
Yozakura: Termite (Old)

The world of Assassins, Spies, and Murder. Among them is a family that is hailed as first class, the Yozakuras. However not everything is bright as Tanpopo has created another experiment created specifically to capture and contain the Cherry Blossoms that is the Yozakuras. ~~~~ Previously: Yozakura: Experimental Subject #9731 First of all this is a Mission: Yozakura Family FF. Second is that it's most likely going to be a slow FF... Third is that most of the first part is going to be only OCs. I don't own Mission: Yozakura Family or any related thing. I only own my OCs. Unlike the original manga I added something that Tanpopo would have most likely have done. There is no system, but there is something that is basically the same as the Yozakuras 'Blooming' but it won't come out until much later in the series. Also this will focus on the much more dark aspects of the Mission: Yozakura Family world. If you want to support the series, please consider giving me stones, adding it to your library, etc... it motivates me to write more. The cover photo is not mine and I do not claim ownership whatsoever. I got this off the Mission: Yozakura Family discord server from the wiki. Original Link: https://twitter.com/engie_5108/status/1666017358497067009

ObsessedNovelist · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Halloween Chapter (2023)

(WARNING: This chapter has quite a lot of spoilers but since it's for the sake of a holiday I'm fine with it, if you don't want spoilers for the plot after like… chapter 100? (Maybe?) then you should wait for the next chapter.)

Ho~ Ho~ Ho~

*Christmas Music Intensifies*



Wrong holiday?

*Music Abruptly Stops*


-Flip -Flip

Who wrote this script again?

Oh right… I did.

Happy Halloween!1


This is a special chapter for this year's Halloween.

Hope you guys enjoy it!


I had everything ready…



Thunder crackled behind me as it illuminated my greatest masterpiece yet!


The lights in the room turned on and my maniacal laughter stopped.

"...Onii-san, what are you doing?"

I looked behind myself, facing a small girl.

"...Kiku, don't tell anyone okay?"


In one hand she held her prized teddy bear (won by yours truly) and the other a taser.

"...Tell me." She pouted.

This would have been a cute sight to behold except for the child wantonly swinging a taser around.

"Kiku… it's a surprise, okay? You'll know about it in a few days…"

"No! Tell me now!"

She pouted even further, her cheeks turning red and her face being cuter.

I sneakily put on a glove on my left hand, the one she couldn't see.

"It'll be a fun surprise Kiku. Just wait for it."

She threw her bear into the air before running at me with the taser in hand.

I grabbed the active taser with my left hand, neutralizing it with ease. I put her into a submission, teaching her that you can't beat an adult, especially a spy.

'These kids are too talented…'

I gave a wry smile.

"Everyone, now!"


The door opened to almost every kid here and they rushed at me and pinned down Kiku.



"Ah… haha!"

I was stuck under a body of children trying to hold me down.


"Now you have no choice but to tell us Onii-san!"

In one way or another Kiku escaped my hold and was now looking down at me.

I smiled.

My finger twitched before the fake wallpaper tore off from the walls and the room extended into a much larger room.

"Surprise! Happy Halloween!"

Rin along with the Hinagiku and the Yozakura Family were already here. The Spy Association people with Kai would come in a few minutes.


The children got up and started dashing around the room.

I quickly whipped out a camera and started taking photos of them all.


I hummed with joy.

The children played with each other whilst the adults talked to each other, catching up on lost time.

-Tap -Tap

"Hm~? Yes, Asano-kun?"

The red haired teen scratched his cheek before asking me, "Could you take a picture for us?"

He pointed at everyone in the Yozakura Family.

"Sure sure~ Bring everyone in front of the picture area and I'll happily oblige."

Taiyo went back, speaking to Mutsumi about what I said.

I could physically see the dark aura emanating off of Kyoichiro as he did, no doubt that Taiyo felt and saw it as well.

"I told him that he should have stopped back in Junior High…"

His obsession with his sister Mutsumi was scary enough. Not like I could say anything, I loved the kids and her just as equally as the rest of the XXXX and YYYY.2

While I waited for Taiyo to stop being beaten and chased around with the Meat Buster and Stomach Splitter from Kyoichiro I kept taking pictures of my angels.


"Hm? Oh Kai, nice to see you again."

I shook the simply dressed man's hand.

I've been either in the XXXX's base or taking care of the children so I didn't have the time to visit many of my friends sadly.

I remember just like it was yesterday when me and Kyoichiro were helping Kai with his sense problem…

Though my RRRR is still better than Mutsumi.3

For a moment, Kyoichiro almost thought that someone went against the teachings of the Mutsumi Cult… No, how preposterous, no one here is brave enough to go against him… unless…


The two weapons threateningly slid off of each other, creating sparks that seemed to want to kill a certain someone…

"Oh you dumb idiot, did you just realize!? My RRRR is still better than your Mutsumi!?" 

I threw the camera up into the air.

Both me and Kyoichiro ran at each other, turning our fight into a dog fight.


(A/N: Very out of character for Kyoichiro, but this is for shits and giggles so…)

A few minutes had passed before both me and Kyoichiro were kneeling on the ground to repent for our sins.

"...Mine is still better." I said it loud enough for him to hear.

His Steel Spider tried to strangle me before I played my ultimate move… Play as the victim card!

"Oh no! Yozakura-san! Kyoichiro is trying to kill me! Whatever shall I do!"

I even put my hand on my face acting as dramatically as possible.

"Wa!?" Kyoichiro tried to assemble the Steel Spider back into his gloves but Mutsumi's eyesight was faster.

'He still falls for it, his brain cells must be in the negatives, keke.'

A minute later and I triumphantly healed myself using a healing syringe going back to normal but for Kyoichiro?

He sat in the corner depressed with a cardboard sign on the front and back reading: 'I'm in timeout please don't talk to me.'

It really is scary what obsession can do to you, especially when it's your sister that's asking.


"...Yes Kiku?"

"Can you buy me this?"

She held out her tablet and pointed at a knife.

"Alright sweetie, it'll be here by tomorrow."

(A/N: Pot calling kettle black)

I put in the order.

I saw the disappointed faces of everyone around me.


They shook their heads seeing the parallels between me and Kyoichiro.

The party went on before the other Gold Rank spies finally came.


"Welcome… Oh, Alexandryu? Along with Katana? Welcome!"

I was taking pictures of everyone.

"Oh? If it isn't Takahiro-kun."

I watched as the hulking figure in front of me greeted me along with his adopted daughter before they left to enjoy the party.

As the time passed we eventually got to the games that everybody brought with them.

"...Has anyone seen Taiyo?"


I looked around trying to find the man who was supposed to still be on time out.

"Actually… Where's Kyoichiro?"

I commented.

"-RING! AH, ah… So we're starting the games?"

I took a picture before facepalming.

'What is this dumbass doing?'

"Asano-kun… you could get out you know?"

He was tied up on a circus wheel used for knife tricks.

"You can get ten knives for ten dollars, if you hit him even better."

He held ten throwing knives used by performers in between his fingers.

"...I finally can get rid of you… you leech to my precious Mutsumi…"

He threw the knives each aiming for a vital organ.

Even though Taiyo could easily get out of the bindings, he knew the Yozakura Family wouldn't let him do so.

I threw a piece of candy at one of the knives aiming at his head.

The rest of them were caught by each of the members of the Yozakura.

"Please… don't fight, you don't know how long this entire thing took to set up."

I pleaded.

This entire thing took less than a day to finish, but they didn't need to know that.

"...Don't tell me this is going to turn out like the incident at the Hell Springs…"

I was about to activate [Flow] but I stopped since I had my friends to stop him.

I'm sure Rin would love to pummel him up.

The benefits of having friends I dare say.

"Hahaha! Are we going to fight him? It's been a while since we last fought."

Rin slammed her fists together with excitement.

"Let's just finish this so that we can go back to partying."

Futaba said, getting into her combat position ready to manipulate the flow of energy to her bidding.

Me, Kai and… when did he get here?

"Seiji? When did you get here?"

"...I just got here."

"Well good. We have a show to watch, just protect the food will you?"

I was fine with the room being turned into garbage just… not enough to break the entire room.

Most of us just sat and watched as the Yozakura and Rin fought Kyoichiro, who was somehow on equal footing with them combined.

At times I felt like he purposefully shot his Steel Spider at me because of spite to what I did to him.

"You picking a fight you sister freak!?"

There were countless small holes in my chair and my paper plate because of him.


Kai shook his head, enjoying the carrot cake.

*     *     *

As the party came to a close, the party I set and worked so hard for was now ruined. 

"This was fun! We should do this again sometime."

Rin patted my back roughly.


My back stung as she hit the same spot multiple times in a row.

I may be superhuman but not on a gorilla level of strength.

"...? Did you think of something rude just now?"

My forehead started sweating.


It was like her woman's sixth sense was enhanced only with keywords like 'gorilla' or other connotations.

After waving everyone a goodbye I started getting the children slowly to sleep.


I checked the time.

'9 p.m.'

It was quite late and the children should be off to sleep soon.


"Yes Kiku?"

"Thank you… this was the best surprise ever."

She said before falling asleep.


I had a thin smile on my face as I patted her head.

"I guess this was all worth it."



This is purely non-canon unlike the Yozakura chapter.

Was this nice?

For once Takahiro isn't in a mental breakdown. (I feel like I should really work on explanations better. I feel like sometimes I put things in and it feels too abrupt.)

Anyways this was a fun chapter I worked on the past couple of days. Originally I was going to post the chapter then this one, but I fell asleep taking a nap, trying to fix my sleep schedule (yet again). 

But since this was a special occasion I wanted this one out first.

But all that being said let me say this one last time.

Happy Halloween!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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