
Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX

Yugioh GX Fanfic Branch off timeline from Help me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck. -YuGiOh and the official cards are all owned by Konami. -This is an AI generated DMG. Volume 2 is Arifureta Fanfic.

AnHa8 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

The Start Of The Lazy One - 2


"Master, what shall we do now?" Dark Magician Girl asked, her excitement radiating as she strolled around the room.

"How about we start by calling me a different name than master? The whole master and servant thing doesn't really sit well with me," I let out a sigh, feeling kind of awkward being called 'master'.

"Hmmmmhmmmmm?" Dark Magician Girl cocked her head and approached me with a leisurely stroll. She placed both her hands delicately on my shoulders while tiptoeing. "Given that we're 'soulmates', how about 'husband?'" she joked.

"How about just Gojo—" I shuddered, wanting to change the name, but Dark Magician Girl interrupted me by placing a finger on my lips and smiling mischievously.

"No. Gojo just sounds weird. Husband has a better tone to it, no? Besides, it's fun seeing you work up when I call you husband." She countered immediately.

"How the hell can we call each other wife and husband? We have just met today." I retorted.

"Hmm? I don't recall asking you to call me your wife." The Dark Magician Girl laughed as she wrapped her arms around me. She leaned in, her voice a playful whisper. "Buttttt if it's you. I wouldn't mind." She smugly whispered those words into my ear. She was clearly enjoying the playful banter.

"Alright, alright. 'Dear.' Satisfied now?" I gave in. I'm more itching to see what I have in my armory and how I can use Gojo's abilities. Getting used to this new body and absorbing the new knowledge is going to take time.

"Yay!" She chirped back all gleefully. Unexpectedly she didn't mind this arrangement.

"I'm going to stay in this room and relearn my abilities from scratch. It shouldn't take too long," As I explained to Dark Magician Girl my plans.


For days, after going over some of the fundamentals I've learned from going through Gojo Satoru's memories, it all comes down to understanding and utilizing the space and atoms all around us. Infinity exists everywhere. Even though I can use it immediately and automatically as naturally as breathing. I still wanted to understand how the process works and learn the material by going through the memories.

( Author's Note ) A/N: This is some bullshit just to make it understandable on why he is holed up inside his room and not going out to touch grass. Even though it may not be right (Gojo relearning how to use his techniques), I just word it this way because I'm a bit lazy right now. Anyways I don't know if this bullshit makes sense to you guys. Basically he is relearning how to use Gojo Satoru clan's techniques and a bunch of other things by sifting through memories even though he can use them himself. It was more of a curiosity than anything. I hope that answers to why it may not make sense then if the proper learning method is wrong.

As a result, I spend the majority of my time inside my room. Taking a shower twice a day, eating good together with Dark Magician Girl with the use of my Gate Of Infinity, sleeping together, researching magic and sorcery of this world, and pulling things out from the Gate Of Infinity (Babylon).


In this world, I didn't need to learn how to play a children's trading card game. I've still got the basics down in my head. But it's not a bad idea to see what cards I can play before using them in a duel and double check on its effect if it's the same from my world that I know of.

"Hey Dark Magician Girl, we can play that— I mean duel now. I also want to test what I have been working on as well. I admit, I might be a bit rusty but you're going to lose," I added with a smile.

Dark Magician Girl, who had taken a break from checking out the jewels I'd pulled out of the Gate Of Infinity, got all hyped when she heard that. "Alright finally! Let's find out just how good my husband really is!" Dark Magician Girl cheered, her left arm rising as her staff disappeared and an ancient duel disk materialized in its place.

I took out my own duel disk, a deck of blank cards, and started experimenting with the kind of power that I possessed now.

What I'm trying to do right now isn't telekinesis. It's an attempt to control the space around the cards. To put it another way, it's as if I'm manipulating the air around the cards. To lift some cards from the deck, place them in front of me, draw cards, or move them to a desired location. The interesting thing is that it appears that I am using telekinesis, but I am not. It doesn't involve telekinesis and manipulation of elements—it's all about utilizing 'space'.

"Woah, that's some interesting tricks you got there!" Dark Magician Girl expressed genuine interest.


For the record, the score is 80 to 0, with me winning 80 times. The blank cards are easy to use. All I gotta do is picture the cards I want. If it works they pop up, there it is. If not, well, it just stays blank.

My days were still confined to the dormitory after all, as I delved deep into researching dark or shadow magic and understanding the society of shadow duelists. They are few in number and extremely skilled, but because of how this world operates in children's trading card games. The logic behind all this is just stupid. The shadow duelist will not expose themselves and their actions are extremely limited because they are perceived as evil doers or bad people. The shadow duelists themselves prefer following under a leader who holds the most wicked power.

And here's the thing: Because dark magic or shadow magic is originally derived from sorcery, curse techniques are nearly identical in nature, as both can rely on negative energy to perform certain actions. Shadow duelists can use this for shadow games. They can also do this for ritual, sacrifices, possession, or setting up a boundary field. Or maybe craft a millennium item.

Of course there are many other things unknown with what dark magic can do. It wasn't always shown in the anime but we all know how fucking dark that can get (Season 0). And the one who could actually teach me that, Dark Magician Girl, was against it. She absolutely refuses to teach me saying I'm not cut out for it and that it's super evil.

Well I didn't pry too much, I was just curious. So most of our time was spent playing children's trading cards, all in order to keep my Dark Magician Girl from getting bored. Testing out new custom decks and reorganizing my strategy a little.

After some time I eventually got to the point where I can grasp the concept of what I was learning from the memories. Naturally, understanding them took a ridiculous amount of time. I could teleport more easily now. I didn't have to make hand signs for certain techniques, and I could change and modify my domain expansion on the fly. Just by going through Gojo's memories I have learned a lot. Rather I think I learned everything I needed. His memories and all the teachings from his clan were pretty much like my ultimate tutorial guide.

Reacquiring complete mastery over these techniques wasn't that hard as it took approximately a week. Still, there's one thing I can't escape – the intense burn and ache in my eyes. To alleviate the burden by even a little, I've resorted to wearing a blindfold or tinted sunglasses.


During those weeks, numerous events had unfolded within the Duel Academy island. One of the most notable incidents involved Jaden, the protagonist. He had duel Chaz which ended in a temporary draw because they were caught dueling after school hours without permission and ultimately caught by Alexis.

But that's not all that happened. Jaden had to rush to the Obelisk Girl Dormitory to rescue his friend Syrus who was framed and set up, engaging in a high-stakes duel against Alexis – and remarkably, he ended up winning.

But among all the other things happening since the start of academy island, this one stood out as an absolute highlight to everyone. A rumor that had always grabbed everyone's attention. A genius, who is supposedly on par with the greatest duelists in history, Yugi Muto and Seto Kaiba, started to spread among the first-year students. And most of all that person is Gojo Satoru who is enrolled in Duel Academy.

Everyone was talking about Gojo Satoru, a man with supposedly striking looks and vast wealth who was shrouded in mystery. And on top of that, he's got this pass that lets him skip all his classes. A recommendation from both Yugi Muto, Seto Kaiba, and backed by Maximilian Pegasus himself and another big shot, Ishizu Ishtar.

This gave credibility that Gojo is at least of high importance. The mystery didn't end there; rumors circulated that he possessed Dark Magicians, Blue-Eyes White Dragons, and a whole bunch of other ultra-rare cards.

The whispers were non-stop, and people started making up their own stories about Gojo. Stories of how he is being nurtured as the next King of Games. This amplifies the curiosity of not only the students but also the teachers and people all around the globe. From rumors alone, his fame surpassed Zane, sparking heated debates about who was truly superior in duel academy. Naturally, Zane didn't give a damn about who was superior but he was interested.

*The man in question, Gojo, was not aware of any of this happening mentioned above.*

Of course, after a few weeks everyone knew Gojo would never show up to class because the teachers would always call out for him during attendance, in hopes he would appear, but it was more of a formality. Apparently, the entire faculty was aware that Gojo is given preferential treatment, excused absence for all attendance and exemptions from all activities and exams. But that's not why we're here today.

In the Slifer Red section of the classroom at school,

"Hey Jaden, do you think it's fair that guy gets to skip classes while we are all here to take classes? Is he really that great?" Syrus pouted as he asked.

"Hmmm? I don't know. Well he must be great if he is allowed to do that right?" Jaden said while thinking little about it.

"Jaden, do you think Gojo will ever attend class?" Syrus asked.

"I sure as well hope so. I'd like to try dueling him at least once! But I have to meet him in order to do that. Hey Chumley, how about you?!" Jaden said while grinning.

"Don't really care. If he is so good, why is he even here?" Chumley replied with his head down on the table.

"I dunno. For some reason I have a feeling we're going to meet soon." Jaden openly said while turning to Syrus.

"Really?" Syrus asked in doubt.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Winged Kuriboh let out a WEEEOO sound, as if it was backing up Jaden's gut feeling.


In the Obelisk Blue section of the classroom,

"Hey, do you guys really believe that Gojo Satoru is as incredible as the rumors turn him out to be? I have not stopped hearing of him all day. It got me excited." Mindy asked her friends with excitement.

"Ehh? I think so. He's got that credibility, doesn't he? He's in the Obelisk Blue rank, just like us, and he's got the backing of Pegasus and who would have thought that Ishizu Ishtar was also sponsoring him. Plus, he was recommended by not only Yugi but Kaiba as well. The literal owner of duel academy. And there are only good rumors about him, you know! And let's not forget he's rich! I just need to confirm if he's good-looking," Jasmine pondered with a giggle.

"Well, I would like to find out if he actually does live up to the hype of being as skilled as the all-time legendary duelists," Alexis joined in on the conversation with interest.

"Ah, there she goes again," Jasmine let out this big sigh, and then she facepalmed herself. "How on earth do you expect to get a boyfriend like that if you keep on acting like this? You're are going to scare them all off."

"I've told you before, I don't need one. Dueling is my one true love," Alexis shook her head, her arms crossed beneath her chest.

"Well, I know Jaden is at least as good as I am. Maybe we should try to meet Gojo," Alexis looked at Jaden with a hint of curiosity and then back at her friends.

A/N: That's cap.

"Couldn't have said it better. I want to see how he looks." Mindy laughed.

That was when the teacher interrupted the class and began class.

"Alright, settle down everyone. Let's get this class started. Ease up on the chatter will you? Is Gojo present?" Dr. Crowler inquired.

"No!~" The entire class responded in unison.



It was one of those days when my hormones were out of control.

Alright I'm not going to lie, I took a shot at getting closer to Dark Magician Girl – you know, trying to get into her pants. Surprisingly she was okay and open with it. So let's just say, what went down after that was a pretty good time.

I'll summarize it. She took my virginity, fucked me hard, and wrung me dry.

At first it was just me casually trying out a cringe pick up line out of the blue and that totally worked out in my favor, but it quickly devolved into a fierce back-and-forth flirting and then making out. And then you know we were naked and I was pushed down to the bed and it eventually turned into a war of attrition with a heated back and forth confrontation. With our attack points even we were always self destruction if you know what I mean. At some point things then took a crazy turn when I started getting a little exhausted. Dark Magician Girl immediately took the opportunity and took control of the entire situation and that resulted with me losing the battle. If you catch my drift, she used her magic, got on top of me, and started riding me while holding my hands (it was her most favorite position because she is attacking me).

Now she was what you define a DARK Magician Girl. A magician girl who was riding me while holding my hands and grinning joyfully as she watched my face as I ejaculated inside of her womb for the umpteenth time. Right after I finished inside her, this huge wave of exhaustion just washed over me and I was on the verge of falling asleep. Normally any sane woman would let the man fall asleep because after cumming, there is either a mini break before continuing or the man just falls asleep. She is not what you call sane, she started using magic on me to enhance my stamina and libido, and then used magic again to ensure that I remained awake for that entire night. This sexual activity consumes at least one-sixth of our entire day, and we've been doing it every single day now.

Strangely, I've begun to notice that the time it takes to finish sex is getting longer for some reason. I didn't voice my complaint fearing she might pull an all-nighter on me.


It was just another one of those days, where me and my Dark Magician Girl were still just messing around on the bed when the distant sound of helicopters suddenly grabbed our focus. Soon enough, the whole Academy seemed to be swarmed with them – helicopters everywhere. They were transporting soldiers, armed guards, or something. However, they all disappeared after an hour.

Of course, this wasn't something I remembered happening at the beginning of the academy month. Even so, my curiosity definitely peaked. Once we finished what we were doing and got ready, I will finally be stepping out of my dormitory for the first time. I honestly couldn't even guess how much time had passed.

After throwing on my Jujutsu Kaisen high school uniform and slapping on some blindfolds. Dark Magician Girl transformed into her spiritual form and flew right behind me. She seemed thrilled about the idea of us venturing out and exploring together for the very first time. As we jumped out the window as we started heading towards the… school?

"Any idea where I am going?" I asked Dark Magician Girl without looking back while jumping and teleporting from rooftops to rooftops.

[Nope~] Dark Magician Girl's response echoed in my mind, carrying her joyful energy.

At that moment, I caught some sound of countless screams and moans coming from a specific dome. Without hesitation, I began to make my way towards the source of the commotion. After reaching the spot, I decided to do a bit of reconnaissance and found out that it was a dueling field test taking place inside. Thinking quickly, I chose to teleport myself to the least conspicuous area, allowing me to observe the events taking place. Dark Magician Girl quickly followed me by phasing through the wall and headed towards where I am.


All of this was happening while the test was being conducted inside a large dome. Numerous students gathered to watch the duel and numerous duelists were dueling against each other in the center of the arena.

In one of those very centers, a showdown between Jaden and Chaz, each armed with the latest cards. It was impossible to not notice them too because they were so damn loud.

There in the center of the duel between two duelists there was a winged Kuriboh, prompting a wave of giggles and coos from the female audiences who found it very cute and irresistible. On the opposing side was a colossal transformer mecha robot constructed from what seemed like oversized Legos.

"I will sacrifice two cards and activate my spell card transcended wings!" Jaden grinned as he activated his spell card on Chazz's turn.

"It can't be!" Chazz shockingly yelled.

"Oh it'd be." Jaden covered his face with his arm to block the flashy lights

"Transcendent wings will evolve my Winged Kuriboh into a level 10 monster! And it's better too, I activated its special ability, by tributing my Winged Kuriboh card now I can now destroy all monsters in attack mode and deflect their attack points back as damage to you! Kuriboh! Why don't you go ahead and beat him up! HAAAAA!" Jaden was overjoyed at the prospect of launching a counterattack on Chazz's turn.

Chazz: 4000 LP Drops to 1000 LP

Chazz quickly shielded himself, preparing to fend off the flashy animation. "Lucky Punk!" he groaned in frustration.

"Lucky? Nah, this is all skill diff. This all happened because I have a soft spot for mature older women. But not for you, Chazz. This is just too bad for you, you have 1000 thousand life points and no monster on the field. With my turn coming up what can you do now? All I need is the right monster to finish you and you will be finished here! I DRAW. And I summon my elemental Avian! Now Attack him Avian!" Jaden declared confidently.

The green furry monster with 1000 attack points has spawned and immediately rushed to attack Chazz with his claw, dropping Chazz's life points to 0.

A/N: (Cannon: Jaden helped an old lady pushing a truck from behind 💀DEADASS. And he got a rare booster pack for doing so.)

The air was filled with gasps and shocked expressions, followed by a chorus of cheers from the onlookers. However, there were a few folks who seemed disappointed and frustrated by Jaden's victory as a Slifer.

"Woooo! Jaden did it!" Syrus cheered enthusiastically.

Just then, my attention was shifted towards this strange shorty with blue hair and glasses. Noticing it was Syrus I shifted my attention back to Jaden.

"And that's Game! Unless you want to duel again." Jaden gives a wink towards his opponent.

'Pause. Why did he wink at him?' I thought suspiciously.

"Oh. We. Will." Chazz frustratingly said.

'Could you not say that when you are down on your knees looking weak.' I said that quietly in my mind.

'PAUSE. That sounded wrong too. Ah, Fuck.' I gagged.

Dark Magician Girl started giggling at my inner monologue.

That's when Alexis stood up and began to make her exit, but not without catching sight of someone who seemed strangely intriguing. A guy dressed in a completely black outfit, not like the standard academy uniform, and wearing a blindfold…? Odd, right? Could he really be blind, or is there more to this? Regardless, there was an air of suspicion about him.

"Hey! Who are you? Are you a student at the academy or a member of the staff?" Alexis confidently approached the mysterious man.

"Mhmm?" I had a feeling someone might come over, but I didn't expect her to come up to me.

I turned to look at her, not really surprised by who she was, and then shifted my attention back to Jaden. I mean, she's attractive and sexy for sure. But I've got the real-life Dark Magician Girl by my side. There isn't much else in the world that can top that at the moment.

"Oh, I'm a student alright. Obelisk rank. The academy uniform isn't really my thing. I have an exemption to get away with not wearing it. And just to clear things up, I'm not actually blind or anything like that. Okay? I'm perfectly fine. Now shoo," I replied with an audible tone making a shoo away gesture.

"Hmm, I see," Alexis said as she walked away, realizing that the man preferred to be left alone.

"That's so strange," she muttered to herself as she continued walking. But suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, his words about an "exemption and Obelisk rank…student" echoing in her mind.

Then without a second thought, she hastened her steps back to trying to find out more about the mysterious man. To her surprise, he had already disappeared.

"That... was... Gojo Satoru, right?" Alexis muttered in disbelief.
