at Yuta but he just laugh at her face for saying such a good joke

"Aha! that's a good one. No no i just want to know what you'll come up with to fight against me" Yuta brush off her comment with a laugh and arogantly dismiss their animosity towards him

"Really, the only one i am concerned about is Todo" Yuta point at the muscular guy beside him and now the kyoto students look at him with curiosity

"And why is that?" Noritoshi quickly try to gain as much information about his opponent as he can. Yuta knew about this but he just doesn't care as this is just sport for him

Win or lose, we all have fun

"I've heard about his cursed technique from my senpai, it's boogie woogie right? Being able to swap places with anything that have a a certain minimum ammount of cursed energy?

That might be a problem for me considering that no matter how strong i am, if i can't hit him then there is nothing i can do to him" Yuta gave the Kyoto team his weakness straight away and they realise that this could be a major game changing if it's true

"But i have a few way to counter that" and their hope is instantly get snuffed out the second it was lit

'Of course he do'

"Anyway, chill out. This is just a game after all" the special grade sorcerer said earning a few angry glance from the others

"Just a game?" Mai said, her voice laced with anger

"Is that what this is for you?" She spoke again, questioning the special grade boy and he raise his eyebrows in confusion

'why is she so mad?' he thought

"I guess it is huh" the short haired girl stand up and pick up her tray she leave the table after giving one more glance towards the confused boy and click her tongue

The other girls followed her in worry, trying to calm her anger and be there for her to vent out so they pick up their tray and follow their friend

Not before Momo send another angry glare towards Yuta, resulting in him being even more confused than before

"What's that all about?" After the girls have left, Yuta ask the only people on the table being Todo and Noritoshi

Todo seeing his brother has made a mistake, put his hand on Yuta's shoulder and began to lecture him

"Brother, you might not understand since you are already on the top. But for most of us this event is more than just a game.

This is a very rare opportunity for us to raise our ranks. So rare that it only happend three times in our lives

So for us. This event is everything. If we can't reach grade 1 by the end of our school years Then we'll be nothing but canon fodder" Todo lecture the boy and he listened carefully to what Todo said

Yuta's mind begin to wander. He thought about what Todo said and realise that he had hurt them

For them. This world is real, this is not just a world made out of the imagination of a one eyed cat monster like him

This event could might as well be a job interview for them. This would determine wether or not they will get a job or be homeless and poor

And he just trample over them

"I fucked up" Yuta muttered under his breath realisation comes to his mind as he understand what he just did



A group of students can be seen at the foot of Kurama Mountain, patiently awaiting the teacher's announcement to commence the exorcism event.

The Kyoto students wait anxiously, many of them doubting their usefulness in this event, given they are currently facing someone much stronger than themselves.

Some are burning with passion, others are excited to finally confront his brother, and some simply want to gauge their strength among the strongest.

Meanwhile, the Tokyo student is lost in thought. It's quite rare to see him with this expression since he is usually indifferent towards everything. However, now he seem to be pondering something deeply.

He make up his mind and smile

#Testing testing. Do you hear me?# the speaker let out a sound that seems to come from their white haired sensei

"#Looks like the speaker works. Alright *ehem*#

#Welcome everyone. Today marks the first day of the Jujutsu Academy's annual sister school event.

Remember, the goal of this event is to exorcise curses. Violence against each other is allowed, but please refrain from injuring your friends too severely.

Shoko needs a break too once in a while.

Anyway, have fun and don't kill each other. The event starts now!#"

And with that, the first event finally start



The Kyoto students spread, they do what they have been stegizing for about 3 hours as to what can they do to beat the Tokyo student

Miwa and Momo goes to the west as they compliment each other being a team of short range and long range fighter

Noritoshi are coupled with Mai and they went to east as they have planned

Mechamaru and Todo are running straight to north, intending to reach the summit as that is where the grade 1 curse is dropped



"Did you find anymore curses?" The kyoto school has re-grouped just under the top of the mountain,

In the last hour they manage to find 4 grade three curses and 1 grade two curse. Bringing the total of their point to 7.

"No, I have scanned the whole mountain and there is nothing left except for the one on the top.

Todo and Mechamaru was there but it doesn't seems like they are fighting" Momo said, reporting her finding of the curse and the rest of tried to understand what that means.

"He must have exorcise the other curses. Giving him 8 point in total but why don't he just Exorcise the last curse?" Mai thought and said her opinion

"Maybe he is waiting for us?" Miwa replied

"Possibly, and Todo and Mechamaru is there too so maybe he thought that he can take all of us by himself so he wants us to group up against him" Noritoshi agreed with Miwa and the rest nodded along

"So what do we do? charge at him?" Miwa asked.

"For now, let's just get there and see what he wants. The fact that he is waiting for us instead of beating Todo all together might give us a chance against him" Noritoshi gives his last piece and they agreed.

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

I am sorry! I am really! Really sorry!

I know this might sound like me trying to justify myself, but I really fucked up trying to show the event that is too boring to show in the actual Anime.

I mean even gege know that this event is not fair.

It's Yuta + Rika against the Kyoto student. How can I make this entertaining?! It's impossible!

Like, in order to beat Todo you need to take him down quick, and if the he is down then everyone else is just canon fodders.

There is nothing I can do to make this fight interesting!

So you know what I am gonna do? I give up, I spend about 2 months thinking about it and found nothing,

So I am just gonna skip this arc over, and make a new arc in about 6-7 chapter from now.

And yes, I have wrote those chapters. Haven't edited them yet but it's there.

So I guess you people are gonna be dissapointed for the next 6-7 days?????



The next arc that I am talking about would be the backstory arc, Again, I am really sorry for this arc. I shouldn't have tried something that even gege skip over.

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