
Yuruginai kabe no monogatari

Have you ever wanted to feel so immersed while reading that you can picture each scene in your head with great detail if so I would recommend read Yuruginai kabe no monogatari for you.

SilentListener · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Embarrassment To Die For

Year 620 of The New God Era.

My name was Fujiwara Takashi, I was a black male adopted into a Japanese household in America. You may be asking how I got here. It is simple, no it wasn't a truck-kun or a cool magic circle… nope I wasn't that lucky. I died while doing the deed… yep that deed, I guess you can say I went out with a bang. It is so embarrassing now that I think about it!! Anyway, in this world, my name is Kakushima Fuijiyama. My mother gave me that name before she went into a comatose state after giving birth.

When I was three years old my mom woke up but she was completely blind and she didn't remember she had a son, it was the saddest I've ever been.

I've always wondered why her giving birth was that extreme. My father Yamato sneaks up and grabs me putting me on his shoulders "Hey kiddo why the long face? " As I think about it, I ask my father. " Why are you like a giant sometimes, but the size of a normal person at other times??" My father has a really strange physique. I've only seen it happen when my grandpa and my dad got mad at each other after having a conversation when my mom woke up when I was 3 years old. His body changed to a point where his head went through the ceiling, his arms were the size of a silver-back gorilla forearms, while his legs were the size of a Destriers warhorse's rear legs.

Grandpa became lean and skinny like the bodybuilding athletes I would see in my old life. As I walked into the room, it was like their body inflated back to a normal size. My father responded with "When you turn 8 years old you'll learn about your heritage and when you turn 10 years old you'll awaken all of your heritage and your attributes. But for now, continue to study with your grandmother."

My grandmother and grandfather are named Kakushima Suzu and Kakushima Minato, they don't look as if they've had grandchildren. The craziest part is my father is in his early 40s but looks like he's in his early 30s. Now I hope you can read through the lines on how old my grandparents must be. " old hags" I accidentally say way too loud. For some odd reason, I get shivers all up and down my body, it feels like someone is behind me. "Boo" jumps out from my shadow "Grandmaaaaaa stops scaring me you old hag!!" Grandma Suzu asks while looking at me with a scary look " Who taught you to say that young man!?!" I reply as I bolt off "Umm, Grandpa did ". As I think to myself sorry Grandpa. A yell so loud comes out from in the distance " Kakushima Minato get your ass out here!!!!"