
Yozakura: Termite (Old)

The world of Assassins, Spies, and Murder. Among them is a family that is hailed as first class, the Yozakuras. However not everything is bright as Tanpopo has created another experiment created specifically to capture and contain the Cherry Blossoms that is the Yozakuras. ~~~~ Previously: Yozakura: Experimental Subject #9731 First of all this is a Mission: Yozakura Family FF. Second is that it's most likely going to be a slow FF... Third is that most of the first part is going to be only OCs. I don't own Mission: Yozakura Family or any related thing. I only own my OCs. Unlike the original manga I added something that Tanpopo would have most likely have done. There is no system, but there is something that is basically the same as the Yozakuras 'Blooming' but it won't come out until much later in the series. Also this will focus on the much more dark aspects of the Mission: Yozakura Family world. If you want to support the series, please consider giving me stones, adding it to your library, etc... it motivates me to write more. The cover photo is not mine and I do not claim ownership whatsoever. I got this off the Mission: Yozakura Family discord server from the wiki. Original Link: https://twitter.com/engie_5108/status/1666017358497067009

ObsessedNovelist · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Mass Takedown

Progress was slowly working and bases were going down one by one. 

It's been about two months since my deal with Arthur and the Round Table's casualties were kept at a minimum while the Cult was declining.

They used some type of special ink and scanned it in order for me to gain entry.

But the entry was tightening at a rapid pace.

The intel I have gotten were mostly small bases, that by using Guerilla tactics hitting them hard and fast, eviscerated them and those small bases were starting to add up.

I've actively avoided any bases controlled by Suspects, if anything they're monsters whom I can't fight yet.

It was like the idiom 'Hidden Dragons Crouching Tigers'.

They were not publicly known but their strength was maybe on par with Gold Ranks.

"So this was their plan…"

I stared at my laptop's monitor, reading the files I had stolen from Tanpopo.

My basic understanding of the Somei Yoshino Project was something someone crazy would do…

This exceeded that by ten fold.

The entire basis of the plan was natural selection, you either live and have the supernatural powers the Yozakura possess or die.

This certainly would work like Makoto would want it, but people who value human life like the Yozakura would stop this as much as possible.

I could even imagine Makoto doing a speech about how this plan was the 'greater good' for humankind.

The means to the goal doesn't matter for him, I know this first hand.

He has utter apathy for human beings. I don't exactly know why he does but I don't view him as human, he lacks the traits of one.

I closed my laptop and hid the USB stick inside my suitcase.

The view of the outside world fascinated me.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon but the city of London was as busy as ever.

I felt a slight breeze behind me.

-Knock, Knock.

"Why do you even bother knocking when you're already inside my room?" I wryly asked the king of Britain.

"It is common courtesy and basic manners to do so."

"Ha… I guess you're right, what do you need from me Arthur?"

Since I was the Round Tables double agent for the Cult, I had some jobs that weren't in the original deal but I happily complied since it sped up the progress of the Cult being destroyed.

"...I need you to infiltrate and get information on the files kept in this specific base."

He tossed me a file which I caught and opened.

'...A base controlled by a Suspect…'

"Though you still haven't explained to me why you have avoided bases controlled by Suspects. This time we need you to go in and get files pertaining to the schedule so that we can strike when the time is right."

I held my chin and swayed my head thinking about it.

"...I don't have much of a choice, besides, this will help quite a lot in destroying the cult."

"So you'll take it?"

"Yes, I'll give you the good news in a few days."

"...And he's already gone."

Even though I heard absolutely nothing, from the door opening or closing to the window moving at all, he somehow escaped my hearing.

Suspects… huh?

My body shivered.

I wasn't afraid at all, but the thought of that monster made my body reject it. It was my body's way of telling me that this wasn't a good idea.

I pushed past my shivering and started getting my supplies ready for this mission.

Thanks to my generous donor, I got a standardized suit that all the soldiers of the Round Table wore. I modified it quite heavily so that the Cult wouldn't notice anything out of the ordinary, now it just looked like a black suit.

I didn't only have the black suit, it could change into different disguises and was quite helpful in that regard.

Arthur even provided me some housing, of course my contract with him became more of a boss - subordinate contract, in name only but the influence was still there.

-Tick, Tock.

It felt almost wrong to live in such an antique house.

I could tell the hardships this house must have gone through, but it was still somehow in good condition yet kept that antique atmosphere you find at old pawnshops.

I did a mental checklist to see if I missed anything.

Ten healing syringes, my mental gloves, emergency calorie ball, my two knives, combat suit, my hand cannon, I soon had each item in an organized manner spread across my bed.

There were some new additions but now I could carry everything at once.

Compartmentalizing had been quite a hassle since everything used to be so easy with my former suit being so streamlined, but now I found a compromise by modifying a briefcase.

I was spoiled by the geniusness of Knowledge. 

As time goes on the more I change my attire for combat…



My briefcase shut with a satisfying click.





Oh how much he loved death.

From a young age he grew up in the slums of Whitechapel and there he saw humanity's darkest sins in all its glory.

Rape, murder, if you could think of something it was all there.

Since the first time he saw someone murdering another person he felt his first emotion.

The man who had murdered the woman laughed at the smile he gave and he lived because of that.

Police were foolish.

They thought that they could catch him but they couldn't. No, they weren't even close.

'Canonical Five'?

For a man who worshiped death so heavily he had killed and escaped with absolute certainty.

It was a special skill he seemed to be born with, and he was pleased with it.

But there was something greater than death.

A man.

A god amongst humans.

He alone will set the world right.

His presence alone sets the world in balance.

He saved him.

And he is a servant of a man who is above all.

Now he waits…

Let the world be the stage set for the grand finale.

As he will wait for perfect timing like he always had.

Now he stalks the prey like a hungry animal.

Could they make it out?

Even now he felt the elation of what was to come.


He couldn't wait.

It was a pity that the man didn't listen to him, his goals would have been fulfilled otherwise. He recalled the man who had caused a mass panic years before, now dead and stuck in a cave with no one to care enough to get his carcass out and give him a proper funeral.




A few days later and here I was.

I held the flashlight in my mouth as I rummaged through the recent files.

'No not this one…'

We may have been able to get information on Victims, but Suspects had their information sealed tight.

It could be the one from before or another one.

My paranoia kept my guard on constantly switching from the door or any place dark enough to hide while I swept through the files.


The files were quite empty…

There were always people coming into this room to get something…

Because I had silently gone through the vents, I actually didn't hear anything because of how focused I was on getting to this room. But even then I should have heard something…

'Strange… Extremely strange'

The door leading out felt more eerie than usual, that was most likely just my mind playing tricks on me…

I shook my head and shut my goosebumps down, I needed to explore this, if we're walking into a trap set by the Cult we could incur heavy losses.

'I escaped last time, so why can't I this time?'


I turned off the flashlight and my eyes adjusted to the dark.

I've noticed my adaptability growing in strength but I'm also starting to feel the tiniest bit weaker.

It was like I was using my own vitality in exchange for some power. A devil's deal you could say.

As long as my strength doesn't wane too much I'm fine with this, one of my biggest strengths is being amplified at the cost of almost nothing. My neuroplasticity was faster than ever and I felt the difference.

Within a few seconds my eyes adjusted to the dark almost perfectly.

I couldn't see the fine prints like the small words on files but I wasn't going to need those for the time being.

I read in the report that people constantly went in and out of this base, so that must mean people are here…


I peaked my head out the door, finding what seemed to a pitch black hallway that went on endlessly.

Since the file room was on one of the ends of the hallway, what was left was just one long road into emptiness.

The hallway felt elongated.

I briskly made my way across the floor looking into each room and thanks to [Silent Steps] I didn't make a single sound while doing so.

As I went further and further down the hallway the more I felt a 'presence'…

It was like Arthur, except it was void of any emotion.

It reminded me of myself.

Whoever this was, they were strong, maybe even stronger than the person I fought before.

'I… think this is enough…'

Just from the presence alone I knew I was no match for this person. It was oppressive to say the leasts.

But as I walked back to the files room, I could only imagine what type of person lay dormant there.




(WARNING: I do not condone with any type of: Self-harm, suicide, or any self destructive tendencies. This is PURELY a fictional story where these elements are used. Please do NOT try and do any of the aforementioned things. If you are thinking of, or doing any of the aforementioned things please get help from the different medical lines in your respective countries.)


Mary woke up, not dead yet.

Pills, bloody knives and even a noose lay on her neck as she dangled from the ceiling.


Tearing a hole in the ceiling for the nth time, she went to the bathroom to put fresh bandages on her wounds.

'I want to die…'

She believed death was the most ideal outcome in life, but she has tried countless suicides 'techniques' and self harm but nothing worked.

Overdose, suffocation, electric chairs, she has tried almost everything and nothing worked.

Her body didn't let her die.

Electricity? Her body adapted and used it as fuel making her perceive her surroundings in slow motion.

Noose? Her body simply adapted and made her neck muscles so much more dense than normal people that she could breath even while hanging from the ceiling.

Nothing felt alive anymore.

She joined this Cult in the hopes of dying but her wish still unfulfilled after countless years of trying to die.

Now she was left with the extremes.

She even thought about dropping a nuclear bomb on herself just so she could die.

After wrapping new bandages on her body she sat next to the large window looking up at the moon.

'...A full moon.'

She lived in an abandoned school, away from most civilization.

Now her body was even starting to need less sleep than normal and even healed the cut marks on her wrists with ease.


She plopped down onto her back, hitting glass shards that did nothing but give slight discomfort.


The only reason she hadn't tried anything was because she was simply too lazy to do so.

She could most likely end her life but she wanted someone else to do it for her.


Her stomach begged for food.

'Wouldn't it be nice if people could photosynthesize like plants could? Then I wouldn't need to walk to get food or even eat.'

The fleeting thought passed through her mind.

She got up and shook off and glass shards stuck on her back. The soles of her feet jumped on each sharp object lying on the floor like a game of hopscotch.

'1… 2! 3… 4!'

Sometimes the blades of the dulled kitchen knives didn't even pierce through her skin and left only a red mark to show for its existence.

She made her way to a table filled with different snacks before she started indulging in every delight she thought was good for her meal today.

The moment she finished her meal, she grabbed a long rope and tied it onto the ceiling.

Her worn, broken mattress was used as an armory of different weapons that she would most likely never use.

Using the noose as a rope for a while swinging around making sure it was tight, she swiftly put it around her neck and the noose closed onto her neck. 

Afterward, she kicked the chair she used before falling back asleep.



I'm going to stop being stubborn and go back to a 2-3 day schedule again. Everytime I do one of these 'mass chapters writing maratons' I always procrastinate and end up not doing it, lol.

Of course there will be the occasional double upload or upload two days in a row.

Anyways, getting all that stuff behind, the reason that the chapter wasn't out was because for one, I had exams. And two, I procrastinated.

Anywho, toodaloo~

(Why do I do this?)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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