
Back to Training!


Yunata's skin comes back after the second function of his laser activates.

Staria: Are you okay..?

Yunata angrily glances at Staria.

Yunata: NO!

Staria: (chuckles)Well, that was a dumb idea don't you think!


Staria: (giggling)Calm down! Look, you're clean now at least! No more nasty, dirty, extremely unhealthy and smelly skin. But you still have to clean yourself!

Yunata: Whatever, I'll do it some other time. I'm done with this shit.

Yunata walks around completely ignorant of the fact that he is wearing no clothes and runs into Qajiri.

Qajiri: Oh, he-

Qajiri looks down and his jaw drops. Yunata is embarrassed and storms off to his room and gets some clothes to wear. He then exits outside.

Funiki: Yunata! Come! Training!

Yunata: Oh, forgot about that. Alright.

Funiki: Okay, we'll be training you on condensing your aura next.

Yunata: I can already do that. Let's move on.

Funiki: No, you cannot. You can coat yourself in your aura, but you cannot condense yourself in it. Nor can you effectively cover yourself with it. Nor can you manipulate your aura effectively. Just shut up and learn.

Yunata: ... Okay...

Funiki: Okay, try condensing your aura.

Yunata does what he thinks is condensing his aura, but he is instead suppressing it.

Funiki: Okay, stop.

Yunata stops.

Funiki: Spar with me real quick. 60 seconds.

Yunata: Okay.

Funiki: Three, Two, One... GO!

Funiki teleports behind Yunata and attempts to kick him in the neck. Yunata ducks the kick and counters with a cartwheel kick. Funiki barely dodges and is about to attack again before noticing another hit coming. Funiki thinks to himself: "He's faster than I thought. Last time I was able to hit him so easily. Was he holding back? Did he let me hit him intentionally thinking I couldn't hurt him?" Yunata thinks to himself: "I'M NOT BEING BURNED ANYMORE! HELL NO! NEVER AGAIN WILL I SUFFER THAT! Although compared to the bath, it wasn't as bad." Yunata follows up his cartwheel kick with a right hook that Funiki blocks with his staff. Funiki then goes for a counter attack. Yunata waits for the attack to almost touch him before parrying it to throw Funiki off balance before punching him straight in the chest. Funiki barely blocks the punch with his free hand before he is pulled in by a black hole and punched again.

Funiki: (moaning and groaning) Okay, okay, you.. win...

Yunata: Hmph. For a teacher, you're pretty weak.

Funiki: Or maybe you're just too strong!

Yunata: No! You're just too weak! What was the point of sparring anyway. That didn't teach me anything.

Funiki: Well, we're on to the next part. 60 seconds again. But this time, we'll be using our condensed auras. Ready?

Yunata: Sure.

Funiki: Three, two, one... GO!

Yunata starts off on the offensive attempting to punch Funiki in the stomach but Funiki easily redirects his punch by kicking his hand to the side.

Funiki: Frosted Flames!

Funiki freezes Yunata's fist before the ice continues on to the rest of his body. Yunata thinks to himself: "I don't have a name for this yet!"

Yunata: Laser Laser!

Yunata burns off his frozen body parts with his laser knowing it will regrow. Yunata rushes to Funiki before his body is healed in attempt the throw him off, but Funiki already knows it will heal and dodges before Yunata tries hitting him with his fist covered in what looks like a bubble. Funiki thinks to himself: "What is this? I didn't even see him change his aura either." Yunata expands the bubbles from his hands to the area around him and Funiki enclosing them both in the bubbles before he shoots them from his hand at Funiki.

Funiki: Kings Fortress.

Funiki protects himself in a small castle of ice.

Yunata: Black Gateway!

Yunata swallows himself in his black hole and fires himself outside of the ring of bubbles. The bubbles then all explode around Funiki making a massive cloud of smoke. Yunata floats above the area Funiki made his defense before flying down through the smoke in an attempt to catch Funiki off guard.

Funiki: Freeze!

Funiki appears in the air far from Yunata but is able to sense exactly where he is because of his aura. He points his finger at Yunata before shooting an extremely fast and small bullet of ice at Yunata that he cannot dodge. The bullet hit's him and freezes him on the inside before blowing him up from the inside.

Funiki: I won.

Funiki gets Qajiri to come heal Yunata.

Funiki: Do you know why I won?

Yunata: You just killed and the first thing you say to me is something as petty as that!? No, I don't know why you won.

Funiki: I won because you couldn't condense your aura.

Yunata: Bro, I'm doing it right now. What do you mean I couldn't condense it!?

Funiki: NO! You're only compressing it, making it weaker. Condensing and Compressing are two different things. You're only going to make yourself weaker while compressing it. Condensing it will enhance your strength, speed, even how fast you think, react, and process information. And being able to manipulate it will allow you to do many things. Stand on it, use your attacks from further ranges, much more.

Yunata looks at his hands with a sad face, upset that he cannot already do all of this stuff. He thinks to himself: "When will I be able to do all of that? I can't even properly condense my aura. And that seems to be the easiest out of it all."

Funiki: It takes some time to learn. And even more to be proficient with it. Don't be upset because you can't master it immediately.

Yunata thinks to himself: "Why would I wanna do something so annoying. If I can't do it immediately then I don't care."

Yunata: Well what's the next thing I'm learning.

Funiki: Nothing. There's nothing you can learn until you can properly control your aura.

Yunata: Bro, I'm not waiting a year to be able to fly. I don't care. Just teach me something else.

Funiki: Then your training is over. Goodbye.

Funiki walks off to the mansion to go sleep.

Yunata: Useless whore.

Funiki stops walking and turns back to Yunata to see him angrily clutching his swords.

Funiki: Oh? You're mad at me? Because you're too lazy to work towards something for once?

Yunata: Ten minutes. Fight me for ten minutes. I'll learn how to do it during that time.

Funiki: Okay. I'll have Qajiri on standby, so we don't have to hold back.

Yunata: Say no more.

Yunata and Funiki stand a far distance from each other. Qajiri fires a dragon of fire into the sky. The dragon explodes and the fight begins. Yunata immediately goes into a black hole and goes above Funiki. Funiki, assuming he will come out and try to punch him makes his aura extremely cold. Yunata pulls Funiki towards him using gravity before swinging a blade of light at Funiki. Yunata thinks to himself: "SHIT! I GOTTA NAME THIS ATTACK!"

Yunata: Flashy Blade!

Funiki is thrown off by the stupid name and is hit in his stomach by the blade of light. He's sent flying far back to see Yunata once again above him. Funiki thinks to himself: "Since when was he so proficient with his magic. Was he holding back earlier too?" Yunata throws two die at Funiki who is confused but does not attempt to counter. One dice rolls on 4 and the other rolls on 2. The dice that rolled 4 summons 4 clones of Funiki, the one that rolled 2 makes the world appear to move like water to Funiki, completely throwing him off. Yunata attempts to attack Funiki but is frozen by the aura. Funiki changes his aura from freezing to burning and grabs onto Yunata, holding him tight as he burns his body. Yunata swallows them both in a black hole and launches them far from each other. The clones from before swarm Funiki but are burned by his aura and disappear. Funiki, still unable to see straight, doesn't see the small bubble headed straight towards him. The bubble hits Funiki in his neck, expanding and surrounding his entire body in a bubble. Yunata thinks to himself: "OH! I'VE GOTTA NAME THIS ONE TOO!"

Yunata: Bubbling Void!

The bubble is swallowed into a black hole along with Funiki. The bubble pops creating a massive explosion that even breaks the black hole, launching Funiki high into the sky and momentarily making him unconscious. When Funiki wakes up he see's Yunata once again following up his attack way up in the air.

Yunata: A.T.O.M.(Automatic Terminating Organism Monstrosity)

Yunata attempts to cut Funiki with his sword but Funiki barely dodges the swing and counters with a heavy punch into his neck, sending him flying straight down to the ground.

Funiki: You can't dodge anything in the air! Solar Chain Trap! Frosty Chain Trap!

Chains of fire and ice impale and catch Yunata in the air, holding him in place while Funiki comes at him with his next attack.

Funiki: Equinox!

Funiki brings down a massive ball of flames along with a massive sphere of ice. The two attacks clash creating one massive explosion, freezing and burning everything in the vicinity. 

Funiki: Now, remember this when you train for the next few years. Corroding Sun!

Funiki creates a sphere of flames even hotter than the last, he slams it into Yunata burning through his entire body. Ending their fight.

Funiki: That wasn't even one minute. Be ashamed of yourself, trash.

Qajiri heals Yunata.

Qajiri: Don't be mad, you lost to the strongest of our crew. None of us could beat him either. Except for maybe Staria.

Yunata: Is that supposed to make me feel good about losing? Cuz it doesn't. I don't care if he's the strongest, I'm not supposed to lose. To ANYONE. Okay? If I couldn't beat everyone then why did I end up here.

Yunata storms off once again. This time, not back to the hq, but to the cities streets. Yunata is upset that he isn't the strongest. As a child, Yunata scared everyone around him because he was always surrounded by an ominous aura. Everyone he's ever been around could immediately tell something about him was weird. But that didn't bother Yunata. Because although his family didn't want to be around him, his uncle always treated him as a normal person. Yunata lived with his uncle throughout his entire childhood, until... Yunata's uncle was being attacked by a group of thugs. Their fight was intense, Yunata couldn't even perceive anything that was going on. But in desperation to protect him and his uncle, Yunata shouted, swinging at the air with all his might, unintentionally conjuring a white hole. Something he himself didn't even know he could do. Yunata killed his uncle and the thieves with the small but extremely effective white hole. Not knowing what to do, Yunata took the swords he always saw his uncle training with, and ran. Yunata ran for 61 days straight, until he finally fell unconscious. He woke up 9 days later and realized he had ran to another state. Yunata stole clothes, food, toothbrushes and toothpaste, electronics, and toys to keep himself alive and entertained. Yunata had only graduated 7th grade before this tragedy took place. He knew what he needed to survive, but didn't bother doing what he felt was unnecessary. Yunata lived like this for 6 years, before finally having his fated encounter with Asura. Who unknowingly, has changed the entire fate of their world as they know it. 

This is the end, beautiful stranger.