
Yu-Gi-Oh System in One Piece

MagicParadise · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 12

"Master, breakfast is ready." Vox heard a voice behind him, looking back he saw Psy standing a few meters away, he let go of Kahn and after a last run of his head stood up.

"Who cooked?" Vox asked puzzled, he was the only grown up here.

"I did." Psy said as a slight blush covered her face.

"Huh, neat." Vox said and smiled towards her. "Thanks Psy. Come, let's eat."

The 3 of them walked to the front where a table was placed with 14 chairs. The children were all sitting a d waiting for them, Night Wing was making sure no one eats before everyone is there. 'It is like a mother scolding her children to wait for the rest to come.' Vox smiled a d went to take sit on the chair at the head of the table. Kahn sat next to Sam, which was a free spot.

Looking around he was very happy, the table was full of food, the children were all sitting a d waiting for him (Night Wing) to give the oke signal, Night wing took the chair to his left while Psy took the chair to his right. between Wright and Wendy one chair was free.

"Big brother, can you br-" Wendy started speaking just to be cut of by Vox.


"But she is so cool!" Wright said as he eyes were shining

"No is no."

"But we have an extra chair!" Wendy pleaded.

"Cyber Dragon! Come sit at the table." Vox told Cyber Dragon who was making circles around the mast. Cyber Dragon instantly rushed to the chair between Wendy and Wright and did his impression of sitting down. (Imagine how a rattle snake *sits*)

"Now we don't have an extra chair." Vox said with a smile.

"But Silver is metal!" Wright complained as he point at Cyber Dragon.

"Silver?" Vox looked at Night Wing with a questioning gaze.

"The kids call him Silver, Master." Night Wing said with a smile.

"Don't say that, you made Silver sad!" Sam yelled at Wright as she pointed at the sulking dragon.

"Wendy! Wright! stop complaining and listen to big brother Vox, right Big brother?" Lena rebuted her siblings then looked Shyly at Vox. Who pretended to not see her reaction to him.

"Can you all be quiet so that we can start eating please?" Erik said irritated as he was constantly looking at the bag full of swords, Lance's, Axes, Guns and many other weapons. His eyes were especially glued to the guns.

"Erik is right, let's eat before it gets cold. Thank Psy for making the food.

"Thank you big sister Psy!" All of the kids replied as if they had rehearsed it before, there were also some metallic sounds in between. Psy had a happy smile on her Face.

"Alright let's eat." Vox said and started eating. Looking at everyone at the table Vox smiled as he happily ate. 'This is nice, I can get used to this.'


After they had their breakfast Vox called the children over to the place where the weapons were placed.

"Alright, Today, you all will pick a weapon to master. Try out all the weapons, then pick up one you like at the end of the day. We will start your official practie tomorrow." Vox said as he went forward and picked up a weapon. He ready had a revolver, he found it in the Captains cabin, where he sleeps. The bullets are the same regulars guns use. He also picked up a blade, unlike a a traditional sword, it was fairly big and heavy, it had its cutting edge on only 1 side of it blade but it curved outwards a bit like a scimitar. He really liked this blade because it was unique in its design.

'If there is 1 thing I have learned from watching one piece is that all good swordsman have a unique sword.' Vox smiled as he remembered a few cards that are either excellent swords or excellent blacksmiths.

After Vox picked up his sword, he went towards the back of the ship to start practicing, right now he has no clue about swordsmanship so he won't even try that. But he will train his body. Vox was from America, and as many other Americans he has had shooting practice before, though not professionally.

'The bodies in One Piece are unique, as long you don't overdo it, once you break your limits, your limit grows. Therefore you can in theory grow as strong as you wish, for as long as you can break your limit that is.' After thinking about his condition, his face went dark.

'My high score for push ups in a single set is 10... This will be a hard grind.'

And so Vox started his training. In the meantime, The kids were trying out the weapons, 4 of them already had their weapon of choice, those were Erik, who picked 2 guns. Wright who took a whip, after seeing Curran fight, he was captivated by it. Wendy also had chosen her weapon of choice, a pair of gauntlets, in hope that she would have more physical fights.... Lastly was Lena who picked a blade similar to Vox and ran towards the back of the ship to train with him. The others were trying out all different kinds of weapons with Psy watching over them while Night Wing was generating wind for the sails.

At the back of the ship, Vox was preparing to do push ups, Lena, who arrived there decided to watch him and not disturb him.

"Alright, Let's do this." Vox said to himself as he went into position.


".." Lena just looked at him with a blank expression.

"Huff....7!.....8!..AAAGH!!!.. 9!.....HAAAAA....10!"

".." Dark lines covered Lena's face.



"Yes! a new record! this world is amazing!"

"..." Lena slowly walked backwards, to where she came from.

"Huh? was someone here?" Vox looked behind him but saw no one. 'Thank god, that would have been embarrassing.'

"Alright, now 10 squats, let's break the record!"

The day passed peacefully as time for dinner arrived. In the kitchen Psy was cooking happily. 'They were all so happy, they liked my food too. Even master was enjoying it, hehehe' She giggled to her self.

"Oh, big sister Psy, what are you making?" Samuel came into the kitchen looking at the ingredients. One fruit in particular caught his attention. He walked towards.

"A salad and fried sea monster, with a strawberry dessert at the end."

"Big sis, what is this fruit?" Samuel pointed at a fruit that had weird lines spiraling on it.

"I found it at the sea bed when I was fishing, i thought to use it for the salad." Psy said as she looked at the weird fruit. Earlier when she went fishing, she jumped in the sea all the way until she hit sea bed. there she hunted a few sea monsters for dinner, as she was about to come back, she found that weird fruit there.

"Can I have a taste?" Samuel said as he looked at it.

"No, it is for the salad."

"Just a teeny tiny bitsy, please? I like big sis's cooking best. Can big sis let me taste a bit of it?" Samuel said as he went closer to the weird fruit.

"O..oke, but just a bit." Psy said as she was blushing like a tomato, though she looked like a cyborg, she is actually just 12 years old. Same age as Samuel, hearing him compliment her so much mad her blush. 'No one was this nice to me, master is so kind. Giving me such a great family.' Psy smiled as she focused back on her cooking, although she didn't realize it. A few tears had leaked out of her eyes.


"Zis saste so bawd!" Samuel said as he was using his hand to wipe the taste of his tongue.

"What happened?" Psy ran to him worried.

"Bleegh, big sis, this fruit tastes very bad, don't eat it." Samuel said as he pointed at the fruit that lay on the ground with a bite mark on it.

"Oh..." Psy walked to the fruit, her shoulders dropping a bit. 'And it was a surprise for master and everyone else....' saddened she picked up the fruit, as she saw the bite mark, she blushed a bit and looked at Samuel who was busily washing his tongue with water.

Psy hurriedly took a bite at the same spot Samuel did all the while blushing like s someone who had eaten 1000 jalapeno peppers.

"Bleergh" threw the fruit on the ground and hurriedly started wiping her tongue with her hands.

"Zis saste so bawd!" She said as she walked towards Samuel.

"Why did you eat it! I told you it is bad, you should listen you your little brother big sis!" Samuel said as he reprimanded her.

After washing her tongue with water, Psy looked down as she clutched her on the fabric of her clothes. "I am only 12 years old" she said meekly to Samuel who stood in front of her.

"Huh? did you say something big sis?"


"Ahhh!! the food is burning!" Samuel said as he ran towards the pan where the sea beast was being fried. Psy also hurriedly ran there.

Hmmm, what fruit did he eat? I wonder I wonder~

This is a very HARD choice to make. *Wink* *Wink*

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