
Paragraph 4 - 69 : Plus Oultre

Before leaving, Adelaide told the three remaining friends :

I owe you a bunch of explanations. And somebody else, too, because I wasn't alone in this string of initiatives. Meet me and the other student today, after classes, in the room that you call the Friends' Room

Eleanor, Judith, and Sigismond nodded in approval. On the one hand, they were extremely sad, not only of having lost a friend forever, but also of having been kept in the dark by Adelaide. On the other hand, knowing more might help them cope with Ann's death. They were therefore back, at 6pm, in the room full of cobwebs. None of them had eaten since the breakfast of the previous day, because they had been too depressed to be hungry. Adelaide arrived, in the company of a Hufflepuff witch, whose name was Faustia Verst, a black and small student. Faustia hadn't experienced seeing the death of anybody, but she knew what had happened, and was good at reading the mood, therefore she explained in a very kind voice what the three friends had missed :

Just like there is a separation between Muggles and wizards, there is a difference between the everyday wizard and what we call 'Non-Dogmés'. The latter have a better understanding of magic, and can easily perform some actions that ordinary wizards can't, although there isn't the slightest difference in magical powers between the two communities. The Non-Dogmés are scarce, and there is no automatic process that allows to detect them. They go to Hogwarts just like any other wizard or witch, and people who know they are Non-Dogmés painstakingly go through the list of students, and try to determine if they also are Non-Dogmés. There is a typical clue, though : Non-Dogmés people get usually asked out a lot. Apparently, many students fall in love with us - Adelaide and I are Non-Dogmées - because they perceive that we are different. Non-Dogmés don't look down on Muggles, are good at discerning what is going on in the channels that allow to perform magic, and know that wands are creatures. All the instant magical means of transportation, every Transfiguration, every prophecy work thanks to the channels, joining places, times, objects, people. For example, in Transfiguration, the targeted object enters a channel, exiting thus the reality, while the desired object leaves the channel, and replaces the first one as the thing present in the standard space that every wizard or witch can see. There are people who aren't Non-Dogmés and who still can read what happens on some of these channels. Edward Songer is an example of this. We had initially assumed he was Non-Dogmé because of his skills at getting dreams about what was happening, had occurred, or was to come, but he is not. He is just an ordinary wizard especially gifted. The channels also allow to bind people together. I must add that Adelaide was able to know that Ann was going to the hospital wing because we read on one of the channels your messages. I don't know exactly how you make these transmissions work, but we are sure they use the same channels as Apparitions. This kind of ability has another very important implication : we have asked a number of Non-Dogmés people if they had discerned another fight between Ann and Hexler, and a few of them did. We had underestimated the fact that Ann was a Slytherin. But what makes - sorry, made - her a rightful member of this House was not ambition, it was cunning, and that is what she used to defeat Hexler : in her last opposition, instead of thinking about one counterattack she elected to use two at the same time. What the Non-Dogmés saw, was Ann recalling the moment when you broke Hexler's injustice in the Goodrow affair. She really had a fond memory of this event. Ironically, it's by thinking about an action performed through an object in which Akinori put her personality, that Ann was able to vanquish Hexler in the fight she had entered by putting her personality into an object. This probably explains why the feeling coming from this episode was so powerful, fitting with the process. At the opposite side, Hexler hadn't expected any further blow to come, and he was only able to remind himself of the party at which he found in Rita Skeeter a person very much like him. Then, the rubble of green stones that was left on Ann's side submerged Hexler's white terrace and towers

Faustia paused here, and cast a glance at Adelaide, who went on :

For the rest of the story, we will have to Disapparate. I and Faustia can Disapparate from Hogwarts, because we use the same kind of channel as the Headmaster to circumvent this limitation, but we avoid as much as we can to make a display of our differences with the ordinary witch or wizard. Therefore we will need to go to a place outside of Hogwarts' grounds

Judith said in a faint voice :

The extremity of the lake

Adelaide hadn't expected an answer to come so quickly, and from any of the three friends, but she returned the earlier glance from Faustia, and seeing on the latter's face a sign of approval, agreed :

Let's meet again on Saturday at 2pm here to make the trip

Therefore, the five of them arrived one by one in what was still to Eleanor, Judith and Sigismond the Friends' Room, then proceeded to walk from this place in the castle to the extremity of the lake, from which they used Adelaide Morr's abilities to Side-Along Apparition in order to get to their destination, a location they knew very well.