
Yu-Gi-Oh GX : Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One

Jozuna Satoru got isekai'd to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh GX and awakened the duel system. As long as you defeat your opponent using a deck with the same theme/archetype as your opponent's deck, you can get a lot of victory points. Victory points can be redeemed for new decks in the system! However, even though it is a deck with the same theme, the deck used by Jozuna includes many real cards from later generations, and its strength is far higher than that of the opponent's deck! Since then, Jozuna has become a King of Duelist in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! ... Jaden Yuki: "Jozuna, what the hell is your [Elemental Hero - Absolute Zero]? How can it wiped out all of my monster!" Aster Phoenix: "Jozuna, your [Destiny Hero: Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer] can be resurrected infinitely? What a shame!" Zane Truesdale: "Jozuna, why do you also have Cyber Dragon deck?! That [Cyberdark End Dragon] is too strong!" note : The picture of characters and cards were in the comment section. This is not a translation, This is inspired by an MTL novel, 游戏王:我的卡组在你之上 from webnovel (CN), the author is Tree New. sorry for bad english, I'm still learning cover is not mine, I found it in pixiv. the ilustrator is kokusho

AndikaIndra · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Violent is The Better Way for Villain to OTK Someone

Jozuna, and his friends Jaden, Syrus and Chumley were wandering the school grounds when they came across an old abandoned dorm that was supposedly haunted. 

To their surprise, Alexis was also there. 

Alexis Rhodes stood in front of an old building at night, where she had placed a rose near the front of a statue and said, "Be at peace, wherever you are."

In the dimly lit hallway of the abandoned dormitory, tension hung heavy in the air as Jozuna Satoru, Syrus Truesdale, Alexis Rhodes, and Jaden Yuki found themselves in an unexpected confrontation.

"Alexis? What are you doing here?" Syrus's voice echoed off the peeling walls, his eyes wide with surprise.

Alexis leveled a steady gaze at the group. "That's funny, I was about to ask you guys the very same thing," she retorted, her tone tinged with skepticism.

Jaden shrugged nonchalantly. "We heard about the dorm and wanted to check it out," he admitted, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Alexis's expression darkened. "Well, that's not very intelligent. Don't you know that kids have a way of disappearing around here?" she warned, her voice laced with urgency.

Jaden waved off her concerns with a dismissive gesture. "Aw, that's just some urban myth," he insisted, his bravado masking any hint of fear.

But Alexis remained steadfast. "No, it's not. Believe me, I know. Why else would the Academy make this place completely forbidden?" she pressed, her words heavy with implication.

"And if they catch you here, they'll expel you," she continued, her gaze lingering on Jaden. "I will only get a little punishment because I'm Obelisk Blue."

Jaden's confidence wavered slightly, but he quickly regained his composure. "So why are you here?" he challenged, his curiosity piqued.

A solemn silence fell over the group as Alexis's gaze softened, a flicker of sorrow passing across her features. "One of the kids who disappeared here... was my brother," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Syrus's eyes widened in shock, realization dawning on him. "If Alexis's brother really disappeared, then the rumors aren't just rumors!" he exclaimed, his voice trembling with apprehension. "I say we go back, everyone!"

But Jaden remained undeterred, his adventurous spirit undimmed. "Yeah? I say we go in!" he declared, determination blazing in his eyes.

Syrus hesitated, torn between his loyalty to his friends and the chilling reality of Alexis's revelation. "What?! Aw, wait up!" he called, reluctantly following as Jaden and Chumley ventured deeper into the forbidden halls, their fate uncertain in the face of the mysteries that awaited them.

Jozuna's gaze flickered from Alexis to the looming dormitory, his mind racing with questions. "What did Titan do so he could kidnap Alexis in such a short time? Did he 'OTK' Alexis?" he pondered, his brow furrowing in concern. Despite his doubts, Jaden's unwavering determination to explore the dormitory prevailed, and the four of them ventured inside.

As they disappeared into the shadows of the decrepit building, Alexis couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at her. "I hope they know what they're doing..." she murmured to herself, her voice barely a whisper in the eerie silence.

But before she could dwell on her apprehensions any further, a sudden presence made her stiffen with alarm. With a quick turn, she found herself face to face with a man cloaked in black.

"Who are you?" Alexis demanded, her voice steady despite the fear churning in her gut.

Without a word, the man in black, known as Titan, lunged forward, his fist connecting with Alexis's stomach with brutal force. Pain exploded through her, and before she could even process what was happening, darkness consumed her vision as she crumpled to the ground, unconscious and at the mercy of her assailant.

As Jozuna and his friends delved deeper into the mysterious dormitory, their curiosity piqued by the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics adorning the walls, they found themselves embroiled in a puzzle that seemed to transcend time itself.

"Wow, check this out!" Jaden exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder as he examined the intricate symbols etched into the stone. "These walls are covered in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. And look, those symbols... they're the Millennium Items!"

Syrus marveled at the sight, his mind buzzing with excitement. "Whoa, you're right! It's like we stumbled upon some secret chamber straight out of a history book."

Even Chumley, typically more reserved, couldn't contain his amazement. "And look at this picture here. Do any of you recognize this student?" he asked, pointing to a faded photograph on the wall. "I've never seen them around before."

Jaden scratched his head, a frown creasing his brow. "Hmm, nope, can't say I recognize them either. Maybe they were here a long time ago. But what's their connection to all of this Egyptian stuff?"

Syrus pondered the question, his brow furrowed in concentration. "It's definitely intriguing. Maybe they were involved in some sort of research or project related to ancient Egypt. But why keep it hidden in their dorm room?"

Chumley nodded in agreement, his curiosity piqued. "And what's with all the Millennium Item references? Are they just a fan, or could there be something deeper going on?"

Jaden's eyes gleamed with determination as he surveyed the room, his mind racing with possibilities. "I'm not sure, but I have a feeling we're onto something big here. We should investigate further and see if we can uncover any more clues."

With a shared sense of purpose, the four friends set out to unravel the mysteries lurking within the ancient halls of the forbidden dormitory, unaware of the danger that lurked just beyond their reach.

As the group delved deeper into the mysteries of the dormitory, their resolve only strengthened in the face of adversity.

"Agreed. Let's see if we can decipher these hieroglyphics and figure out what secrets this room holds," Syrus declared, his determination mirrored in the eyes of his companions.

Chumley nodded eagerly. "And maybe we'll finally unravel the mystery of that unknown student in the picture. Who knows what kind of secrets they were hiding?"

With a collective nod, they echoed in unison, "Let's dive deeper into this mystery and see where it leads us."

Meanwhile, Alexis regained consciousness to find herself bound in a coffin, her heart pounding with fear as Titan revealed his sinister intentions. Her screams echoed through the cavernous halls, alerting her friends to her plight.

"Did you hear that? It sounded like someone screaming!" Jaden exclaimed, his senses on high alert.

Syrus's eyes widened with concern. "Yeah, it came from that way. Let's go check it out!"

Racing through the winding corridors, their hearts pounding with urgency, the group burst into the chamber to find Alexis struggling against her restraints, her eyes wide with fear.

"Alexis! What happened? Are you okay?" Syrus cried out, rushing to her side.

"Guys, it's him! He trapped me here as bait!" Alexis exclaimed, her voice trembling with fear.

Determined to free their friend, the group faced off against Titan, his sinister presence looming over them like a dark cloud.

"The only way I'll free her is if you beat me at a Shadow Game," Titan taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

Jaden's resolve faltered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "I'm not afraid of dueling you, but Shadow Games don't exist," he declared defiantly.

But as the battle unfolded, they soon realized the terrifying truth: in a Shadow Game, the stakes were higher than they could have ever imagined.

"So you're the one behind all those disappearances!" Jaden accused, his voice laced with anger.

Determined to protect his friends, Jozuna stepped forward, his gaze burning with determination. "Let's save her first before we duel," he insisted.

With swift and decisive action, Jozuna managed to free Alexis from her confines, his heart pounding with relief as he checked on her well-being.

"Are you hurt, Alexis?" he asked, concern etched into his features.

"I'm shaken up, but I think I'm okay. My stomach hurts a little after receiving the blow from that guy. Thank you, guys, for coming to rescue me," Alexis replied, her voice wavering slightly with emotion.

With their friend safe once more, Jozuna's eyes hardened with resolve. "No problem. We're friends, remember? Now, let's go find him and give him a taste of his own medicine."

Agreeing wholeheartedly, the group set out on their mission to confront Titan and put an end to his sinister plans once and for all. As they prepared to face their greatest challenge yet, Jozuna's words echoed in their minds, a testament to their unwavering determination in the face of darkness.

"Alright, so you think you can play games with us? Let you try. Because when it comes to messing with my friends, there's no place you can hide. I'll tear through every barrier, crush every obstacle until you regret the day they even thought about laying a finger on someone I care about. So, whoever you are, wherever you're hiding, brace yourself. Because Jozuna Satoru is coming, and I don't play nice with kidnappers."

Titan stood up and used the pendant esembling the Millennium Puzzle around his neck to create a black fog that slowly surrounds the room


"let me send your soul to the Shadow Realm."

As Titan unleashed the full force of his power, enveloping the room in darkness, the stage was set for a showdown of epic proportions. 

"Let the Shadow Games on"

I'm trying another style for conversation.

Have some idea about it? Comment it and let me know.

AndikaIndracreators' thoughts