

'huh…. I guess it really has been 14 years since I came to this world.' A young man thought to himself while walking down a sidewalk that was in the direction of a giant domed building.

'Still, what is more unbelievable is that instead of getting a random body and bloodline. I managed to end up as a copy of Jack Atlas with black hair in the era of fusion. Well, that isn't true anymore, after a few days ago.'

' well, I guess making me the damn ancestor of Jack was part of that fucking dragon's plan after all.' Yes, the crimson dragon is a part of this young man's entry into this world.

'I'm glad I bartered with him to make me a signer and other small gifts, or I would have some serious problem because of the era I live in. Like seriously, the forces of darkness and light are way harder, in his opinion, than the opponents of 5ds, and they have duel monsters on motorcycles. What I wouldn't give to be in that era.'

' though I guess there have been some good things that have happened to me. One of those is catching the eye of Pegasus and becoming his new poster boy. That is something that I don't think I will be able to explain.'

While the young man is thinking to himself, he gets distracted and doesn't notice a body walking in his direction, and they both walk into each other.

" oh, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, sir. Are you…" Luke starts to apologize but catches his breath while taking in the figure of the person he walked into.

" ah, I know you. Pegasus has mentioned you before. Luke atlas, right?" A deep said while offering a handshake to the young teen.

The young teen in question accepted the handshake but, in his mind, was questioning life.

' why in everything that is holy is Yugi Moto here!' Luke screamed in his mind while keeping a composed face.

" are you going to that duel academy?" yugi asked him after releasing his hand.

" yes, sir, I am."

"Well, I'll look forward to your progress and those new cards Pegasus has been bragging a lot about," Moto said while walking in the direction that Luke believes to be a park.

" weird, well, I would get to the academy quickly. Even if I have a recommendation from Pegasus." He says while walking towards what can be assumed to be the Kaiba dome.




"Man, I was barely cutting it close, but I got here just in time," a young boy said with brown hair, a red shirt, and a grey jacket.

'I know I was running close, but seriously, I didn't think I would meet the king of games. Plus, he gave me a pretty good card.' the young man thought to himself while walking down the hallway to the dome's opening.

As he looked out and around, he saw a bunch of people already in the stands but also people wearing blue uniforms. As he is looking, he notices the duel that is happening, which is what looks like a school procter and another student.

He then quickly walks up to the railing next to a blue-haired student who swiped at his brow.

" HA HA! Wow, look at them go!" the boy says while looking at the school's opponent, Procter, who is wearing an all-white uniform. He then notices that the opponent has 3200 life points left while the Procter has 1900 points left.

"right, new guy, multiple choice, you got two monsters staring you down. Do you "A" throw in the towel, "B" beg for mercy, or "C" run home to Mama? The proctor says.

"I'll go with "D" none of the above." the boy states while a trap card reveals itself.

"A trap!" the proctor yells in surprise.

"Exactly, you see, with "ring of destruction," I can destroy any monster on the field that's in attack mode, and then we both take damage equal to that monster's attack points!" which, he destroys his own monster.

proctor: 1900-1900=0

applicant: 3200-1900=1300


"clever move applicant, welcome to the academy." the proctor says, welcoming the new promising student.

"thank you, oh, wise proctor." the smart-looking student said while bowing his head.

" Wow, that guy is pretty good, don't you think, Chazz?" a guy says up in the stands of the sea of blue uniforms.

"guess the rumor about him being some whiz-kid was true, huh, Chazz? Huh?" another blue-wearing student said 

"he's a punk. We went to duel prep school for the past three years and were ready for the academy. The only reason why there is this large of a crowd is the rumors about Pegasus's new golden boy being invited to the academy." Chazz said smugly.

"ya, I heard about him; also, another thing was he will be the first user for a new summoning."

"huh, no way"

"I don't know about that, but with him being Pegasus's new poster boy, it's not impossible." chazz said with a piercing gaze toward the arena.




"Wow, that last guy really tore it up!" jaden exclaimed

"Ya... bastion Misawa, they say he tied with the highest score." a short blue-haired boy said next to Jaden

"Wow, I just barely passed." Jaden said in surprise,

"ya, me too. My name is Syrus, by the way. Nice to meet you." Jaden didn't mind and treated him back.

"I kinda have a thing where I get test anxiety. I don't know how I won my match." syrus says quietly. Jaden then slaps his back with a happy grin on his face.

"so you're in. Congratulations, I'll be in too. And what was his score, if you don't mind me asking?" jaden says to get his spirit up but quickly asks about the high score on the written exam to see where he stands.


"Jeez. Wait, you said tied. who got the other score?" jaden asked

"You don't know. Well, his name is Luke Atlas. A genius that has never lost and caught the eyes of Maximillion Pegasus; moreover, he even sponsored him."

"Are you serious?!" jaden exclaimed in surprise.

"ya, I've heard that the guy has never entered a dueling prep school and only played in tournaments. This got him the chance to meet Pegasus, and he apparently saw something in him."




"looks like we have a pretty good crop this year." one professor said while someone agreed with him right after.

As this was being said in the background, someone in a black suit approached a weird-looking person as they were getting up.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but one last applicant, Mr. Crowler, has arrived to take his exams.'' the man in a black suit said to the weird-looking man.

"did you just call me "mister"?! the now identified Crowler says in an insulted tone.

"oh, sorry, I'm new here, missis..." the man said, trying to back peddle and say the right title for the person in front of him.

"I have a Ph.D. in dueling, and I've earned the title of doctor. Thank you! Now, tell the slacker that he'll just have to come back next year. Right now, I have to get to the dueling area to duel with Mr. Atlas." Dr. Crowler says while dismissing the late student and trying to put a good impression on the star of today's event.

"oh, come on, Dr Crowler, we have time for one more after Mr atlas's duel." someone said, with more people agreeing with him. Dr. Crowler, on the other hand, was getting more and more aggravated because of this incident. He was going to be late for his next duel.

"LATE IS RUDE! I've no time for slackers!" he exclaims and surprises the other faculty members with his outburst; however, his cell phone goes off.

"Hello, and how may I ask..." crowler says quickly, getting ready to shoot down any attempt to talk with him; however, he gets cut off.

"it's Sheppard." a deep voice says on the other side of the line.

"Ah, Chancellor Shepard!" crowler then changed his tune to someone who seemed cheerful to hear the voice of his boss.

"just calling to make sure that everything's running smoothly, Crowler. Wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last year." after saying this, Crowler gasped.

"When you cut a third of our student applicants for some ridiculous reason. What was it, calling you mister or missis...whatever, just make sure everyone gets a shot. Also, please make sure to put pressure on Mister Atlas in his duel. From what I heard from Pegasus, he has that new summoning with him." as he finished saying that, the Chancellor cut the call, leaving a frustrated Crowler gripping the phone.

"Absolutely. Furry chinned windbag." Crowler muttered in response with no being able to hear him.

'Doesn't he realize there are enough talentless flunkies at this academy!? Well, it is good to know that Mr. Atlas will be bringing his A-game to this duel. Now, that is someone I can say is needed at this academy. A duelist that was hand-picked by Pegasus himself. I have looked at his dueling record, and it is nothing but outstanding. No losses and the cards he used were not that special... well, except for that fusion card. Now, what was it, dragon something.'

"Pardon me, gentle, and I'll be right back. But I will take care of this slacker that came in late after my duel with Mister Atlas." crowler says while walking out of the stands.




As Baston returned to the stands, he sat down and closed his eyes; however, he was interrupted by a teenager's voice.

"tight duel, baston." a voice said. Which, in turn, surprised Bastion, and he turned around to respond to the now-identified Jaden.

"thank you," Bastion said while turning his head back to the arena.

"from the looks of it, you might be the third-best duelist here." which caught both Syrus and Bastion off guard. However, before either of the duelists reply, the announcement notified one Luke Atlas to arrive at the main dueling area. Which made the entire duel area go quiet, and then people started talking in murmurs.

"While that might be an interesting argument. I must say we forget about that and watch this duel. We might be the first-ever duelists to watch a new summoning in public."

As everyone peers down, they notice from one corner a man walking out with a blue uniform with pink assessors attached to it and a larger duling disk hanging from him.

 On the other side, a tall young man with spiked black hair and two much longer stands in the front, mirroring his face's sides. He is wearing a white overcoat with a blue shirt underneath, and unlike his descendant, there are no spikes on either side of his shoulders. There is also a white custom duel disk that framed his left arm going all the way to his shoulder.

"so that's what he looks like. Got say he looks pretty cool," jaden says.

"I'd say, but he looks a lot scarier than I thought." 'Plus, It reminds me of someone I know'. Syrus said and ended that sentence as a thought.

"I'd say the word you were looking for was intimidating, not scary, but he does have an aura that can be mistaken for that."

"Hey, it's that guy you wanted to see, Zane." a feminine voice said toward a tall and intimidating young man who only nodded his head while focusing on the arena.

The young man walks towards the center and, after a bit, stops in what he can only assume to be his standing area. He then looks forward and notices Dr. Crowler stopping in his dueling area.

'Dr. Crowler uh... I know he's a prick that cares for reputation but gets better later in the series, but right now, he is a bootlicker. Thankfully, I have Pegasus's recommendation; otherwise, he wouldn't have that happy look because I know I heard Jaden at some point. He should have to duel after me. Let's finish this up quickly so I don't get Jaden kicked out of school for not having enough time to duel.'

"ah, mister atlas, are you ready for your duel." Crowler says,

"Yes, I am. If you don't mind me asking what your name is, Dr..." After saying this, the face of Crowler beams because someone finally got it right, and it was the golden boy for this event.

"it would be Dr. Crowler, my good boy. Now I'll go first draw!" as he says this, the duel begins while Crowler starts it off.

"First, I'll normal summon ancient gear engineer from my hand in attack mode."

ancient gear engineer ATK/1500 DEF/1500 

"Since I have an ancient gear monster on the field, I can special summon ancient gear from my hand in defense mode."

Ancient Gear ATK/100 DEF/800

"I'll place one card down and end my turn," Crowler said

"Dr Crowley got a pretty decent lineup, huh, Chazz?"

"what can you expect from a professor from duel academy? But I've heard that he has a rare monster that needs two tributes, so if this golden boy doesn't do something, it's over for him."

"I'll start my turn by playing the card pot of greed, which, if you don't know, I don't even know why you are even here then." This got a few laughs from the crowd and even a chuckle from Crowler.

"First, I'll be using the effect of earthbound prisoner stone sweeper, which allows me to add one level three or lower fiend tuner to my hand by discarding it, and the tuner that I chose is crimson resonator." after saying the word tuner monster it got the crowd to start murmuring about this unknown term.

"Then, I'll special summon red resonator from my hand, which will allow me to activate red warg's ability to be special summoned to the field because there is a resonator on my side; however, his attack points are halved. Next, I'll use red resonator special ability to summon one bone archfiend to the field. Then I'll normal summon crimson resonator to the field." this high-level play of getting four monsters on his field was surprising but not unexpected from the people who know about Luke.

Red Resonator: lvl 2, ATK 600 and DEF 200

Red Warg: lvl 6, ATK 1400/2=800 and DEF 2200

Bone Archfiend: lvl 4, ATK 1800 and DEF 0

Crimson Resonator: lvl 2, ATK 800 and DEF 300

'It's the beginning of his first turn, and he already has four monsters on the field. Remarkable! Also, I don't know about those tuner monsters, but they must be required for that new summoning.' Crowler thought to himself while admiring the skill the young man performed in front of him.

After summoning four monsters, Luke looks at his monster and takes a deep breath in and out, getting ready to show the world the new summoning that will carry on for years.

"Well, it's time for the moment you have probably all have been waiting for. I'll end this by first tunning red ward with red resonator." as he said, red warg turns into six stars, and red resonator turns into two rings that form around the stars.

The crowd, who had never seen this before, realized that the rumors were true; some even stood up to watch the historic event.

"Watch as I unleash a power which has never seen the light of day," Luke declares 

"Syncro summon." after saying this, the crowd, which was already excited, got even more hyped for the reveal of a new summoning.

'"Syncro Summon,"' Jaden, Syrus, and Baston said together.

"Take flight, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend." As Luke said, a demon-like dragon was summoned onto the field, which brought about a few gasps but more horrified looks by this dragon. This dragon was mostly red and had black armor on it, but what was surprising was the bone-like gauntlet on its right arm.

Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend: lvl 8, ATK 3000 and DEF 2500

"that thing is terrifying," a scared Sryus said while pointing toward the dragon in question.

"Ya, the thing looks badass," Jaden says with childlike glee.

"it is quite intimidating, but I'm more interested in the summoning process. His deck must rely on getting normal monsters and these tuners on the field to use this summoning method. Frankly, it has its ups and downs, but right now, I can say anything else but brilliant." Baston says while muttering to himself about the new summoning.

"Zane, look, it's that new summoning, and for its first appearance, that dragon does it justice, don't you think." the same feminine girl said towards the blue-haired boy in the stands who only stared at the dragon with an intense stare.

"Indeed, Alexis, and it looks like he will finish this duel as well," Zane said while watching this duel.

"what do you mean, Zane? While I admit the monster is remarkable, Crowler still has two monsters on the field, and I feel like that face-down will save him." Alexis said

"you forget he has another one of those tuners and a normal monster." after that statement, Alexis's eyes grow wide, and her head spins back to the field, and she realizes that Zane is speaking the truth.

"you don't mean.." Alexis says in disbelief.

"I do," Zane says while crossing his arms.

"After that, I'll do another Syncro summoning using crimson resonator and bone archfiend to summon another dragon." Luke shots which bone archfiend turns into four stars and crimson resonator turns into two rings that surround the four stars.

"Another one?" chazz said in surprise.

"Syncro summon, red rising dragon," and as he said that, another dragon appeared on the field, which, like the other one, was instead standing on his four limbs but standing on his two feet upright. The dragon seemed to be made up of all flame and had some of the abs a darker red.

Red Rising Dragon ATK:2100 and DEF: 1600

After summoning both dragons, the crowd went wild in awe and excitement. They had never seen this new summoning style, but this guy just summoned two on the first turn.

'amazing, I knew he was going to summon with the new style of summoning, and what a dragon that first one was. And then he summons another one on the same turn.'crowler thought to himself.

"Yes, this is what the academy needs!" Crowler exclaimed 

"Now I activate Scarlight's ability. I can destroy any special summoned monster that is less than or equal to my Starlight's ATK, so I destroy your ancient gear."

"What?" Bastion and Crowler exclaimed, both in shock and surprise that it had such an effect.

"Now, the other aspect of his effect is you take 500 points of damage for every monster destroyed by his effect. Go absolute power flame!"

As he says this, scarlight then covers flames onto his fist then slams it down on the ground. The flames then move toward the ancient gear and destroy it while dealing 500 points of damage to Crowler.

Crowler: 4000-500=3500

"battle, red rising dragon, attack ancient gear engineer, almighty inferno!"

Crowler: 3500-600= 2900

"Now, scarlight red dragon archfiend, attack Crowler directly and end this with molten crimson flair!"

Crowler: 2900-3000=0

winner= Luke

As he finished the duel, the crowd erupted in cheers, and Luke only closed his eyes, realizing he was now truly a part of this world and believing he had done enough without going all out. Crowler then starts to clap with his hands while he has his eyes closed.

"Mighty fine duel, Mr. Atlas. As you might have guessed, you are now a part of Duel Academy, so let me be the first to say welcome." 




Hey guys, I'm back from the grave. I randomly dropped off the face of the earth while promising another persona update. I know I am an asshole, but I will be posting a new chapter for my persona series sometime in the next week. I have to buffer out everything I put in there.

Now, onto more exciting news, other than me trying to excuse why I disappeared, Luke Atlas, which, if you haven't noticed, is the ancestor of Jack Atlas. and for some fucking reason, he has Snycro cards. He will be the first person to use them and the only person in this series, "GX." I'm still deciding if I want to include the movie.

I should have posted his deck already, and yes, I may have made it bussed, but I could have done better. I am not a great deck builder and may need some comments to improve it. Also, did I do an excellent job with the duel?

Also, he has made contact with the crimson dragon and became the only signer in this era. Now, you might be asking whether the dark singers will emerge; well, no. The reason why is you have the king of games and Seto fucking Kiaba still alive, plus a dumbass appears in this era with the full power of the crimson dragon. So, ya, they will not be revealing themself until every one of those fuckers are dead.

Finally, I didn't give him Red Dragon Archfiend because it's Jack's card, not his. I would simplify things with other cards but refused to change this. 

Other than that, please review or comment, and thank you for reading my story.