
Yuta Okkotsu (Rewrite)

Knowing the future can be a blessing but also a curse. If you know the future and there is nothing you can do to change it. then you'll just be a puppet and stop living as a person but if you know the future, and there is something you can do to change it. then you'll be in a constant battle against fate and the world itself.

DailyTransmigrator · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


20th April, 2012 Horishima city

Inside of a classroom, a small girl is sitting on her desk, a book is present on her hands as she try to read them

She wears a long sweater that cover most of her skin except for her head, despite it being summer she doesn't seem to care about the heat as she wear what most would only wear at winter.

Her face is flat, an emotionless face of a person who doesn't know how to be 'normal'

"Kaya-chan! Let's get some lunch!" A girl with a wide forehead suddenly speak to the emotionless girl, she look up to her side and see her childhood friend

"Let's go, Saku-chan" the girl replied and she stood up from her seat

"Hey is that the girl?"

"Yeah, the one that can see ghosts"

"Come on, you believe that? She is obviously faking"

"No! There is too many things going around her that just doesn't make sense!"

"You watched too many scary movies, there is no such a thing as a ghost"

The students around her speak about her as the two friends walk with each other, they act as if they can not be heard. but from the two perspective their voices are clear as day

"I told you Kaya-chan, you should stop with the chunibyou stuff from our pre-school.

Haaah, just remembering it made me embarassed, why are you still acting like that anyway?" The forehead girl talk to her friend that is holding her hands in an attempt to find comfort as everyone stare and speak about her as if she was an anomally

"I am not acting" the girl pout as she puckered her lips

"*Siiigh, right right. You are obviously not" the forehead girl resigned at her friends stubborness.

She herself understood why her friend would act like this. She did it too, at the preschool she act like she can see ghosts.

Maybe it was actually her imagination, maybe it was just her being a childish and wanted attention

But she got over it, and now she can only cringe at herself when remembering her childhood days

But her friend is obviously not over that phase yet

"Hey, did you hear about the abandoned restroom behind the school?" Two boys was bickering around each other, talking about the current 'hot news' of the school

"Yes! I heard that someone found it out of nowhere, even the teacher don't know about them" they talk about the paranormal activity of the school

"Yeah, but they say it only appear at night? It must be a ghost right?" Every school have this kind of story, no matter what school you went to there must be this kind of story

An abandoned restroom, or the school was previously a hospital or a grave, the previous janitor's corpse or whatever it might be.

These stories always somehow comes to elementry schooler

"Should we tell Kaya about it?"

"Pfft! That pretendtious girl? Yeah right, maybe we should! let's see how that girl would act infront of a real ghost!"

"Yes! Ahahaha"

"𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝘄𝗼"

The two boys look behind them, scared by the tone and the familiar voice of someone they know

"S-sakuya-san! We were just um. We are just kidding! Ahahaha....." The boys replied as they see the school top delinquent somehow appear behind their back.

That's right, Sakuya is the top bullies in this school.

It's not like she ever bully anyone or something like that. it just that she beat up anyone who is mean to her and her friends to the point that people call it bullying.

Is bullying a bully considered bullying?

"You better be, or do you want me to kick your butts again?" The forehead girl leaned over to the two boys face, smirking in a threatfull manner as she remind them of the time she beats them to pulp.

Somehow she is that strong.

The two boys quickly ran away from her and leave the table empty for the taking

Just about time for the two friends to eat their lunch.

"Kaya-chan! Let's eat here!" Sakuya wave at her friend that is currently waiting in line for their foods


"So then, Maya chan was-" the time is 3p.m, the school is closing and the children as ready to go home

"Hmm?" The forehead girl look wt her friend that is currently staring at the school's backyard

"Oh yeah, I heard something about a ghost rumor from the others. Apparently there is a ghost that appear at night in the abandoned restroom on the backyard

Seriously, these children always talk nonsense" the forehead girl shakes her head in dissapointment, even though she is a child but she considered herself as a, 'mature adult' whatever that means

But as she dismissed the talk the childrens was having, Kaya's eyes seems to be locked on to something

~~~~~~~~~~~~ At night ~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey, are you sure this is okay?"

"Why? You scared~?"

"Come one Tatsu, Ghosts aren't real"

Three boys can be seen holding a flashlight at night,

One of them is smiling, the other one look to be uninterested, while the other one look scared

"It's just a quick stroll through the night, you must be curious if the rumor is true right?" One of them said to the scared one

"Yes! But that doesn't I want to see it myself! What if it's true?!" The scared kid replied to them

"As I said, Ghosts aren't real" the uninterested one talk back to the scared one

"If they are not real then why are you here?" The previously smirking one asked him

"To prove that it is not real" he replied nonchalantly to his friends.

"𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁"


The three boys all screamed in fear as they was jumpscared by the sound of a little girl coming from their back

And they see it, they see the ghost, the unbeliably gruesome and ugly gh-! oh it's just Kaya,

"Kaya!!!" The three boys yelled at her for suddenly appearing out of nowhere

The small girl herself doesn't look guilty or smirking in mischivieousness. She just stare at them with a face full of curiousity as if she is trying to study their reaction

"Damn it Kaya, you scared us!"

"I thought it was the ghost!"



Two of the three boys begin to scold the girl for scaring them, but the last one just glare at her while she also just stare at them

"*Sigh, what are you even doing here? It's late, girls like you shouldn't be outside" the calm looking boy asked the girl

"To beat up ghost" Kaya replied monotonely

"To what?"

"Beat up ghost"

"Huh?" The three boys heard her answer quite perfectly, but they still have no idea what she is talking about.

It's a ghost, how are you gonna beat up a ghost?

"Anyway it doesn't matter now, you are here so stay with us so you won't get lost!" The boys decide that if she is here the might as well keep her safe. They don't want to get an earfull from the teachers and her parents after all.

"Hm" she nodded at them and the 4 childrens continue their journey in search for ghost.


"Hey Mikio, maybe we should just go home?" I said to the one leading this stupid expedition,

What's the point of doing this anyway? If the ghost is real then we are dead, if it's not then we'll be disspointed. Nothing good will happend if we continue this stupid stuff.

"Tatsu! If you are that scared then just go home!" Mikio turn back to me, why is he the one being pissed off?! He is the one dragging me here!

"I can't just leave now! If something happend to you three then I will be the one questioned by your parents!" I retort back at him and he just scoffed at me?!

"Then you are stuck here, so quit your bitching and let's go"

"I am telling your mother you said bitch"

"Wait, No!"


"There is no ghost" the 4 of them has been searching the place for about 10 minutes by now, and they have seen nothing.

No ghost, no mysterious restroom, nothing

"I told you, there is no ghost" the tallest one and the one wearing glasses said in a pridefull tone

"Yeah yeah okay, puh! This is such a waste! I thought something interesting might happend" the named Mikio pout and complain to the non-existant ghost.

"Atleast we don't find any ghost. Right Kaya?" The one named Tatsu said to the only girl in the grup as he look back to meet her face

Only that she is not there

"Kaya?!" He began to panic, the rest of the boy look back as well and found the girl that is suppose to be following them not being there

"Wait where is she?!" They paniced and begin to run back to where they had walked

They turn the corner, and found the girl they were looking for standing infront of the restroom door very intensely

"Kaya!" They colectively yelled at the girl as they ran up to her.

The girl hearing her name being called, look at her side and see her 3 classmate running up to her with a blank face on her head,

although she seems to be a bit curious too with her head slightly tilted

"What are you doing?! We said don't leave our side!

Do you know what my mother would've done to me if I let a girl get lost alone in the middle of the night?" The tall and eyeglasses wearing kid scold the girl but she pay it no mind as she keep looking at the restroom door very intensely.

"What is this? Your 'senses' tingling?" Mikio went ahead and asked the girl in a mocking tone as he knew about the rumour surrounding her.

Apparently she can see ghosts. Weird right? I know

"Um" but the girl actually nod at his snarky comment.

The three of them raised their eyebrows in confusion as she did that, they then begin to glance at the restroom door. The actual restroom door and not the mysterious one.

The door is white, though surrounded by the shadow of the night it looks a bit more grey

As they look at the door infront of them, chills begin to run down their spine, like something ominous was standing behind of that door.

They look up and notice just how big the door really was, their short stature made the door look much bigger and much more ominous than what an adult would see.

"H-hey Kaya? You are joking right? Please tell me you are joking" Tatsu quiveringly asked the girl but did not respond to him all.

Mainly because she was too facinated by what she senses from behind that door.

What she senses coming from that door was nothing like she ever encountered

a normal ghosts is something that Kaya had been seeing from the day she was born, from a ghost that's born from a dead person, or a ghost that is born from people's negativity.

Or a ghost that was born through rumour or just anything in general. Those kind of ghost are something that she have been seeing throught out her life

And yet, whatever is behind that door doesn't feel any of them.

Almost like

'it's not a ghost'



Suddenly as they stare at the door in fear, it let out a sound that appear to be a lock being opened.

The door handle suddenly dropped down as if someone is trying to open the door from the inside, the three boys stepped back in fear as they hugged each other while having their eyes peeled open to see whatever might come out from the door.

Kaya stood her ground, she clenched her fist tight while still not doing anything suspicious as there is a witness around.

A dark ooze begin to spill from the inside of her sleeve, like a black fog but it was far too thin for anyone to see unless if they look to closely

The door opened, and from it reveal the thing they were waiting for.

"Eh? Who are you people?" Is whatever come out of it said.

It was a boy with jet black hair and a tired looking black eyes

~~~~~~~~~ To be Continued ~~~~~~~~~

Hi hellow hiiii~~ Nice to see you guys again, been a long time since I post a story here.

Anyway, this is the rewrite I was talking about. The first of the two chapters that I'll post today.

Anyway, go read the next one →