
chapter Two

Since Antonio no longer wanted to help Jake, Jake became a little salty and stopped talking to him. As far as Antonio was concerned, he would choose his family over a life of crime any day. Jake, however, grew up in that life. Always looking for a quick way to make a buck. Scheming and dreaming.

He cleaned up his act long enough to wrangle Nyla in when she was fresh, wide-eyed, and didn't know any better. She thought she had a great catch but after a year of marriage, Jake was fucking around on her.

At first, she refused to believe the stories, there was no way but deep in her heart, she knew. Catching him with other women caused her to eat her feelings and sent her into bouts of depression which later resulted in a fluffier version of her former self.

She hoped once she got pregnant, he would calm down but it only intensified his random acts of whoredom. After losing the baby, she started therapy to get better mentally but by that time, he had lost interest in her sexually, yet he refused to leave her.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month and the weather was finally warmer for the long haul. Nyla woke up with a little pep in her step. She looked at herself in the mirror. She had changed her diet and started walking for an hour after work which was starting to pay off.

She decided to put on a cute A-line sun dress which made her plump breasts sit up nice and high, her waist was smaller and her hips were nice and full. She slid into a pair of wedges and did her makeup.

Jake happened to walk into the bathroom, he stared at her briefly, "Where you going all dressed up?" he asked as he whipped out his love stick and took a wiz into the porcelain bowl.

"To work," she replied nonchalantly and strutted out the door with zero fucks to give.

Jake hurried out into the bedroom, "Why are you all dressed up?"

"I just feel good."

He scoffed, "Yeah whatever, man. I'm working overnight again."

"Okay." She replied and left.

He got back into bed and slept. He didn't have to be at work until noon that day.

It had become a ritual. One he looked forward to. It took him off his normal route but this daily interaction with the Bellissima Cantante became part of his routine. He walked in and saw her in the pretty sundress, her hair was in a curly afro fluffed out with a red rose on the right side.

"Good morning, Nyla," he said with a smile as he stepped to the counter to order.

"Good morning, Gio," she replied. She was there alone. Gio had started arriving early before the other workers would arrive so he could have time to chat with Nyla. During those interactions he learned a lot about her, her likes, dislikes, and her dreams.

"I still think you should go to see my friend. He can help you make a demo."

She shrugged, "Honestly, Gio, I should have told you this before ... I'm married."

He didn't look shocked. He simply nodded.

"I got carried away with the attention that you've been giving me. I mean you're a good-looking guy and I—"

"You're a beautiful woman that deserved every bit of attention I've given you. If your husband doesn't know what to do with you ... I can certainly show him."

She blushed, "I could never cheat on my husband."

"What if he approved?"

Her eyes squinted then she burst into laughter, "That was funny," she said wiping the tears from her eyes.

He remained serious, "If I can get your husband to approve, would you?"

"You don't know my husband and even if you did, he would never."

"If he approved, would you?"

She paused. Every fiber on her body ached for serious love. Slowly her head nodded and she smiled a little embarrassed that she admitted that she would fuck another man.

He licked his sexy lips and rubbed his chin, "I bet you taste sweet."

She blushed, "Gio."

He grinned, "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Another month had passed. It was almost April and the reports showed there was still a serious problem with inventory. Instead of the plant manager questioning everyone that worked on the floor, Gio showed up and had a private meeting with Jake.

Jake sat across from Gio, he fidgeted as Gio explained the issues concerning theft, fraud, etc. "I swear to you Mr. Manzini, I don't—"

"Hold that thought," replied Gio as he turned on the large flat-screen television, "Turn around and take a look."

Jake turned the chair and saw footage of himself along with his shady contact. The evidence showed Jake loading the cargo van with boxes of supplies and taking cash. Jake nearly shit a brick as he turned back to look at Gio.

"I'm just curious, did you not know we have cameras on the property?"

Jake gulped, "Look, sir—"

"It's quite all right." He said as he rose to his feet and then took a seat on the edge of the desk as looked down at Jake, "I met your wife Nyla, a sweet woman with an amazing voice."

Jake made a face, "Excuse me?"

"Nyla, she works at the coffee shop. I've been talking to her just about every morning for the past two months. I like her."

Jake stood.

"Sit the fuck back down!"

Jake bucked up, "Keep my wife's name out of your mouth."

Gio rose to his feet and looked dead in his eyes, "I want to fuck your wife, taste your wife, I want to hear my name rolling off her tongue as I bounce her on my enormous pierced cock. I think she would love it."

Jake swung at Gio but Gio grabbed his wrist, "Relax, there's no need to get all puffed up. You can either agree to let me fuck your wife or pay me the value of all the materials you've stolen from my father's company, which," he looked on the desk at a piece of paper, "It's over $75,000."

"I don't have that kind of money. All I have is 20K."

Gio chuckled, "Sounds like you don't have enough then. So?"

Jake was in disbelief; he shook his head, "What kind of man asks another man to fuck his wife? That's crazy."

"It's better to ask than to just fuck another man's wife, or do you not agree?"

Jake was quiet. Gio pulled out his cell phone and showed him pictures of his wife, "Do you know this woman? She's my wife of seven years. Her name is Miriam."

Jake gulped, "I swear, she never told me that she was married."

Gio nodded, "I'm sure. Our marriage is one of convenience. Our families thought it was a good idea for us to marry. Two powerful families uniting in business and marriage. The business part has been great. The marriage part not so much. My wife has always been a cheating little whore."

"I'll leave her alone. I swear."

He shrugged, "Why bother? Have fun. You two have been enjoying each other this long."

Jake shook his head vigorously, "No. No. No. It hasn't been that long. I've only known that chick for like five months. Come on Mr. Gio, Nyla is my wife. I'm the only man she's ever been with."

Gio nodded and went back to the desk and picked up the phone, "Do you have the number to the local police—"

"Wait, wait, man, you don't have to do that. You can't have the police come here for me."

Gio ended the call, "So we have an agreement?"

"How many times?"

Gio shrugged, "I'll take her for the weekend and if she decides she no longer wants me, then I'll leave her alone." Gio smiled.

Jake nodded. He was sure that Nyla would only fuck Gio to help him and then they could resume their lives. He was certain Gio wouldn't fuck as good as him. After all, if he was so good in bed, why was his wife fucking other men?

Nyla was sound asleep in bed when Jake arrived home full of spirits. He stumbled into the bedroom, took off his clothes and crawled into bed, and rubbed her big juicy ass. Nyla turned and eyed him, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Come on babe, it's been a minute," he said breathing down on her.

"Babe? Negro, you haven't touched me in over a year, now it's come on babe? Have several seats."

"So, what you fucking that Italian dude already without my permission? How long has that shit been going on?"

"Boy. You have lost what little piece of mind you had in that bottle of whatever you were drinking. Go your ass to sleep."

"You would fuck another dude, Nyla, you would do that?"

She huffed, "From what I've heard about your little stupid ass crime ring, it's either I give up this ass or you go your black ass to jail. And you know you can't get caught up again."

He broke down and cried, "I was just trying—"

"Turn off the light please, I'm about to go to sleep."

He left the bed in his nakedness and walked out the door without turning off the light. She sat up angrily and ruffled the covers before getting out of bed to turn off the light.

When morning arrived, Nyla woke up feeling anxious, am I really going to cheat on my husband? She took a deep breath and left the bed.

As she showered, she took care to wash everything especially well. Afterward, she dried and stood in front of the mirror dressing slowly. She bit her lip as the thought of having her back blown out danced around in her mind for the one-thousandth time. She didn't even notice Jake standing at the door glaring at her, "I suppose you gotta do this for us, right?"

She turned to him, "Right. For us."

He nodded and then left.

She shrugged and began doing her makeup. She looked amazing in a fitted white dress that showed off her voluptuous curves. Sure, she had a little belly in front you could hardly tell with the span of her hips and the fluff of her breasts. She had the perfect hourglass of a full-figured woman.

It helped that she glowed when she thought about Gio. His sexy voice. Their conversations made her smile. She looked forward to those mornings at the coffee shop and as she stood there applying an ombre lip of deep red with pink, she couldn't help but look forward to having him fill her center.

She shook her head, I should be ashamed, she thought for a second, but I'm not. She stood with her shoulders back. She fluffed out the curls of her head and stuck a pretty red rose on the right side of her hair before leaving,

Nyla walked into the living room. Jake was already gone. Her cell phone sounded. She saw a text message, "I'm outside. Grab your passport. Gio."

She peered out the window and saw a black stretched Hummer with dark-tinted windows. Her face beamed, passport, I thought we were going to Miami, she smiled as she hurried back to her room to retrieve the little blue book.

A little breathy, she collected a small bag with items she planned to take with her for a trip and slipped the passport inside the bag, and left.

As she strutted to the car, she saw the driver's door open and a young Hispanic man in his late twenties hurried to the back door and opened it. Gio emerged wearing a tailored suit with a red handkerchief in the breast pocket.

His face shined upon Nyla as he watched her hips sway. There was something about her curves that turned him on and had him stiff since the first time he saw her at the coffee shop. Their daily conversations only increased his appetite for her and her voice was just the cherry on top.

She stopped in front of him sort of nervous. His hand touched her face, "Mi bella cantante," he said before placing a kiss on her mouth.

Her heart fluttered. Gio stepped back, "This is Emilio, Emilio, this is Nyla, my companion for the duration of the trip."

Emilio's hand reached out for hers, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nyla, I'm at your service," he said as he took her bag."

"Thank you, Emilio," she replied before getting into the car with Gio.

The black and white leather seats shined. The soft lighting and sexy music playing set the mood. Her face shined as he poured a glass of red wine, "For you, mi bella."

She held the stem of the glass looking into his eyes as he sat directly across from her holding his glass at the stem. He had the sexiest eyes. She couldn't help but blush as her center started to moisten. It had been too long since a man looked at her with that desire.

She shied away for a moment. He touched her knee, "Look at me, Bella."

Slowly her eyes drifted to meet his. He smiled, "I'm attracted to you."

She paused allowing his words to penetrate her psyche, "Are you?"

"I find you incredibly sexy."

She touched her belly, "Really?"

"I love a woman with curves."

She nodded and smiled before sipping her drink. He drank the last bit of his, "More?" he asked her as he poured himself another glass.

She nodded, "Yes, please." She heard her favorite song from H.E.R. playing, Every Kind of Way ... she hummed a little.

His face lit up, "Sing for me," he requested as he handed her another glass of wine.

She held the stem of the flute. As her melodious voice filled the space, his eyes danced across her skin. The notes were sweet, the way she eased into them and held them just right. He rubbed her knee, his hand eased up little by little. When she opened slightly, he eased up higher until he felt the warmth of her inner thighs.

She opened a little more. His hand gripped her right thigh. She opened even wider and paused as she felt his fingertip on her pearl. He rubbed. Her eyes closed as she continued to sing, moan, pant, and squirm in her seat. He eased closer, moving her dress up until her lower half was exposed. He pulled off her panties and placed them in his pocket.

She was thick and juicy as he surveyed her center. One leg on his shoulder as he feasted. She looked down still humming the remnants of the melody as it played in the background. Her fingers played in his hair, "Ughhh," she moaned as she hit the peak with her legs trembling.

He looked up slowly with a sexy look in his eyes and grinned with his lips still wet, he pressed them onto hers. She tasted herself on his tongue. He gripped her right tit and squeezed, "I'm going to fuck you here and again on the airplane on our way to London."


"I want to show you the world. Would you like that?"

She nodded. He sat next to her. His hand undid his pants and his massive cock flopped out with a shiny curved object attached to the tip. Her eyes widened, "Did that hurt?" she asked as her hand touched and she caressed it examining it with wonder.

He smiled, "It did for a short time but that was years ago."

She licked her lips in anticipation of tasting his meaty member. It was quite impressive. She handed him the empty glass and he placed it into a holder as she went to her knees; she explored all nine inches of him. Her tongue traveled from the base to the tip and down again repeatedly. She held it up with her left hand and sucked his plums one after the other.

His hands played in her luscious curls as he worked a spell on him. Finally, back to the tip. The thing that fascinated her. Her tongue danced around the head and the piercing. A small amount of precum melted on her tongue and it was so sweet, only enticed her to suck longer, deeper until she gagged.

She paused for a second and went back at it, he loved how she French kissed his long dick and deep-throated him with pleasure. His toes curled, "Uh god, fuck, Bella," he grabbed her face and smiled, "Come sit on my dick."

With her dress above her waist, she lowered onto his dick inch by inch allowing the feeling of the piercing to rub her insides. She smiled, "Okay, I like that," she admitted. "Oh shit," she said.

He smiled as he pulled the top of her dress down and witnessed her huge breasts spill out. He sucked her nipples as he squeezed her big breasts together, "Oh fuck, oooooh, Gioooooooo!"

"Yes, Bella, yes, that's it."

"Oh fuck." She was already cumming again. It had been too long and the feeling sent her over the moon.

"Yes, mi bella."

He held her hip with one hand as he looked into her eyes, he took two fingers from his left hand and placed them into her mouth. She sucked like a baby as he moved underneath. Driving his cock deeper inside as she rode him.

He felt her pussy tightening on his shaft. He felt her quake, he saw her eyes roll and even felt when she nearly bit his finger before screaming out in passion. Their foreheads touched and he had a serious look. He drove a little faster, "Arggghhh, fuck," he grunted as his cum spilled inside.

Her eyes widen. He kissed her mouth slowly. Any worries she had diminished with his sweet words and long passionate kisses. She giggled as she sat on his cock which was still pulsating inside of her, "That was insane," she admitted, "I can't believe I'm going to London for the weekend."

"We are. But for a week."

"My job?"

"I bought the coffee shop and I hired someone to manage it. I have other plans for you," he informed her as he moved back some curls and kissed her again. "Let's get cleaned up before we get to the airport."

Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean

Side by side, they sat as the aircraft soared high in the sky. He held her hand and delighted in how pretty her nails were. Pink with white tips, her natural nails were medium length. He noticed that she wasn't wearing her wedding ring.

She looked over into his blue eyes and smiled, "I just figured—"

"No, it's okay. This week is all about you. I want to show you a great time."

"I'm already having the best time I've ever had, period."

She and Jake had only been on a cruise once after their wedding four years ago. She had gotten a passport in hopes they would travel at least once a year but Jake was always making excuses about why he didn't want to go anywhere. Plus, they hardly ever had the funds to travel. She didn't even have a reliable car.

He surveyed her face, "You have such an amazing bone structure. I can't wait to paint you."

"Wait, you're an artist too?"

"Well, it's my secret passion. My father prefers me to be a businessman. He doesn't see money in making art. I don't do it for money. I do it because it lives in me. Kind of how singing lives in you."

She smiled, "I can see that."

Emilio appeared with a camera. "Emilio is my trusted assistant and driver. Would you mind if he captures some pictures of us on our trip?"

"Sure," she replied not thinking of the full scope of what Gio was asking.

She leaned into Gio and Emilio snapped some pictures. Soon, she found Gio's tongue in her mouth as the camera continued to click away. She paused, "Wait, is he?"

Gio nodded, "Trust me, Emilio can be trusted and these will only be for our eyes."

Gio released his seatbelt and she released hers. Before long, she was bent over holding onto the seat as Gio kneeled behind her holding her big juicy ass as he drilled her wet center.

Emilio recorded the steamy moment of passion. At first, Nyla was shy but after a time, it was as if she forgot the camera was recording. She let loose completely as she enjoyed herself to the fullest.

She even started stalking dirty, "Fuck my pussy, yes, fuck Gio, just like that!"

He drilled nice and quick with his cock buried between her fluffy ass cheeks. He spread her open wide as Emilio zoomed in even closer. He enjoyed filming for Gio and the group. Sometimes it led to him being a participant. But at that moment, he realized this wasn't a session he was going to be invited to.

He was just happy to see his boss enjoying some pussy again. Pussy that he had dreamed of digging into. Sure, he had a couple of flings out in London but those women were all superficial. Nyla had substance. She had a sweetheart and a great personality.

Tampa, Florida, USA

Jake moped around the hotel room as Miriam lay in bed nude, "What's the big fucking deal, come to bed now, Jakie pooh!"

"You should have told me. Now that man is out there doing God knows what to my wife."

She scoffed, "Why do you care, you said she's a drag in bed anyway. Unless you were just saying that to get me to fuck you," she laughed, "you didn't have to lie, Jake. I would have fucked you anyway. Now come to bed, darling."

Jake huffed, "So how many other dudes are you fucking beside me?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Oh god, fuck, seriously?"

She hurried over to him, "Jake, babe, it doesn't matter the number. Just know that I enjoy fucking you. I'm a rich woman and this is how I play. My husband doesn't care." She rubbed his bald head, "Come to bed and fuck my sweet little cunt or do you want to watch me get myself off or shall we call the Asian girl LuAnn over again? You can fuck me from behind as I eat her sweet little pussy."

Jake sighed, "I just feel bad about everything ... putting my wife through this. It's wrong. Now she probably feels terrible. I just want my wife back. I'm not doing this shit anymore," he said before he moved away abruptly and dressed.

She watched in disbelief, "All right then suit yourself."

He walked to the door and turned the knob. "Jake don't be stupid," she warned him one last time. He opened the door and left.

She shook her head and chuckled, "Stupid little fuck," she grabbed her phone and dialed a number, "Hello darling, I'll be in London tomorrow. See you soon."