
Yuruginai kabe no monogatari

Have you ever wanted to feel so immersed while reading that you can picture each scene in your head with great detail if so I would recommend read Yuruginai kabe no monogatari for you.

SilentListener · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Awakening Two Years Earlier Than Normal

As I try to get out of bed Suzaku appears " Young master you must stay in bed for a little while longer. Fugaku got out of here. " Fugaku appears out of thin air as if he was always nearby watching everything unfold. " Yes, Onee-Sama?" Suzaku responds " Tell grandmother the young master has awoken from his deep slumber". Fugaku disappears. Suzaku hugs me tightly as she cries a few tears'' I'm glad you're not hurt." I'm very flustered about the situation because I've never seen her cry before. Grandmother, grandfather, and father all rushed in hugging me tightly while crying a lot. I notice something odd: I feel taller and my eyesight is higher than usual.

*ten minutes later*

" You're telling me I was in a coma for two years?!? Due to the after-effects of awakening my attributes and my bloodline???"

Grandfather says "Let me explain... Usually, people who awaken don't go through what we have, the reason is they are 100% human unlike us. For them, it's a lot easier and faster when it comes to awakening. Can't forget with a lot less pain... " as grandfather laughs hysterically, " I remember back in my heyday, awakening took so much longer it was so dreadful." Grandmother Coughs very loudly" Where was I again, Oh right.". I respond in a confused manner" What do you mean unlike us? " Father speaks with a stern tone as if what grandfather says is very important. " Shut Up boy, let your grandfather finish." Grandfather continues" As you've seen when you were younger we are not ordinary humans but demihumans. We are a mixture of Giant, Devil, Angel, and human lineage. The reason why you were in so much pain and put into a coma for two years was because your lineage doesn't have a lot of human bloodline in it so your Giant, Angel, and Devil lineage have a stronger effect. Typically it should be twenty- five percent each but you have less than five percent human in you and we don't know why..." As I have a shocked look on my face, I pause for a second and then I ask " Is the reason why my mother was in that state, was it because of me?" Grandmother speaks with a sad tone" Yes…" I start crying a river of tears and with that, my anger becomes worse than before. Due to my giant and devil bloodlines, Father smacks me on the back of the head and says " Calm Down" his eyes glimmer with tears as I look at him. He's like a bear holding back its cries as if it tries not to roar in pain after losing its child. Grandmother says " Your mother knew the consequences... I had advised her not to continue but she said "she loved your father way too much, she wanted to bring you into this world no matter the cost. I love both of them too much, no matter how bad the consequences change me after the birth of my son." Grandfather hugged me tightly. Father says " It's time for you to learn the skills of an all arounder, so be prepared." After he said that comment he quickly left the room, heading downstairs, then outside. After a couple of seconds, he vanishes as his grandfather follows him while transforming into his lean and skinny giant body form. Grandmother says "For the next 4 years you will train with all weapons, fist techniques, sorcery, and magic as well as study the knowledge and history of the world. After your 14th birthday, you will leave home and head for the most prestigious school in the continent known as kratorth the school of the gods."