
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Level Up

A young soul, recently passed, finds himself being saved from the void by circumstance, before being thrust into a new world, one he had only seen in his childhood on a Television screen. Placed into a younger body how will he handle his new life, in a world where everything revolves around a card game, and everything can rest on drawing the right card.

PsyChotiX556 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

-.-.-Chapter 3-.-.-

Gasping awake the young teen sat up and looked at his hands, his chest heaving as he did so, it wasn't a dream, he was really alive again, and in the world of duel monsters.

"How do you feel?" Dark Magician Girl asked as she appeared next to his bed, her form semi-transparent as she floated a few inches off the floor.

"Alive," the teen responded before frowning, that new voice would take some getting used to, as he swung his feet off the side of the bed and stood up clenching and unclenching his hands as he did so.

"My body feels slightly numb though," he said as he realized that he could only partially feel his limbs.

"That will fade over the next few days, it's a sign of low Ka, as you take more of mine your sense of feeling and taste will return," Dark Magician Girl explained.

He nodded before looking at the folded note on the bedside table and picked it up to read it over and find out just what had driven the previous owner of this body to take their own life.

After reading the note he sighed, "What an idiot," he said before crumpling the note up and tossing it into the trash.

It might have been a little harsh, but from what he had gathered from reading it was that the guy was an orphan. A couple of years ago, his parents died, and he had been in a depression. He had been getting better but that had all changed in the last few days when he had gotten his written exam results for his application to Duel Academy.

Yep, he was in the GX timeline, and apparently the guy had been aiming to get into Obelisk Blue and make his parents proud, only to fall short on the written test marks which meant that the best he could hope for would be Ra Yellow. It had apparently been the last straw for the guy and he decided he didn't want to continue living and shaming his parents' memories.

"Well, his loss is my gain," He muttered, "thanks Jin Yu, I'll look after your body, you may not have been content with Ra Yellow but I certainly won't mind either it or Slifer Red" he mused.

Dark Magician Girl blinked at his words, "you know about this world?" she asked in shock.

He chuckled, "yeah actually, Duel monsters was a thing in my world too, though it was just a card game, no spirits involved. This timeline we're in looks like the GX timeline, set after the whole mess with the Pharaoh and Yugi Mutou, glad I'm not in that era."

"You know of Yugi too?" Dark Magician Girl asked in awe.

He nodded, "yep, the other name for duel monsters in my world was Yu-Gi-Oh cards, based on a cartoon series and manga that followed their story from when Yugi first puts together the millennium puzzle and his defeat of Seto Kaiba."

"Oh wow, so you know about what's going to happen in this world?" She asked, her eyes shimmering with excitement.

"What the series told me anyway, it mostly focused on the next three years at Duel academy beyond that I'm just as clueless as everyone else, though I haven't watched the series in years so some things will be a little iffy," he said as he began to look around, "now then, if this guy was a duellist then he's got to have cards around here somewhere" he said as he took a proper look around the bedroom he was in.

It was a modest size room, fairly spartan really, tan coloured walls with wooden floors, all oak furniture that included a double bed, dresser, wardrobe, bedside table and a decently sized desk with shelves above it and a printer on a stand next to it.

Going over to the desk he started through the desks drawers and after the second one he grinned, "ah ha, jackpot" he said as he took out a deck box from the drawer along with a card binder, "doesn't look like a lot but at least he kept them in good condition" he mused as he opened up the box and took out the sleeved cards, "now let's see what this guy was working with" he said as he flicked through the cards.

"Hmm, not bad, looks like he was a fan of the card knights, his deck is based around them, though it's missing some key cards and it's heavily weighted towards monsters" he mused as he shook his head and put them back into the box, "yeah I'll be trading these in as soon as I can, no way am I gonna use this deck." 

"Why? Do you not like them?" Dark Magician Girl asked with a tilt of her head.

"No they're cool, but they're just not my style, plus the deck isn't complete and I hate using an incomplete deck, especially one someone else made" he said as he cracked open the binder before whistling, "oh wow, now this is more like it"

He had been right, there weren't a lot of cards in the binder but what there was he knew was special. 

"This guy clearly got rid of the cards that he didn't think were worth a damn, this thing is full of rare cards" he said as he flipped to the next page before blinking, "holy hell, he even has a copy of both yours and Dark Magicians card in here" he said as he slipped both cards out of the binder, both of them in sleeves as well.

Dark Magician Girl giggled, "that's nice, are you going to use us in your deck?"

He shrugged, "might as well, no main characters really played spellcasters in GX, so I don't see why I can't go that route. Though I'll need to check for a card and ban list before I start searching and deck building" he said before closing the binder up, "yeah I'll see how much I could get for these along with the incomplete deck later, right now I need to know how long I have to work with before my duel exam and anything else I can find out about my current situation" he said as he spotted a laptop bag and quickly opened it up to find some documents inside along with an old laptop.

Looking over the documents he nodded, "alright, looks like his parents owned this house outright, and left him with a sizable inheritance though I'm limited to a modest stipend to live off until I'm seventeen, with my fathers lawyer handling paying the household bills." 

Opening up the laptop he smirked seeing the sticky note on the keyboard with the laptop password on it which he quickly used to unlock it and open up the email application.

"Okay, let's see here, there's the email about my written exam results, and the practical exam is set for…" he said as he checked the set date with the current one, "two weeks from today, okay I can work with that" 

"Two weeks to build a deck from scratch, are you sure," Dark Magician girl asked, concerned.

He nodded as he opened up a word document and the web browser, "yep I just need to see what's available and allowed" he said as he began to get to work.

Chapter word count: 1240

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