
A Real Challenge?

Yunata: I could just wait for more. But how were they sliding on the air like that?

Funiki: Yunata! I'm going to use a magic ability. Watch how I change my aura. Then try doing it yourself.

Yunata: Gotcha.

Funiki changes his aura. It turns into a pastel purple color. He then makes a shockwave of sound that stuns and knocks out a lot of the enemies around them as well as Staria.

Funiki: Try doing that with your aura! Try to use the light magic!

Yunata: I'm not that far from you man. You don't have to keep yelling so loud.

Yunata thinks that he can change his aura by doing the same thing he did to get the light magic. He tries grasping his aura and outputting energy of light magic to change it.

This makes his aura a bright golden yellow.

Funiki: Ok! You did it!

Yunata: I sure did. Wait, if I have to do this to use light instead of my black holes how did you use your fire and ice at the same time?

Funiki: Because I'm talented enough to do it!

Yunata: Are you saying I'm not?

Funiki: Well, yeah!

Yunata: Stop yelling already man. And when are these guys gonna get up. And why's Staria knocked out still.

Funiki: I don't know!

Yunata: Well while we wait, how exactly do I use magic abilities?

Funiki: Well that's up to you to make your own abilities! There's no limit to how much you can make! Just don't tire your self out!

Yunata thinks to himself "How do I erase the concept of yelling?"

Yunata: I see… Then how about, Light Figure Annihilation!

The enemies on the grounds auras begin to change to a bright gold color. They then begin to get impaled by beams of light. This goes on for 10 seconds until Yunata stops it.

Funiki: Bad name but very very good. Yunata! That was a good attack! But the name is bad!

Yunata: (mumbles)This dude doesn't listen.

Funiki teleports beside Yunata

Funiki: I guess that was all of them. I thought someone strong would come but I guess not. Let's just wait for Asura and the other guys I guess.

Yunata: Sure.

Yunata grabs Staria and head back to the HQ with Funiki.

Mr. Doodle: Well doesn't look like I have anything to worry about. New guy looks alright and the other guy is way more troublesome than him. But they shouldn't be a problem either way. Alright guys. Make the way.

Crowd: Yes sir!

An army of people surround the HQ. Yunata steps out and sees them all.

Mr. Doodle: His friend is still in there. Guess we can just kill him now.

Crowd: Yes Sir!

The army makes spears out of lightning and fire at the HQ. Explosions begin to break the building apart. Funiki walks out as he is texting someone on his phone.

Yunata: Man, now where will I sleep whenever I end up falling asleep?

Funiki: It's ok. I'll fix it later.

Yunata: Oh bet.

Mr. Doodle: So… one of you guys strong?

Funiki: Well. I am. This guy isn't very strong but I mean he can live.

Yunata: Whatever man.

Mr. Doodle: Well why don't you fight me Mr. Man.

Funiki: Sure. Don't just die instantly like everyone else. Ok?

Mr. Doodle: I will try.

Funiki teleports to Mr. Doodle before hitting him in the neck with his staff. Mr. Doodle is not at all effected and slaps Funiki so hard that his body is sent underground. Funiki thinks to himself: "What the hell?"

Yunata: Nice one man.(Thumbs up)

Mr. Doodle: (Nods)

Funiki breaks through the ground as he flies back up to the surface. Mr. Doodle shoots a beam of mercury at Funiki as he is flying and pierces through his head to his right knee.

Mr. Doodle: You think he's alright?

Yunata: Nah he's definitely dead.

Funiki creates a massive orb of solar energy. He then sends it through the ground to the surface. This melts away the entire foundation around the HQ as well as the men of the army. Asura arrives and sees the orb.


Yunata: Yeah I'm doing just fine.

Asura teleports to Yunata.

Asura: Man what the hell is happening?

Yunata: Some guy showed up to fight. He's currently beating Funiki's ass without fighting.


Yunata: He doesn't want us to interfere though.

Asura: Who!?

Yunata: That guy. (points to Mr. Doodle)

Asura: And who the hell is that!?

Yunata: The guy that came here to fight.

Asura: Why are you listening to him?

Yunata: Well Funiki will beat him right?

Mr. Doodle covers Funiki's move with a barrier that is surrounded by mercury and energy. He then shrinks the barrier until Funiki's move is completely erased. Funiki teleports behind Mr. Doodle and tries stabbing him in his shoulder. Mr. Doodle dodges and smashes Funiki's head with his staff. The staff gets stuck to Funiki's head and Funiki kicks Mr. Doodle. Mr. Doodle dodges the kick and punches Funiki in the face with his fist covered in mercury.

Asura: I don't know man, it doesn't look like he'll win.

Yunata: Nah man he definitely will.

Mr. Doodle's eyes begin to turn into a spiral rainbow he continues to punch Funiki as his eyes are like this. He stops punching Funiki and Funiki looks him in his eyes. Funiki's body freezes as he begins to fall to the ground.

Asura: Why's he falling? You don't think he's actually losing. Right? He can't be right?

Yunata: You have bad eyes or something? He didn't even touch the man. He just started falling. Of course he's fucking losing.

Asura: Then tap in.

Asura looks at Funiki's face. He then looks at his eyes and falls to the ground.

Yunata: You good man?

Mr. Doodle: Well your friends are out. What are you gonna do?

Yunata thinks to himself: "Wait a minute, where the hell is Staria?"

Yunata: Give me a second please.

Yunata teleports to Staria and picks her up.

Yunata: Is she dead?

Staria thinks to herself: "WHY'S HE HERE!? I WAS TRYING TO HIDE!"

Yunata: Well since you aren't dead go grab Funiki and Asura. That guy used some kind of illusion magic. I'm assuming it only works if you look them in the eyes so don't do that.

Staria: Ok. (pouts)

Yunata: Look man, I'm not even asking you to fight. Just get them out of my way. Oh and bring me a water bottle if you can.

Staria: Will do!

Yunata: Ok. I'm gonna go beat his ass. If Asura and Funiki aren't fixed after that can Qajiri fix it?

Staria: He should be able to.

Yunata: Ok. See you later then.

Staria: Yeah.

Yunata teleports in front of Mr. Doodle.

Yunata: How do I stop your illusion?

Mr. Doodle: Don't know. I've only been able to stop them on command. No one else has stopped them themselves.

Yunata: I see… Well I'm ready now.

Mr. Doodle: Ok!

Yunata closes his eyes and outlines Mr. Doodle's body from his aura to see him. He then teleports to Mr. Doodle and cuts his neck. Mr. Doodle's body shrivels up and explodes.

Yunata: Oh…

Mr. Doodle smacks Yunata in his back and smashes him into the ground.

Yunata: So his illusions aren't just his eyes.

Yunata teleports to the outlined Mr. Doodle.

Yunata: If I open my eyes. Could I see how many there are?

Mr. Doodle: Depends where you look.

Yunata opens his eyes to see that he is surrounded by clones of Mr. Doodle. Mr. Doodle thinks to himself: "Why isn't he being effected?"

Yunata: Why do I only see one aura?

Mr. Doodle: Only one of us have our aura active.

Yunata: Well you all look exactly the same. I guess I'll just kill you all until I get the real one.

Yunata tries killing them all with a massive sphere of light.

Yunata: I'll call this uhh… Illuminating Sun!

Mr. Doodle: Why sun?

Yunata constantly increases the size of the sphere until he can't see half of it anymore.

Yunata: I hope this doesn't hit any civilians.

Yunata throws the sphere directly down to kill Mr. Doodle and his clones. One clone tries stopping the sphere by making a barrier around it. Yunata kills the clone before he is able to cover the sphere. Yunata attempts to kill another clone but is kicked to the ground.

Yunata thinks to himself: "This guy is better than I thought."

Yunata looks up to see a massive Mr. Doodle. He tries to get up but falls down. He tries again and falls down again. Yunata's vision is blurry and is stopping him from being able to see clearly.

Yunata: What the hell?

Three clones of Yunata walk in circles around him as they stare at him. Mr. Doodle's clones surround him as well.

Yunata: Man, this stuff is pretty cool.

Mr. Doodle: Indeed it is.

Yunata tries getting up again and is pinned down by his three clones. Yunata tries pulling out his sword but can't control his arm. Yunata thinks to himself: "Dying to this broken stuff is so stupid. But I just can't do anything about it." Staria appears behind Yunata.

Staria: (whispers to Yunata)Hey, I don't know what you're doing but I have the water bottle.

Yunata says "Well, I can't really use it right now." but his voice is completely muted. Staria tries to get up from kneeling but falls over.

Staria: What the hell.

Mr. Doodle: Well I didn't want to kill him yet… I'll just leave her here and take him somewhere else."

Yunata, Mr. Doodle, and all of the clones are transported to a dark void.

Yunata: Man this stuff is cool. Too bad I can't do any of it.

Mr. Doodle starts walking up to Yunata.

Mr. Doodle: I'll show you my abilities if you'd like. But if you continue to try and get up I'll kill you.

The clones and Mr. Doodle disappear. The only things left are Yunata's clones.

Yunata: Where did they go?

Mr. Doodle smashes Yunata's back with his staff.

Mr. Doodle: I told you stop moving. You do one more time and you're dead.

Yunata unsheathes his second sword, Peony and cuts Mr. Doodles right leg into 999 centillion pieces. Mr. Doodle jumps back and heals his leg by replacing it with a clones leg.

Mr. Doodle: Ok. You're dying now.

Mr. Doodle and his clones teleport to Yunata and attempt to kill him. Yunata cuts each of the clones into 999 centillion pieces.

Mr. Doodle: Thought that would happen.

Mr. Doodle creates 3x the amount of clones he created before. Yunata's clones stand up and begin to attack Yunata. Yunata parries all of their attacks and kicks one clone. Yunata then feels pain in his ribcage where he kicked his clone.

Yunata: Guess I can't attack them.

Yunata makes a cage of light around the clones.

Mr. Doodle: Hey, how are you able to move so well?

Yunata: Well… I just happened to get good training from my good friend Funiki. The guy you beat the hell out of earlier.

Mr. Doodle shoots a beam of mercury at Yunata's head. Yunata dodges the beam and falls to the ground. Mr. Doodle continues to shoot beams at him as Yunata sloppily dodges them.

This is the end of chapter five. Bum.