
Chapter 18: The Selection (II)

After the Emperor came down from the court, he saw Cai Quan waiting outside the Taiji Hall in an anxious manner, the Emperor smiled slightly and asked, "The Empress has finished choosing for me?"



"Returning to Your Majesty's words, the Empress Mother has made some preliminary selections for you, and asks you to go over them."



"Good! You go back and tell the Empress that I will come when I go back to change into my regular clothes." The Emperor said, then followed his personal yellow door Liu Yi back to the Style Qian Hall.



A few moments later, the emperor was dressed in a basalt purple nine curved pale pattern dragon pattern brocade robe, wearing a white jade hair crown came to the Xibaodang, he went to the tung wood carving chair so sit, with the emperor long live, long live, ten thousand years old call, the bottom of the great kneeling a piece of.



The Emperor spoke hopefully, "All raise your heads and let me see."



The showgirls slightly raised their heads, some eyebrows, some eyes, some shy, the emperor's eyes in the crowd of beautiful people balked, but never found that he was looking for that face, then slightly frowned.



When the Empress saw that the Emperor was like this, she thought that there was no favorite among the people she had chosen for the Emperor, so she asked softly, "Your Majesty, these are the showgirls that I have chosen for you at the beginning, do they not suit your eyes?"



The emperor stretched his slightly frowning eyebrows and said with a smile, "I believe in the empress's vision, and what the empress selects for me is the best since."



The emperor got up from the carved tungwood seat, walked into the crowd, picked out a few, and then looked at the empress, asking, "I heard that the daughters of the Chinese Minister and the Minister of Light and Locust have also reached the age for the draft, can they be among these people?"



The Empress smiled and said, "Lord Li and Lord Chen's daughters have grown to be as beautiful as flowers, and have long since fallen into His Majesty's eyes."



It turns out that among the people selected by the emperor, there were Li Cheng, the middle secretary (third grade), and Li Wanheng and Chen Shuling, the daughters of Chen Cangling's family, the young secretary of the Guanglu family (fourth grade).



"Good! Since this is the case, then the rest of you should retire!" The Emperor returned to the top of the dragon seat.



"Your Majesty, after three years of mourning, it's easy to select a talent show once, and you only chose these six people." The Empress softly tried.



"Six would be quite a lot, the late emperor first unified the north, and now the southern counties are often disturbed, most of my mind is in the former dynasty, how can I be greedy for the harem!"



"I don't need to say more, as long as Your Majesty is satisfied."





The emperor surveyed the six women kneeling on the ground and said, "Seal Li Wanheng as Li Chunhua, Chen Shuling as Chen Chenchenghua, and the rest of the several were sealed as the world's women."



"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your great kindness!" The six women kneeling on the ground softly replied.



"Be excused." The emperor made a gesture to get up, and Cai Quan busily echoed, "All the masters get up quickly! The ground is cold, how good would it be to ice the bodies of all the masters!"



Liu Yi snorted from the side, mocking this Cai Quan for being more of a dogged model than himself.



"What palaces are still empty today?" The Emperor asked.



"Back to the words of the Emperor, now the Hall of Hanyang, the Hall of Cengguang, the Hall of Zhenghe and the Hall of Jiafu and the Hall of Jianshi in the Garden of Goucui are empty." Cai Quan was the chief yellow door of the harem, so he naturally knew these things.



"Those two palace rooms in the garden were originally used by the dowager consort, and since the two dowager consorts are willing to stay in the old capital, they will be left vacant for the time being! Empress, you come and arrange for their residence!"



This time, there are six people in the palace: Li Conghua, Chen Chenghua, Liu Shifu, Lan Shifu, Han Shifu and Ye Shifu. The queen looked at the emperor's expression and asked speculatively: "I want to let Li Chunghua into the main hall of Zhenghe, Chen Chenghua into the main Chenguang Hall; in addition, Mingguang Hall and Xuanchuram Hall is spacious, arrangements for the Liu Shifu, Lan Shifu into the Han Shifu, Ye Shifu into the main Huanzhang Hall, the emperor think it is good?"



The emperor's long and slender ten fingers knocked the tung wood chair clanging, the emperor thoughtfully said: "Sima nobleman since just miscarried, think is also upset, don't arrange for people to go in; in addition to contain the chapter hall I still have a use for it, but also first vacant it!" The emperor got up, stretched his arms, said: "I am tired, first go back to the style Qian Hall to rest, I believe you can arrange." Said he got up and left, leaving the Empress and the crowd frozen there.



The Emperor threw the problem to the Empress, but the Empress had to rack her brain to think of something else and had to rearrange it. Arranging Li Conghua and Liu Shifu in the Hall of Zhenghe, Chen Chenghua and Lan Shifu in the Hall of Cengguang, in addition to arranging Han Shifu in Wang Jieyu's residence in the Hall of Mingguang, as well as arranging Ye Shifu in Cui Conghua's residence in the Hall of Hanlan.



The Empress corrected her bodice and got up, saying, "Sisters, go back and rest well, so as to wait for the Emperor to summon the accompanying driver!"



"Greetings, Empress!"



The emperor returned to the style Qian Hall, half lying on the couch in the warm pavilion, playing with the hand of white jade carvings, said: "Is not I just see not carefully enough, Liu Yi, you just have seen that woman?"



Liu Yi had a bitter look, a skimming mouth said, "Emperor, slave this eyeballs are almost fall out, and did not see that woman."



"I see that she should be at the age of selection!"



"Being laid off is also something, it's a pity that such a beautiful person can't accompany the Emperor." Liu Yi sighed.



"She would fail the preliminary selection with that appearance?" The emperor looked at Liu Yi incredulously.



"It's also true that a good-looking man can't pass the preliminary selection." Liu Yi was busy lowering his head, not meeting the emperor's eyes.



"What do you mean?" The Emperor asked meaningfully.



"The slave girl didn't say anything, it's the emperor himself who thought of it." Liu Yi said, then bent down and began to pound the emperor's legs.



When Yuan Xi lost the election, the happiest person was Yin Ruotang, when Yin Ruotang got the news, the first time he went to Ronghua Temple to look for Yuan Xi, at this time, Master Jinduan had already transmitted the matter of Yuan Xi's loss of the election in the form of a letter to Huai Lin.



When Yin Ruotang entered Ronghua Temple, he went straight to the west squatter's room, and when he saw Yuan Xi standing in the courtyard and staring at a bare tree trunk, he ran over and took her into his arms. Yuan Xi was just lost in thought, completely unaware of when Yin Ruotang appeared in the middle of the squatters, his action startled Yuan Xi, Yuan Xi pushed him away.



Yin Ruotang laughed nervously and timidly pulled up Yuan Xi's sleeve, saying, "Yuan Xi, it's good that you've fallen short of the election, I'll finally be able to join you."



"With me?" Yuan Xi aggravated his tone with a single word.



Yin Ruotang still don't know so stupidly smiled: "Yes ah! The two of us have been in love since we were young, but only because Uncle Hu wants you to honor your ancestors, now that you've lost the election, I'll let my father go to propose marriage, and we'll be together openly and honestly."



"I won't join you!" Yuan Xi said coldly.



Yin Ruotang's fiery cavity seemed to have been splashed with a pot of ice water, which straightaway burned that entire cavity nuisance. Yin Ruotang asked incredulously, "Why is this?"



"I wish to spend the rest of my life in the future, always accompanied by the green lamp and the ancient Buddha, I also ask you to find another good man." Yuan Xi shook off Yin Ruotang's hand and turned around to return within the squatter's room.