
Yoviry's Short Stories

In every story, there is life. And in every life, there is a story. I cannot tell you every story out there, but I'll tell you about the stories I know, see, hear, and fantasize. They may be good. They may be bad. Some may be exciting. Some may be mundane. But one thing is for sure. Life is full of stories, it's what life is all about. =+=+=+=+=+=+= What to expect:  *Tragic stories, happy stories, slice of life, romance, and anything basically. The stories I write in this book are my daily daydreams and if something inspires me. You can also suggest a topic and I'll see if I can write a story about it (Your name will be mentioned it I use your idea on a story.) *There may or may not be lore in some of the stories. Author's note: As a beginner writer, and because English is not my mother tongue, I ask you to be understandin if there are any errors with my story, specially the grammar.  Support me: You can support me by giving me Power Stones! (fufu~)

Yoviry · Fantasy
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001_Gift To My Mother

"Hey Mom! Look, I brought you a gift!" A young boy, around the age of four, ran to his mother with a colorful butterfly in his hand. Strangely, the butterfly didn't fly away even as he ran, making the boy's brilliant smile glow even brighter.

That day, the boy's mother scolded him for touching dirty insects that might make him sick. She couldn't afford paying medical bills.

"Hey Mom! Look, I brought you a gift!" A boy, around the age of ten, slammed open the door in excitement and ran to his mother. In his hand were multiple certificates of high achievements, proving that he was hard working. The black lines underneath his eyes proved that.

That day, the boy's mother nodded and continued her household duties. She was busy.

"Hey Mom. Look, I brought you a gift. Happy Mother's Day," a teen around the age of fourteen said to his mother, handing her a card with bright colors. The boy spent a whole month working on this Happy Mother's Day card. He not only drew a realistic illustration of him and his mother on the card, but he also carefully wrote a long letter of appreciation and filial love for his mother.

That day, his mother took the card and set it aside. She didn't want useless things.

"Hey, Mom. I brought you a gift," a teen, around the age of eighteen handed an envelope to his mother. The envelope contained a small sum of money, but it was his hard-earned money. Money that he earned for the first time.

That day, the mother ranted that the boy was ungrateful for giving a low-effort gift to his mother. She was livid that her son was a bastard.

"Hey, Mom… Merry Christmas… I brought you a gift…" A boy around the age of eighteen said and placed down the note he wrote. Tomorrow was his birthday, the day after Christmas, this joyous holiday. 

As he lay on the bathroom floor, a sharp knife on one hand and a bottle of bleach on the other, he smiled.

"Mom, will you like my gift this time?" The boy said.

Keep in mind, there won't be a permanent MC. This is a book with many stories inside. If it ain't your cup of tea, then this book is not for you~

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