
New life on satellite

"Wait a minute !" Simon cried out, getting up from the ground.

Genesis stopped and turned to look at Simon and said, "What do you want?"

"Take us with you."

"What ?!" Genesis didn't understand what Simon meant, and seeing Genesis not understanding what he meant, he explained.

"You won the duel with honour, so we want to join your group."

Simon's acolytes jumped when they heard their boss.

"What ?! Boss you can't do this ?!"

"Yes, we are the West 19th Street gang!"

"That's right, we'll stay together!"

Genesis's lips quivered as he watched this scene of ... * cough * gay love ... * cough * ... friendship.

"Sorry but no, I have no interest in starting or joining a gang, so bye." Genesis replied, stepping back, wanting to get away from this group as quickly as possible.

As Simon was assailed by the tears of his friends, he noticed Genesis quietly walking away.

"Wait kid! Listen to what I have to say. There are advantages to being part of a gang!"

Genesis ignored him and continued to walk away. Seeing that Genesis was not interested in what he wanted to say, Simon called out to him again.

"If you build a gang, then you can have whatever you want in the satellite, even rare items such as cards or coins for a Duel Runner."

Hearing Simon, Genesis stopped. For him the most important thing was not the cards, but a Duel Runner. Genesis turned and looked at Simon more closely. Seeing this, Simon sighed in relief and pushed his three acolytes away to speak with Genesis.

"Here in the satellite maps are scarce and for Duel Runner pieces even more so, but sometimes there are maps or pieces for Duel Runner from New Domino City, which go through the safety net to get here."

"So what ?"

"All of these rare items are a priority for gang leaders, which is why so many gangs exist and fierce competition exists between satellite gangs."

Genesis's eyes widened and he began to think. Seeing Genesis in full reflection, despite Genesis's age, Simon did not dare to underestimate him and did not dare to interrupt his reflection.

Finally, Genesis looked up and fixed Simon with a serious gaze.

"I'm not against forming a gang, but I have conditions."

"What are they ?" Simon asked, because for a gang to exist it is necessary that the members have advantages. Simon fears that because of Genesis' young age, he is too greedy and grabbing all the rare cards, and not sharing them among his members.

"First, you can keep the rare cards for yourself and the other members, but my condition is that you share them with the residents of our territory."

Simon frowned, but nodded after a few seconds.

"My second condition is that extortion is prohibited whether in our territory or any other, but fair bets are allowed."

Simon nodded. All the gangs extorted their residents from their quarter, but with the poverty of the satellite residents, the gangs earned nothing. So for Simon it didn't bother him.

"My third condition is that all Duel Runner pieces are mine."

Simon nodded.

"And finally..."

Genesis turned to look at his temporary lair with a frown, before looking at Simon again.

"... We need to have a lair for our gang. A lair that is well protected. Preferably a high rise building."

Simon smiled and nodded.

"We have a lair that you will like them. Good! Now you are our Boss! Follow us Boss, we will show you our lair, I bet you will like it!"

Simon turned and motioned for his three friends to follow him and protect Genesis. Simon's three friends shared a look before nodding and following.


In front of a building in good repair, with only the windows of the first floors broken, the group of 4 men and a child entered inside.

Inside were men who were fighting in Duel or laughing.

"Guys! Emergency meeting!" as soon as he entered, Simon shouted into the building.

Genesis warned because he didn't know why Simon called his subordinates.

Within minutes, a group of 15 men were standing in front of Simon, and they were giving Genesis a strange look.

"Hey Lenny, do you know why Boss brought a kid?"

"No, how do you want me to know that ?!"

"What? Do you want to fight ?! Come on!

"Hey guys calm down, maybe it's her son."

"What! Our Boss has a son?"

Seeing his subordinates muttering wacky theories one more than the other, Simon got a tick on his forehead and shouted: "Shut up!"

Seeing their boss angry, the crowd calmed down. Simon finally seeing everyone keep silent began to speak.

"* Cough * Listen to me guys ... you know Inuyama's group wants to attack us in a few days."

The crowd nodded and some warm-blooded men started screaming.

"Don't worry Boss, we'll beat them!"

"Yeah! They'll run like rabbits."

The crowd laughed, but Simon shook his head.

"No. Inuyama is stronger than me. If we have to face each other in a Duel then it will be me who will lose."

Hearing their leader admit that he was weaker than the opposing leader plunged the happy air from before.

"So Boss, what should we do?"

"Yes, if we lose then Hose and his group will win it all."

Simon raised his hand and calmed everyone down.

"Don't worry everyone, I have a solution."

"Ah yes, and what is she Boss !"

"Yes, tell us Boss !"

Simon smiled and spoke.

"Today I faced a powerful Duelist and lost."

"What! You lost Boss!"

"Yeah that's not possible. You're a Pro Duelist, Boss!"

Simon shook his head.

"No in front of him, I couldn't do anything, he was much stronger than me."

Simon's subordinates were in disbelief, as Simon was an excellent Duelist. After graduating at a young age, he made his debut as a professional Duelist with Hunter Pace. However, although he suffered a major setback and retired, then he moved to the Satellite district, and became one of his hooligans, Simon still possessed high level skills. He was smart and calm, but his experiences made him tougher and cunning, but he's also an honest Duelist.

Simon turned and bowed to Genesis.

"The one who defeated me is this child, he defeated me in a fair manner and he has the ability to help us fend off Inuyama and his lackeys."

One of the reasons Simon wanted Genesis to join their Gang was that with his strength they could fend off many aggressive Gangs.

Simon explained how the Duel began and how it unfolded.

Men watch Genesis amazingly 6-year-old defeated former Pro Duelist it was so amazing they didn't believe it.

"Boss, stop lying."

"Yeah, there's no way a kid could have beaten you."

The subordinates looked at their leader with a teasing gaze, but Simon looked at them with a smile and shook his head.

"I'm not lying to you guys, these three were with me, they can witness."

The crowd looked at Simon's 3 acolytes, who awkwardly nodded. At this point everyone looked at Genesis like a monster. Seeing that his subordinates finally believed him, Simon threw out the latest explosive information.

"From today I am no longer your Boss! Our new Boss is him! He is the only one who can protect us!" Simon pointed to Genesis and spoke energetically.

The crowd was stunned. You should know that Simon was one of the strongest Duelists in the Western zone of the satellite, and his 3 subordinates were the strongest of the gang.

Simon then walked over to Genesis and bowed.

"Boss! Please guide us!"

Genesis looked at Simon and was silent. Simon looked at his 3 acolytes to signal them. The 3 acolytes saw Simon's gesture and in their turn they bowed.

"" "BOSS !!!" ""

Seeing the strongest members of the gang bow to Genesis despite his age, they too followed. In the satellite force counts more than age and when the force is sufficient we are supreme.

Seeing 19 men bowed before him, Genesis no longer hesitated and stepped forward.

"Stand up."

The crowd of 15 stood up and stared at Genesis in a strange way. Seeing those looks, Genesis knew what they were thinking. As a former boss on Earth, Genesis knew he had to buy the hearts of his subordinates in order for them to accept him and be loyal to him.

"First I would like to introduce myself. My name is Genesis, Genesis Hewley. As you must know I have defeated your old Boss, and I have become your new Boss. I know you do not accept me because you don't know me, but over time we'll get to know each other better. "

The crowd remained silent, nevertheless they accepted Genesis's words. Genesis seeing the calm of the men, continued his speech.

"I will not see you as subordinates, but rather as friends, and for that I will leave most of the management of the Gang to Simon, your former boss, whom you trust. As for me, I will only participate in the hardest duels. "

The crowd nodded rather happily, because although Genesis was stronger than their old Boss, they had more confidence in Simon, with whom they had lived for years together. Simon on the other hand looked Genesis in an impressed manner, in his eyes was not a mere child, but an experienced man.

A child can be strong in Duels from a very young age, but as far as people's hearts are concerned, this was the first time he saw a child have the aura of a leader.

Genesis looked at the cheerful crowd and raised his hand to calm the crowd.

He then looked at the 15 men with a serious look, which for his age was adorable, but everyone could see that he was serious: "Although I let Simon rule you, I will be your boss, so there are new rules, and Simon accepted those rules when he asked me to become the boss of the gang. "

The men watched Simon and his 3 acolytes nod their heads in acceptance. They then looked to Genesis for these rules.

"My first rule: extortion is prohibited whether in our territory or any other, but fair bets are allowed."

The men frowned, after all it was through extortion that they could recover cards and riches.

"Boss, it's not possible. How are we going to have rare cards for us then?"

"Yes that's right, extortion is the basis for all Satellite Gangs. It's the way we live."

Genesis watched the crowd scream and with a wave of his hand and a shout he calmed the crowd.

"Shut up and listen to me!"

The crowd calmed down, but murmurs were still heard and the gazes directed at Genesis were conflicting.

"My second rule: When it's time to collect rare cards from New Domino City you have priority to take any cards you want."

The crowd watched Genesis in disbelief. Be aware that when the New Domino City rubbish, is sent to the satellite, rare cards end up with the rubbish and land on the satellite. Every Sunday of every week of the month, ships full of New Domino City rubbish land at the satellite, and gangs meet at the port to inspect cargo before Area Security members arrive.

The Sector Security members know about it, but to keep the peace on the satellite, they let these gangs do it. After all for them, these gangs are a great help as they rob their fellow human beings and prevent the residents of the satellite from fighting against members of Sector Security.

"Long live the Boss !"

"Yeah! Long live the Boss !"

"Boss!" "Boss!" "Boss!" "Boss!"

Seeing the crowd laughing happily and calling out his name, Genesis nodded. As for Simon, he was in a corner drawing depressed circles, muttering in a low voice seeing his former subordinates forget him. His three acolytes were doing everything to cheer him up.

Genesis felt his lips quiver and thought, "What a great story ... * cough * ... of gay love ... * cough * ... of friendship."

He then returned his attention to the crowd and grabbed their attention.

"Finally, I have one last rule: don't use duels to oppress people anymore, face your opponents with the intention of having fun, that's only how you can improve."

Genesis looked at the sceptical looks of his new subordinates and said.

"I want my - no, our Gang to be different from other tyrannical Gangs. Satellite is a place where the smile does not appear. Don't you want to live in the joy that New Domino City has deprived you of?"

"... Yes..."

"That's true..."

"Yes we want to live like the people of New Domino City, but we are oppressed!"

Genesis shook his head.

"It is not because New Domino City oppresses us that we must ourselves oppress other people. For that I ask you not to oppress the residents of our Territory and on the contrary to help them when they need it."

"I want to transform with you, our Territory into a utopia where the children could run in the streets with a smile and be able to face other children in Duel with their Deck. A Territory where each adult will not leave his house with fear but with a smile. Don't you yourself want to live with joy? "

The crowd of men and Simon with his 3 acolytes looked at each other and imagined such a world and unconsciously a smile emerged on their lips. Among the crowd, many people grew up on satellite and knew their parents lived in fear of being extorted by gangs. As for the children, they have lived a gray life, without any pleasure, a life that children should not live.

Genesis smiled, his new life had just begun, and she is already hectic.