
Yu Lang on the river

By the bank of Canglan River, a young man Lang Suiyue Yi, a wine in hand, a fishing rod, the heart is not in the world, but people are in the lake... I come from the unknown, and I want to see this equally unknown world... ...

Daoistz8TbJU · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 15:The Robbery

White Xiaocui and a fist-sized block of wood in a struggle.

It had six sides, each of which was made up of nine squares, each of which had the same pattern carved on it, while the six were different. The gameplay is also very simple, after the disruption to restore the original. Simple, but very testing of mind and patience

She had never seen any of these interesting things in the hut before, and every one of them was perfect.

Jiang Fan shouted three times also do not come to eat, have no way, have to eat again.

"It's called a Rubik's cube. It's a trick. You have to be able to calculate." Jiang Fan said while eating.

"That's interesting. Tell me about it later." White Xiaocui put down the block, sat down to the table, and poured the wine on his own.

"Jiang Fan, although I have lost my memory, I have no impression of the things you use, which must be different from the common world, not only pocket watches, Rubik's cubes and other strange things, but also tables and chairs and cooking POTS are far from ordinary. Now I have some interest in your history."

Jiang Fan toasted: "Sooner or later, we will go our separate ways, not know each other, not owe each other the best."

White Xiaocui dishes chopsticks slightly stagnant, but did not say anything, continue to eat dishes.

Jiang Fan pulled the food, while the mouth was vague and said: "Don't forget to return the pocket watch to me."

The comfortable cave two people did not live long, Jiang Fan calculated the time, almost three days, they decisively give up, in addition to a few things white Xiaocui insisted on taking away, Jiang Fan only filled two gourds of wine, the others were burned.

White Xiaocui still can not understand Jiang fan brain circuit. This time, the two actually took a boat upstream.

Yes, Jiang Fan with white Xiaocui upward walk more than fifty miles, looking for a small dock to go west by boat.

Not to mention the opposite direction, but also on a passenger ship.

Sitting in a corner, white Xiaocui could not help but reach out to scratch his face.

"Be gentle, it's not easy." Jiang Fan quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Uncomfortable." White Xiaocui at this time is actually a big red face, beard of middle-aged man.

Jiang Fan lowered his voice: "A face of glue can be comfortable, get used to it, don't wash your face."

White Xiaocui tried to resist the impulse to scratch, the corners of his mouth squirmed: "Jiang... Nephew, we are going in the wrong direction."

Yes, Jiang Fan was now a young man with a short dress and dark face, and his features could not be seen at all. At that time, white XiaoCui was surprised, the young man just used some paint to smear smear sketch painting into this picture, and now she does not understand why the charcoal sketch made the eyes big a circle, why smear a straight nose into a garlic nose.

The identity of the two nephews, to the upstream dock to carry work.

"The direction is reversed, there is no hurry, this is just the beginning, we still have to go north."

White Xiaocui was confused by him: "Qingyun mountain should go east, we first to the west, then to the north, the direction is completely wrong."

Jiang Fan hey hey smile, black face white teeth: "Yes, I was randomly designed, we are Meng, the pursuit of soldiers can not think of." Ha ha..."

White Xiaocui see him that cheap look always have a punch up the impulse. At the same time, there is some sympathy for those chasing soldiers, tracking this cargo I am afraid will be uncomfortable tight.

Just as the two were whispering, suddenly the ship was in chaos, and eight or nine men did not know where to take out their swords, Shouting and driving away the crowd.

A big black man, built like a bear, brandished a steel knife. "Milk... Fuck! Fight, fight, rob! gold Gold, silver, copper, copper coins, jewelry, all... Give me something Hand it over!"

Jiang Fan just sprayed it, that scene, I look fucking familiar?

There was great chaos on board. Many were beaten and driven away with swords, crying for their parents.

"Give the little master to me to stop, who is noisy again, the little master cut his tongue!"

A good-looking young man with a pair of peach eyes saw that the ship was in a mess and drew out a sharp knife to beat the ship.

"Whoops? Did you meet a robber?" Jiang Fan two eyes actually a little light.

Soon, fifty or sixty passengers outside and inside were driven to the deck. Under the gesture of Jiang Fan, white Xiaocui also honest with the crowd squatting on the deck.

The boatman stumbled and ran to the big man, threw himself down on the ground, and kowtowed repeatedly: "Several big men, take away the money, don't endanger our lives..."

The big man kicked him a heel: "noisy! Be honest with Stay here, Sir, and tell yourself what to do!"

"Yes, yes..." The boatman kept quiet, but he dared not say any more.

"You... You tell them!" The big man seems to know that his mouth is not so neat, indicating that peach eyes are young and humane.

Peach eyes carrying a knife, a cough, just want to speak, there is a little girl doll but wow a cry out, loudly called the mother.

One of the robbers was very angry, carrying a knife to the past, but was stopped by peach eyes: "One side, I deal with small grandpa."

I saw the young man smiling and walking to the little girl near, so scared that the woman took the girl into her arms, shaking: "Grandpa... A child, not sensible, you raised your hand..."

Peach eyes did not pay attention to her, crouched down, touched from his arms, and took out a crisp sugar.

"Do you want some, little girl?"

The girl cowardice curled up in the woman's arms, two eyes but not aimed at the piece of crisp sugar.

Peach eyes hey hey smile: "Give you candy to eat, don't cry, or I will throw you down to feed the fish."

When he said this, the little girl cried even more loudly.

The young man glared his peach eyes, threw the sugar on the little girl, and said to the woman: "If you don't want to die, cover your mouth!"

Jiang Fan almost did not laugh out loud, this peach eyes is interesting.

"That... Ahem Listen to me." Peach eyes pointed to the big man and said, "Do you know who this is? Tell you, this is the famous Black Mountain bear boss, today played here, borrow some money from you."

Black Mountain bear? Why don't you be a Black Mountain demon? Jiang Fan a little powerless to ridicule, but look at the boy black paint, strong as a bear, coupled with several palm wide heart hair, this nickname is also appropriate.

"Grandpa today only ask for money, not to kill, honest all right, half of the money out to protect your safety, otherwise..."

Peach eyes looked around and suddenly cut a piece of wood into two pieces: "This is your example!"

Jiang Fan is strange, what is this? Just pay half, okay? These robbers are very humane!

Bai Xiaocui suddenly whispered: "This young man should be good with a knife."

Jiang Fan nodded, just now, the knife light flashed, the wood broke, crisp, fast as flint, even laymen can see that it is not simple.

"Quick, take the silver! Hurry up!" Several other men out of nowhere picked up a patchwork rag pocket, one by one began to collect.