
Yours, Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn Caddell was at the mercy of the duke's proposal since her family had set up the marriage without her knowledge until the day before where her parents dropped the news. The eligible duke was a fearsome person with horrid rumors constantly flying around the nobles and commoners which was why despite him having an enticing rank, no woman approached him with the thought of marriage. It posed the question as to why Maximillian Latimer was searching for a bride so intently, and to why he landed on the idea of his teacher's daughter. Gwendolyn truly believes that she isn't suited to become the Duchess of Latimer, however, marriage was not as she had thought it would be. Despite her worries, the marriage will carry beyond her largest dreams and turn to be a true blessing in disguise to take down those who are after her loved ones. **updates every Thursday & Sunday** *cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist*

Winter_Auden · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Cheers to Safe Travels

Gwen was still disorientated from the late start, but she got her body warmed up first through running back in forth in the bedroom to help pack everything along with the help of Lauren and Avery before running off to finally sit down since she would get off-kilter if she didn't do so.

Laura gathered all the plush blankets that were spread out on the bed when Gwen stood from the warm bed and folded them tightly before straightening the rest of the room that Gwen didn't get the chance to touch yet.

Avery was going through the suitcase to find a suitable outfit for her for the strenuous trip that was finally coming to an end. She pulled out a pale blue gingham dress that Gwen immediately nodded since it was one of her favorites.

She also tossed Gwen some tall black boots that she herself didn't see herself wearing, but found it practical after the mishap from the bandits. Gwen shoved her feet into boots since last time, she wore her dainty heels while riding to escape, and ended up losing one pair in the battle.

Gwen was wearing pantyhose the other day, but that didn't help the small scratch marks on her feet from the exhausting movements. It wasn't anything large, only little pricks, making the skin uneven. Gwen made sure to put on ointment that Avery gave her before going to sleep.

They were all set to leave, and Gwen turned back to stare at the room that was as tidy as when she first stepped foot inside it, leaving no trace that she had ever laid there. It was sentimental moment for her since everything was new for her such as staying at a lodge on her own.

The moment was broken when Avery perched another large hat on her head, and Gwen shook her head silently laughing. She wasn't one for hats like her mother, but Avery liked to put them on her since Avery thought it was funny.

Gwen would admit that they were atrocious, but they didn't look too bad on her which is why she didn't object. Gwen grabbed one of the small suitcases that they were able to salvage during the fight, hauling it down the hallway and the stairs despite Laura and Avery pestering her not to.

The café was open and thriving with many customers inside already, and the cozy ambiance was lovely with the light music playing in the background from the live violin players sitting in a small enclosed patio area.

The pale pink decorations that Gwen missed in the dark were now in the light, and Gwen wanted to compliment Constance on the stylized choice of the interior. It was cute and pretty, not too feminine, but enough so to call most women, but not too much to make men offset from it.

She went over to the kitchen, but the clanging of metal and yelling made her pause right at the doors. Constance was busy running in the kitchen with her crew, and Gwen stuck her head back out, not wanting to bother her.

The knights were loading the carriage with other goods that they bought from the city, many crates and barrels going into the storage compartment underneath.

Gwen handed her luggage to Riley and turned back to see that Constance had come to send them off with the woven basket that she and Gwen worked hard to fill last night.

Silas intercepted the basket that Constance was about to hand over to Gwen and took a peek inside. He groaned. "This smells delicious."

"I'll be sure to share," Gwen smiled.

"No, please enjoy them, Your Grace," Silas said.

Gwen shook her head, and Constance suddenly pulled her in for a hug. Gwen stiffened before bringing her arms around Constance's frame and tightly squeezing her.

She was glad for her hospitality and valued the time they shared despite her not knowing Constance well. Gwen pulled back, and Constance squeezed her hands.

"I'll be praying for your safe travels," Constance said.

"Thank you. I will be sure to visit when possible," Gwen answered.

"I would love that."

Cassian walked over to Gwen, inclining his head in greeting. "Your Grace. It is time to leave."

Gwen nodded and waved goodbye to Constance, taking Cassian's hand for assistance to get into the carriage. She leaned over to open the window, airing out of the carriage.

The day was bright today, and she would have to hold out just a little longer. Avery and Laura joined her a moment later with other packed food for later, and Silas gave her a sign that they were leaving. Constance gave them all one final wave before heading back into her café.

The streets were alive, and it took a while to get out of the central city walls. She intently stared out the window, taking in what she could see, and wished that she still woke up earlier to take a walk around the heart of Clandestine, seeing the culture and the diverse architecture. She would hope to come back and visit once she becomes more settled.

Gwen straightened the skirt of her dress and grabbed the woven basket onto her lap, unlocking the latch and pulling out the frosted bags with the café's logo that included a flowery cursive font. She unwrapped the cookie and handed them to Laura and Avery. Gwen insisted, and they took a bite with their eyes widening.

"Isn't it delicious?" Gwen asked as she took a bite herself.

Laura covered her mouth as she chewed. "Wow. This is amazing."

Avery finished the cookie. "No wonder she has good business. I brought some sandwiches that she made for us too. Let's save them for later, shall we?"

Gwen agreed, and Avery handed her the novel that she was currently reading. It was an odd mystery novel that she randomly picked up because Brennon had tossed it to her one day while they were out in the gardens.

Gwen sighed and took the novel from Avery's waiting hands since she needed to get back into her routine of alternating between sleeping and reading or else she would become extremely bored and make more trouble like last time when she asked for the knights to stop for a break. Gwen closed the book shut and decided to zone out first, dreaming of what was to come.