
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Obliterate!!!

A middle aged casual Duelist meets with an unfortunate assassination at a gaming shop at a no ban-list night casual tournament. thankfully a random omnipotent being takes pity on the poor sap and transfers his soul into a young female duelist about to start her new life at Duel Academy. Despite having to adapt to a brand new body and female teenage hormones. She has her trusty spiritual companion Exodia ready to obliterate the competition. Will her entry to Duel Academy her irreparable change the plot? Most definitely! The real question is will it be changed for the better? Find out in Yu-Gi-Oh GX obliterate!!! NOTE: I do not own the artwork in the cover. If the original creator of the artwork wants me to take it down please comment and i will do so.

Itsjustbob1 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Meeting Exodia!!!


Putting down my dual disk, I begin to rub my smooth chin as I ponder when in the timeline of the Yu-Gi-Oh world I am in.

"I am pretty sure I am not in the 5Ds era due to the fact I am in a fairly normal looking city according to what I can see out my window. Can't rule out the later era's since I didn't really watch their anime. However, by the looks of my clothes and duel disk I can safely say that I am somewhere in-between Battle City and the end of GX…"

It was then I noticed something else on my desk. A folded up sheet of paper tucked under my duel disk. Curious, I picked it up and began to read.

So I am pretty sure you have a lot of questions. However, since I was unable to speak with you in person I left this letter to explain the situation. First, as I am sure you have figured out by now. You have been reincarnated into the world of Yu-Gi-Oh. As for when, you are currently one day before the start of GX. I also managed to pre-register your new body for Duel Academy. Speaking of, your new body is named Miko Kami. I also managed to grab the deck you were using when you were killed in your last life. You should find it in your deck box. I would also like to give you fair warning that because of how much you cared for your Exodia pieces they may or may not have developed into a duel spirit after crossing over with you. Anyways, there is a letter explaining that you got into Duel Academy on recommendation and don't need to take the practical exam. Although, I am sure you are going to participate anyway. I think that was everything I needed to tell you. Anyways let me be the first to welcome you to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh and I wish you luck on your journey!

Best regards,

I set down the paper with an egger smile splitting my face. Opening up my desk drawer I found the letter explaining my acceptance to Duel Academy. Giving the letter a quick read I found out I am already automatically guaranteed a spot in Ra Yellow due to my recommendation. However, I can still participate in the practical exam and depending on how I do I can be bumped up to Obelisk Blue.

Nodding to myself I set down my acceptance letter before taking my deck out of my deck box on my hip. Looking at my Exodia the Forbidden One at the bottom of my deck I smile confidently.

"Well old friend, are you up for a duel tomorrow?"

Despite expecting some sort of reaction, I was surprised to hear a deep gravelly voice answer my question.

"Master, you are joking right?"

Quickly closing up my open jaw, I smile wryly as I respond to my duel spirit.

"Well I just wanted to make sure. Also, why do you sound like Kratos from God of War? Don't get me wrong it totally fits. I just didn't know Exodia could speak."

There was a slight pause before I heard a loud boisterous laugh from my duel spirit nearly causing me to take a step back. Recovering from my slight shock, I waited for Exodia to finish laughing before continuing.

"Well I am glad you are enjoying yourself. Anyways I was thinking about hitting the hay, seeing as we have a big day of dueling tomorrow."

After saying my peace, I put away my deck back into my deck box. I then quickly brushed my teeth and began undressing for bedtime. I ended up leaving my Sangan T-shirt on. After I removed my deck box from my belt, I hung my belt on the hook in my closet. I then took a nearly identical set of clothes out of my drawer and set them on my desk chair.

As I snuggled up in my comfy bed I took one last glance towards my deck box set safely on my desk next to my duel disk. Muttering one last good night to Exodia, I drifted off to sleep. As I spent my first night in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh GX I dreamed of all Exodia and I would accomplish.