
Yume: Adventures Inside A Man's Dream

In an occurrence in which he was sent randomly into an unknown world, the Gods have taken a liking to him to give such a request. In a village called Branch, a guy named Marco was on a mission with his Senior, Vlera, to save the world from mass extinction againts Dragons. Considering that this is only in a Dream, his life depends on his actions. — Release of new Chapters: Sundays Original Birth/Publish Date: September 11, 2022

Reimarcl · Fantasy
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Chapter 17: Star With The Vlera


In the middle of a forest — was a yellow-eyed Starlight that just knocked a monster away using her magic. Someone identical came to her and her face was recognizable.

"Hahh... I thought you guys were on offense? Why am I fighting?"

"Oh, come on, Blu, you don't want to just wander around ain't?"

"Actually... I like it more..."

It was Blu who went behind Starlight.

"Where's Re? I thought you're with her?"

"Yes, but apparently, she's on a rampage right now."

After the silence have kept their place, numerous shouts could be hear in the distance, it was Re.


With Re on her usual state, she demolishes every monster that she could see, also because of it, it forced Blu to get separated with her.



After she finished grinding the numbers of her enemy into none, she shouted for Vlera that was at a top of a tree looking for available route. After looking at the far distance, she took her eye below.

"Yes, Re, I could see it veeery well..."

And since Marco was gone, I, Vlera will narrate the following chapters, or should I say instead, the chapters of my own book.

— A Lurious' Furious Adventures: Chapter 5, To The Dragon's Lair —

With Vlera still at the top of a tree, she thought of various things before she went down and connect with the neutron stars.

"So, how was it?"

"There was a city nearby, large one it is, let's visit it."

With her eyes opposing the colors of red and blue, Starlight followed Vlera whose on their way to leave the forest and visit a city.


"Apple! Sweet apples in cheap price!"

With lots of street vendors in the roadside, it amazes both Vlera and Starlight of how it almost matched a place there on Earth.

"Wow... If I'm correct, Marco mentioned something similar to this place, street vendors, unique houses, and a huge tower! I think it's called... Vennis...?"

Like Vlera said, the place somehow resembled a place here on Earth called Venice, Italy. In fact, the scene was a combined place of France and Italy. Vlera had forgotten about the correct pronunciation and did it horrifyingly bad.

"Haaaaa-, Vlera! There's a street performer over here!"


After a deep gasp, Starlight called Vlera in which Vlera willingly followed.

*Clap* *Clap*

*Clap* *Clap*

*Clap* *Clap*

With their claps syncing the beat of the performer, it was finished with a smile on their face. Vlera left for another attraction and saw something that would make her tummy growl.


"Uh... Starlight, have we took our lunch this afternoon?"

"I remember we haven't. After Marco went on rampage, it was afternoon and I think we still don't have our lunch since then."

"Yeah... That Old Man, really... Well, it looks like we're gonna have our lunch and dinner at the same time then."

And from what they're seeing, was a restaurant with the aroma that is taking Vlera inside since the past few minutes. They entered the restaurant and was greeted by an energetic waiter.

"Nyohoho! Look at this beautiful ladies standing in front of our restaurant, how fabolous of you to come and visit this place. Here, why don't you take a seat and get your precious order?"

"Wow, this guy sure can dictate a whole paper non stop."

After the waiter's non-stop speech about his greet, it gave Vlera a semi-smug face as they took a seat and made the order.

"This one, this one, this one, this one, and... this one!"

"Only number 7 and number 3 with a drink, thanks."

"Your friend sure does have an appetite, ain't?"

"She's always like that, she might look like a skinny girl, but she eats like she even care about her tapeworms' health."

"Ahahaha! Alright then, I'll be right back with your order."

After the waiter left, it gave them the moment of silence, hence, Vlera took out her book and wrote.

"Wow, Vlera, you're really invested in your book!"

"It has been my goal ever since I got to wonder the Outside with Marco."

"How many have you wrote then?"

"This is the 5th chapter."

"Wow, that's so many!"

"Jeez, it's only 5, nothing wonderful."


After their conversation, Vlera continued with writing as Starlight sat beside her and watch, minutes later and their order was ready.

"BEHOLD! For the moment that such a fine dish would be served for those fine ladies infront of me! I apologize for my sudden creep of performance, but I hope you enjoy your dish!"

Lights was lit, it was focused all for the waiter, after the waiter gave them their dish with a shout, Vlera felt a little surprise that made her book jump from her hand, Vlera thanked the waiter and Starlight seem to have her stars on her eyes.

"Re, Blu, out!"



"My kind of appetite, thanks, Starlight."

"After I killed dozens of enemies recently, I fully deserved this! Thanks, Starlight!"

"Wait, I thought they don't eat?!"

"Yeah, but they still have their taste buds! It's not everyday we eat food like this!"

"Don't make it sound like you don't like my cooking."

As Vlera took her meal in the most formal way possible, Starlight, Re, and Blu in the other side was demolishing down to the last bit of sauce in their plate, and yes... even Blu was affected, she even took the strawberry in Vlera's dessert.


"Fwah! I'm very full!"

"Look who's suffering now."

"It's not my fault! Blu didn't told me that we have the same stomach!"

Because of the logic behind Starlight's clone ability, she suffered a massive overeating after Blu and Re went back to her body.

"You think you can hold it? You look like a pregnant woman in your state."

"No, I don't think I can...! Re, Blu, out!"

After her command, Re and Blu came out of her body and the size of her tummy was reduced.

"Ah... There, what a relief."

"Now, now, Re and Blu, now that Starlight was down, you should take care of her until we found a place to sleep."

"I don't see any problem, sure."

"Who are you to command me?!"

"Do you have something in mind to who just fed you?!"

"No... No!"

After Re's sudden complain, Vlera countered it with the most possible line available, because of it, she did nothing but to follow her words.


"And there we have it."

"Rating: 4.8 stars according to the tourists of this place. This is a good hotel to spend the night, Vlera."

"Eh? How did you knew about it?"

"There was a board few meters beside us."

"Wow you're very observant, Blu. -_-"

After minutes of finding a place, they finally found a hotel to spend until tomorrow, they booked for a room and threw Starlight straight to the bed.

"Huh...? Is this... a Bed...?"

"Yes, Starlight, Re will enter inside you while I'll wait for another hour."

"Eh? Why...?"

"Our food's not digested yet and I'm afraid your tummy might bloat again if I entered as well."

"Oh, I see... take your time then."

"Wow, not only observant, but also caring for her sister..."

Right after Blu told Starlight about her plan, Re finally entered in which her tummy really bloated a little.

"Ugh... I really hate this..."


After going out for sight seeing, Vlera saw how beautiful the place was when the sun finally sets. From the terrace of the room, everything could be seen, there's the river that was filled with boats with passengers riding it, the beautiful tower that stands out with the lights over it, and a person doing such a crime.

"Huh? A thief?"

Seeing how the man ran across the roofs, Vlera came down from the terrace to try and chase the man.


"Huh? Vlera? Vlera...?"

Leaving Blu alone, Vlera tried to chase the man as she also went roof to roof.

"Hey, you! Stop where you at!"

"Tsk, just after I finally got to escape the police. Leave me alone will you?!"

After the man shouted at Vlera, the man seemed to drop something from the roof, Vlera didn't noticed it until she got to take a took for herself after she later went in the same roof.


Before she knew it, it was a bomb. After the explosion, many people heard the noise and started to panic, in Vlera's case, she was caught with the smoke, but is she injured? No, this was Vlera we're talking about.


"She's still alive?!"

"Well, well... Don't give off the face of someone who just saw a ghost."

After her sudden appearance outside the smoke she got caught, she quickly chased the man even more faster.

"For alarming the tourists and residents itself, I won't let you get away."

From roofs to streets to tunnels and to alleyways, the chase got so far that Vlera doesn't even know where she is anymore. She was barely reaching the man, but when she does, the man always got the trick to try and get away, and from now, was a dead end who's awaiting for the man's arrival.

"Heh... Now where are you gonna go?"

With heavy breaths to be heard, Vlera got another opportunity to catch the man, Vlera slowly approached the man and he said something.

"Jokes on you! I have a grappling hook this whole time!"

Taking out the gun shaped object that he stole, the man used the grappling hook to try and climb another roof.

"HAHAHA! Gotta chase me, Woman? How?!"

After the man successfully climbed over a house, it left Vlera in the ground without the man unaware of who Vlera is.


"Will I ever need a grappling hook to climb? What a joke, it's a No."

After the man got to face to face Vlera, he was shocked that made him run in his fullest.

"Now, now, aren't you exhausted yet?-"

Just after Vlera let the man to run down a few meters, she was about to chase the man once again... until.


The man was hit by another man's feet.

"Exhausted of chasing this man? No. Exhausted of finding both of you? Yes."

After the man stumbled into a trash bin below, the man who kicked him catched the grappling hook and saw Vlera who was stunned with what he just did.

From there, the thief was arrested with the Man and Vlera's help.

— End of Chapter 17