
Chapter 45: Fur fight.

In the Jurassic World Zone, the duel between the Number Hunter Kite and the New Order Agent Alice, continued under the covert monitoring of the White General. Kite remained cold and calm as he faced off against his childish opponent. He knew better than to lower his guard and the more this girl tried to seem all cute and innocent the more Kite was convinced that she was extremely dangerous.

His focused gaze looked out at the monster Alice had summoned. The <Fluffal Leo> was like a giant soft toy lion, its appearance was cute and weak, while its strength could only be considered average with an attack of 1600. This further reinforced the image that he was fighting a child. But there was still her facedown to consider as the turn moved to him.

[Turn 2 – Kite LP:4000 Hand 5, Alice LP:3500 Hand:5]

"I draw."

Thanks to the skill the girl had activated at the start of the duel she was already down 500 life points in order to gain a slight card advantage in the opening of the duel, yet her opening moves seemed disappointingly simple.

"I play <Photon Sanctuary>, a spell that allows me to special summon two Photon Tokens to the field."

[x2 Photon Token – Lv4 ATK:2000/DEF:0]

"And then by tributing these two tokens I can summon my loyal servant, the dragon more savage than a supernova! With a cataclysmic force of ten black holes put together! A cosmic scourge that vaporizes anything in its path. The <Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon>!"

[Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon – Lv8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

Kites mighty monster appeared from a blinding pillar of light, standing tall and proud as its body glowed with the power held within itself. Its presence was incomparable and overwhelming in front of Alice's pitiful Fluffal.


"Galaxy Eyes attack!" Kite commanded.

Obeying its masters order the dragon blasted out with its terrifying photon energy blast, the opposing stuff toy was powerless as the laser like light consumed it and blasted into the poor girl.

[GEPD ATK:3000 > FL ATK:1600 – Alice LP > 2100]

"eeeekkk!" the girl screamed in her childish voice as her life points plummeted, but as the smoke cleared Kite was witness to the sight of a massive childish crane on the field, its hand plunging into a hole that appeared in front of the child.

"Big meanie! What did Little Yellow do to you? Don't worry I'll save you! I activate <Fluffal Crane>. With this I return Leo to my hand and I even get to draw a card, Yay!" Alice said as her crane pulled her Fluffal Leo out of the grave.

"Humph. I set a card face down and end my turn."

[Turn 3 – Alice LP:2100 Hand:7, Kite LP:4000 Hand 3]

"Hey mister have you ever heard the story of the lion and the mouse?" Alice asked Kite as she drew her card. But her only answer was silence, which caused her to pout her face and stick out her tongue.

"Fine, the mouse meets a lion with a thorn in his paw, stuff happens and they end up best friends, and here is my Leo's friend. <Fluffal Mouse>! And this cutie brings along his friends!" Alice explained as three cubby mice appeared on her field.

Each of them were like little puff balls, with white bellies and bright blue fur. They all held a chocolate doughnut in their tiny paws. Thanks to her Fluffal Mouse special ability Alice could special summon two copies from her deck to the field.

"So Cuuute!" Alice squealed to Kites annoyance.

"Will you just drop the kid act. I am not falling for it." Kite snapped. It was an insult to his intelligence that this kid kept on acting so helpless and innocent in front of him.

"Grouch! No wonder your Fakers son." Alice complained in a huff.

"What did you say?" Kite asked. His whole attitude suddenly changed, becoming even more dangerous.

Alice realised that she had made a mistake, there was no way she should know who Kites father was. Kite may have gained some fame from being ranked as a top 10 duellist during the WDC and had gained some infamy during his time as a Number Hunter, but nothing in this revealed details of his personal life. In the eyes of the public his past was as much a mystery as Drakes was.

His father Dr Faker was the secret puppet master that controlled the city and the WDC. He had practically disappeared from the public light a decade ago during his extra-terrestrial energy research and had purposely hidden himself when he had begun to work for Barian World. He was erased from history and official records, a ghost. No way some random kid could know about Kites father, no way but one.

New Order.

"I made a uh-oh…" Alice whispered.

She knew that she had blown her cover. Stupid, stupid, stupid! She complained in her head. She had let Kites indifference get to her and it affected her judgement. She spent a lot of effort in her act, picking the right cute girly clothes, training her voice for that perfect innocent child effect, acting classes so that each of her movements reinforced the image that she wanted to project. Even her deck and duelling strategies had been fine tuned to achieve this false persona and lower her targets vigilance until the last moment, the moment she would strike and claim another soul for the Orichalcos.

Yet Kite had seemed indifferent to all her effort. Was the boy a rock head or something? Who could ignore cute little old her? Sugar and spice and all things nice, sometimes she was so sweet she made even herself sick. But did it affect Kite at all? No it did not, and now? Even if she now won the duel her teacher was not going to be pleased that she had made such a mistake.

"You're with New Order, aren't you?" Kite dangerously asked.

"Fine, you got me. So what? You are not walking away from this duel anyway." Alice admitted, dropping the kiddy act.

"Tell me what New Order has done to Dextra's soul, tell me where it is and how I can get it back. Then tell me where Shark and Wyvern are and what you are planning, then maybe, maybe I won't hurt you."

"Dextra who? Oh did the poor boy lose someone close to you? Sooorry, not my department. And as for information about the Blue and Black Generals, forget it. I have done enough clean-up operations to know that you do not talk about the group. Ever." She replied to Kite off handily.

"Then I will just have to make you talk." Kite threatened.

"Go Photon Transformation!" He called out as he triggered his photon powers. His black coat transformed into a brilliant white and his duel gazer tattoo formed around his eye. He could feel the power pulse through his body as his heart thumped like a resounding drum in his ears. He was truly serious about this duel at this point.

But none of this was a surprise to Alice, she had read all the files New Order had on the Number Hunter and had prepared herself for every possible outcome.

"We will see about that, I play <Polymerization>! Hunter in the dark that prowls under the bloody moon of nightmares, come and become one with blades of pain. I fusion summon <Frightfur Wolf>!"

Using the three Fluffal Mouse's on the field, the Fluffal Leo in her hand along with <Edge Imp Sabers>, Alice summoned her lupin monster. A Frankenstein stuffed monster of a purple stuffed wolf and sharp scissors, its crimson eyes aglow from within the wolf heads maw.

[Frightfur Wolf – Lv6 ATK:2000/DEF:1500]

Alice's monster wasn't as strong as Kites Galaxy-Eyes, but its special ability allowed it to attack a number of times equal to the number of fusion material monsters used to summon it, meaning her beast could attack five times a turn. If she could deal with Galaxy-Eyes that is.

"Next I activate <Frightfur Fusion>! With this I can fusion summon a Frightfur monster by banishing monsters on my field or in my grave, so by banishing Edge Imp Sabers and two Fluffal Mouse I Fusion Summon! Haunted lady who cares for the abandoned nightmares in the empty darkness, Rise with your merciful blades <Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary>!"

[Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary – Lv10 ATK:2000/3000]

A raggedy doll with long blond hair in a white dress rose from the field, the inside of her dress a seemingly empty darkness. Kite was not impressed with this monster as it still paled before his dragon, but before his eyes Nightmary's attack began to grow.

"Nightmarys special effect, it gains 300 ATK for each fairy or fiend in my graveyard during my turn." Alice explained.

"That's still not enough to take down Galaxy-Eyes." Kite said, and he was right.

Because of Frightfur fusion Alice now only had two monsters in her Graveyard, giving her monster a 600 ATK point boost, still short of Galaxy-Eyes 3000 ATK.

[Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary – ATK:2000 > 2600]

"But I also have this! <Frightfur Sanctuary>! I activate this continuous spell by discarding a card from my hand and sending two Frightfur monsters from my extra deck to the grave. I discard <Fluffal Wings> and send <Frightfur Sheep> and <Frightfur Leo> to the graveyard."

With three more fiends in the graveyard Frightfur Mary would gain another 900 ATK points.

[Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary – ATK:2600 > 3500]

Frightfur Sanctuary effect wasn't actually important at this point, its only purpose here was to give Alice's monster the attack boost it needed to overcome its galactic foe.

"Now Nightmary attack! Nightmare Suture!"

From the seams of Alice's monster numerous black threads erupted and surged towards Kites monster, entangling its arms, legs, wings and neck in a strangling hold as it pulled the helpless beast towards it. Galaxy-Eyes began to emit a blinding light from its body.

"I activate Galaxy-Eyes effect! When it battles a monster I can banish-!"

"Not so fast Kite." Alice interrupted as a red and black stuffed devil appeared at Galaxy-Eyes back and grabbed hold of it. The glow of the dragons power began to fade away.

"Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary has another ability, when you activate an effect that targets it, I can negate that effect by banishing another Frightfur monster from my extra deck, so I banish <Frightfur Daredevil>." Alice explained.

This left Kites monster helpless as Nightmary opened the front of her dress, numerous blades shot out into Galaxy-Eyes and then dragged the monster in, swallowing the dragon whole. Before it then flicked her hands to whip Kite with her black threads. But they were blocked by a sudden streak of blue light that smashed into them and enveloped Kite in a protective bubble of energy.

[DFN ATK:3500 > GEPD ATK:3000]

"What's that!?" Alice cried as the blue light around the streak faded to show a dark blue torpedo like monster with purple eyes.

"I activated the effect of my <Kuriphoton>, meaning that I take no damage this turn."

Kite had activated the effect of his own Kuriboh variant, Kuriphoton. At the cost of 2000 life points it provided an invincible shield that blocked all damage for the turn. It was his only choice considering that Alice's Frightful Wolf had yet to attack and he had just lost his only monster.

[Kite LP > 2000]

"So you can do cute after all, so why did you ignore me then!" Alice complained while looking at Kuriphoton. Not that Kite would ever think to call the flying torpedo cute.

"You should be more concerned with what I'm about to do to you." Kite threatened.

"I don't think so, you may not take damage but my Nightmary still destroyed your dragon, and when it does so I can send a number of Fluffal and Edge Imp monsters from my deck to the grave for each of its levels. With eight new monsters in the grave my monster then gains another 2400 Points!"

[Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary – ATK:3500 > 5900]

"So what? You monster only has a power boost during your turn. For your sins I will take you out before you have a chance to use it." Kite stood firm, so long as he could finish this next turn everything would be fine.

"Humph, meanie. I set a card face down and end my turn."

[Dangerous Frightfur Nightmary – ATK:5900 > 2000]

[Turn 4 - Kite LP:2000 Hand 3, Alice LP:2100 Hand:0]

"I draw! then I play <Pot of Greed>." Kite drew his two additional cards and examined his hand floating before him. Ideally he needed to end the duel this turn before Alice's monster had another chance to attack.

"I special summon <Photon Thrasher> to the field and since I control a Photon monster I can special summon <Photon Advancer> as well. With these two level 4 monster I build the Overlay Network! Galactic lord of stars, appear and deliver your judgement. I Xyz summon rank 4 <Starliege Lord Galaxion>!"

[Starliege Lord Galaxion – Rank 4 ATK:2000/DEF:2100 OU:2]

Wielding its twin swords of photon energy, Kites warrior took to the field clad in its futuristic white armour with its two Overlay Units slowly orbiting it.

"I activate Galaxion's special ability! By using two Overlay units I can special summon my Galaxy-Eyes back from the graveyard."

[Starliege Lord Galaxion – OU:2 > 0]

[Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon – Lv8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

Using its two Overlay Units Kites monster used its swords to cut through space and open a path from the graveyard back to the field for Kites faithful monster to return.

"Since I control a Galaxy-Eyes I can then special summon <Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon>!"

[Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon – Lv8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500]

"With these two monster I now form the Overlay Network! Galaxy shining in the darkness, dwell in the demonic god of revenge and become my very servant! Xyz Summon! Descend on your wings of light, Rank 8! Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!"

[Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon – Rank 8 ATK:3000/DEF:2500 OU:2]


With its rainbow wings the stellar dragon emerged from the black vortex of the Overlay Network and Kite wasted no time to activate its famous ability.

"Go Cipher Subjection!"

[Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon - OU:2 > 1]

[Frightfur Wolf > Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon* ATK:3000/DEF:1500]

Using an Overlay Unit Kites dragon stole Alice's Frightfur Wolf, transforming it into a virtual replica of Kites monster. It stood ready to destroy its former master besides Kites two other monsters, but it was soon joined by a fourth monster. Another Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!

"Using the effect of Afterglow Dragon, when I detach it as an Overlay Unit from a Xyz monster to activate its effect, I can special summon a Galaxy-Eyes from my hand or deck!"

Now he had four monsters to crush this fake child with, and once Kite got his hands on her he would wring out the information he wanted. He owed it to Dextra, he owed her so much that he refused to fail with a chance now before him.

"Now go Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon* and attack Nightmary! Cipher Stream of Destruction!" Kite cried.

"I active my skill! Fairy Ward!" Alice cried as she activated her personal skill. She may not have made the top 10 list, but like Kite, Drake and others she had achieved a Purple Heart in the preliminaries and had received a personal Duel skill.

<<Permanent skill active: Fairy Ward – For this turn whenever a monster you control would be destroyed in battle you may banish a Fairy type monster in your graveyard. If you do your monster is not destroyed.>>

"I banish Fluffal Mouse to protect my Nightmary."

[GECD* ATK:3000 > DFN ATK:2000 – Alice LP > 1100]

"I attack with Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! Photon Stream of Destruction!"

"I activate my facedown <Punch-in-the-Box>! This negates you attack and then can I send your Cipher Dragon to the graveyard. Your Photon Dragon then loses Attack equal to your Cipher Dragons." Alice smugly said as her trap destroyed one dragon and crippled another.

[Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon – ATK:3000 > 0]

"And now you have no way of beating me this turn, tee-hee!" she mocked as Kite was only left with his Starleige that only had an attack equal to that of her monster. On her turn she would regain control of Frightfur Wolf and Nightmary would still have over 5000 attack.

"Don't gloat just yet. I have a face down too, go <Eternal Galaxy>!"

Kite would not give up, he would win this duel. For Dextra! And this card would be the one to do it.

"I use Starliege Lord Galaxion to rebuild the Overlay Network! Empress of the fallen warrior appear now and open the path of vengeance! I Xyz Summon <Photon Titania Papilloperative Empress>!"

Kites warrior rose up and was swallowed in a golden vortex from which descended Dextra's ace monster on her photon wings, her butterfly mask marred by a single hairline crack.