

When an 18-year-old virgin decided to leave Louisiana, her home town for Texas, an alien town she was unaware that the journey of her independence would become one of longing for a man's love and attention. With her love built on a misconception, she was unaware that Charles Jackson, a multi-billionaire, the CEO of West Land Airlines and heir to the Jackson Group of Companies was an egocentric, cold-hearted, proud and unforgiving man who locked his heart to love, the major aftermath of his grandmother's death. She judged his sad reactions to the plane crash wrongly unaware that December has scared his heart. It appeared that the plane crash became memorable either through breaking hearts or eventually mending them. Be it the crash itself or the incidences after the crash, it changed people's lives and Maureen was not left out. In readiness to be true to her love, Maureen ignored warnings and hit the wrong target. Will falling for Charles Jackson become her doom? Probably, as she became torn with the reality of life.

joyolokungboye · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 Warmth in Despair

I went to the kitchen to prepare sir Charles's meal. I tried my best to be as fast as possible.

I had forgotten that I hadn't prepared something for him to eat after I persuaded him into accepting my proposal.

I rushed and quickly made pasta since I had made roasted chicken earlier.

"I'm sorry if I took long to make your food sir. I wasn't sure if you were coming back today." I apologized after placing the food before him.

That was true because whenever sir Charles would be late, he would inform the mansion and his food would be prepared immediately.

I saw the look on his face when I was coming from the kitchen and it told a lot so, I had to apologize since he doesn't like waiting for people.

Charles didn't say a thing to Maureen since he knew that he always ate his food fresh and hot. That was reason enough for her to have not made his food and besides, she was quick with it.

I went back to the kitchen and took a glass of water with me. When I came back sir Charles was eating and by the look of it, he enjoyed his meal.

I had garnished it finely so, it was an attractive meal to behold. I learnt how to cook professionally when sir Charles made me his cook after four months of working as a maid.

I can never forget that day because I was so surprised that a newbie like me would be recognized in this mansion with many workers.

I only prepared food for him when Antonia, the cook fell ill and was hospitalized. Originally, the food was meant for me.

I snuck very early in the morning to prepare myself since we were restricted from the kitchen. I had missed my cooking and wanted to eat my favourite badly so I had to make food for myself.

Funny enough, sir Charles was unusually early and the instant he came to the dining, he asked to be brought food.

I wasn't scared because I would feed him my food but because I had cooked without permission.

I confessed immediately and since I was the aroma was tempting, he asked it to be dished out for him.

"Bring the food here!" these were his exact words.

"But sir." I stuttered and it was clear that he was serious.

What was I to do? I served him and I was shocked that he liked it not because it was made by me but because it was a casual dish.

Since that day, I started making his meal. I couldn't object when he told me and all I was to told to learn better from Antonia and that's how I started garnishing like a pro.

I was shocked at how fast I learnt it. Maybe it's because food is my thing.

At first, I felt bad because I thought I took Antonia's job away but I felt better after she reassured me that she was cool with it.

I couldn't forget that day and it's been eight months since I started making his meal. His decision didn't please my heart when I think of the opportunity it was going to give me.

Originally, I settled for studying anatomy but with this, I have decided to study catering and hotel management when I've saved enough for school.

Looking at how sir Charles ate, I believe that it's not the garnishing that made him eat but something else.

He was particular about the food after he instructed that I prepared his food. He often inquired if I made his meal and now that I think of it, I find it weird.

When I came back from vacation, I was so shocked when Claudia told me that he hadn't been eating at home.

I tried not to think of it but I couldn't and I realized that he did do it because I wasn't around to make his meals.

That also explained why he was pleased to see me.

"Sir, " I had dragged his attention from what he was doing and I placed the glass of water before him.

He looked up at me as though I disturbed his special moment. I stood as he looked at me and every part of me was pleased with the glare.

How I wish he could be mine. I would cook for him as much as he wants and do whatsoever desires.

My heart started accelerating and I swallowed before speaking.

"Uhm," I said and when I saw the look in his eyes I thought better than to disturb him.

Since Claudia left, I didn't know how to tell him since it was inappropriate. I don't know how to place it before him so that she doesn't lose her job.

I guess telling him now would be best since mom always says that the best way to get a man is through his belly, I mean food.

"I'd speak with you when you're done with your meal."

"Say whatever you want to say I'm listening."

I looked at sir Charles and judging that he was in the mood thanks to not eating my meal for a whole day, it gave me the courage to speak up.

"Sir, Claudia had to leave as her aunt's daughter had some complications. He wanted to wait for you but she was doubtful that you would return today so, she left." I said not wanting to remind him of the plane crash and ruin his good mood.

I had delivered my message but was worried about what his response will be.

"It's okay. How long will she be gone?"

"I'm not sure sir, she didn't say," I said and breathed.

"That's fine. Carry on with your duties," he said and I left happily.

I only went back to get the dishes when I was sure that he had finished consuming his meal. I took them to the kitchen to clean them up.

I recalled how he ate the food I cooked with concentration as I wiped the plates with the napkin.   It was obvious that he didn't want to be disturbed and this was enough to bring a smile to my face. My smile was broad and soon, his face came into my brain making me giggle.

Done, I left the kitchen and looked toward his room. The lights were still in and it was clear that he wasn't asleep yet so I looked further and saw that the light in the study was brightly lit.

Now it made sense that he was working in the study and wasn't in his room.

The mere sight of this crushed my heart. I couldn't believe that he was working so late at night and I'm certain that he would be in there for the next hour.

I stared in the direction of the study a little longer before I left to prepare coffee for him. I figured that since he was in there, I might as well make some coffee for him.

I was done sooner than expected and I knocked on the door that led to the study.

"Come in." sir Charles' voice came from inside and I walked in.

Quickly, I placed the coffee on the table I realised that his eyes were fixed on the TV.

Sir Charles' company was yet again on the news. Realising what grabbed his attention, I swallowed almost choking.

I can't imagine how he is feeling at the moment. I got overwhelmed with my emotions and I placed my palm on his right shoulder.

"sir please don't let this take a toll on you. You will recover from this crisis and I have faith that you aren't to blame for what happened. I'm confident that you're a good leader and someone must have conspired against you." I said and rubbed his shoulder.

Immediately, he looked up at me and smirked.

"Look, Maureen, it's my fault. The lack of proper supervision has cost me a lot. You shouldn't harbour high hopes for me, that would be the best thing for you to do." he said coldly.

"I understand but yet I believe that the crisis occurred due to the lackadaisical attitude of an employee. Whenever something goes wrong, it doesn't necessarily have to be the leader's fault, it could be the followers doing. I strongly believe in your abilities and I've heard of the great heights the company attained under your reign." I said looking intently into his eyes with a broad smile on my face as I wanted to lighten his mood with my smile.

"Maureen why do you have so much faith in me?" he asked I was taken aback but yet I maintained my smile.

"You're dedicated to your work and you do it wholeheartedly and besides you aren't the engineer, you only supervise them. You can't do their job because people are assigned different duties."

"I'm impressed by the level of your thinking even though you're young," he said and I took my hands off his shoulder.

"sir please have your coffee while it's hot," I said and he simply hummed in reply.

As he drank, I grabbed the TV remote and asked "May I?"

He hummed in response and I switched it off.

Afterwards, I walked out and closed the door behind me. 


Alexander Stone sat in his study room relishing the impact of the plane crash.

He drank his liquor and smoked tobacco while watching the news.

"He deserves everything he's gotten and I'd be glad if he suffers more," he said and laughed out loud.

He was so loud that Monica Stone, his wife heard and came rushing.

"What happened darling? What are you so happy about?"

"Why won't I be happy? Can't you see the news? There is a need to be happy." he said with a broad smile.

"Uhm, I've heard about it. It's no news anymore but how does this make you happy? Besides, it's rather saddening that many people died." Monica replied with a perplexed look on her face.

"I don't care about those who died but can't you read the meaning of this?" he asked.

"I don't understand. What is that supposed to mean?"

"Monica, Monica, West Land aircraft crashed and Charles is being castigated by many. Of course, this has brought joy unto me. I'm truly happy and words can't express my happiness."

"Alex, that's not right. Why would you think like this? We are talking about human lives for crying out loud. How can you feel nothing? Have you thought that such can befall anyone? Don't be callous!" she said in anger.

"Calm down baby. Note, such can befall me cuz I don't board public aircraft. Keep that in mind." he said and smiled.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's not a crime to jubilee at my enemy's failure is it?" he said and giggled.

"I hope you have nothing to do with this. I truly hope so."

"Stop this immediately! He hurt our only daughter for crying out loud and because of him she's been suffering for years."

"I know he hurt Audrey but it's not enough for such to befall him besides, people died in the aircraft. And anyways people will eventually forget about the rumours. His name won't remain in the mud forever. Sooner or later he will be vindicated and judging from his years of active governance, people will regain their trust in him." she said in confidence.

"Do you think so? Well, I don't. People will remain angered just like we are over our daughter's sufferings. These people lost their families, they won't forgive him easily. And also, he has to first provide evidence of his innocence. If proof is gotten of his negligence leading to the crash, he would be dealt with. Besides don't you want our enemy to suffer?"

"It's not a crime to want my enemy to suffer is it?" He said again and looked at her intently.

"That's not the case. I like the news of his pain but not the circumstances that caused him pain. I don't want you to be involved with anything that going on."

"You can be rest assured," Alexander replied.

"I hope you're being honest," she said and looked at her husband.

Alexander came closer and kissed her aged lips.