
Yuji Haruno- The Cherry Blossom Swordsman

Reincarnated as Sakura's younger twin brother. Watch as Yuji evades danger hidden in the village and outside it. And reaches realm of Gods through nothing but pure hardwork. Watch he who know as the Cherry blossom Sword Saint defeats legends though his polished Kenjutsu and Mountainous Presence alone.

LastsonofZod · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Kyuubi Attack

On the night of tenth October, as Konoha slept, suddenly a Beastial roar spread throughout the village. In the Haruno household, Mebuki took both her children in her arms as both of them cuddled in arms for safety. She looked towards Kizashi and spoke in a confused manner, "That's not pos--ssible right? How can---can tha-t thing be-be free? That's that thing how--can it be in the Village???!"

Even Yuji who was well aware that the accursed Kyuubi attack would happen tonight, he couldn't help but curl up in fear as felt its existence, it wasn't merely just chakra or presence. Even child like him could feel it the endless hatred the Nine tails had against people and Konoha in general. The village hidden in leaves which was famous for it's beautiful spring time weather had heated up. The world had turned humid and suffocating. Yuji truly found surprising how someone like Hashirama Senju could exist, the man who ended beating the hell out of the Nine tails wrapped under Madara's Susanoo.

Yuji knew from the anime, that Kurama and the tailed beasts first came into being in the waning days of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, who used his Creation of All Things Technique to divide the Ten-Tails' chakra into nine separate bodies and giving them each a name. Some time after being created, the Sage explained to the young tailed beasts that a link existed between them despite their separation. He also foretold of a day when they would be brought together again - though not as they were - and that at that time someone would emerge to show them what true power is.In the anime, before his death, Hagoromo sent Kurama to live in a temple built for the purpose of protecting it in a forest region with mountains that would later become part of the Land of Fire. Over time, Kurama gained a fearsome reputation as a natural disaster that can desolate areas where the darkest aspects of human nature collect and fester.

The Haruno family was not the only family which frozen up in fear in Konoha tonight. Numerous household were scared for their lives tonight, they tried their best with their pitiful strength to save their loved ones as the Kyuubi swinged it's tails to destroy Konoha not caring for the pitiful human ants in it's path to freedom.

Kizashi spoke in a solemn manner as he felt the Kyuubi's chakra lessen, "It's being sealed Mebuki, we're all going to be safe. It's all going to be alright." and hugged in his wife and children.

After a while all of Kyuubi's chakra disappeared into thin air as people breathed in peace and Chunin and Genin rescue teams made rounds to save people burried under ruble. After the Kyuubi's sealing, the hatred and sadness welled up in everyone's hearts opened up. Children cried for their dead parents. Mother's screamed in denial of their very own children's death. As the village Hidden in Leaf cried on it's open wounds, the tragic night of Kyuubi attack came to an end.