
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Meta Player

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

16: Simps, Simps Everywhere

(A/N: There was a mistake in the previous chapter. Kidmodo Dragon is an R card, so he costs 300 instead of 100. So instead of 10,700, Alistair has 10,500 MDDP. By the way, did you know that the GY is called the Cemetery in the sub😭? That's so funny for no reason.

Also, dude, I just binge watched season 3 and 4, and I have to say that Jim Crocodile Cook is the MAN! Bro's a better friend to Jaden than everybody else combined! Motherfucker became my favorite character so easily because of how much of a homie he is!

Bro said :"Mate, I don't give a shit about no damn army or whatnot! I'm taking my mate back, and I'll do it even if I have to beat the sense into ya!" You already know he gon be mates with Alistair when he shows up! Motherfucker is 6 whole feet of pure Chadness!)


Zane :"Before embarking on a journey of revenge, always dig 2 graves."

Alistair :"...Well that's a stupid quote. Do I look like I'll be killing just two people?"


"Don't you think that was a bit... too much?" Alexis spoke carefully, making him roll his eyes :"Oh, please, how would you feel if some asshole, playboy guys woke you up because of squealing like pigs?"

"...Alright, I guess you have a point." She looked guilty :"I apologize for them for waking you up. But you —did— act a bit too aggressive there, don't you think?"

Alistair scoffed :"No aggressive behavior is ever too aggressive for golddigging thots like them, remember that."

Seeing his stubbornness, Alexis sighed :"Alright, whatever you say." Not bothering to argue with him so early in the morning when he was already so grumpy.

Rubbing his temples, he sighed :"But I guess you're right. Sorry for lashing out like that out of nowhere. I must have surprised you. I'm sorry."

'Huh, so he's not an arrogant guy who can't apologize?' Alexis smiled :"It's alright, you were asleep, so it was rude of us to be inconsiderate. I'm sorry too. So we even?"

Alistair let out a short laugh :"Yeah, we're even. Good morning, by the way."

"Oh, right, good morning." She let out a short laughter :"Kinda forgot to greet you with what happened."

He chuckled :"Fair enough. You're pretty early to class though."

Alexis smiled in amusement and confusion :"Huh? That's supposed to be my line. How are you here before me, even when I got up early?"

"Zane woke me up extra early to take me to the card shop. After that, I came here."

"Ooh, right, you were going to make a new deck! I know you've probably just started, but how is it going? Any luck yet?"

He smirked :"What, impatient to duel me?"

She smirked back :"I —am— pretty competitive, so yes, I am looking forward to our duel. The sooner we duel, the better."

Alistair chuckled :"You're one interesting gal. But yes, although I've just started, the deck is on a good track. In fact, it's already ready for dueling."

"Already? That was fast!"

"Well, not exactly. Although it's ready for dueling, it's not in its best form. It's gonna take a bit to perfect it."

"Aww, geez, you got me excited for a second. Haaah, but I'll wait till then."

"Don't worry, patience pays off. I'll make sure you have a worthy match. But enough of that for now. You hungry?"

"Hm?" Her eyes widened at the sandwich he picked up from the desk and offered her :"Wait, is that... the golden egg sandwich?! You managed to get that on the first day and your first try?!"

He smirked :"That's right. I got one heck of a card from it too. So, want some?"

"Huh? O-oh no, it's alright. You can eat it yourself, I'm not hungry. I've heard that sandwich is too precious to share."

He rolled his eyes in amusement :"It's just a sandwich, alright?" Before ripping it in two and offering half to her :"Here, just take it. I'd feel guilty if you stared at me while I enjoyed it all by myself."

"Uhh... well, alright." She smiled, grabbing the half. As they bit into their sandwiches, the flavors melted on their tongues, causing both of them to groan comfortably, :"This is amazing!"

Alistair licked his teeth, gathering the leftovers :"Now I get what you meant, this isn't the stuff you'd share!" Causing her eyes to widen.

Alexis glared, pulling away her sandwich :"No take backs, alright?!" Making him laugh lightly :"Don't worry, I'm not like that. Just enjoy it peacefully."

Sighing in relief, she went back to enjoying the sandwich. Alistair did the same, and finished before her. It was to be expected with his huge ass bites. God have mercy on whoever he ever bites.

Sighing in satisfaction, he leaned back with a smile :"Damn, that hit the spot." After Alexis finished hers, she smiled at him :"Thanks, Alistair, that was delicious! I owe you one." Sure enough, the way to someone's heart was through their stomach.

He smiled :"You're welcome." Before yawning. Looking at the clock, he noticed there was more than 30 minutes until class. So he went back to putting his head on his arms :"I'd love to continue talking, Alexis, but I'm really sleepy because of sleeping late and waking up early. So I'll be getting some shut eye until class starts, alright?"

"Oh, alright. Have a nice nap."

"Hm, thanks. By the way, if it's not a problem, can you tell Jaden to sit with us? If you're alright with it, that is."

"Jaden? Sure, he's a good guy. I don't mind it."

"Thanks. Ah, also, if some bitch tries to wake me up again, warn them that they might lose a kidney..." And he descended to the la-la land, leaving Alexis speechless.

Looking at his peaceful sleeping face, she sighed :'Guess he's a wild card even outside of dueling, huh?'

One by one, students entered their new classroom. Wearing either red, yellow or blue as they chose their seats. And seeing the "Queen of Obelisk Blue", all the boys wanted to sit beside her.

However, she didn't allow them, telling them that the seat was reserved for her friends. So unable to sit with her, their excitement of seeing her turned into jealousy towards Alistair. Who was he to sit with her while they were unable to?

Luckily for them, he was asleep. Otherwise, he wasn't one to not confront someone who glared at him. He wasn't someone who actively looked for fights, but definitely wasn't someone who'd let others think they can mess with him.

"Hahahaha, I beat you here, Sy!" The cheerful voice of Jaden came as he sprinted into the class, Syrus's panting one following soon after :"Wait up, Jaden!"

Looking at the panting boy, Jaden chuckled :"You really need to work on that stamina, Sy. You get tired way too easily."

Syrus frowned :"Or maybe you have way too much stamina! Who runs so fast so early in the morning anyway?"

Jaden smirked :"I don't know, people who are late?"

Realization hit Syrus :"Oh, right..."

"Anyway, we should look for some seats now. Hope there are still some left." Jaden looked around before he saw Alexis waving at them :"Jaden, Syrus, come here."

"Oh, Alexis! Good morning!" He smiled, with Syrus greeting too :"G-good morning, Alexis." Albeit bashfully, before walking down the steps. Jaden looked at the sleeping Alistair :"And is this Al? He's still sleeping?"

She nodded :"Good morning. And yeah, he apparently didn't get much sleep last night and woke up early."

"Seriously? I didn't take him for an early bird. Come on, bud, wake-"

But before he could unleash a beast, Alexis quickly shushed him nervously :"Shhh! Don't wake him up!"

"Huh? Why not? Isn't the class about to start?"

"Believe me, you don't want to be the one to wake him up."

"Huh? Why? What'll happen if I wake him up?"

"...You probably don't wanna know. Look, let's just let him sleep, and you two come sit here. Alistair asked me to save you these seats on our desk."

"Ooh, alright! Thanks a lot, you two! Now we don't need to look for other seats!"

"You're welcome. Also, I think you should hurry up and sit. Cause a certain someone is glaring pretty intensely." Following her eyes subtly signaling, Jaden was met with the glaring Dr Crowler. Making him pale :"Eek! Yeah, you're right!"

The professor had arrived before the class actually started. Although his actions were questionable often times, he was a professor who took his job seriously.

"Um, Jay-" With a shy smile, Syrus was going to ask him to let him sit next to Alexis. But before he could even start, Jaden was already seated beside her. Making him sigh in disappointment before he took the last seat.

Making eye contact with the glaring Dr Crowler, who was gritting his teeth with a twitching face, Jaden quickly ducked down, trying to hide his face with his arm :"Geez, why is he so mad in the morning? I haven't even done anything yet!"

"Yet, huh?" She sighed :"Actually, Dr Crowler really isn't a fan of Slifer Reds. And since you actually beat him in a duel, he has personal beef with you."

"Ugh, geez!" He sobbed :"First day of the school, and a teacher is already angry at me! But why doesn't he like Slifer Reds?"

"Well, no offense, but most Slifer Reds are... quite unimpressive. Bad grades, bad dueling skills... he thinks they shouldn't be allowed into the school."

"Huh? That's not true. I'm an amazing student! Just with dueling, at least, hehehehe."

"Jaden, you're a special case. And special cases don't represent the entire dorm. But well, as long as you're careful, he shouldn't have any reasons to make trouble for you."

"Haaah, let's hope that it stays that way..."

"Hey, where do you think you're sitting?!" Suddenly, an unknown angry voice interrupted them. Turning to look, they saw an Obelisk Blue boy standing beside Alistair's sleeping form and glaring at him.

Cold sweat ran down Alexis's back, suddenly feeling like Alistair's previous warning wasn't going to be a joke anymore :"W-wait, don't-"

But before she could stop the intruder, he kicked Alistair's feet harshly :"Hey, wake the hell up!" Ah, yes, forcibly wake up and pick a fight with someone who's built like a tank. Amazing intelligence shown right there.

As Alistair's body twitched, Alexis's facepalmed with a groan :"Lord have mercy..." And pushed her seat towards Jaden when she heard the previously sleeping boy take a deep, DEEP breath.

His hand slammed harshly against the desk, revealing bulging veins and making the others twitch as he slowly stood up. Standing a whole head taller than the boy, and face painted with murder as he glared with veins popping on his cheeks, forehead and neck as he glared murderously :"Boy, you better have a good~ fucking reason for waking me up if you don't want to lose some organs."

The boy gulped, but stilled himself just as he was about to back off :"Y-you punk, who said you're allowed to sit next to Alexis?! Who do you think you are?!"

Alistair's eyes went bloodshot, and he had to physically stop himself from smoking the McShit out of him. Grabbing his bumping forehead, he let out an angry chuckle through gritted teeth :"You woke me up... for this?"

But the simp went on with a glare, face sweaty but not willing to look like a bitch :"You're not worthy to sit next to Alexis! Only someone like me is! Now piss off before I teach you a lesson!"

And something in Alistair's head snapped. Taking a shaky, angry breath, his head shakily looked back —feeling like the flexing veins of his neck were going to snap— at Alexis, who was covering her face in annoyance herself :"Someone you know?"

"Have never met him in my life." She groaned, in disbelief of how someone could be so cringe. Alistair's lips turned into an evil smile, promising pain :"I see, so that means violence is the best option here."