
Yu-Gi-Oh!...Wait What?

Name: Kirihara Asuto Gender: Male Marriage status: Bachelor for life Occupation: Your everyday corporate slave Hobbies: Your typical Nerd and what more Favourite actor/actresses: Samuel L Jackson Angelina Jolie SOULS? PRAISE THE SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNN So, here I am, nursing the headache of the century, feeling like my body is jelly and making sure to pay my utmost absolute respect to the ultimate gigachad in the entire souls franchise Solaire of Astora every morning, why? because i can, now, pretty sure that i wasn´t this tall, nor handsome, nor for some reason I have a really neat and awesome red crimson scarf riding on a nonexistent wind, in an apartment in which I am sure is even smaller than my one on the states, I tend to consider myself a relatively mature and calm inidividual but... Why is a giant as fuck Kaiba Corp logo just across from my street?! Why is Maximillian Pegasus anouncing the prelude to the arc of the Duelist Kingdom arc?! And why, Oh God why?! My hair looks like a rip-off from Yugi Muto hair style?! You know, i was supposed to go and get smashed with the boys after a long day of work, hit the nearest club, get lucky if a could, and then go on my well deserved vacation after nursing the hangover of the decade, not get isekaid into Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster!

AzhelianTheEternal · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

VS Kaiba the BEWD Yandere The Great Finale



Awe, that was the sole feeling that evoked the presence of Albion, the holiest dragon born from the fusion between two kids that wanted nothing more to end the travesties made in a past they desired to left behind, clinging to hope in a desperate attempt to survive, their souls fused as one giving birth to the dragon that represents everything that is holy in their world, contrary to their ice counterpart which represents the untamed potential of the young dragonoid, or the masked beast that rejoice in seeing the world burn in crimson black flames.



"Beautiful" Tea said while admiring the beautiful white dragon that made the BEWD seems like a mere copy of him while bathed in holy golden fire.




"What kind of monster is that? Just seeing it, feels my heart with warm" Tristan said while clenching his shirt in the place where his heart was located, a warm cozy feeling going through his chest and expanding through the rest of his body.




"Awesomeeeeeeeee" Joey, well Joey was being Joey




"Ohohohoho" Gramps laughed, happiness exuding form his very being in front of Albion holy presence.




"Incredible, I have never seen a dragon like that before" Yugi just like the rest was in awe not only at seeing a never seen before monster but for the majesty that exuded.




"Partner" deep inside Yugi felt a second voice talking to him, essentially deeper and older than himself, but at the same time exuding an air of maturity that didn't seem to belong to him, "My other self?" Yugi asked; surprised at finally hearing his other half since the moment they arrived to KC.




Like a mirage that only he could see, in front of him materialized an older version of himself, taller, prouder, with a deeper voice and a gaze of wisdom, the being that resided inside of him since he completed the millennium puzzle not so long ago, but at the same time, someone that he could trust absolutely.




None other than the other protagonist of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Anime and the first of its franchise, the lost pharaoh or better known as Yami Yugi.




"That dragon…" Yami said while looking intently at such majestic beast, feeling like he has seen it somewhere, somewhere old, forgotten, wrong, but he couldn't, no, he didn't know when, feeling like something beyond his own memory loss was acting up, like a veil that shouldn't nor would be lifted unless…unless what?



"Do you recognize it?" Yugi asked at his other self, seeing how he was staring at Asuto's Albion, at that Yami could only grunt in recognizing it "This Albion; it feels familiar, but I can't remember why or when and much less where" the answer was not the one that Yugi was expecting, instead of something that linked to his other half past, it was actually a sensation, one of the few that Yami could only relate to either his past or something more closely related to Yugi at some point of his live.


For when Yami emerged or better said fused with Yugi body but not his spirit, not only he gained the ability to exchange control over the body of his younger self, but he, contrary to Yugi, was able to experiment even if briefly everything that Yugi has lived until the very moment the Millennium Puzzle was completed.



It was an unique experience, he didn't know who he was, when was he born, or whose parents he belonged to, he knew that he lived a long time ago in ancient Egypt, he was a pharaoh and for the feeling that he sensed from the very depths of the Millennium Puzzle a very powerful one at that, but beyond that, he knew nothing, he only knew that his younger self Yugi, was someone with self-esteem problems, with a lot of bad luck, and someone that needed help if not physical at least emotional.



He felt the connection from the very beginning, of course gaining Yugi's memories helped too, but, sometimes he would felt, nostalgic, like he was living something for the second time, but essentially different, more updated, nonetheless those moments were scarce and really rare these days.



In contrast the sensation that dragon invoked was…abnormal, a mix of wrong and right, of lost and found, once destroyed to once again to be repaired, NO, not repaired, that was wrong, there was no way to repair what couldn't be repaired, it was more like someone took all the broken pieces and put it together with cheap glue or silicone, yes, that felt much better.



"Maybe Asuto would know, after all it is his card" Yugi said as a matter of a fact, sometimes the more difficult a question could be the easier and simpler the answer "We will wait then, for now we better pay attention to his next move" Yami said, this time disappearing with only Yugi knowing where to, not like the other would ever see him considering that Yugi and only Yugi could see him in his spirit form, the only time he truly could experiment or try new things would be when both of them exchanged body, though that was more when they decided to try new things, with in some cases Yami exploring the new arcades or even visiting some of the casinos and Yugi too visiting the arcade, going to the school with his friends and managing the shop with his grandfather.


At that Yugi nodded at directed his full attention to the duel, without knowing that Tea was seeing him interacting with Yami all this time, even if she didn't know that he was there all the time, at which he could only ask herself if maybe, just maybe, Asuto's dragon affected him some way, nonetheless those thoughts could be pushed to the back of her mind ofr the time being; right now she was going to see what a possible friend of hers was going to do after doing such and incredible summoning.




"Impossible!" Kaiba's mind was a mess, she usually, never, didn't lost her wits at anything, after all the time that she spend taking care of Mokuba in the orphanage, to the point that she had act as a surrogated mother to her only sibling, by preparing their own food, sewing their already tattered clothes and take care of both of their own education, to the point of home schooling Mokuba herself, one would think that, she, at the brightest moment of her childhood, would have acted more like a kid of her age, but no, she forced herself to mature faster than other kids, forgoing any social interaction after the fiasco with her more than useless parents.



Retribution was truly a sweet mistress




All for what? For the only being that truly mattered in this rotten world, Mokuba, her sibling, her reason to live, her reason to build every defense both in mind and heart, becoming ruthless, cunning, merciless in many aspects and taking advantage of her biggest gift, her intellect, the very same intellect that gave her the opportunity to challenge the billionaire Gozaburo Kaiba to a game of chess, the winner could ask something from the loser, anything at all, and their bet was simple, she won he would adopt her and Mokuba; she loss, well nothing except good PR for him.



She won, plain and simple



More than outrage, disbelief dominated his already wrinkled face, the point that the big cheese of the biggest arms trading industry in Asia would lose to a mere eight years old girl, of course not everything came from only talent, but, she at her age used everything she had in her own hands to learn Gozaburo very own favorite strategies in chess.




He loved to use the same pattern over and over again, sometimes being more aggressive or subtle depending of the opponent, if someone would ask her about that particular part of her past, that annoying guy did, she always will answer, "It gave me the key to Mokuba and I future but strictly related to that chess game, even a baby could have beaten him with their eyes closed" it wasn't, an if situation or possibility of some sort, but an statement of how ridiculous easy was, for her, to beat Gozaburo in his own game, it wasn't even funny.



After that, she even expected Gozaburo to turn back on his promise, she made a bet, a really risky one, with more to lose than gain, but she was counting on it, Mokuba's future was counting on it. She need to win and make sure that Mokuba will have a stable life, because if didn't accepted it, then at least he only needed to convince him to take her sibling, it would have been enough for her.



But surprise, Gozaburo not only fulfilled his part of the deal he even doubled it, gifting them the best education that the money could ever buy, of course, he mainly put his undivided attention on her and her brain, teaching her everything, about Kaiba Corp, about money, politics, language, ethics, social studies, history and last but not least important game theory, the last one was her favorite subject.




Of course everything sounded good in paper, paper that's it, Gozaburo was a slaver driver, never letting her play, cutting her time of rest, dictating what she could and couldn't eat even the time that she could expend with Mokuba was controlled by him with an iron fist, all for this to make her the perfect heir for their weapon manufacturing plant, for Kaiba Corp and nothing less.




Even with all of that, her first love, her love for games remained untainted, to the point that one day near her fifteen years old; she made it, the biggest and greatest invention to ever made in game industry, her virtual world, a place that would be open with affordable prize and where people, mainly children, of any age could enter without fear and play any of their favorites games from the oldest to the newest, a paradise in a sense.




But she knew that her virtual world couldn't be confined to only that, no, it was more, it was absolutely revolutionary in every aspect, it could be used for long distance communication, for learning, for sharing ideas and theories between the most intelligent minds in the worlds, even politics could be discussed face to face without any need to cross any frontier or cause an incident that may lead to some international feud, it was the future, a future made with her own hands, but she had a problem, Gozaburo himself.




At that time, she made many mistakes, and Mokuba, her only real family, paid the prize being in the crossfire between her and Gozaburo fight, the reason? Kaiba Corp, you see, besides her virtual world, she had another dream, or better said goal, Kaiba Land, the idea came from when she and Mokuba were sold and later given away to the orphanage, she remembered how Mokuba asked her if they could go to the theme park near the orphanage, but the ticket cost was too much for them, it was too difficult for Mokuba to let go of that, but, they just couldn't afford it.



Now though, now it was possible, so when Gozaburo asked what she planned to do with Kaiba Corp once she inherited it from him, her answer came from the bottom of her heart, Kaiba Land a theme park for underprivileged children, a chance, the chance that she couldn't have now given to those in the same situation she once was in, but Gozaburo called it stupid, boring and above all inefficient, he raved about how it wouldn't give her money nor power, she tried, tried to explain to him that games were another option, that they could purify someone souls, that there was power, a future in the games industry, but he scoffed at that and ignored her, the bastard cut even more her time with Mokuba after that.




And even confiscated her toys, she couldn't care less about that, but what made her heart got stuck in her throat was her missing Duel Monsters Deck, she made it with a lot of efforts, even though it wasn't some kind of national level deck it was hers, only hers, but, Mokuba, as always had her back, hide within a hallowed book, was hidden her deck with a drawn card of the Blue Eyes White Dragon, drawn by Mokuba that's it, she swore to one day get her own Blue Eyes, heh, and look at now.




Of course, nothing could go right in her life, the fight for succession was near, and she knew that Kaiba Corp was hers, there was no one else to fight for it, besides Gozaburo himself, the only problem was that any invention that she made or any great discovery, were to pass first by the big cheese himself, so imagine when she presented only the virtual software of her virtual world, she wasn't going to show the full product yet, she only had something akin to a prototype, but it worked just like she expected it, of course maybe she should have brought some willing testers instead of testing herself in case of something wrong happening while she was inside in the virtual space, it wasn't a virtual world yet.




Still, everything worked for the better, and she presented the software as it was established in her contract with Gozaburo, but just like before, he didn't want to use it as a gate to play games, no, he wanted to make war with it, he wanted employ it, to further expand their manufacturing weapons monopoly to the world, she was appalled, she knew what she made, she knew how it could be used, and misused, she tried, she really did, she wanted for him to understand the advantages, the possibilities, of the virtual world beyond arms dealing but no, it was not to happen, not as long as he was still in power, from that day she stopped calling him father.




After that a fierce fight between her and Gozaburo started the goal? Once again, Kaiba Corp, she made a deal with the Big Five to overthrow Gozaburo and give the company to her, alongside Mokuba support they were able to throw him out of the position of CEO of Kaiba Corp and she was later instated as the new CEO and sole president of the company.



All of that at the tender age of seventeen



After that, she destroyed their weapon manufacturing branches and started to focus into game-oriented equipment; of course she didn't give a penny to the big old farts that supported her, she knew what they had planned for her, as well as, how they will try to capitalize in her own inventions and HER company to fill their pockets with more money, the greedy bastards.




But, there was an outlier, change, change couldn't be stopped, just like technological advancement couldn't, her virtual world little by little became a reality now being in the alpha state, the first Kaiba Land started to be built not long after her ascension to the big chair, but one of her greatest inventions was none other than the creation of holographic technology to heighten the experience of playing Duel Monsters.




Demonstrating her new holographic technology to the man of the hour himself Maximillian Pegasus, in the flesh, all of that moments before she participated with an exclusive invitation from Pegasus himself to the Intercontinental Duel Monsters Tournament in New York City, where she dueled Bandit Keith and later trashed him to scraps alongside his machines, winning the Intercontinental tournament and earning the title of Champion.




Later, all that magic jumbo of Pegasus happened, with this time Bandit Keith losing against a mere ten year's old child, it was pathetically boring, nonetheless that didn't stop her from making a partnership with Pegasus regarding her holographic technology exclusively for Duel Monsters, alongside the annoying whining of some loser with far too much colony in his horribly magenta colored suit and pants, and let's not forget about their long pink colored hair, weirdo.



With Pegasus support, Kaiba Corp started the development of their first holographic Dueling stations that now were distributed across the entire nation, and soon enough the world, of course she remembered Pegasus actions against Keith, so for that sole reason she started a new way, not only to duel but to have her holograms in something that wasn't a dueling station but something that could bring the duels to everywhere, she still hadn't thought of a name, but Duel Disk was the better that she could think of it, Mokuba love it though.




After all of that, she could finally take a little rest, she decide to go to school, trying to take back something that Gozaburo tried to take away from her, still the idea of having friends almost made her want to puke, the diploma saying that at least she graduated from high school may have counted some way or another.




And the point that Mokuba actually was going to the most privileged school in the city helped too, she wanted the best for her only sibling and not to go through the Spartan teaching that Gozaburo forced on her, she was able to get not one but three Blue Eyes White Dragon after so much searching, some with less than savory means, but it was their fault for being in the way of her objectives, and still she found it, in a quaint and old, game store that belonged to Yugi's grandfather.



The moment she saw it, she knew, she must have it, it was an obsession, oh she was aware of that, she didn't care, it belonged to hers, hers and hers and only hers, no one else, not even Mokuba, she didn't care about others, she only cared for HER dragon, nothing else, why do you thing it was already under production a n aircraft heavily based in HER dragon designs, or the point that in front of the tower there were some life sized, she guessed so, statues of Blue Eyes, or the point that most of Kaiba Land games were decorated with some Blue Eyes motif.



She was a woman with class not a harlot, and still, that dammed old man, spewing bull shit about this and that being related to some long deceased old friend of his, that very well may have decide to take his own life by understanding that his so called friend was no better than some hippie on the streets, and THAT being the sole reason of not giving to her; HER dragon.




But she was reasonable, money? Rare cards? She have it all, the answer was still no, she wanted so much to take the old man by his beard and show him, oh so wrong he was in saying no to her of all people, of course she may have said something within her own grumbling but she didn't care nor remember, she only cared for the denial and insult she suffered at the hands of that senile old man.




So, she what she had to do, she send her men to bring to her domain, her home, her Kaiba Corp and rethink his actions, the answer was as expected, no, once again rejected in what obviously belonged to her, this time she wasn't going to hold back until he happened, taking down her bodyguards was no easy feat, but the way he took care of them was…fast and effective, she remember seeing him in Domino High school, the infamous delinquent of Domino High Kirihara Asuto.




He was a mystery, he always was late to classes, always slept during them, always got passable grades, and some said that he played Duel Monsters, but no one was ever able to corroborate that little piece of information, that and no matter he went he always carried that crimson color scarf, the last idiot that touched it received a one-time ticket to the hospital and never came back to the school, he was suspended for a week and nothing more.



And here he was, standing in gray faded pants, a leather belt with a deck holder, a tattered black sleeveless shirt, that didn't hide the muscles of his chest and arms, a torn sleeveless yellow jacket open in the middle, some black leather gloves and his iconic crimson scarf, aside from that his most astounding traits would have been his marble white pale skin, his hair which was a mix between silver and an absolutely weird spiky mix between red and black and his intimidating crimson eyes that seemed to gaze at her soul



Did she even have one?



She didn't believe in whatever couldn't be scientifically proven




Now, imagine her surprise when, of all things, he cracked her expensive mahogany desk, with his bare hands, she was going to send him the receipt for that later, only to find out another set of three Blue Eyes White Dragon in her desk, she couldn't believe it, it wasn't possible, but they were there in front of her, with an entirely new design that she swore it moved depending on how the light caressed their surfaces, she felt something at gazing for a moment to the old stone tablet behind her dragon but she didn't think too much of it.



She was a reasonable woman, she offered anything for them, forget about money, prestige, or any rare cards out there they would be hers, the old man could kept his for all she cared, she got something even better; but, she was rejected, again, she was going to lose it in that moment before he pronounced those damned words "Let's make a bet Kaiba", the rest is history and that's how she found herself, in her own private virtual stadium with her three Blue Eyes facing a dragon that she have never seen before, so beautiful that she couldn't stare at it for so long, feeling for moments that she really wasn't worthy of being in it presence, with only receiving said feeling from another set of cards that she once used to play so long ago, but now only evoked repulsion and disappointment in equal parts.




But that wasn't important now, for she couldn't help to flinch at how he was looking at her in that moment, there was nothing from the aggressive look from before or the more challenging one at that, this time, he looked at her like she was prey, like she was some deer that soon was going to become the meal of a mighty beast.



No, just no, her name was Seto Kaiba, and she hadn't known defeat, not even once and much less at the hands of a rookie that only made her slip from her tight leash on her emotions only for a second, in her next turn she was going to show him why she was the Intercontinental Champion, and for that she only needed one more card, this was going to end soon, but for now, she will hide the shivers running down her body, though she couldn't actually pinpoint the why behind this, disgusting sensation at all; no matter it was only a matter of time to show him his place and take his three Blue Eyes for herself.




Well, seems like she is in some kind of deep thinking, or maybe she doesn't have anything in her hand to fight against the summoning of Albion, anyway, that just make it easier for me, time to teach her a lesson of humility.



"Ready or not; here I go Kaiba!" I called while releasing all my frustration in that last yell, which seemed to get her out of her stupor "Thanks to having Albion the Sanctifire Dragon in the field I can special summon Springans Kit from my hand in defense position" the monster in question was a young girl wearing a black jacket, shorts and shirt, with rosy colored hair and animal ears and tail of the same color, with a simple but cute blue ribbon and aviator glasses, that gave her a filling of adventure, with fade yellowish eyes and a mischievous smile, she was armed with a blue and golden claw in her left hand, white and golden mechanical boots in both of her legs, a big blaster like thing in her right hand connected to the huge battery that she carried in her back, Kitt appeared in the field with the same mischievous smile hovering slightly over the field, and winking at Albion, which the dragon reciprocated with low growl and a nod form his head.



So, they knew each other even know, huh?





[TYPES Beast / Effect]


[ATK 1700/ DEF 1000]

If you have a Fusion Monster that mentions "Fallen of Albaz" as material on your field or in your GY: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add to your hand, 1 of your "Branded" Spells/Traps that is banished or in your Deck or GY, then place 1 card from your hand on the bottom of the Deck. You can only use each effect of "Springans Kitt" once per turn.



"You see Kaiba, if I have in my field or graveyard Kitt can be special summoned form my hand, neat right?" I said while smiling cheekily at her, Kitt just followed my very actions, or well more like giggling and winking at me at the same time, this little rascal, oh and yeah Kaiba just kept growling at us, cute, NO "Not only that, if Kitt is special or normal summoned I can add from my deck, graveyard or banished cards, a Branded spell/trap to my hand, and the one I choose is none other than my Branded Lost!" my declaration was followed taking out said card from the graveyard and showing it to Kaiba.


"As a cost to activate Kitt's effect I have to send one card from my hand to the bottom of my deck" while explaining Kitt effect I put back on the bottom of the deck Dragonmaid Nurse.



"Now, I will activate the continuous spell card Branded Lost from my hand" once activate the entire stadium and its surrounding started to darken, little by little until ominous purple light started to come out from the field with both Albion and Kitt feeling a little uncomfortable, "Sorry guys just hold out for me a little more" I pleaded knowing that this was not really comfortable considering both their reactions and the expressions in their faces, Kaiba meanwhile looked disgusted at the effect at my card, or at least guess she was disgusted at that or maybe at the purple colored environment.







The activation of your cards and effects that include an effect that Fusion Summons a Fusion Monster cannot be negated, also your opponent cannot activate cards or effects when a monster is Fusion Summoned this way. If you Fusion Summon a Fusion Monster: You can add 1 "Fallen of Albaz", or 1 monster that mentions it, from your Deck to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Branded Lost" once per turn.




"Branded Lost protects my Fusion Summons not only from being interrupted but any card that let me Fusion Summon a monster can't be negated, not only that but my opponent cant activate cards or effects when I Fusion Summon a monster" honestly this card wasn't fair, of course, it wasn't infallible, a simple Mystical space typhoon or some card from the typhoon archetype could easily stop it or destroy and if not, its effect can be negated, damn useful though.

"And now, I will use my Branded Fusion from my hand!" I shouted while I giant vortex of blue and red flames appeared in the center of the field.






Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster that mentions "Fallen of Albaz" as material from your Extra Deck, using 2 monsters from your hand, Deck, or field as Fusion Material. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck, except Fusion Monsters, the turn you activate this card. You can only activate 1 "Branded Fusion" once per turn.



"Branded Fusion let me Fusion Summon any Fusion monster that mentions a Fallen of Albaz as material from my extra deck, nonetheless the materials I can use can be directly from my hand, deck or graveyard" I said while taking out two more cards from my deck; one being Fallen of Albaz while the other was none other than The Incredible Ecclesia, the Virtuous



"Using my second Fallen of Albaz as the base alongside my The Incredible Ecclesia, The Virtuous I will Fusion Summon Albion the Branded Dragon to the field!" being absorbed by the vortex both Albaz and Ecclesia a girl with long wavy golden hair and with what some could decipher as adventurer gear and armed with a giant maze whose head resemble something between a dragon and a snake; gave way to bright red searing light, only to fade a couple of seconds later, now residing in the field, another Albion, this time of a vivid red color that mere body heat seemed to melt everything around himself, adorned with some kind of necklace around his body and neck.



"And this isn't over, because thanks to this I can use Albion the Branded Dragon effect immediately" Albion released a roar to the heavens like proclaiming the advent of something greater and more dangerous, that was just waiting to appear any moment.





[TYPES Dragon / Fusion/ Effect]


[ATK 2500/ DEF 2000]

"Fallen of Albaz" + 1 LIGHT monster

If this card is Fusion Summoned: You can Fusion Summon 1 Level 8 or lower Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, except "Albion the Branded Dragon", by banishing Fusion Materials listed on it from your hand, field, and/or GY. During the End Phase, if this card is in the GY because it was sent there this turn: You can add to your hand or Set 1 "Branded" Spell/Trap directly from your Deck. You can only use each effect of "Albion the Branded Dragon" once per turn.



"His effect let me Fusion Summon one Level 8 or lower Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck as long as I banish the required fusion materials from my hand, field or graveyard" I said while Albion own body started little by little to become brighter and brighter with each second "And for that I will use one of the Fallen of Albaz in my graveyard alongside Albion the Branded Dragon to banish so I …" This time Albion the Branded Dragon was engulfed completely by the red light while the spirit of Albaz flew straight from the graveyard toward where Albion used to stand, colliding with the bright red light, only to unleash the mother of all ice storm.



Unlimited power, untapped potential


Release yourself from you shackles of pure ice



And point your fangs and claws like blades toward those who dare stand in your path!



"…Fusion Summon, Mirrorjade, the Iceblade Dragon in attack position!" I yelled while slamming one of my favorite cards from the Branded archetype in the duel terminal, seeing how the mother of all ice storm started little by little to shrink, giving away to a powerful and massive bipedal black scaled muscular body with pulsing red and purple veins, which seemed to be covered by armor like ice, that reflected the light but didn't hide the power exuded by the wyrm, with multiple ice blades that worked as his own way of offense and defense; and yes, Mirrorjade it's not a dragon, I demand a refund, once Mirrorjade finally appeared in the field not only the temperature seemed to drop a couple of grades but it too unleashed a roar so powerful that made the entire place tremble, for a moment it made me thin that maybe it wasn't really safe to be in a suspended platform without belts or something in case there would be risk of falling.




At seeing my little conundrum Albion snapped quickly at Mirrorjade nearly biting his head off, something which Mirrorjade wasn't exactly very thrilled and seemed ready to give Albion the same treatment until Kitt flew between them and, convinced them? I don't know I wasn't exactly close when she talked down both of them in calming down, uff, thanks Kitt, you are a life saver.




The feeling of a sweat drop falling over my right cheek just made realize that maybe, just maybe, my dragons, and Kitt, were more real than I thought; got to be more careful next time.



[TYPES Wyrm/ Fusion/ Effect]


[ATK 3000/ DEF 2500]

"Fallen of Albaz" + 1 Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monster

You can only control 1 "Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon". Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can send 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck to the GY that mentions "Fallen of Albaz" as material; banish 1 monster on the field, also this card cannot use this effect next turn. If this Fusion Summoned card in its owner's control leaves the field because of an opponent's card: You can destroy all monsters your opponent controls during the End Phase of this turn.





Meanwhile with the others, I mean main cast.



"G-Guys don't you think it's a little cold in here or am I the only one?" Tea said quickly rubbing her arms in an attempt to fight of the cold



"G-Glad to now I am not going crazy" Tristan said trying to use the jacket of his uniform as a blanket or oversized sweater, obviously it wasn't made for that.



"G-Guys, J-Joey!" Yugi said stammering pointing at Joey that…


Did…did the bastard really became an ice sculpture?! How?! These are hologrñ-; you know what, forget it, Duel Spirit and what not.



"Ohohoho, this makes me remember that time I tried to search for an ancient civilization in Antarctica" the fuck Gramps?!



Gramps was lucky that he didn't find some Eldritch horror in the or something


It seemed that the main cast would be more concentrated in unfreeze Joey before they could pay attention to the duel, almost forgot to say, the idiot got frozen in a Cristiano Ronaldo pose, and I am talking about the typical siouuuuu or something that he always screamed in presentations, I don't know, never paid too much attention to football.



The more I write this journal the more ridiculous it gets, or at least Joey, you know what? Back to the duel.




Is Kaiba…trembling from the cold? Meh it's not even that cold but, fine better end my turn soon, got to keep laying the field for her demise after all.



"I won't activate Mirrorjade effect in this turn since it's not necessary, in contrast I will activate my Dragonmaid Tidying from my graveyard" as I said the name of the card an entire mess just happened in front of our eyes, in the field every monster was covered from head to toe in trash, clothes, towel, different plates of food and what not, but in contrast an entire assembly of maids, made way through the entire mess that was the virtual stadium, cleaning and putting order wherever they stepped, poor laundry literally has to take some underpants from Mirrorjade crown, not to say that the young dragoness didn't make herself scarce before annoying more the already temperamental dragon.



"What…is this?" Kaiba said with disbelief, not understanding and much less believing that, in her very own private stadium an entire company of maids started to clean and put order in the field, not only but with one of them wearing a skimpy French maid dress, that left far too much to imagination, ouch, that was parlor, pretty sure that the head maid was going to have her head in a silver plate later on.






I coughed, or at least tried, as a way to ignore what happened just now, that and the mess that still was present in her own side of the field, err, that was going to disappear once the effect of the card fulfilled, I guess.


Oh damn, one her eyes is ticking, got to follow with the duel before Kaiba does something that she might not regret.






Target 1 Dragon monster you control and 1 card your opponent controls or in their GY; return them to the hand. You can banish this card from your GY; Special Summon 1 "Dragonmaid" monster from your hand or GY in Defense Position, but return it to the hand during the End Phase. You can only use 1 "Dragonmaid Tidying" effect per turn, and only once that turn.



"By banishing Dragonmaid Tidying form the graveyard I can special summon from my hand or graveyard one Dragonmaid monster in defense position, but it will return to my hand in my end phase" I said while a new red light shone in my field, "Now I will use to special summon form my graveyard my Dragonmaid Tinkhec in defense position!" in a show of bright red light, contrary to the almost crimson hue of the Branded or Despia, this seemed lighter, purer, and from the red light circle that appeared in the field, a beautiful red, white and light blue scaled dragon came out, releasing a shriek of joy and landing alongside the rest of my dragons plus Kitt, with only Kitt getting close to her to say hello.




[TYPES Dragon / Effect]


[ATK 2600/ DEF 1700]

Cannot be destroyed by card effects while you control a Fusion Monster. You can only use each of the following effects of "Dragonmaid Tinkhec" once per turn.

(Quick Effect): You can discard this card, then target 1 "Dragonmaid" monster you control; it gains 2000 ATK until the end of this turn. At the end of the Battle Phase: You can return this card to the hand, and if you do, Special Summon 1 Level 3 "Dragonmaid" monster from your hand.



"And think fast Kaiba because now I will activate my Dragonmaid Changeover from my hand" this time the field was covered in different white shining shadows of dragon one more majestic or cuter than the other.






Fusion Summon 1 Dragon Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Material. While this card is in your GY: You can target 1 "Dragonmaid" monster you control; add this card to your hand, and if you do, return that monster to the hand. You can only use this effect of "Dragonmaid Changeover" once per turn.


"This let me Fusion Summon one dragon Fusion Monster, using monsters from my hand or field as fusion material, and I will choose my Parlor Dragonmaid and Dragonmaid Tinkhec to…" this time instead of the regular vortex, the many spirit of the dragon started to circle around us, making an entire spectacle thanks to the high diversity of dragon that existed and were ready to answer the call, nonetheless one single of them approached, bathed in ethereal light gazed at me with warm and gentle eyes, a tender smile is what she got from me, I knew who I was going to choose.



Head maid of the servants of the lost mansion


Shed away your human form and set free your wings once more


Soy you may fight by my side one more time!



"…Fusion summon Dragonmaid Sheou in attack position!" with a slim body, filled with beautiful black and white scales, a long and powerful tail, and flying with a grace never seen before, Sheou landed in the middle of the field ready to face against our enemies, like many times before, but this time, instead of being a simpler card made of expensive cardboard, she came to live, even if only in the form of a hologram, and now all the players are ready, it's time to set the stage.





[TYPES Dragon/ Fusion/ Effect]

[LEVEL 10]

[ATK 3500/ DEF 2000]

1 "Dragonmaid" monster + 1 Level 5 or higher Dragon monster

During each Standby Phase: You can Special Summon 1 Level 9 or lower "Dragonmaid" monster from your hand or GY. When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card, also, after that, return this card to the Extra Deck, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "House Dragonmaid" from your Extra Deck. You can only use each effect of "Dragonmaid Sheou" once per turn.



"Thanks to the rules established at the beginning of the Duel, my fusion dragon monsters can't attack the turn they are summoned, so you better prepare yourself because I will end this in my next turn!" what I got in response wasn't a growl or something, no, Kaiba was giggling, nir a mad giggle or an euphoric, it felt more like she couldn't believe what she was, seeing.



"I admit it, you surprised me, I won't deny that your actions and your style of Duel put you above the common fodder, but still, if you love to Fusion summon your dragon so much then let me show you what a real dragon looks like to you, I will activate the card Ultimate Fusion from my hand!" a massive vortex of the color of the BEWD started to appear in the center of the field, expanding little by little, until it reached even my own dragons and Kitt, with these recoiling at the fiery and untamed energies that seemed to pour out form it; "And I will use my three Blue Eyes With Dragon on my field to Fusion Summon!"





During the Main Phase: Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that mentions "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" or "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" as material, by shuffling the Fusion Materials listed on it from your hand, field, and/or GY into the Deck, then, you can destroy face-up cards your opponent controls, up to the number of "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" used from the field as material. You can only activate 1 "Ultimate Fusion" per turn.


Feast your eyes on the most powerful of all dragons, in its fully evolved glory!


Fusion Summon!


Show yourself, Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!


Appearing directly from below of the field and destroying the floor leaving a mess that was quickly replaced by other holographic floor, A futuristic three headed dragon made it presence known, a combination of the three original BEWD of Kaiba but instead of being the monster with only 4500 attack points this time, it was it evolved version, the one that can attack a number of times equal to the number of Blue Eyes Fusion monster that she send from the extra deck to her graveyard and let's not forget about the effect of the graveyard which as long a blue eyes monster she controls is targeted by effect Neo Blue Eyes can be banished to negate and destroy said card and effect.





[TYPES Dragon/ Fusion/ Effect]

[LEVEL 12]

[ATK 4500/ DEF 3800]

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" + "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"

At the end of the Damage Step, if this is the only face-up card you control, and this Fusion Summoned card attacked: You can send 1 "Blue-Eyes" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard; this card can attack again in a row. You can use this effect of "Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" up to twice per turn. During either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that targets a "Blue-Eyes" monster(s) you control: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card.



Key word in her control, never said something about the dragons in her graveyard


Still, she got me, I forgot about the card that she still had in hand, and apparently constantly summoning my dragons forced her to summon her best monster during my turn, a combination of the rules of Battle City, Ultimate Fusion which is a quick play spell that can be played during the main phase and the ignoring the condition when the fusion summoned monsters cannot attack the moment they are summoned, meaning that in the next turn she will be able to attack with her strongest monster; I will have to play these two cards in the right moment in her next turn to obtain the victory I desire.



Ah dammit, me and my plans if I didn't want to win in a really specific way against Kaiba right now I could have prolonged this Duel but I need to do it in my second turn to make her understand the consequences of her actions.



"And now the second effect of Ultimate Fusion" right that card had that effect "I can destroy a number of cards equal to the number of Blue Eyes White Dragon that I used to Fusion Summon my Neo Blue Eyes White Dragon!" and now here it comes the already fiery energy of the vortex started to become unstable releasing lightning after lightning in the field, the targets, my monsters, well, guess what, I knew what to do in this case.


"My Dragonmaid Sheou effect activates, once per turn I can negate the effect of one card and then destroy it, sadly this way, I am forced to return Sheou to the extra deck, but in contrast I can summon one House Dragonmaid to the field from the extra deck ignoring her summoning condition!" after I finished speaking and receiving the mother of all glares like for the tenth time this day, growl included, Sheou bathed herself in pure light, and later dived inside the unstable vortex only for this to slowly disappear little by little, and finally coming out from the closing Vortex was a tall, slender, mature woman wearing glasses that only added more to her charm, with a long and flexible but strong tale that came from above her rear and with accessories like a maid tiara with horns and spiky gauntlets with little wings protruding from her wrists, which actually were parts of her real body.




[TYPES Dragon/ Fusion/ Effect]


[ATK 3000/ DEF 2000]

1 "Dragonmaid" monster + 1 Dragon monster

Once per turn, during the Standby Phase: You can target 1 other "Dragonmaid" monster you control; Special Summon 1 "Dragonmaid" monster from your hand or GY in Defense Position, whose Level is 1 higher or 1 lower than it. When another face-up Dragon monster(s) you control returns to your hand (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy it.






Should I feel offended at being tched at my age?


"You.Got.Lucky" okay she said while gritting her teeth's, and they really made an ugly sound, like someone scratching a chalkboard, uff, didn't need to remember that "But in my next turn I will end this farce once and for all" it seems her arrogance and her pride decided to make a grand appearance the moment that Neo Blue Eyes came to the field, very well let me fix that, would ya?



"If that how you want to play Kaiba the fine by me, before ending my turn I will activate one of my set cards the continuous spell card The Dark Door" and ominous aura invaded the field this time a dense black fog seemed to engulf our monsters, mixed with the already eerie purple dim light from my Branded Lost, it felt all kinds of wrong.



Better end this Duel and fast



[THE DARK DOOR] [Anime Version]



Both players can only attack with 1 monster during their respective Battle Phases.



"And you think that choosing a single monster will save you from my Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon 4500 attack points?" she sneered at me, believing that she already won, and that I was only putting a brave front.




"We won't know until we are ready to find out right Kaiba" I smiled, not that ugly smile of mine or a kind one, I was mocking her, not even once in this Duel or even before the Duel I have ever shown a single bit of respect, I was going to keep going on with that after the Duel ended.




I looked at our audience; their face looked grim and worried, Gramps in contrast was as calm as the sea itself, looking at me, waiting for my next move, and it was all I needed to know. "I end my turn"




"Mph, finally, my turn I draw!" by her face it seemed that she didn't draw what she wanted "I will play my Pot of Greed allowing me two draw two more cards" she once again draw and this time I couldn't stop it since I didn't have in my hand nothing that could stop her from doing it, and still, it seems she obtained something, a fifty-fifty I suppose.



I wasn't going to let her act so fast though "Now I will activate Albion the Sanctifire Dragon effect" Albion started to shine in pure light preparing himself to use the power granted to him, the power of light itself, of hope "Once during my opponent turn I can choose two monsters in any graveyards and summon them to each respective field and those who I choose will be none other than your very own Blue Eyes With Dragon and my Dragonmaid Tinkhec to the field, now come back from the grave brave dragons!"



In an explosion of holy fire and light, something that made everyone be more awed of Albion presence and power, BEWD came back to Kaiba side of the field while Dragonmaid Tinkhec finally made her appearance, in all beautiful mix of red, blue and white glory.


"Now I will activate my Dragonmaid Changeover from the graveyard, letting me target on Dragonmaid monster in my field, and adding this card to my hand, as well as adding to my hand the targeted monster" I said while both Dragonmaid Changeover and Dragonmaid Tinkhec came back to my hand



"And thanks to Tinkhec coming back to my hand, the effect of my House Dragonmaid activates, this can only be activated once one or more dragon monster that I control comes back to my hand, allowing me to destroy one of your monsters, and I choose your recently revived Blue Eyes White Dragon!"






"As you wish my master"



God bless her voice was melodious, soft and delicate



With a bow House obeyed my order, and with a broom, where the heck did it come from? Literally swiped the floor with Blue Eyes until nothing but Kaiba and I reflex could be seen, nice, I gave her a thumbs up, while she did a little courtesy and faced once again against Neo Blue Eyes.



Kaiba face was, well, I guess some things are better not explained or answered; in contrast my little audience was, well, Tristan and Joey were laughing like hyenas, Yugi was just shaking his head in disapproval trying to hide his own laughter, Tea was just exasperated and Gramps was, Gramps, why are you…looking at House like that? Yep, some things are better never known indeed.



"Tch, and what you got from that? You could have taken care fo of my Neo Blue Eyes with that very same effect, and still you didn't, what was that supposed to be?" now she was angry, she didn't understand why I did it, heck I know why I did, because of Neo Blue Eyes very same effect in the graveyard and because she was going to grant me the piece that I so much wanted.



"Doesn't matter, what matters what's going to happen next; Battle!" Neo Blue Eyes roared challenging any of my dragons and Kitt to fight head on, and with it The Dark Door effect activated, Kaiba was forced to choose her only monster in the field her Neo Blue Eyes while I choose my House Dragonmaid to battle.



"Go! Hyper Neutron Blast!" and with that Neo Blue Eyes unleashed its ultimate attack the difference between 4500 and 3000 attack pints was clear as crystal, but he underestimated again, "I activate my Dragonmaid Tinkhec effect, by discarding her I can give one Dragonmaid monster that I control 2000 attack points!" red aura filtered form the graveyard only to fuse with the white aura exude by House combining with one another, elevating her attack points to five thousand, and with a difference of five hundred.



House easily sidestepped each individual beam from each head of Neo Blue Eyes getting closer and closer, until…




And with that and honoring my order, House with a single swipe of her tail, sent flying Kaiba's mighty beast like if it was children play, making it crash hard and explodes in hexagons, finally drawing the first blood of the Duel


SETO KAIBA 2000 ---) 1500





"I-Impossible my Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon…destroyed by, by that thing?!" Oi, insult me as much as you want but don't insult my cards!



"I won't accept it, I won't accept this, my turn hasn't ended yet, I will activate my Monster Reborn to resurrect my Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon from the grave come back my mons-…!!", you know what's funny about hand traps, that no one truly expect them, they always appear in the worst or best moment possible just like my Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion.



For you see, in front of Kaiba was the ghost of a pale little girl, dressed in a Goth Lolita outfit, with her sad dead eyes she gazed directly at Kaiba soul and muttered one single word.






And with that any possibility of resurrecting her dragon was closed, of course she still had that card facedown and one card in her hand but if she didn't activate yet, must be because, either the card face down must be a trap, most probably Mirror Force or the card in her hand was a hand trap that couldn't be activated yet, nonetheless I was going to take the risk, with my next draw, I had something that could stop her from activating her face down card heck, it would be able to negate it and destroy it, but for that I need to summon a monster first.




[TYPES Zombie / Effect]


[ATK 0/ DEF 1800]

When a card or effect is activated that includes any of these effects (Quick Effect): You can discard this card; negate that activation.

Add a card(s) from the GY to the hand, Deck, and/or Extra Deck. Special Summon a Monster Card(s) from the GY. Banish a card(s) from the GY.

You can only use this effect of "Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion" once per turn.






Target 1 monster in either GY; Special Summon it.


"I-I end my turn" well that was the most defeated I have ever heard Kaiba in her life, or well, in general, of course this is not the same Kaiba of the anime she is a completely different person, and still she had to walk the path made already for her, still no mercy for the wicked.


"Very well, my turn I draw!" I widened my eyes at my very own luck, I used this card for so long during the synchro era that it was standard to have in any deck I made; to think I would use it once again, truly funny "I will activate the spell card Pot of Avarice which let me to shuffle five monsters from my graveyard to the deck, shuffle and draw two new cards" I said while looking at my two new additions, with one of them making me frown in consideration, a fifty-fifty situation for me this time.





Target 5 monsters in your GY; shuffle all 5 into the Deck, then draw 2 cards



First come first "I will activate my last set card, the stage is open for the grand finale, take the scenario Despia, Theater of the Branded!" and colossal structure appeared, assimilating our surroundings and letting us experience the tale of the end, a comedy, a tragedy, a drama of how the pure and blessed were in secret the first in line to accept the whispers of the devils in their ears, and in consequence the first to condemn the world to their most horrible era in existence.





During your Main Phase: You can Fusion Summon 1 Level 8 or higher Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or field as material. If a face-up non-Fusion Fairy monster you control leaves the field by an opponent's card effect, or is destroyed by battle: You can target 1 Level 8 or higher Fusion Monster in your GY; Special Summon it. You can only use each effect of "Despia, Theater of the Branded" once per turn.




"My theater, once per turn, let me Fusion Summon one level 8 or higher Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck, using monster form my hand or field as materials and with that, I offer my Springans Kitt from the field, my Guiding Quem, the Virtuous and my Aluber the Jester of Despia form my hand to…" the theater massive doors opened letting said selected monsters to be absorbed by it, uff, Kitt expression hurts, but must soldier on, with all of the required materials inside, a new dark light could descend to the field.



Beast of deepest purple bathed in crimson corruption and black torment


Shed your beautiful silver and golden scales


And let it be free, the terrible fiend that announce the end of the world!



"…Fusion summon Despian Proskenion in attack position!" contrary to my other summons this could easily be the worst of all of them, the aura that emanated from it was toxic, depraved, evil to the point that it could suffocate those weak of mind and heart, a two headed dragon? With a body that resembled more a torture mechanism, mixed with poisonous spikes and chanted songs from old, of tales that never happened for they have already been long consumed, and whispers that could turn the holiest of men into the most depraved individual in the world, it easily towered over any other monster, this was Despia Proskenion, the corrupter.





[TYPES Fiend/ Fusion/ Effect]

[LEVEL 11]

[ATK 3200/ DEF 3200]

1 "Despia" monster + 1 LIGHT monster + 1 DARK monster

During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monster in your opponent's GY; banish it, or Special Summon it to your field. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's original ATK or DEF (whichever is higher). You can only use each effect of "Despian Proskenion" once per turn.


"And now the effect of my Despia Proskenion activates, once pert turn during my main phase I can choose one Fusion monster in my opponent graveyard, and I can either banish or summon it to my side of the field, tell me Kaiba do you know what it's going to happen next?" I don't think I would ever forget that expression in my life, it was like when anime Seto saw Exodia for the very first time in his life, and now that very same post was taken by my Despian Proskenion.



Of course I knew Despian couldn't attack this turn, and neither the Fusion monster summoned form the graveyard and still I had to try, "And I choose your Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon to fight for me!"







With my order shouted, Despian plunged both of his head under the floor of the field trying to find something that was hiding from until a dragging motion started to appear visible in his two heads, before finally taking out form the graveyard an injured and tortured Neo Blue Eyes, controlled and submitted by Despian himself.



Of course the sight wasn't exactly pretty, but I will have to work with that just for now, for now; "Now Kaiba how it feels to have what you love the most taken from you, it hurts isn't it?" Kaiba was trembling, her face was pale and her countenance wasn't at all how she was behaving till now, it seems I went overboard, but there was only one way to end this, very well, "Now I will activate my spell Mystical space typhoon card face down" I said with indifference, there was no joy in this, I trashed her, yes, I inflicted what Yami only did through magic and now, well, whatever happened after this it will be her decision only not mine.





Target 1 Spell/Trap on the field; destroy that target.



The card destroyed wasn't even revealed just break in thousands of hexagons, and now "Since Neo Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon wasn't Fusion summoned but instead special summoned from the graveyard the rule that specifies that they can't attack the turn they are summoned is null" Kaiba eyes widened in realization in the loophole of her very own rules, she only specified that they could not attack if Fusion Summoned never said about any other typed of Summoning in general, she took an step back, realization hitting her like a truck, she was afraid, for the first time in her life she was truly afraid.




And with and agonized single roar, the Neo Blue Eyes shot their most iconic attack at their own master, essentially ending the game with a shriek of fear coming from Kaiba herself, which now was just there kneeling in the floor with her head hanging low in defeat.


I won.



SETO KAIBA 1500 ---) 0