

'It's a beautiful sunny day, but I'd rather stay inside. Almost everything bores me if you couldn't tell from the past few pages.'

I took a long deep breath and put my pencil down gently. The cover of my journal is a bit plain… I'll buy some stickers sometime but not right now.

I trudged downstairs and put some bread in the toaster. Oh wait, I forgot to brush my teeth.

Oh well, I'll do it later.

I think I'm an ordinary student but recently, I've been seeing… stuff in dark places of all different sizes. I need to get more sleep. I waited as I thought about what to do today. "Ding!"

I grabbed the toast and reached into the fridge to get some butter.

Something feels off…

Where is my knife? I thought I left it in the pastel blue basket my mom sent me when she was at work. Just then, I saw a silver object in the corner of my eye.

Should I go towards it? I started slowly walking towards the object and for some reason it's in the laundry room? There it is again, the creature. It had a darker outline than the dark room itself.

It was holding the knife turning it around and around, examining it. Then it moved to a side and vanished. The knife dropped on the floor.

I kept my distance and expected it to fly up into the air, cutting me, but instead it just fell.

I tried convincing myself it was all an illusion, but it didn't seem to work.

I picked it up and almost screamed. Sticky raven black goo covered the handle of the knife. I washed it with running hot water and soap.

I sighed and set the knife down.

Oh shoot! I almost forgot to brush my teeth! I sprinted upstairs and nearly tripped due to me checking my watch.

An hour and a half is more than enough time! I'm going to not be late today.

I filled my cup with warm water and tried to squeeze some toothpaste out. A little bit came out but my fingers started becoming numb.

Finally, I managed to get some out and tossed the empty tube into the trash. I really need to go out shopping, huh.

When I was about to brush my teeth, the toothpaste tasted off…

What a weird day.