
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Level Up

A young soul, recently passed, finds himself being saved from the void by circumstance, before being thrust into a new world, one he had only seen in his childhood on a Television screen. Placed into a younger body how will he handle his new life, in a world where everything revolves around a card game, and everything can rest on drawing the right card.

PsyChotiX556 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

-.-.-Chapter 11-.-.-

Contrary to what the show indicated, us successful applicants were not immediately swept off in a helicopter after the entrance exams were over. After going through processing we were each given forms to fill out as well as a handful of pamphlets about the Academy and sent home after our addresses were confirmed with the information that a car would arrive to pick us up at an appointed time two days later and to have the forms and our luggage ready by then.

I took everything and put it back in my bag before hailing a taxi to take me home, planning on reading through everything then rather than on the ride home.

As soon as I was home I laid everything out on my dining room table to look it all over and what I saw was rather eye opening. Contrary to its name Duel Academy didn't only teach dueling and had a whole host of other courses that they ran alongside the dueling classes which when I thought about it made sense. Seto Kaiba was no idiot, he would no doubt know that not everyone had the talent nor the wits to be good at dueling, so his school would ensure that while they came out as competent duelists they also had other skills to bring to the world besides that.

'They just all seemed to be focused around dueling' I mused as I looked over the list.

Art and design, graphic design, hardware design, software design, 3D modeling, 3D animation, Computer engineering, Business and Marketing, ect.

It only took me a second to see how all of these could be put to use at Kaiba Corp or Industrial Illusions, Kaiba was practically training his own future work force in the academy, it really was a brilliant set up, as according to what I was reading all students were required to sign up for at least two other electives that they would take along side the general studies and dueling classes.

I spent a good half an hour pondering what to choose as my elective classes as I filled in my sheet before finally settling on Hardware design and the art and design classes. I knew that with my knowledge of the game I would be able to go pro eventually, the hardware course was just to give me something to fall back on incase that didn't pan out and the art class was just to give me something else to do between classes.

After another ten minutes I was done filling out the paperwork and had it all pushed to the side as I took up the pamphlets and the small book that I had been given. The pamphlets were just talking about the various facilities at the Academy, nothing that really interested me much, however the book got my attention. It was the academy rules and regulations, and the minute I saw it I grinned.

Ailsa, seeing my grin looked at me strangely, "what's with the grin?"

I chuckled and held up the book, "the rules and regulations of the academy"

"What's so good about that?" she asked not getting why I was so pleased to have this.

"An old saying my grandpa was so fond of," I mused as I opened the book, ""You have to know the rules first, before you can find a way around them" and with how much BS is going to be happening at the academy in the next few years I need to know just what I can get away with"

Ailsa giggled, "oh is someone planning on being naughty~"

I shrug, "it isn't rule breaking if it's still allowed" I replied as I looked through the first part that addressed the academy student attire and uniform dress code.

And as I thought from my memories of particular students, they were pretty lax on the uniform angle, as long as a student was wearing his dorm's colours, usually the blazer they let it slide.

'Hmmm, wonder how Chazz got away with wearing all black when he came back after the academy duel' I wondered before shaking my head, I'd find out eventually, and kept reading, reaching the section about the academy duel disks.

'Sweet, looks like customizing the exterior of the duel disks or any external aftermarket alterations has the green light, however the only things we aren't allowed to modify is the internal hardware or the running software,' I smirked as I read through the paragraph long rule on the matter, 'I can work with that, I was never really that big a fan of the Gen X disk design, I'm so going to see about pimping my duel disk out when I get one'

Next was the section on student duels, which only really had one rule, the no Ante rule, which I was fine on following. 'After all, while there is a rule about betting our own cards, there's nothing about placing wagers of other kinds on the outcome of a duel,' I thought with a grin, 'Oh I can so abuse this, especially in an academy where the top class if full of spoiled arrogant rich brats who have no skill at all and rely on their parents cash to buy their way into the school' 

Chapter word count: 881

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