
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Branded in Meta

(A/N: This is a small harem of MC + female Jaden (Jade) Yuki + Alexis Rhodes. For all of you who don't like it, be warned.) I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Yu-Gi-Oh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

CH 1: Duel Academy

(A/N: For those of you who've skipped CH 0, here are the MC's wishes! This wasn't included in the word count, by the way.)


1) MC asks for his soul to be turned into pieces so he can experience living in all the Multiverses he likes, and there isn't a limit to his souls. The soul pieces can also fuse together, they're not separated permanently.

2) All soul pieces can make a few wishes. But not anything big. Just asking for what power they want to start with, their physical appearance, these things.

3) Every soul piece is a singularity, and no being other than the Crow (R.O.B) can make another one of MC, except MC himself.

4) Each soul piece to be a living paradox. Meaning that basically the past, present and future MC are all disconnected. Hurting or even killing a past MC won't affect the present MC at all, being would it affect the future MC.

5) For all records and memories of MC's existence in his previous life to be completely erased. For no one to remember him. Not his parents, siblings, relatives, friends and anybody else. So that they won't miss him, and so that he wouldn't feel guilty for leaving them.


But then Crow, who gets an even better idea. Which is to turn MC into an actual Multiverse! A Parasitic Multiverse which feeds off of other Multiverses to grow more powerful by sending soul pieces to them to parasitize off of them.

And that's the wish part of CH 0, the important part that's actually related to the stories. Now have a fun read!)


(A/N: These are called incorrects, by the way. You'll see them at the start of every chapter for some light humor!)

Alistair :"I like my humor like I like my slaves, dark."

Zane :"... You're really messed up sometimes.


In the Main Academy Building of the Duel Academy, located on an island, a boy's eyes shot open, a wide, sharp smirk on his handsome face as his crimson eyes sparkled in excitement :'So it begins yet again!' (Image:)

He wore black clothes that matched his obsidian hair. A black button up shirt tucked into his black jeans, along with black boots that were tucked into the hem of his jeans as well. He was tall, about 6'0 (183 cm), and muscular to the point of nearly stretching his clothes. His lower body didn't seem to have been ignored either. Muscular legs, thighs, and an ass that rivaled that of Spider-Man and Nightwing. He had that cushion for the pushin. A gym bro most definitely. (Image:)

He was seated inside of the principal's office, waiting for him to finish the paperwork of his transferred enrollment.

Stretching while seated, he rubbed his eyes to get rid of the sleepiness :'So I'm in the Yu-Gi-Oh GX universe, huh? Well, it doesn't get any sweeter than that!' He leaned back comfortably, throwing one leg over the other :'To think I would be in one of my favorite games and animes of all time.

It still feels like a dream. A good dream.' He barely held back the laughter :'A dream where I have the Meta in the old school Yu-Gi-Oh era!'

He looked at the holographic blue screen floating in front of him. Although it was weird, what he saw on the screen invisible to others was all too familiar.

'Isn't this... the Master Duel screen?' He looked at the space he was very familiar with, where the decks were stored in, with curiosity.

The problem was, there was nothing. It was only the space, with the plus button to create a new deck. Other than that, nothing else was stored there. Humming, he checked carefully, and noticed two things.

One, the place on the top left, where his name and level was, and two, three lines on the upper right edge of the screen. Just when he was contemplating pressing the empty air in front of Chancellor Sheppard, the button was pressed when he just willed it to.

'Oh, thank God, and I mean myself, the Majestic Multiverse. I don't need to wave my hands around like a lunatic from now on.' He sighed in relief, before looking at what popped out from the right side after pressing the lines. There, he saw two new selectable sections. Shop and Storage.

'Oh?' Interested, he could already guess their function. And sure enough, when he opened the Shop in anticipation, he saw something even better than what he expected.

Decks. Not just cards or card packs, but actually structure decks. He could see the famous Meta Decks like Snake-Eye, Branded, Kashtira, Tearlaments, or Rogue Decks like Blackwing, Predaplant, Infinitrack and all kinds of decks.

'Oh, sweet baby mama...' He hid his wild smile to not seem crazy. He couldn't help it, he didn't think he could have all of them. He had expected to have a single deck, and would need to create one himself in the academy.

But no, he could actually have all of them. Without hesitation, his eyes immediately moved to the Branded and Snake-Eye Decks, the decks he was all too familiar with and had spent effort into making before dying.

Knowing he could have them again put his mind at ease. He had worked too hard to just lose those decks. His heart beat with anticipation as he selected Branded, the deck most suitable for here, but was confused when a small holographic screen showed up in front of his selected deck.

[Structure Deck already purchased, purchase again?

Error: Insufficient Level.

Error: Insufficient MDDP.]

'Already... purchased...? Don't tell me...!' Quickly taking out his card case, his eyes widened in shock :'It's actually the Branded Deck! My starting deck is seriously the Branded Deck?!'

(A/N: Just for clarification, MC won't always use the Branded Deck. Instead, he'll be making new decks to have fun with in the game instead of OTK every duel. And early notice, his main fun decks will be Megalith, Phantasm Spiral, Skull Servant, Mother Spider, Gunkan Suship, cheap but useful decks like that! Do recommend me some so we can see it in play here.)

If he was alone, he would be jumping up and down in joy. A good deck in this world meant a lot. After all, people defeated gods and divine entities through duels. He'd be screwed if he didn't have a good deck in the future.

So what better deck could he ask for other than Branded, one of his favorite ones, along with Snake-Eye? He chuckled quietly, sinisterly to himself :'Man, Branded of all decks? In this era of all things? My god, these aren't going to be duels, they're going to be slaughter fests!'

Checking to see if everything was right, he took a deep breath when he nearly started cackling because of seeing three Branded Fusions, Branded Opening, Bystial Saronir and That Grass Looks Greener, with none of them limited. These cards were limited in his world for a reason, and he was going to make this world understand just why.

Putting away his deck giddily, he quickly studied his system while he had time, and understood a few things. There were structure decks of every deck of his previous life. However, he couldn't buy any yet because of two reasons.

One, his level was too low. Two, he didn't have enough MDDP, which stood for Master Duel Duel Points.

[The player does not meet the requirement. To purchase Tier 1 Decks, please reach Lv 40. To purchase Tier 2 Decks, please reach Lv 30. To purchase Tier 3 Decks, please reach Lv 20. To purchase Rogue Decks, please reach Lv 10.]

He would gain both XP and MDDP for dueling. And the higher his level, the higher the bonus MDDP. It was in his personal info recorded in the system.




Name: Alistair Aliyev

Spirit Energy: Lv 1

Duelist Level: Lv 1 (+10% MDDP)

Meta Ka: ???

Rogue Ka: ???

Selected Deck: Branded Despia

DP: 0



Although he wasn't sure what Spirit Energy and Ka meant, he didn't care much about it. The most important thing at the moment was to figure out how to get new cards. And he found out pretty easily, along with what MDDP was used for.

Basically, instead of crafting materials, MDDP was the currency instead. Each rarity cost a set amount of MDDP, with both the generating and dismantling price being the same. Which words couldn't describe how much he appreciated. Not the actual prices though.

[Normal Cards (N): 100 MDDP

Rare Cards (R): 500 MDDP

Super Rare Cards (SR): 5,000 MDDP

Ultimate Rare Cards (UR): 25,000 MDDP]

'Shit, I have a feeling making actual decks is going to take a good while. And some good cash.' He sighed :'Wait, if the dismantling price is the same as generating cards, then if I just get my hands on some URs in the academy... phew, I guess it won't be that hard either.'

As he sighed in relief, he checked the rest of what the system had to offer. Other than some things that he didn't know the use of yet, he found what was extremely crucial to a duelist beside their deck. Their duel disk.

His personal duel disk was stored in his Storage, and it looked sick. The design was like the scales of a dragon, with the edges protruding in a curved manner. It was also in layers, as if it could fold. Considering how it was a duel disk that was normally in the shape of a bracelet, it made sense. Mainly, it was blue and silver, looking like a duel disk carved out of ice, with crimson engravings on it. But on the edges and the protruding parts, it was white, with wisps of golden lines going around it. (Image:)

It certainly was interesting. When it wasn't unfolded into a duel disk, it was normally a bracelet, sharing the same color of the duel disk, and with a ring of the same color that was magically connected to the bracelet and could remotely awaken.

'Oh, is it the same color theme as Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon? Cool!' He smirked :'Then this white and golden should be the color of Albion the Sanctifire Dragon! Hahahaha, a duel disk in the theme of my two boss monsters, how cool is that?!'

"Alistair, will you come here for a moment?" Chancellor Sheppard finally called out. Pulled out of his thoughts, Alistair walked to his desk :"Yes, chancellor?"

"I've taken care of all of your documents, so now you're officially a Duel Academy student! Congratulations, young man." He smiled kindly :"I hope you do your best in the academy to become an even stronger duelist.

However, since you enrolled late because of your issues, we couldn't do anything but put you in the Slifer Red dorm. But if you work hard enough, I'm sure you'll be able to climb up the ranks in no time!"

Alistair smiled :"Understood. And thank you for allowing me to enroll even though I couldn't attend the exams with the others, chancellor."

Sheppard chuckled :"It's alright, my boy. It's my job to guide and help youngsters such as you to reach a bright future! And besides, you got in by yourself, so there's no need to thank me. You passed the exams, not me."

"That's not true. If not for you, they wouldn't even let me take the exams. So I have you to thank for. So, thanks a lot."

"Hahahaha, you're welcome. But in exchange, now you have to start off from Slifer Red, which isn't really famous for its dorm. But you'll have to manage and if you have it in you, rise to higher ranks."

"Understood. I won't disappoint."

"I have a feeling you won't. Now, although it's a bit late, you still have time to attend the classes today if you hurry a bit. You can get everything you need from the card shop, including your books and uniform.

But take this and try to have it with you at all times. It's called a PDA, and has all your personal information and dueling history. You can also save your friends' contact information in it."

Taking the cellphone-like device, he took a look at it before putting it in his pocket :"Got it. Then if you don't mind, I'll be running to the class!"

"Be careful not to fall!" Chancellor Sheppard shouted as Alistair sprinted away with a giant grin on his face :'Duel academy, here I come!'


"Well, well, children! Settle down, now!" In the classroom of the first year students, Dr Vellian Crowler spoke up, silencing the class before he cleared his throat :"Now before we start the class, I have some news for you. Although it's only been a few days since school began, we have a new student who will be joining us starting today."

"Huh? A new student?"

"But school just started though."

"Maybe he couldn't get here sooner because of personal reasons? Oh, maybe he's a foreigner!"

Among the whispering students, there was a beautiful brunette wearing the red uniform :"A new student, huh? I wonder what kind of a person he is." Before smiling widely :"I wonder what kind of a deck he plays! Do you think he may be a good duelist, Sy?"

The short, SHORT boy of about 4'5 (137 cm) sitting beside her jumped, shy around the unaware beauty :"I-I d-don't know, maybe?"

"Well, I hope he or she is!" She grinned, her brown eyes sparkling :"Because I can't wait for an awesome duel!"

"Quiet!" Crowler shouted for everybody to hear. And once they were silenced again, he continued :"Because of coming from a foreign country, specifically Russia, he had to enroll later than the rest of you.

Now, normally, there wouldn't be exceptions, but Chancellor Sheppard was kind enough to let him take the exams which he passed. However, because of his late enrollment, we decided to treat him as a transfer student and-"

"What's up, bitches of Duel Academy?!" Suddenly, the doors opened and a loud voice made them all jump. Turning to look, they saw Alistair hitting that Emperor Kuzco pose :"Alistair Aliyev all ready to wreak havoc, suckers!"