
Paragraph 17 : Moral Fiber

The four friends went back to their usual students' schedules. They spent a lot of time communicating through embroidery, but they had too much to talk about for this kind of communication to be convenient. Therefore, they mostly embroidered messages aiming at organising in-person meetings. They met sometimes at their usual spot near the lake, typically when the weather was fair and they had enough time to walk to and back from there. At other moments, they met in either the Friends' Room or the Arch Room - the Flitwick Room was not up for grabs at any given time, as per their agreement with Professor Flitwick. About ten days after the fateful events at the smooth-walled Hall, something unexpected hit them. Their respective Heads of House gave them a Summons to Professor Dumbledore's office, for the very same day, at 6pm. Judith and Sigismond realised too late that they should have asked their Head of House where the Headmaster's office was, since none of the four friends actually knew where to find it. Ann and Eleanor, though, had been quick enough to understand immediately, on receiving the Summons, that they had to ask their Head of House where the dreaded office was. After some embroidery from Ann and Eleanor to Judith and Sigismond, all four of them were set. They met at the imposed time at the right place. Professor Sprout was there. She said :


and the spiraling staircase leading to Professor Dumbledore's office appeared. The four friends set foot on one step of the staircase each, and it started its circular ascension. When they reached the door on top of the ride, Ann knocked on the door, which shortly after, magically opened. They took a look at the very diverse array of objects that laid here and there, but soon Professor Dumbledore required them to come to his desk. Worried, they moved slowly towards the desk. They ended up in a line facing Professor Dumbledore from across his desk. Professor Dumbledore was straight to the point :

On the night when Mr. Radote led you to the castle more than a week ago, I was able to meet him. On hearing his description of the situation, I sent an owl to the Ministry. Aurors were able to locate a few copies of this book so many of you have tried to lay their hands on in the past month and a half. Furthermore, a Gryffindor went to me, explaining that the rumour about the book originated from him. He apparently had understood that a brave heart does not always seek life-threatening adventure, but sometimes barely has to face a possibly unkind judgment. Now, just like Mr. Radote told you, I urge you not to take any more action regarding the book

Professor Dumbledore paused, apparently waiting to read on their faces expressions that would show how seriously they were about to follow his latest instruction. The four friends kept respectfully silent. Looking satisfied, Professor Dumbledore put an end to the short interview :

You may go

The four students departed silently.