
Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX

Yugioh GX Fanfic Branch off timeline from Help me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck. -YuGiOh and the official cards are all owned by Konami. -This is an AI generated DMG. Volume 2 is Arifureta Fanfic.

AnHa8 · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

You Can't Play - 18


"Duel." x5

Everyone began with 4000 LP.

"Well, I'm going first, as that's one of the only turns I need," I declared with unwavering confidence, setting the tone for the duel.

"I'm starting off with Graceful Charity." I announced, drawing three cards, then swiftly discarding two.

"Again, with that move," Zane narrowed his eyes.

"This does not look good…" Alexis bit her lip.

"I play Monster Reborn and I'm going to special summon Jinzo that I just discarded." I placed one card onto my Duel Disk, revealing them onto the field.

A green mechanical man materialized with a menacingly crossed-arm stance.

Jaden felt a chill running through his back. As if he went up against this monster before.

A/N: Jaden's memory got wiped about that duel if you forgot.

With four cards left in hand, I continued, "Next, I play Polymerization, fusing both Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Dark Magician to Fusion Summon Red-Eyes Black Dragoon." I said with a wicked grin.

"What is that!" Syrus yelled.

"This? Is one of my strongest monsters in my deck." I answered with a smirk.

In my field, a sinister dark vortex materialized, crackling with malevolent energy. From within, a mysterious figure emerged. It was a magician, but not like any other. This magician wore the formidable Red-Eyes Black Dragon as a menacing suit of armor. The dragon's scarlet scales melded seamlessly with the magician's dark attire, creating a terrifying yet awe-inspiring presence.

Lvl 8, 3000 Attack points, spellcaster, and one omni negate.

"3000 Attack monster?" Alexis frowned.

"Next, with my last card, I play the Card of Demise. This allows me to draw 5 new cards and then discard my entire hand during my fifth Standby Phase after activation." I chuckled, isn't this better than Pot of Greed?

"This is… going to be a problem," Jaden sweated as he watched me continue my moves.

"I now activate a Field Spell card: Secret Village of the Spellcasters. What this Field Spell does is, as long as I possess a Spellcaster on my side of the field, none of you guys can use spell cards unless you have a Spellcaster out!" I added.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT, WHAT?! NO WAY!" They all realized their predicament. Their decks are basically unusable if they couldn't use their spell cards. Even Chazz was gritting his teeth, realizing their winning chances had dwindled. Fortunately for Chazz, he knew there were some Spellcasters he could play in his deck; he could play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it right after once he summoned one.

But I wasn't done with my turn.

"I activate Magician's Soul from my hand, in order to send a Dark Magician Girl from my deck to the graveyard and then send it to the graveyard in order to special summon Dark Magician in my graveyard (graceful charity)."

"Next! I equip Jinzo with a Spell Card: Amplifier, preventing all of you guys from activating Trap Cards." I explained as I placed the card on the Spell and Trap slot face down.

A helmet appeared on Jinzo, making him even more menacing.

"Hey… Does this mean we can't use traps or spells?" Alexis asked her comrades.

"Yes." Zane answered firmly. His eyes twitched at the craziness that was being shown.

"Doesn't this mean everyone on Jaden's team is at a complete disadvantage?" Syrus looked at his friends' worries. No one here has spellcasters in their decks. (except maybe for Chazz here)

"We have no way of being able to use our strategy unless we can get rid of that field spell and Jinzo first." Zane distastefully said.

"He is really dead set on not letting us win," Chazz recognized the strategy I was trying to pull, but on a different scale. His astonishment was evident.

"I place one card face down." The face-down card I just put was Tyrant's Throes. 'In order to activate Tyrant's Throes, I need to tribute two normal monsters. After activating this, nobody can normal or special summon effect monsters.'

'Finally—' Everyone synchronized their thoughts as they watched Gojo's moves.

"By the way! I'm not done; I'm going to reveal my last card and I activate the 'Card of Sanctuary.' Now, all of us draw cards until we have 6 in our hand, but unfortunately for you guys, you only get to draw one." As I continued to refresh my hand for an immeasurable advantage. Everyone else drew one card.

"Man, he just reloaded his hand with a solid five earlier, and now he's dropping a whole new six on us!" Jaden chuckled with a mix of amazement and resignation, like, "What can we do?"


Chazz drew an Ojama Yellow, and it popped up, greeting him. However, he needed a Spellcaster monster right now. A small tick mark appeared on his forehead in frustration.

"Hey boss! What cha doing!? Oh OH OH no." Ojama Yellow went back into the card after turning around to see who his boss was up against.

Chazz's inner thoughts raced, 'It's alright, it's alright. I just need to draw a spellcaster card and a Mystical Space Typhoon.'


"Now I activate my Spell card, Ancient Rules. This allows me to special summon a normal monster of Level 5 or above from my hand, and I summon my Dark Magician."

"Three Dark Magicians were used…" Syrus gulped.

If there's one thing they took away from this duel, it's that they should never let Gojo take the first turn again.

I've got just four cards left in my hand, and my plan is to set up the rest of my field with 'em.

"Premature Burial. I will be bringing back a monster that in my graveyard from graceful charity." I sighed, catching my breath. How much longer must I keep explaining every move?

My life points dropped to 3200.

"I special summon Dark Simorgh! Because of this monster you guys cannot set cards (monsters, spells, and traps)!" I declared.

Lvl 7, 2700 ATK, Opponent cannot Set cards.

Two cards in my hand left, and my current monster line-up is: 2 Dark Magician, Dark Simorgh, Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon, and Jinzo.

With 2500 ATK (x2), 2700 ATK, 3000 ATK, and 2400 ATK, I was in a dominating position.

One Face down: Tyrant's Throes, Amplifier Equip Spell card, Premature Burial Equip spell card.

"Not sure if this is necessary. But I activate the Dimensional Fissure. Any monster sent to the graveyard is now removed from play." I played the spell card to ensure absolute dominance.

Chazz clicked his tongue, annoyed to the max. "You have got to be kidding me."

I have one card left in my hand with one space available left in my Spell and Trap zone.

Glancing at my last card, "I activate the Pot of Greed!" I smiled, drawing two new cards from my deck.

"Well, this is certainly much harder to deal against than dueling Abydos," Jaden laughed in resignation.

Although it took some time to set this all up. What can I still fuck them over with?

"I'm finally ending my turn after I set this card face down." I had one card left, but everything on my side of the field was full.

[Husband.] Dark Magician Girl started reading the card effects, and she was very dumbfounded at my entire strategy.

[Is this even allowed?] She asked as she looked at me with concern.

[Well, I just pulled it off.] I telepathically responded in kind.

[But they can't play.] She pointed out.

[That's the whole point. You think I spent this entire time publicly speaking for no reason?] I'm not letting them play. 'Fuck cyber dragons(Zane), fuck fusions monster(Jaden), fuck duel spirits(Chazz), and most definitely fuck Alexis (Ritual monsters).' Seriously who uses ritual monsters at this time 💀

"Let me know when you guys make a move," I declared as I flopped to the floor, assured of my own victory.

"I draw—" Jaden was initiating his turn.

"I reveal my face-down card! By tributing both my Dark Magicians, I can activate my Trap Card, Tyrant's Throes. From here on out, no one here can normal or special summon effect monsters." I interjected as I was now beginning my third main phase.

"But that's not all; as I'm revealing my remaining face-down card, Anti-Spell Fragrance! No one can activate spell cards without setting them." I explained as I pressed on the two buttons on my Duel disk, revealing my face down cards.

To seal the deal, I used Anti-Spell Fragrance. They would need to set the spell card first if they wanted to activate them. However, there was a catch - they couldn't set any cards because of Dark Simorgh. My opponents were locked out of using spells, traps, normal/special summoning effect monsters, and even setting effects or normal monsters. The only thing they could do was summon normal monsters in the attack position or face up defense position.


And just like that, they all forfeited. I never thought I would actually see someone surrendering in this world. The spirit key disappeared from the key holders, indicating the duel was recognized. As the spirit key disappeared on their neck. It filled the void on the seal and lit up, eventually startling everyone as there was a mini-quake, but it toned down immediately after.

"Ahhhh, crap. How screwed are we?" Chazz flopped to the floor and complained.

"Only Professor Banner is left to guard the key," Alexis sighed.

"That wasn't even a duel," Zane snorted, unsatisfied with the outcome.

"Hey, Gojo, that was wicked. Who knew you could do all that in just one turn!" Jaden laughed, staring at Gojo like he was witnessing a legend in action.

"Yeah, mind not doing that ever again!? How are we supposed to beat you?" Alexis huffed, crossing her arms under her ample chest in frustration.

"I want a rematch." Zane grunted.

Chazz chimed in, his impatience getting the best of him. "Hello!? The end of the world is coming soon? Why do you guys want a rematch? This guy just showed us how he can wipe the floor with us in a 4v1, and we're supposed to be the best of the best in Duel Academy!"

"Did anyone not felt that quake?" Syrus worriedly asked, his voice trembling with concern.

"Hey Gojo, can you—"

[Right, they are all as noisy as ever before and after the duel.] I telepathically told my wife.

[What should we do now? Catch Banner and duel him?] Dark Magician Girl replied voiced her thoughts concerning about the missing spirit key holder.

[It's getting late. We can catch him in a duel tomorrow. How about that?] I asked my wife.

"And we didn't even get to see what's under that blindfold, what a waste," Chazz complained loudly once the noise settled, clearly annoyed with this loss.

[At least show them what they lost. You certainly went all out for no reason.] She teased.

[You want me to show them. Really?] I snorted.

[They just gave up on their spirit keys on their own by challenging you in a duel. There was no way in hell they were going to beat you, after you pulled that off.] She sighed while shaking her head.

[Well, true that.] I replied

When I reached for the knot that held the blindfold, everyone stopped moving and talking to look at me.


With everyone's attention now on him, Gojo began a slow, deliberate motion to remove his blindfold. The crowd fell silent, and time seemed to slow down as Gojo's every movement was precise and calculated.

Jaden grinned widely as he nudged Syrus, his excitement evident. "This is it, Syrus! We're finally going to see what's behind Gojo's blindfold!" His eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Syrus nodded in agreement, unable to tear his gaze away from this.

Chazz, never one to hold back his thoughts with a mix of impatience, "About time, Gojo! I've been waiting for this moment. Let's see what's behind that blindfold already!"

Zane, the cool and collected duelist, maintained his stoic facade but couldn't deny the intrigue. He crossed his arms, watching Gojo's every move with a sharp, analytical eye.

Alexis, who had been replaying the duel in her mind, suddenly came to a halt and fixated her gaze on Gojo. A shiver ran down her spine as she leaned in closer, her eyes locked onto Gojo's mysterious blindfold.


I couldn't help but laugh in response to their intense curiosity. "Y'all are making me shy with all this attention."

But their impatience finally reached its peak, and in unison, they yelled, "TAKE IT OFF ALREADY!"

The air was thick with anticipation as the blindfold came off. As they caught sight of my exposed face, the group let out a loud gasp and then fell silent in awe.

As I met their expectant stares with a smile on my face. The silence was broken by a commotion of reactions.

Jaden's eyes widened; his trademark grin replaced with sheer astonishment. "Whoa, Gojo! I didn't see that coming!"

Syrus couldn't contain his amazement. "You look... completely different!"

"Yeah, I know. The hair comes down and my eyes can be seen." Gojo sighed and rolled my eyes.

Chazz, always quick with a snarky comment, quipped, "Well, aren't we in for a surprise? Gojo's got a whole new look!"

Zane gave a subtle nod of approval, acknowledging the unexpected transformation. Gojo was clearly different when wearing the blindfold.

Alexis, who had been intently focused on my face, couldn't hide her astonishment. Her lips formed an "O" of surprise as she looked at me.

The group's reactions ranged from shock to curiosity, and a hint of interest.

"Alright shows over, Get the fuck outta my way." I said as I hurriedly attempted to put the blindfold back on.

"No way! Come on! Let us see some more." Jaden protested, still eager to see more.

"I've got a better idea," I joked, rolling my eyes. "How about we take a group photo so you never have to bother me about taking off my blindfold again?" As I squinted, I could feel my head taking in more information, having to process it at a rate that the people here could never comprehend.

"Oh, that's a great idea!" Alexis chirped, warming up to the suggestion.

"That was a fucking joke." I chuckled, realizing that my suggestion had been taken quite literally. But before I could say anything more, I noticed Alexis's determination.

"Oh god, she's serious," I mumbled under my breath as she grabbed me (and I allowed it), and in the blink of an eye, I found myself being dragged into position for a group photo. The rest of the group eagerly joined in, ready to capture the moment.

As we gathered for the photo, I decided to show off my spatial manipulation skills. Because no one was being left out here to take the photo. We magically snapped the photo with a wave of my hand, and the image appeared on Alexis's phone via telekinesis. The group huddled around to see the outcome, and the excitement of the evening lasted long after the duel was over.

As the group browsed through the photos, they noticed a range of expressions on their faces. Not every shot turned out great because I had been spam clicking, not really focusing on capturing their best moments. However, there was one particular photo that stood out.

In that one photo, Dark Magician Girl made a playful appearance, perched on my shoulder and winking mischievously. Yeah, not going to explain how that happened.


As the group prepared to call it a night, and everyone began to depart, it was just Alexis and me remaining, and I had yet to put my blindfold back on.

I could sense that Alexis wanted a selfie with me, so without waiting for her to say anything, I gently placed my hand on her waist. With Dark Magician Girl's assistance, we swiftly prepared her phone for a photo session. We didn't settle for just one shot; we went all out, snapping 20 photos in rapid succession. Alexis quickly caught on to what we were doing and eagerly fixed her gaze on the phone.

Among those photos, one stood out as the perfect shot. In a spur-of-the-moment decision, I planted a kiss on her cheek. As she was still caught off guard by my initial action of holding her for the photo, it took her a while to realize that I had kissed her during our selfie session. 

Then, almost as swiftly as we took the photos, I teleported away with Dark Magician Girl, leaving Alexis with her phone slowly levitating in the air.


As we teleported back home, Dark Magician Girl couldn't resist teasing me.

"That was quite a daring move, you know?! BUT GOOD JOB, HUSBAND!" Dark Magician Girl playfully exclaimed as she patted me on the head.

"That's what she gets for asking for more than a face reveal. Heck, they even lost that duel too." I huffed as I finally put my blindfold back on. 

"Wait, why are you putting your blindfold back on?" She tilted her head, a mischievous glint in her eye as she began to undress on the bed.

I hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly removed my blindfold, knowing full well what was about to happen next.

"Aw, fuck. Here we go again," I muttered with a grin, walking toward her. Dark Magician Girl who was now naked was making a seductive gesture, beckoning me come closer.


A/N: Please let me know if you think I should re-edit this chapter. I'm barely functioning with little hours of sleep. Busy with chores, job hunting, and freaking interviews.

A?N: I'm not sure if this was a good chapter idea or not, but what's done is done.