
Chapter 33 - Entering the Palace (XIII)

Han Shifu side of a servant girl named Qian Wei, Qian Wei first entered the palace when this also in the Shangyi Bureau, people are very clever and accustomed to talk. But very heart, do not want to boil blind in the Shangyi Bureau, will sneak sneak will save the silver as much as possible to the Cai Quan, which has been from the Shangyi Bureau out of the opportunity to serve in the various palaces.

When Qianwei was in the Shangyi Bureau, she had a good relationship with an embroidery woman named Asu. The palace maid and the yellow door of the palace, who have some face, can rest for two days every month. This day Qian Wei is not on duty, will go to the Bureau of Shangyi to find Asu, the two every two months basically see one side, only because Asu has a fellow township guarding the Dongyang Gate.

The guards and yellow door is different from the palace maid, in not on duty is free to enter and exit the palace, and guards and superior than the yellow door, this is to do the job of watching the door errand piggybacking on things more convenient.

So the two will often be entrusted to bring some silver money back, Qianwei although not the same hometown with Asu, but the good thing is that it is in the next village, it is not too far away.

On this day, Qian Wei still brought along the silver she had saved for the past two months to find Asu, who used to bring along her own silver to go to Dongyangmen with her.

Only this day, when Qianwei came to the embroidery room, Ah Su was burying her head in hard embroidery. Qianwei gently circled around behind Ah Su and deliberately asked in a rough voice, blindfolding Ah Zhen, "Guess who I am?"

"Who else could it be but Wei!" Aso guessed without even thinking about it.

Qianwei is the best at reading people's words and colors, she knew that Ah Su was not in a good mood, so she asked carefully, "My sister Su, what's wrong with you? I have time to see you today, so take a vacation and let's go to the east?" The east that Qian Wei was referring to was Dongyang Gate.

"I'm still holding the materials sent by Li Chunghua in my hand! I said I would pick it up in seven days, but now three days have passed, and look, how much have I embroidered?"

Qianwei knew that Asu had never been a lazy person, and would usually finish within the deadline, so it must be something else, so she asked, "Sister, don't be afraid to tell me, what's going on here?"

"Or you had the foresight to leave the Shangyi Bureau that day! Nowadays this Shangyi Bureau is really not a place for people to stay!" Aso complained.

"Sister quickly don't say that!" Qianwei hurriedly covered Asu's mouth, pulled her from the house to the back porch, and said softly, "What's going on?"

Asu sighed and said: ''A few days ago coincided with the completion of the work in my hands, Li Chonghua sent the work to my hands. You say this harem is now a look, think of the beginning, we only control the spring, summer, fall and winter four seasons of clothing and concubines of the Palace of the promotion of the clothes. Nowadays, no matter how high or low you are in the palace, we dare to give you work."

A Su gasped and continued: "There is even more, the emperor's new Hu Cheng Hua, do not know what means, so that the emperor directly ordered for her to remake five sets of new clothes, with all the satin from Jiangling! In order to rush these five sets of new clothes, the whole three days ah, the whole embroidery room people have not closed their eyes!"

After that, Ah Su took a purse from his waist and gave it to Qian Wei, saying, "You have been to Dong Yang Gate several times! I think you already know Brother Liu, so I won't go this time, but if you do, you can bring it for me! It will take me more than an hour to come and go, I really don't have the time!"

Qian Wei received the hand of the Asu, painfully stroked the hand of the Asu, solemnly said: "Sister rest assured, I will bring, and sister cut to take care of your body." After saying that, she left A Su and walked towards Dongyang Gate.

At night time it was time for Qianwei to serve again, Han Shifu and she chatted with her, so she struck out the matter outside the Dongyang Gate and told Han Shifu as much as she could about where she was going this day.

This Han Shifu was born in a small family, but is also a high-minded and proud of the Lord, into the palace this half month, has never served in bed, and now see Hu Yuanxi so favored, can not help but anxious. Master and servant two people together to start planning, not a few days in the palace up and down will know the emperor and give Hu Yuanxi five sets of new clothes.

Han Shifu lives in the side hall of Mingguang Hall, the first to learn about this matter is naturally Wang Guiren who lives in the main hall of Mingguang Hall.

Xiangmei kneeling on the footrest on one side for Wang Guiren pounding calves, while saying: "This palace concubines dressed in the most canonical, the Royal female two sets of palace clothes per season, three sets of the world's women, Cheng Hua five sets of ... This Hu Chenghua can be good, this just into the palace let the emperor to give him to do ten sets of clothes, which is fast catching up with you! "

"It's just clothes, what's there to count! If anyone can make it possible for His Majesty to visit me twice a month, what's the harm even if I give all these clothes to her!" Noble Person Wang said half heartbroken and half helpless.

"Noble, don't say such demoralizing words!" Xiang Mei comforted.

Noblewoman Wang suddenly sat up and looked straight at Xiang Mei, who was also startled by her actions and asked, "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Guiren suddenly and deflated generally straight lie on the couch, said: "Just! You don't know as much as the Palace does!"

Memories were suddenly pulled to twelve years ago, Yebei attacked, seeing the West Kai is about to fall, her parents had no choice but to take her sister and brother to flee. At that time she was only eight years old, her mother led her, her father held her younger brother, four people all the way from Xiqi to escape to the South County, originally thought that the South County will be able to live in peace, but who knows that the South County and the occurrence of civil unrest.

My father was a talented man, but he had no place to display his talents in a chaotic world. Later, when Xiqi submitted to Yebei, he heard that the emperor of Yebei was a wise ruler, so my father disguised himself as a beggar and took advantage of the civil strife to flee to Yebei from the southern counties once again. It was another eight years after his departure, and his mother had toiled to bring up his younger brother and herself; by this time, his younger brother had reached the age of eleven, and his mother, having exhausted her patience for waiting, took her children to Yebei to look for their relatives.

Just know that the father has been reused, the official has been promoted to the Secretary, the father saw the mother with two siblings to the capital extremely happy, but happy as if there is also a point of concern, the father did not take the mother directly back to the house, but another mansion. I heard that the father has remarried, or a princess, the mother was extremely sad, sick, but finally had to accept the reality.

And the father's health is getting worse and worse, half a year later passed away, after which Wang Guiren was called into the palace for unknown reasons.

"Noble Person!" Xiang Mei couldn't help but feel a little worried when she saw Noble Person Wang frozen there.

Noblewoman Wang was called back to her senses by this cry of Noblewoman, and waved her hand towards Xiang Mei, saying, "This palace is tired, you go down!"

When Noble Lady Wang was called into the palace, the late emperor died less than half a year ago. People do not know why the emperor will be in mourning period, but she will be called into the harem as a handsome.

She is the first concubine called into the palace after the Emperor ascended the throne, although so, her age is slightly older than the palace, only slightly younger than Wen Jieyu.

She remembered that the year she entered the palace, she was eighteen, the emperor was twenty-two, the empress and Yun Gui concubine were only seventeen, Sima and Cui Jieyu were just sixteen.

But even if the palace was named Jieyu, Wang Guiren's favor has been extremely light, she is also relieved, because she also knows that she has neither the face nor the talent, the only thing is that the eight years of life is the world of the world to hone it.