
Yuna Nate

The story revolves around Yuna Nate, a young hanyou and supernatural assassin, who spends her life facing all kinds of mystical creatures, from the smallest youkais to the greatest deities. ---------- THIS IS AN OFFICIAL LICENSED TRANSLATION. Copyright 2018 Lord. All rights reserved. / Illustration: Kraitz First published in Portuguese, Brazil.

01Lord · Action
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Red: 003

The dude's name was Doz. Detective Doz, that's how he introduced himself. A clearly foreign name, as well as his physical appearance. If I can give my opinion as an experienced pack leader, judging by his features I'd suggest he's someone whose origin is in some central European country. He had a king aura, but his clothes, his gazes and attitudes disguised it as much as possible. Uncertain if he did it on purpose. He gave the impression of being embodied in a character and it didn't smell right.

Of course, it's just my point of view.

Or a point of smell.

The fact is he finally revealed his name and managed to convince the Youkai slayer not to act as a murderer against him.

After he told us who he was, the detective presented his documents to the missy.

"Mythpool, senior agent. You work for them, huh? Hmph, I'm not surprised you're a little pervert. Hey... what is that? It's a loyalty card from a night bar in Kabukicho…"

And the detective snatched the wallet from her hand.

"It's nothing, just a mission... I accidentally kept it…"

"I can only imagine. The mission of squeezing boobs at an affordable price."


The detective glanced away.


Regardless of the man's tastes, who revealed himself, he proved not to be a complete omission, although still a stranger. And on that path, the next step would be to find out what that agent was doing there.

Of course, the missy had foreseen this.

We were invited into the abandoned house, got all settled when she says:

"So, detective, I don't mean to be cliché, but what brings you here?"

"Hmm? I... well, there are two things. The first is I'm investigating a group of wizards' actions. It's been a while, to be honest. I was in London two weeks ago. Apparently, that's where their HQ is."

"And what does a group of magicians have to do with this house?"

"Hum, I heard some rumors a man was here, emerging and vanishing. I thought it would be one of the youkais the magicians resurrected, but when I got here, I found nothing."

"A youkai...? Are you after Tengu by any chance?"

"Not necessarily Tengu. I'm just seeking clues that lead me to the wizards. A few hours ago, a masked man showed up in Kyoto looking for a hanyou of approximately thirteen years old. A colleague of mine, Suny, accepted the case. I don't know exactly what happened, but due to the poor information I received she was unable to catch the mysterious man then suffered a head injury.

"Is Suny...?"

"Do you know her?"

"I do. We've exchanged a few words."

Why does my canine instinct tell me that the missy wasn't fond of this Suny?

"Well, that's not the point now," she carried on. "I just demand to know the relation of this masked man with what you came here to do, douchebag."

"That's simple, young lady. The masked man is the guy who emerges and vanishes."

At the detective's answer, Yuna blinked her blue eyes indicating that her neurons were firing at full speed while she processed the information.

"Wait, Tengu doesn't wear a mask, you douchebag. Do you have his physical description or a sketch?"

"Unfortunately, no. I only obtained this very superficial information. If Suny suffered a serious injury she may be unconscious, so she cannot report anything in detail to anyone."

"Hmm... of course. In that case, it's wait and see."

"Yes. Especially because this masked person might not be related to the NIP."

"NIP?" And the missy squinted. "Is that the magicians group's name?"

"It's… the acronym, actually." Replied the detective, who for a moment got uncomfortable with the investigative gleam in Yuna's eyes.

"Acronym, is it?"

"Have you heard of it, missy?" I asked, trying to decipher what was behind her pair of sapphires.

"I have. And not so long ago. As I recall it's quite obvious. Tengu was resurrected with Obake and they were together to grab the Kagami shield."

"So, you know regarding the shield," uttered the detective.

"Yes ... " She glanced away. "Part of the reason it was stolen... it's my fault…"

"Your fault? What do you mean, young lady?"

"I mean I could've stopped it. Obviously, I don't care, but the Kagami's theft caused a problem I don't wanna take responsibility for. So, I'm here, after all."


"We'd better go, Ulim." She interrupted and diverged me. "We have no time to lose. In the end, maybe this place wasn't a false alarm, but if Tengu was here he's definitely gone."

"Sorry, but what exactly are you looking for?"

"Uh, why are you interested, you douchebag?"

The detective didn't respond immediately. When the missy asked her question, the mysterious agent was bringing his hand into his shirt pocket. He pulled out a half-eaten chocolate bar and shoved into his mouth.

A precise bite separated two squares into his oral cavity.

"Want some?" He offered.

"Thank you, but I intend to keep on being fan service material."

"Come on. A piece won't ruin your little angelic body."

"Don't be such a pedophile, okay? Offering sweets to a minor is a tactic used in several countries. It doesn't work anymore, you douchebag."

"N-no, that wasn't my intention..." He picked up his chocolate bar, placing it back in his pocket.

"True, missy, I suppose he was just trying to be polite."

"Hmph, Fleas Kingdom, what do you know about pedophiles? I'm very well aware of the tactics of these perverts by girls with faces like mine. If he offered me a piece of chocolate, the next step would be to offer me a piece of lollipop."

A double meaning like that?!

Took us by surprise.

"Anyway, I'm not a chocolate fan."

"You could've mentioned it from the beginning!"

"Yeah, but I didn't. It wouldn't be me if I didn't accuse men of pedophilia, huh? Also, in my case, I'm visibly not lying. What man wouldn't be attracted to someone as me. It's in my nature as a hanyou to be incredibly attractive. You see, I'm a blue eyed Japanese, and they're natural."

Reviewing the facts, she was correct. Yuna is the youkai Yuki-onna's daughter, the Snow Woman, whose enchanting appearance attracts lost men into the most terrible winter, and her blue eyes have the same effect as a mermaid's song.

Clearly, the missy inherited her mother's gifts.

The missy also killed her, but I don't consider this new information.

"You're really an eye candy to the point of persuade a boy give up suicide just by chatting a little with you. And yet, I believe you should measure up your ego size better."

"Tsc, I only mentioned the reality. Besides, don't quote an unpublished story of mine, douchebag."

"Okay, I beg your pardon, my Knight. But now, could we reclaim the main subject? What exactly are you looking for?"

"This Knight thing again?" She ignored the reply to focus. "I don't know what you heard about me, but I'm not one to follow a Greek goddess nor run down a stairway divided by twelve houses."

"Oh, that's a nickname. It's how you're known where I come from."

"Hmm, I'm getting bothered by fame," she noted. "But whatever. You've asked me what I'm after and I questioned you why you're interested. I'm waiting for your answer."

"If you really wanna know, it's because I'm the best person to assist you in your case. What I'm proposing is to join forces."

"It doesn't make sense, douchebag. You still don't know what we're searching for. You cannot claim to be the best person without first knowing the case."

"Wrong, young lady. I can affirm we have a lot in common."

"You're not handsome and you don't give the impression of being smart."

"That's not what I meant. I'm saying I also have an inflated ego."

"I don't understand. Just because you have a huge ego you think you are allowed to join me and my puppy to cooperate achieving our goal, is that it?

"Basically, yes. I know I'm the only one who is able to help you, my Knight, Yuna Nate."

Even though the main mission was mine, I couldn't help feeling like the third wheel in that residence. The conversation began and suddenly it became something about the missy. She didn't appreciate it at all when the detective pronounced her name after my Knight which was explicit in her sight.

"Listen, we don't have time for games. If you have nothing to say, we'll be on our way."

Without further ado, the missy turned her back on the man and pace towards the exit. It didn't take me long to do the same, treading two quicker steps to reach Yuna.

"Don't deny you need me, my Knight. You're depending on it."

"Dependent, is it?"

The missy's heels slid, winding her at an astonishing speed. Faster than her sudden round was her onslaught against the detective who made the mistake of provoking the Youkais slayer. Nonetheless, in between moments, my sense of smell detected a stark and crucial change in that man's odor. What was once a peculiar but human smell became something incomprehensible and inhuman.

Hard to say whether it was really an odor.

By the second I rotated, the detective raised my kouhai grabbing her by the neck with one hand.

My brain didn't have time to perform my action. As soon as my canine eyes contemplated that image the missy reacted in a way warned before. A spear of ice emerged in her hand and her arm moved in the blink of an eye, stabbing the ice weapon through Detective Doz's neck.

Regardless, the man didn't flinch.

He didn't release Yuna nor suffered the pain.

Maybe he hasn't felt the blow, which was astounding.

The spot where the missy thrust her ice spear was predestined to disconnect the thoracic and cervical vertebrae. Even if it didn't hurt or if he was immortal, being harmed in that specific place, the detective could no longer be lifting Yuna. She stabbed him there exactly to free herself from that man's hand, but there he was, clutching her tight and strong.

Although the act was murderous, the detective's expression was serene.

That must've definitely annoyed the youkai slayer. The temperature dropped dramatically throughout that housing. Apparently, the missy was losing control and that could be awful for everything around her. Yet, still reasoning, Yuna bent her knees and hit the detective's chest with tremendous force with both feet. The impact made him release her and the pressure slid him backwards.

The missy flipped around the floor but soon set her feet on the ground.

"Seriously, it's exactly as your legend says," said Doz. The spear crossing his neck crumbled apart. The wound regenerated in the next instant. "That kick hurt, huh. Your legs are beautiful as they are strong."

"Don't give me that pedophile talk, you douchebag." She raised the body. "You bought a fight you can't win."

"It wasn't me. From where I stand, I'm the victim here. I've mentioned I'm on peace service and I consider violence unnecessary, haven't I? You attacked me while I was offering you help. The lesson for you to learn is you should be less violent and more of a listener."


"And also, I hope you understood there's no point trying to kill me, young lady."

"Wanna bet, you douchebag? It won't be the first time I exterminate a... "

"No, missy." I clenched her uniform's hem with my teeth and pulled gently to induce her retreat.

She glared at me over her shoulder.

"Don't hold me back, Fleas Kingdom, let me put a color on that face."

And I loosened the 23° Tokyo jersey. Not to free her to battle that detective, the real reason was because I needed to bark some things.

"Listen, missy, he's not ordinary. His scent is unrecognizable."

"I know, you douchebag."

"No, you don't know. If something happens to you on my mission…"

"Hmph, so it's all about your reputation with your master, isn't it?"

"That's not it, I'm trying to protect you. We're a team."

"... "

She clenched her fists, more out of indecision than out of anger.

"If he's offering assistance, at least hear what he has to suggest, missy." Her fists were still closed and steady as a rock, shuddering with anger.

Affected by my last words her hands opened and her shoulders dropped. Yuna gazed away in the dark on the abandoned house.

"Damn, you won me over on 'we're a team', stupid dog."

As once pronounced by her, she loves dogs. And I couldn't put aside the advantage I have as canis to persuade the Youkai slayer to ignore her murderous side for a brief period of time.

That way, Yuna pointed back her cold eyes at the mysterious detective. Her arms crossed placidly and she relaxed her hips.

"You have two minutes, you douchebag."

"Only two? It's not enough."

"Yeah, but I'm counting already."

"Alright, alright... let's see... ok. For the past few months, I've been observing you, Youkai slayer and I noticed your great potential. Not only are you a natural strategist but you're also a great fighter, not to mention your ice powers."

"And since when exactly do you stalk me?"

"Since you're cataloged at Mythpool, of course. You're a very interesting specimen. The way you trained to fight your mother and nullified your greatest asset, was…"

"No small talk, go straight to the point."

"Sorry, I just cling to the details. Anyway. After much scrutiny, I was willing to meet you in person. Luckily, I suppose this meeting was handed over to us by the most benevolent gods."

"Benevolent only to you, douchebag. I certainly didn't want to be having this conversation. And you still haven't said what you expect from me."

"I'll reach that point now. I have an offer to you, my Knight. I'm gathering a…"

"Well, your time is up."


"Your two minutes are over. We've got nothing left to talk about."

"But I thought it was two metaphorical minutes."

"What are two metaphorical minutes, douchebag?" The missy's arms parted and her right hand went to her waist while her left one stretched out towards the detective with the palm upwards. "If you wanna discuss for another minute, you'll have to pay a small amount of cash."


"Very serious, douchebag. You may extend what you're saying for the little trifle of three hundred yen."

"That much?!"

"Exactly. I suppose it's not much for someone who owns a loyalty card of a place where you squeeze boobs while gracefully having coffee. Then you might open the wallet, little pervert. It's four hundred yen."

"Wait, did it increase?!"

"Interests are a little unstable at my agency. If you take longer, it might raise another hundred yen, leaving for six hundred."

"So, it's already up to five hundred?!"

To avoid wasting any more time and fearing the constant increase in interest, the detective paid the missy five hundred and fifty yen. The extra fifty was for the time it took him to walk over to her.

Yuna analyzed the bill's veracity very carefully. Satisfied with the non-counterfeit ballots, the missy pulled the jersey's collar and dipped the money between her breasts.

"Great, you just bought yourself two more minutes."

"Right. As I was explaining, I'm gathering a team."

"Look, I don't play basketball, it's just my uniform that has the same design."

"No, it's not a basketball team. It's another type of team. I suppose the best term would be squad, not team."

"It certainly doesn't have any difference," I commented.

"The initiative for this squad is to gather a peculiar character number so they can work together in cases of gigantic threats against humanity."

"Got it, got it, you douchebag. You intend to plagiarize The Avengers."

"No, that's not it!"

"Obviously it is."

"But it's not! My idea has nothing to do with a comic book squad."

"The clock is ticking little pervert."

"What? Oh, yes. Well, I'd like to know if you accept joining..."

"I refuse."

The rejection was cold and immediate. For the detective, it's as if his world shattered into pieces of glass. Even for me, who was lying down waiting for all that dialogue to end, the missy's refusal was impressive.

Of course, the effects wouldn't work on a pack leader like me.

"What you intend is to assemble a team of Avengers, but that has nothing to do with me." She went on. "I'm a murderer, you douchebag. I'm the youkai slayer and my only goal is to kill youkai. The random ones who I murder until today are just miserables who unfortunately got in my way, that's all. I wouldn't accept it, no matter if I am the person you're looking for, which I'm certainly not."

"Hmm... from this point of view it makes sense. But you, my Knight, are formidable and…"

"Your time is over."

"But, wait…"

"We have nothing left to say. What annoyed me the most regarding this conversation was that you offered me help but pronounced totally opposite things."

With that, the missy seemed to have put an end to the conversation. I stretched my canine body before I balanced on my four legs again and ended up yawning.

The missy reversed her heels, turning her back on Detective Doz.

"Come on, Ulim." She stroked my head and neck, before propping on my back.

"Are you sure about this, missy?

"Sure, douchebag. Let's go back to AAA and do some research…"

"Sorry... " The detective interrupted us. "I know my minutes are over, but I want you to have this."

Our attention wasn't focused on the detective at the beginning of his speech, so when our eyes pointed at him, it was quite surprising to witness a beautiful golden spear in his hands.

A beautiful golden spear. Something whose brilliant beauty overshadowed all the missy's grace on my back. Even though her beauty had a charming effect, that golden weapon presence practically annulled her existence in that abandoned place. And not different for me and Doz. The artifact was a superior presence to the three of us.

"My help was about this, young lady."

For a few moments, the missy was speechless. Not as if she had nothing to say, but as if she couldn't put the syllables together to form a word. I could actually bet she fell in love with the object, but she was trained well enough so that such a psychological disorder doesn't happen.

"If you're so impressed, take it now and feel the Nordic gold in your own hands," offered the detective. "After all, this spear is already yours, just call on it and it will respond. No matter how far or how many obstacles, she will do anything to achieve your hands. Its name is Gungnir."

"Gungnir..." she echoed the spear name almost in a whisper, and her mouth watered as if she had a nasty desire for the artifact. However, the next second... "Puff...seriously? You really enjoy this superhero thing, don't you?"

"What you mean?"

"Yes, superhero. Frankly, you douchebag, I don't know where you got that spear from, but trying to sell it to me by pronouncing things you only see in Thor's movies won't happen. Besides, I know damn well the Gungnir spear is a mythological relic lost in space and it cannot be handled by human hands. In other words, this one cannot be the original Gungnir."

Is it? Based on my heightened senses alert, I can imply this man who calls himself a detective isn't human. Since I couldn't be accurate, I decided to put that aside.

"You're right, you're right. But, believe me, this is the real Gungnir spear. It's the weapon once used in battle by the Father of All, Odin."

"Hmph, I highly doubt it."

"Call out on her and you'll know."

"I won't."

"What? Why? She's yours, call on her."

"I don't want to." Then she pouted.

"Hey, don't play the cute card in the middle of an argument, young lady. What if I end up growing feelings for you?"

"What?" And she quit pouting. "I would never wish for a stalker pedophile with a fetish in Cosplay to grow any feelings for me."

"Where did you take this fetish thing from?!"

"Well, it's written all over your face, douchebag."

"Is it?!"

"I'm kidding."

"Don't joke around with stuff like that!"

To the detective's fit of desperation, the missy's satisfaction expression was undeniable.

"Listen, Detective Doz," she called. "I'm in a bit of a hurry right now, okay? I kind of ran away from home to have this unpleasant encounter. And now that your child's dream came true by meeting me, can we go?"

"Hmph, I guess there's no way." The detective lowered his shoulders and also the spear." You won, my Knight, off you go out that door. But don't forget, in case you need your spear, just call out for it. She won't hesitate to attend."


In the end, we left the mysterious detective talking to himself. I jumped the abandoned house wall with Yuna on my back and raced with the neon light describing its blue features in the air with my movements. It didn't take long for us to get back to the Saitama civilized side, even keeping a speed considered quite low by my standards.

The reason for me to slowdown as I was retreating to AAA was Yuna's lack of stillness on my back. She was in a position to represent me as a mere motorcycle, yes, she didn't miss that slight detail. However, her fingers clinging to my neck and her legs wrapped around my body weren't firm at all, so I couldn't run much faster.

To me, it was evident she wanted me to tread slow.

Since she didn't complain, I judged it was alright and kept my speed down.

I even chose a longer path.

Although, as kennels that I am and also an inugami, it was almost inevitable to feel the missy was apprehensive relating to something. Probably about what happened at that residence with Detective Doz. Or maybe for Tetsu, which I particularly thought was the least probable.

The point is that the strange aura emanating from her was bothering her closest companion.

That way, I ended up stopping on a deserted street next to a school in the same circumstance.

"Hey, what's going on, Ulim?" Her voice came out sleepier than I expected, which indicated her accumulated amount of tiredness.

"I feel you're sleepy, missy. As we'll obviously be cruelly punished when we arrive at the Association, I think it's only right for you to sleep now, before listening to the list of regulations you broke and the contempt you committed."

"Hmm, speaking that way sounds like you're bringing a criminal fugitive."

"And it's not quite what you are?"

"It truly is... I'm a bad girl who needs to be punished."

"Don't say it in a way that eroticizes it all!"

"My bad... " she yawned. "Oh, I guess taking a nap on your soft fur isn't a bad idea." Then she gently stretched her body over mine, laying her head on my neck and hugging it. The softness of her breasts pressed my fur and her legs extended a little, making her thighs brush against me.

I thanked for being a simple wolf, a pack's leader.

"You're really tired, aren't you?"

"Yes, I haven't slept since yesterday. And this weird detective left me with a strange headache. He said too much stuff."

While the missy spoke, I bent my legs and lowered my body, lying in the shape of a nest so that we both could feel comfortable. I had no intention of falling asleep with Yuna. In fact, someone should escort. With a girl with a body and face as attractive as the missy's, despite the fact she was sleeping on top of a mythological wolf, she could still be the target of maniacs wandering around at dawn.

"He really said confusing things. The weirdest one was about that spear."

"That's the reason for my headache, douchebag."

"What you mean?"

"I'm not sure, but for some reason that spear seemed very familiar to me."

"Hmph, maybe it was the real Gungnir."

"No, it's not that. I'm trying to say it feels familiar, as if I had already witnessed it."

"Hmm, I understand. And don't you recall the occasion?"

"Not clearly. It's been a long time and it's a very foggy memory. It might as well have just been something similar, or even a lucid dream."

"Yes, of course, it could be anything. You should try to call on it to figure out what happens."

"No. To be honest, I'm afraid of what might happen. I won't freely wander in an unknown land, douchebag. Anyway, changing the subject, you've been such a puppy by allowing me to sleep on you. I promise that when we get back, I'll provide a cookie from the best store in town."

"You know I don't eat cookies, missy."

"Oh, that's right... You're a bore."

"Calling me boring is the best way to repay my affection for you?!"

And she let out a short, graceful laugh.

"I particularly esteem dogs, you know?"

"Yes, you mentioned that a couple times."

"But you're the one I love the most, Fleas Kingdom."

"Tsc, if you appreciate me so much, you wouldn't give me such a nickname."

"It's not my point of view, douchebag. Such a nickname is the best way to show love. In this case, my style of love."

"From your perspective of course it'll sound plausible, missy."

"But I can only see it from my perspective, can't I?"

"Well, yes... but…"

"Checkmate, Ulim. Be a good boy and admit your defeat."

As Yuna finished her words, my supernatural sense of smell that hadn't been embodied for more than forty-eight hours triggered its warning. My muzzle darted northwest and the missy soon noticed my unease.

"What's wrong?"

"A smell, strong and close," I replied.

"Smell of what?"

"It's not something, missy. This scent is from Tetsu."