
Your Wild Heart

Mafia Chronicles. Born in Blood - 0.5 I was born a monster. Cruelty flows through my veins, poisoning like poison. Everyone in the Vitiello family has it, passed down from father to son, an endless avalanche of ugliness. Cruelty without a second thought. Born to crush others. When Aria became my wife, everyone held their breath waiting for me to break her soon, as my father did with his women. How I will destroy her innocence and kindness with my cruelty. It would not be difficult to break her. It's simple. I'm the monster everyone fears.

Eva_Smith_0875 · Urban
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20 Chs

Aria Accepted The Ring

And maybe I'll do it here too, if he doesn't stop licking his lips soon.

Ignoring Rafaele's disrespect, Scuderi led Aria to me. He looked at me like he was waiting for my jaw to hit the floor at the sight of Aria. She was beautiful and three years from now I'd be grateful to see her like this, but right now I was pissed off at Scuderi's attempts to make Aria look like one of those fucking sex bombs, given how much she hated it.

"This is my daughter, Aria," Scuderi said with the air of an impatient German Shepherd, who is just waiting for the owner to throw a stick at her.

Fiore gave me a confident look.

"I didn't promise too much, did?"

Oh fuck.


Aria's younger brother made his way over to her and took her hand. My eyes lingered on her legs for a second, but I looked away.

"Perhaps the future bride and groom want to be alone for a few minutes?" said my father, giving me a look that I knew too well. He probably thought he was doing me a fucking favour. I noticed the panic on Aria's face, she was one step away from begging her father to forbid it.

Of course, the Scuderi did nothing of the sort. He would most likely let me claim her right in front of him if I was going to take her virginity before marriage.

"Should I stay?" the guard asked her.

A shadow of relief flickered across Aria's face - I didn't have a single illusion of who I was, but in this room, I was the last person Aria should be afraid of.

"Give them a few minutes," Scuderi said, and Aria froze. What did she think I was going to do to her? To molest her right on this couch? My father winked at me. Did he seriously think that I would molest my fifteen-year-old fiancee?

He would definitely do that. Everyone began to disperse, and only the little boy remained, clinging to his sister's arm to protect her. I had to pay my respects to the little one, he was the only one of the Syndicate who had even a shred of courage.

"Fabiano. Get out of there, now," Scuderi called out sharply, and the boy moved away from Aria, sending me a menacing look. I liked this cheeky tomboy.

The door slammed shut and Aria and I were alone. She looked at me through her long eyelashes, biting her lip. How can she be so scared? I know how I look in the eyes of others, especially in the eyes of little girls like her.

I probably looked like a huge monster that could crush her, but I had no idea of hurting her, much less molesting her, no matter how beautiful she looked. I'm not a pervert. I never forced women, and Aria was a girl. My bride. Mine. Under my protection.

"Did you choose the dress yourself?" I asked to distract her from her terrible thoughts.

She shivered, and her eyes widened. Huge blue eyes, so innocent, as if they could wash away all my sins. And that golden hair… fuck, I wanted to touch it to see if it was as silky as it seemed.

"No. My father," she said in her soft, sweet voice.

Of course, he is. I saw her shivering with cold and fear. I decided to end our strange communication as soon as possible - before Aria passed out. I reached for the ring I bought for her a couple of days ago. My little fiancee shuddered, and my mood became even worse. I showed her the velvet box, hoping it would help her relax, but she only tensed up more.

I wanted to shake her up to give her a glimmer of common sense, but that would only make her fears stronger. I handed her the box, and she finally offered her hand. When her fingers touched mine, she drew back with a sigh.

I had to suppress my annoyance—no, not at her, but at her parents, Cavallaro and my father, who had dragged us into this hell. She was too young, I could only hope that in the next three years, she would gain some confidence. I didn't want a wife who would cringe at the sight of me.

"Thank you," she said, trying on the ring. Her eyes met mine, and I held out my hand. She gave me hers with a slight hesitation, and I led her into the living room, where the people who had betrayed her were waiting for us.

As soon as I let go of Aria, she rushed to her sisters and mother, as if they could protect her from what awaited. I walked towards the men.

"AND?" the father asked smugly.

I wasn't sure what he was waiting for. Was that a raunchy allusion to the chance I had alone with Aria? Matteo stole a glance at me.

"Aria accepted the ring," I stated the obvious.

Scuderi's face drooped.

"As it should. I raised my daughter to be obedient. You'll see."

"Luke will make her obey. He brought the strongest of men to their knees. And a weak woman will bow before him," said the father sarcastically.

At that moment dinner was served, and this saved us from a collision. It was stupid. I should have enjoyed it all. According to tradition, I sat next to the Scuderi. Matteo sat opposite him, boredom flashing across his face. A bored Matteo is always a ticking time bomb.

Fiore Cavallaro raised his glass. His gaze was unfocused, I would say that it is time for him to finish drinking. Old bastard. I would have preferred to do business with his son, cold fish Dante, but his father was still in power, so I had to cross paths with an old fool with dementia.

"For a long and successful partnership."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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