
Yours Eternally

Dia thought her life was normal, but after a nightly encounter with a beautiful but deadly stranger, her entire world is flipped upside down as lies and secrets are revealed. And if attending a new school wasn't stressful enough, she finds herself with a sexy secret admirer who is determined to win over her heart. Join Dai on her journey into the supernatural as she discovers who she truly is, forms friendships and rivals, ...and maybe finds true love.

Harem_Queen · Teen
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Ch.28: Goblin Heist

The jewelry store Alice estimated the goblins would strike at for their next heist was located in an area of the city that was closed off due to road maintenance since the street was empty, unlike the rest of the city. Ducking behind some bushes and a bench, Tai clicked her tongue.

"So the little bastards got here before we did."

In front of the small blue building were short ugly green creatures holding daggers in their hands. Dia was surprised to find herself unafraid as those goblins did not look friendly despite their size.

"Random thought, but I'm surprised to see goblins this far away from their home territory." Alice brought this fact to their attention.

"What do you mean?" curiously asked Dia.

"Goblins live in the southeastern region, near a popular city known for never sleeping and always gambling. Like most monster-class supernatural races, they're not one to stray away from their habitat," Alice explained.

"So you haven't heard? There has been an increase in monster-class supernaturals being kidnapped. Some have been spotted reappearing in locations outside their home turf," said Tai as Alice pondered over this new information.

Once again, Dia was lost in the conversation between the two girls. Unable to understand their conversation, she vowed to pay more attention in her Supernatural Biology class.

"Well, I see there is no use waiting out here." Tai's words brought Alice from her thoughts as the auburn-haired girl narrowed her eyes on her vampire friend.

"Tai, think before you act. Goblins may be weak, but they're tricky and never come in small numbers," Alice tried to warn, but the other girl just grinned, showing that she wasn't in the mood to listen.

"They may have the numbers," –Tai stood on her feet, popping her shoulder joints when Dia saw blue electricity spark from the girl's hand– "But not our skills!"

As she ran out of the bushes, a burst of lightning shot from the girl's hands, frying the two goblins stationed out front before diving into the building.

"That impulsive fool! Why can't she ever hold herself back and at least think of a plan instead of rushing straight in!?" Standing on her feet, Alice grumbled as she marched across the street.

"You know, I think she and Lisa would get along great," said Dia, keeping up with Alice's pace.

Walking through the door, Dia bumped into Tai's back. About to apologize, she took in the view of her surroundings. Covering the room were goblins holding brown sack bags.

Their boney green greedy hands were snatching necklaces, bracelets, and jewelry sets and threw them inside their bags when the presence of the three girls alerted them.

All at once, they turned their heads, yellow beady eyes glued to them. But what had Dia lose all strength in her legs was a monster with menacing yellow eyes that glared down at them.

'Is that a goblin?!' she asked herself. Though they shared similar features, the goblin that stood before them was much taller and stocky compared to the much smaller ones. Its face was just as ugly, with pimples and bumps on its skin and on the bridge of its long nose, holding a massive club in its hand.

"A Goblin Gladiator?! I thought goblins were no longer able to evolve?" The astonishment in Alice's voice was evident.

Standing near the so-called Goblin Gladiator's foot was a short figure concealed by a cloak who spoke in a strange tongue Dia had never heard before. Gripping a wooden cane in its left hand, it tapped on the marble floor, triggering its body to turn into a vortex before disappearing.

"What a load of surprises. First a Goblin Gladiator and now a Goblin Mage," Tai said sarcastically as the Goblin Gladiator gripped its club and swung it in their direction.

All three girls evaded the attack, but the situation did not ease as the giant stocky goblin shouted something in its native tongue. The underlying goblins rushed to attack with their melee weapons.

"Activate, Titania!" Alice began slashing goblins with her sword, killing them with a single strike. Tai was handling herself just the same, using her superhuman speed and claws to sever their heads, grimacing at the blood that got on her hands and manicured nails.

"Their blood smells disgusting! I feel like I'm about to gag! Got to take a lot of showers later." A frown masked the beautiful female vampire face.

"Dia, while we handle the situation here. You must take care of the Goblin Mage!" said Alice, stabbing her sword through a goblin that tried to sneak up on her.

"But I can't fight!"

"Dia!" Alice's face shifted into a serious one. No longer friendly and gentle.

"I know you are afraid, but you're going to have to push through it. Tai and I can handle the situation here. I understand you were thrown into a world you didn't even know existed. I know that you are afraid, but right now, I'm going to need you to summon the courage to see to the end of this mission. Failure is not an option!"

Alice may have sounded harsh, but she only voiced the feelings she felt in her heart. She knew Dia was unprepared for a situation like this, but time was of the essence.

Alice was just a huntress in training, meaning she was still a beginner relying on the skills she learned in training. She knew her limits and did her studying, but the appearance of the Goblin Gladiator caught her off guard.

She was in uncharted territory and knew in her gut that it wasn't a good idea for either her or Tai to leave this battle. Goblin Mages may be a rare breed because they could use magic, but were at least weak due to the small amount of magic they possessed. Making it the perfect opponent for Dia, who would only hold them back.

Dia may have been hurt by Alice's straightforwardness but she knew the other was speaking for her own good. This wasn't something where she could run or hide behind others. She had to face this head on, whether she liked it or not.

"Alright! I'll handle the Goblin Mage!" Dia said determinedly. A flash of light sprang from her bracelet, and Lilith in her bunny form appeared.

"I'll lead the way," said Lilith, hopping away on her little feet as Dia gave chase. With her out of the way, only Tai and Alice were left to fend off the rest of the goblins.

"It's getting ready to attack again!" shouted Tai as the Goblin Gladiator swiped its club through the air, aiming at the two girls, only for Tai to do a backflip in the air, conjuring lightning in her hand.

"Lightning Strike!" A lightning bolt shot from her hand and headed straight for the Goblin Gladiator. When the stocky goblin saw the incoming attack, it reached for one of its brethren and used the poor ugly thing as a shield against the vampire's attack.

"I guess there's no honor among thieves," said Tai as she landed on her feet.

Dia followed Lilith to a staircase that led down, wondering where it led to, and found this answer when she came upon a black metal door. The word above it read VIP. Taking a deep breath, she pushed down her fears and shot a look at Lilith. The black bunny nodded its head, and black magical energy danced around Dia and melded with her skin.

Inside the large fancy room, the cloaked figure was ordering around a group of goblins who were smashing display windows and shattering glass that landed on the floor, stuffing the rare gems of jewelry inside their sack bags.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open. A girl in a black dress walked inside.

The cloaked figure cursed in its native tongue once it saw the girl in black, ordering its underlings to attack. Dia, with serene eyes, watched the small group of goblins rush to attack her.

Summoning a bow and arrow in her hand, she launched arrows. Two of her arrows ended up stabbing three of the goblins' heads. Another tried to poorly attack her with its spear, but she gained some distance and shot an arrow through its chest.

Two goblins decided to make a sneak attack, but their idea was ruined when she sensed what they were up to and shot two of her arrows through each of their eyes. Now that the group of goblins was down, Dia and the cloaked figure were the only ones left.

"So the Hunter Association has decided to send children out to do battle, huh?" said the scratchy voice of an old woman. A flicker of surprise flashed through Dia's eyes, shocked to hear the creature speak her language.

"Child, you don't know the things I had to endure and see before I finally made it out into the world. Now that I have finally tasted freedom, I refuse to go back!" angrily shouted the creature, pushing her hood back, only to reveal a female goblin with a head full of white hair. Her face was ugly like all goblins. Her lips pulled into a sneer.

Dia kept her cool and said, "I have no clue what you're talking about, but I can't let you leave this place since there'll be no telling what you might do."

"You ignorant child! You have no clue the horrors that await this world!" The elderly female goblin tapped her cane against the ground and summoned a giant fireball.

The female goblin cackled like a stereotypical witch. The fireball headed straight for young witch who was about to make a run for the door when a pair of arms grabbed her ankle and made her fall flat on the floor.

One of the goblins still had a little more life in it, using this last chance as a form of revenge before surrendering to its wounds. Turning her head back, Dia saw the fireball was too close for her to escape.

'Is this the end for me?'

Goblins! Fight Scenes! Dai in danger?! Curious about what's going to happened next? Click the next chapter and find out! See ua next time~!XD

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