
Paragraph 8 - 26 : Spotted And Spanked

The pace at which events unfolded was not slowing down, and two days later, word was running through the castle that Filch had hit the height of his career as a happiness waster, with Peeves's contribution to boot, who had provided the crucial tipoff : the latter knew the exact location of the very stone belonging to a very precise wall, behind which students were exchanging secret notes. This made it possible for Filch's life goal to come to fruition. He had seen one of such notes, copied down its content that described the setup of a forthcoming gallant rendezvous between a Gryffindor fifth-year boy and a Slytherin sixth-year girl, replaced carefully the note, and, with unwavering dedication to his most noble task, had made sure he would be on time at the right place : behind a statue that stood at a corner from which he would see anyone coming without giving any angle for anybody to spot him. He had waited with a grin of delectation for the couple to kiss tenderly, leapt from his hideout and delivered with his trademarked irony what he hoped would be his most famous line ever :

Professor Snape will be happy to grade your adorable trade I trust

Both lovers were given the same detention : cleaning Moaning Myrtle's bathroom without any authorisation to use magic, under the supervision of a triumphant Filch, and of course Myrtle's own sneering.