
Chapter 13 Yecheng (II)


The next day, before dawn, the morning bell rang, as soon as the bell rang Ying Yun waited for Lin Nuan to get up. It's not that Lin Nuan wanted to get up early, and it's not that she wanted to pretend to be understanding, it's just that the annoying sound of the bell made it impossible to sleep peacefully.



Monks get up, wash up to go to the Nianfo Hall to do morning classes, morning classes are followed by morning fasting, since it is the first time to the temple, naturally, according to the rules of the temple.



So when Lin Nuan got dressed and washed up, she took Ying Yun and Ying He to Nianfo Hall, Lin Nuan had never been to a Buddhist shrine in her life, and she wanted to see it after her death.



Dozens of Buddhist monks gathered in the Nianfo Hall, lined up in a row, hands on their chests, gently walking towards the main hall, Lin Nuan followed their example, lined up at the end and followed them towards the main hall.



After entering the hall, the three Buddhas were first worshipped, and then the Vaishnava singing began for the morning service. After the morning service, there was a morning fast, with a light meal.



Lin Nuan in the Buddha Hall to hear the net dust teacher Mrs. preaching: Hatamo Roche to 35 years old does not break the precepts, will be a shocking action, can spread the Buddha's teachings to the world, the enlightenment of countless people, otherwise can only be an ordinary Dharma teacher when the door of the little nuns came to deliver a letter to tell Lin Nuan the door someone to look for.



Lin Nuan naturally knew that the person who came to find her was Yin Ruotang, and carried Ying Yun and Ying He out together.



Yin Gongzi was waiting for them outside Ronghua Temple, they came out of this door, straight through is Yongan Street, from Yongan Street out in the turn into the stability of the street, in the front of the Tianshun Street is the most lively market in the south side of the city.



The market is full of commodities, including candy figures, clay sculptures, material ware, Dongmu, bamboo dragons, clay barking, ceramic ringing balls, nine consecutive rings, rattles, all kinds of silk fabrics, fur products, and handmade products such as cushions and cloth tigers made of palm silk, straw, bamboo, bark, and various colors of scented buns, kites, masks, shadow puppets, bamboo shakers, and all kinds of snacks, which is a great sight to behold.



The things in this bazaar are almost nonexistent in modern society, Lin Nuan was attracted by the things in this bazaar and temporarily forgot the troubles in her heart. Although she had come here, Ji Yan was still an untouchable knot in her heart, and although she didn't want to touch it, it was still vaguely painful.



She wanted to die, not be reborn here in a different body and with the memories of the person from before.



Lin Nuan stared blankly at a mud shuo, so Yin Ruotang kindly said by the side to explain, "This is a mud cart."



Hu Yuanxi life although Hu Gong favor, and learned to ride a horse and archery, that is only in their own piece of woodland. The girl naturally can not freely show her face, Hu Gong and extremely strict tutelage, so Yuan Xi has never been to the market, not these rare things, Lin Nuan naturally have not seen, Lin Nuan's eyes looked in another direction.



"It's a water bucket." Wakodo replied in an aside.



"Eunuch Yin, you're awesome, you know everything." Ying He boasted from the side.



Yin Ruotang, smiling but not answering, looked at Lin Nuan with eyes full of favor. Ying Yun and Ying He looked at each other and smiled, looking at the Lin Nuan on the street, pretending to be oblivious.



Further ahead, there is a clay sculpture stall. That boss craft really called people breathtaking, that Chang'e moon pinch very image, a small face, eyes, right arm gently raised, left hand raised skirt, straight to the moon palace and go. And then by the color, just pinched a good little clay figure, as if living in general.



The craftsmanship of the ancient artisans was indeed exquisite, Lin Nuan couldn't help but think of the sugar man that the artisan had blown when she had been with Ji Yan, and her memories couldn't help but be pulled back to the old days.



Yin Ruotang thought that Lin Nuan liked this thing, so she suggested, "Sister Xi, since you like it, why don't we pinch one too."



The memories were suddenly interrupted and pulled to the front, Lin Nuan looked at the candy man in front of her, pulled the corner of her mouth slightly and said, "Good!"



"Guest, what are you pinching?" The stall owner asked Lin Nuan.



Lin Nuan just said that saying yes was only perfunctory, she hadn't intended to pinch a clay figure, much less know what to pinch.



"Why don't we just pinch Miss!" Ying Yun Initiative said.



"Pinch me?" Lin Nuan asked.



"Yes, just pinch sister Xi or not!" Yin Ruotang said and handed over the money.



Not a moment later the clay figurine was ready, the little clay figure and Lin Nuan had eight points of similarity, although Lin Nuan was not very happy, but inwardly somehow rose a burst of pleasurable emotions, could not help but and Yin Ruotang glanced at each other.



Further along there is a pot-throwing booth. Pot-throwing is the formation of a projectile game that evolved from archery. The pot thrower stands at a certain distance from the pot and throws an arrow into the pot to determine the winner by the number of arrows in the pot, and when the number of arrows is the same, by the state of being hit by the arrow.



Lin Nuan originally had no interest in this kind of game, but somehow she was inclined to jump at the chance to try it, Duke Yin paid the money and the boss gave Lin Nuan ten arrows.



The stall was set up with a single ear pot, that is, there was only one mouth in the pot, Lin Nuan casually threw it, and all ten arrows hit, even Lin Nuan herself was surprised, she knew deep down that this was not her own ability, but the skill that the owner of this body originally possessed.



"When we have time we can throw the three-eared jug, the hole in the center is extremely small, the sides are slightly larger, that kind of jug is a bit difficult." Yin Ruotang saw that Lin Nuan had hit all ten arrows with a casual throw, and obviously had little interest in this simple game, so he spoke.



Lin Nuan didn't say anything either and only nodded.



For Yin Ruotang, since Yuan Xi fell into the lotus pond, he found that Yuan Xi had changed a lot, both in the way she treated people and herself, not like before. Perhaps because of the shock of the last time or perhaps because to participate in the election must be kept at a distance from himself, in short, Yuan Xi always let him feel as if it is not the same.



When he was thinking about it, he saw a silver light flying towards Yuan Xi, the arrow was extremely fast, he wanted to turn his hand to grab the arrow with his empty hand, Yin Ruotang shouted "bad", and embraced Yuan Xi at once.



The inertia of the arrow caused Yin Ruotang to stumble and crush Lin Nuan to the ground. Yuan Xi liked Yin Ruotang, but Lin Nuan didn't. Yin Ruotang's rude behavior made Lin Nuan angry, Lin Nuan's brows furrowed slightly and she was just about to push Yin Ruotang away when she noticed a difference in Yin Ruotang's expression.



"What's wrong?" Lin Nuan asked.



"Don't ask first, run!" Yin Ruotang endured the pain and pulled up Lin Nuan.



"Miss! Eunuch Yin has received an arrow wound!" Ying He couldn't help but lose her color in shock when she saw a patch of blood spreading from Yin Ruotang's back.



"Quickly back to Ronghua Temple!" Lin Nuan shouted, and then picked up the basket of arrow feathers, to the masked man threw, but unfortunately, although Yuan Xi arrows quasi, now sick but not enough power, a handful of arrow feathers although the direction of the right, the distance is insufficient, did not shoot to the person, fall to the ground in unison.



Seeing that the shot was not accurate, Lin Nuan fled with the three men.



"My lord, are we still chasing?" A person beside the masked man asked.



"Chase. Only injure people, not harm them, this time, we must shoot the woman." Several people got the order and immediately chased after Lin Nuan and the few of them.



Yin Ruotang has been injured since it is not fast, the other three are women, although Yuan Xi knows horseback riding and archery, but does not know martial arts, a few masked men did not have a moment to catch up. Seeing the masked man has an arrow feather set on the bow, pull full bow, is this life and death moment, a man in a gorgeous dress looks handsome slightly closed eyes, said: "actually someone dares to commit murder in Kyoto, simply no law!"



The lackey in dark green robes serving beside him immediately sensed his words and said, "What the master said is very true, the lackey will go help this girl."



This lackey raised his hand, I do not know from where suddenly appeared a dozen people, Huo ground blocked the way of the masked, masked man see this, know that not only can not continue to chase down, and should not be stayed for a long time, so a flash will be hastily away.



"Master, are we still chasing?" The green-robed minion asked again.



"Since they know how to advance and retreat, let them live." The man in Chinese clothes said in a warm voice.