
V: More close.

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Upon entering the place, Aether's eyes were drawn directly to the figure of Alatus who was sitting, looking at his food as if he was going to make a hole in it from looking at it so much, as if he was blank and hated living, the noise of his companions getting up suddenly made him turn around.


Alatus asked as he watched the prince with long golden hair approach him, it was as if the embodiment of light entered that gray dining room.

"I was hoping you'd at least say hi back this morning."

Aether said as he sat down in front of the guard who was still too shocked to understand what was happening, less than a minute ago he was lost in thought.

"I-I'm sorry... But what are you doing here? You shouldn't-"

"The palace also belongs to me, I can be wherever I want."

He responded with a smile as he rested his elbows on the table and his head on his hands, in anyone else's mouth it would sound arrogant but Aether is clearly joking by justifying himself in that way.

"That's not what I mean."

"You can sit down, please pretend I'm not here." -The prince turned to speak to the rest of the guards who were still standing.- "You know why I'm here."

He told Alatus who felt embarrassed by the surreptitious glances towards his person.


"If I can't talk to you while you work, would you at least let me join you for lunch?"

Alatus blushed, he wanted to say yes but the fact that the prince was there in itself was inappropriate, and considering that many more people were watching them he knew for a fact that Rex Lapis would find out. The jet stood up, restrained his impulse to take the other boy by the arm, for obvious reasons, and instead whispered to him to come with him.

"You can not do this."

He said when they were in the corridor, the guard's yellow eyes looking from side to side making sure that there was no one but them, and Shenhe, who was totally silent and with a blank expression as if she didn't care about any of that.

"I know I'm annoying..."

"No." -He hastened to say.— "You know what I'm talking about, I also like t-to... You know."

Aether smiled when he heard him, yes, he knew it well, the day before the guard seemed not to want to separate from him until the last moment and even did not hesitate to speak despite the presence of the woman who now accompanied the prince.

"Is there a time when you have free time?" I know that resting would be more pleasant for you but I..."

Shenhe rolled her eyes as she averted her gaze from the youths, she didn't understand how they could understand each other when they left their sentences halfway, in her eyes they looked like teenagers embarrassed for trying to make new friends, not that she knew how that felt but she had. seen a couple of times.

"I have an hour to eat and... Well, if I took the night shift I usually have more time during the afternoon... I-I don't sleep much! It wouldn't be a problem if- er, if we..." -Alatus little by little began to notice what it seemed that he was doing, it sounded as if they were agreeing on a "date".- "We talked during that time."

He mumbled the last words with embarrassment, his excitement at being with the prince was evident but he was afraid of being misunderstood, or rather, that someone notices his new feelings before he can understand himself and be at peace with them.

Aether took the jet's hands, his warm smile making the young man's heart race, and now his cheeks were flushed.

"Thank you!" -Exclaimed the prince who did not let go of the other young man's hands.- "I promise I won't take up too much of your time."

Alatus simply nodded, in his mind he actually replied "you can take as much time from me as you want" but his mouth didn't move at all as he was lost in the other's gaze and in the pleasant sensation of their hands touching.

Shenhe cleared her throat feeling discomfort at the silence between the two, it was beginning to seem irritating that they remained absorbed in themselves.

"Come on, I'll get you something better to eat."

Said the prince holding the other boy by his wrist and starting to walk, his grip was loose but the same action prompted Alatus to follow him at the same pace.

"I don't need you to do that." -The guard clarified making the prince stop for a moment to look him in the eye as he answered.— "I saw your plate and that of the others, are you penalized?"

Alatus smiled at those words, even suppressed his laughter.

"It's not like that, I don't really like to eat, I only serve myself the rations necessary to survive, that's why you shouldn't worry."

Aether frowned upon hearing the explanation, he wanted to give him a lecture on the importance of eating properly but he already knew how stubborn the raven-haired could be and from the way he said it there was no way to convince him.

"Your Majesty, is there anything else you would like to do? Would you like to go for your revenge, perhaps?"

He asked with certain mischief, the last time they fought Alatus was impressed, certainly dazzled by the fine and smooth movements of the prince when attacking with the sword, he was agile and graceful, but that was not enough to beat someone as experienced as he was. That, even if he was distracted by how Aether defended himself, in the end, his reflexes and instincts acted on their own.

Shenhe glanced at her lord expecting him to respond sensibly, otherwise, she would have to interfere.

"I'd love to! But... Maybe we can do it another time, I'm still thinking about what strategy I'll use to defeat you."

It was the excuse he came up with, he actually wanted to fight since the adrenaline from training made him feel alive, but his condition prevented him from moving so quickly.

"Then…would you like to go for a walk?"

Alatus suggested and the intense gaze of his escort to the side caught his attention.

"Maybe... Something quieter like, go to the library?"

He was shy to ask which made Alatus smile who had told him several times that he didn't care where they really went, he always managed to have a good time with the prince even though his plans sound like something he would never do.

"Whatever you want."

Aether nodded with a smile and started walking being followed by both guards, a peculiar sight.

"Shall we continue reading that novel?"

Alatus asked from behind, he began to notice that the prince's steps were slow and cautious but questioning him to find out what was happening seemed inappropriate, even so he continued to watch his movements carefully and managed to realize that Shenhe was also watching him carefully.

"Do you think it's boring?"

His voice sounded worried as he spoke, he even stumbled slightly which was no problem as both Shenhe and Alatus held his arm.

"No, it's just that…" -Alatus trailed off at the prince's frown, quickly assuming he had hurt himself somehow so he completely forgot what he was saying.- "Are you okay?"


Shenhe seemed about to scold him.

"Yes, it's nothing."

He said removing the arms that held him to continue on his way, a slight moan escaping him when he stood up straight again.

"Don't lie, are you hurt?"

The prince does not respond so the woman, in spite of everything and knowing that Alatus is already aware of the situation, decides to speak.

"The emperor last night-"

"Shenhe! I said don't talk about it."

He interrupted quickly, his golden eyes slowly moistening despite his efforts to appear calm.

"I told him to stay in bed but he doesn't listen to me."

Explains the woman hoping that the other guard can convince her lord, listening to her Alatus lets out an exasperated exhalation that makes him seem angry, he approaches to lift the prince in his arms, but not before apologizing for his impertinence.

"You shouldn't overexert yourself if you're in pain, I'll take you to your bedroom."

He said calmly, trying not to let the distaste he was beginning to feel for his lord show in his voice, something he thought he would never feel.

"I'm fin-"

Any attempt to move away was stopped when Alatus caressed his head and encouraged him to lean closer to him, the prince trembled, he could not contain himself when he felt that he was embraced.

"Shh... We can meet any other time, please take care of yourself."

Alatus whispered softly, his heart softening at the situation and his cheeks turning rosy from the white-haired woman's company.

" I thought it wouldn't happen again..." -He murmured against the chest of the guard who noticed how his clothes were getting damp little by little.- "I don't know what I did wrong this time..."

Alatus bit his lip not knowing what to say, he was not good with words but he felt so desperate to say something that could relieve the prince, and, at the same time, there was not much that could calm him considering his situation.

It was a few silent minutes until they reached the room but when they were there Shenhe opened the door so that Alatus could leave the prince in the refined bed.

"Forgive me for this."

The prince said as soon as he was released, unconsciously adjusting himself to ease the pain in his back.

"Don't worry, my job is to ensure your safety..." -Damn, Alatus wanted to hit himself, that had sounded like he was forced to act that way when he wasn't.- "... Would you like...? Um... I could bring you that book if you'd like."

He was referring to a novel that Aether insisted on reading after looking at the synopsis, something of a romance, at first Alatus thought that he would get bored of its plot as he considered it bland but he found it extremely amusing to say his comments to the prince and hear what he thought about it, he really wanted to understand why the prince loved reading about other people falling in love so much.

"No, please, we started it together, it doesn't make sense for me to continue reading alone."

The prince answered with a grimace that in Alatus's eyes made him look adorable, he was beginning to worry about the strange reaction of his body when he was with him, especially the agitation in his heart rate.

"Alright." -He said with a slight smile, unfortunately for him, his next words were not planned.- "Your Majesty, if I may ask... why are you still here? You don't deserve to be treated that way."

The prince looked away to find Shenhe at his side who nodded at him, basically telling him that she won't say anything about whatever he might say.

"It's more complicated than it seems." -Aether let out a sigh as he thought about whether it was alright to vent, he made up his mind just because the three of them were there. He looked up at Alatus before speaking.— "In the first place, I can't break a deal like this without consequences… It may seem like Liyue is gaining more from this deal but it isn't, the resources aren't unlimited and Celestia has spent too much time isolated from the other regions."

He said firmly, the security with which he stated such words and the aura of sudden nobility managed to amaze Alatus once again, of course, it shouldn't be strange coming from royalty, but it was strange because Aether always behaved like a normal person, treating whoever meets him as if he did not possess a title that would make him superior.

"Besides..." -He continued as the guards didn't say anything and didn't show signs of being upset by his talk either.— "I have a younger sister, I would give everything for her, and I wish that she doesn't have to worry about the same issues as me, she is the one who should be here but… It could be said that I delayed things so I could come in her place, I really wish that she can find love, that she be happy, I don't care about the throne, I know that she will be a good queen."

It was nice for Alatus to hear about a part he didn't know about the prince, he somehow forgot the fact that he had a sister but seeing how much he appreciates her he wondered why he didn't talk about her more.

"I understand, I'm sorry circumstances put you in this position."

The prince snorted at the guard's words since he didn't want to generate pity or make the other young man worry about something that neither of them could solve, he tried to change the subject quickly.

"Don't think too much about it…" -His tone softened, conveying calm in an attempt to return to business as usual.- "So, will you bring me a book? If so, I want it to be one of your choice, please look for something that catches your attention."

"Wow, that's going to be tricky."

Alatus answered without wanting to ruin the atmosphere, he actually liked the idea since it seemed quite a challenge, he could already imagine walking through the corridors trying to choose something that the prince might like.

"You know I have time."

Said the prince receiving a nod from the jet who hurried out so as not to make him wait too long. Aether sighed and relaxed on the soft mattress, the searing pain prevented him from forgetting what happened during the night but he refused to remember how he had been treated like an object so he forced himself to talk about anything with Shenhe since she didn't leave his side, although talking to the wall could be almost the same.

─ ── ──── ── ─


The dead-eyed redhead asked as he followed the emperor from behind, their footsteps echoing against the finely polished tiles of the floor.

"A waste of time."

The older replied simply as he looked out the large window with golden edges at the back of the room, he could see his gardens from there but unless he got closer no one could see him since they were on a high floor.

"You're kidding, I heard that you were more rude this time, did imagining me in his place turn you on so much? Or was it because you didn't hold back?"

The other man's hand rested on the emperor's shoulder, his slender fingers eager to touch more tapped while waiting for an answer, although the chestnut's face already expressed everything.

"Ridiculous. I don't know why I listened to you, the truth is... Yeah, it felt good but, ugh, those nasty moans."

The emperor looked up at the sky and took a few steps again to get away from the window, although his husband's voice was pleasant and sweet, being so contrary to that of his dear lover, he could not help but feel revulsion.

"My, my, that poor boy, you probably overwhelmed him."

Ajax said with false concern, the unpleasant smile on his face made it quite clear, he was a common man but the emperor knew both were the same, his lover simply expressed his twisted desires more easily.

"Do you mind?"

He asked, Rex Lapis believed that he would not be cruel to his husband, rather, he thought that he would just ignore his presence until they were under the watchful eye of society, but there was something about the young man that irritated him deeply and he still did not fully understand it, perhaps because he hadn't bothered to look at him properly.

"Not at all, it was just a confirmation..." -Ajax spoke with a seductive tone, his slow and soft touch intended to coax, Rex Lapis thought that if his lover had a tail it would probably be wrapped around his leg.- "That no one can satisfy you as I do."

The redhead's hand that ran over the taller's arm went to his back and emphasized his last words by daringly squeezing the emperor's firm butt, it was a clear double meaning that was easily captured. If Rex Lapis were a dragon, as the legends suggested, he would probably be breathing fire at how horny he was at such an invitation.

The emperor was quick to reciprocate, he turned to press his lips against the other man's, their tongues meeting greedily and desperately as their bodies pressed against each other, the annoying layers of fabric between them would soon not be an impediment to embracing at ease, it always happened, both lost decorum quickly as soon as the heat went to their heads, they soon discovered that they were fascinated by that risky situation; the doors were closed and the guards were outside them, waiting for their lord's usual 'meeting' to end with the financial adviser, a former diplomat, they could probably hear if they made too much noise.

A rough moan came from the chestnut when his waist hit the long meeting table, he bit Ajax's tongue blaming him for that carelessness but they both smiled wanting to laugh as they parted, he didn't really care, they both liked to make it rough. Rex Lapis sat on the table, his long legs wrapping around the redhead's waist as soon as he kissed him again, eager for more.

Oh, how sinful, if someone saw them.

Yeah, it probably wouldn't be a problem, Rex Lapis would have the head cut off of anyone who witnessed it just to make sure they didn't talk.

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× Our dear prince seems to be in the middle of two lovers' twisted game (─ㅅ─) ×

xHxcreators' thoughts