
Your Touch And Love

Danendra and Alina have been in a relationship since high school. But they separated because Danendra had to complete his education. "I'm going to carry out state duties, I ask that you will remain faithful to wait for me until I return later". Danendra said to Alina. "I will always wait for you". Said Alina. Before leaving, Danendra and Alina spent time together, they were a very romantic couple. Danendra's love for Alina is so great, and vice versa. "I will still miss you, Alina". I will go home to justify you, take good care of yourself, Alina". Danendra said before his departure. Danendra looked at Alina differently, as if he wanted to say something but was unable to express it. Who would have thought, Danendra's departure at that time was the last meeting for Alina. Alina hears about Danendra's death on the battlefield. Alina was devastated, Alina was shocked to hear the news. She ran to the room and took a photo of him with Danendra. "I hate you, I hate traitors like you, why are you doing this to me, why?". Alina shouted hysterically, tears streaming down her cheeks. Alina witnessed the return of Danendra's body which was neatly wrapped in the coffin. The marriage that Danendra promised is now just a story. Meanwhile, not one day after Danendra's departure, Alina's parents set her up with Rei, who is none other than Alina's best friend as well as her boss where Alina works. Since then Alina has never wanted to communicate with anyone, including her parents, it's been one year since Danendra's departure, during that time Alina stayed in the room. Danendra is the first and last person Alina loves until now. ................................................................. ............... "What about Alina?". "Will Alina be able to live her life without Danendra?". "Will Alina accept her match with Rei who is none other than her own best friend?". Find the answer by following each chapter in this novel. If you like it, don't forget to support this novel by giving as many Power Stones as you can, and write your opinion in the review and comments column so I can correct what's wrong. One Power Stone and comments or reviews from you are my motivation to write. Happy Reading!

Linayanti · Urban
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153 Chs

Sad news

>>The next morning<<

All the members were brought together by their commander. "Post 1, Post 2 and Post 3". Call their commander over the loudspeaker.

All the members rushed out to gather. "Let's hurry, don't let anyone be late!". You are members, so you must be ready at all times". Their commander explained.

"Ready Commander". All the members cheered.

They all gathered even though there were some who did not have time to wear clothes and some only wore cloth". Why do you look like people want circumcision." Said another member to his friend ". "Shut up, you guys." Doni replied.

Several members glanced at Doni who was wearing a sarong, they smiled at him. "Everyone pay attention to the front". Their commander's orders". Yes Sir.

The commander glanced at all the other members, he was very sensitive to his members, his pitch black face with a height of 170 cm made him look very scared by his subordinates.

"He stands tall in front of all the members, he really should be able to be a good leader and be an example for his Juniors". Alright, today all my members must be ready to get ready, because intruders have spread everywhere. Because our enemy is not a random person, all of you must be really observant in scouting the enemy. Now prepare yourselves and gather again in the field, I'll wait five minutes...!". Their commander said firmly.

"Ready Commander!". All members answered.

All members ran to their respective posts. "Come on, we're done. We don't have time anymore". Danendra said to all his friends.

"Okay!". Some of the members are ready to wear their uniforms, their faces are given black three-finger scribbles, their hats as usual use the hats that are already available.

Spare bullets are their waists , all ready to stay back in the field to gather.

They are all totally committed to defend the country and the state, all members never complained, never felt tired, sick yet they still have to look fine.

all members rushed towards the field, Doni and Danendra always lined up. They all gather and line up neatly". Yes Sir! We are ready to carry out the State's orders, we are ready to risk our lives to defend the country!". All the members cheered.

"Ready!". Has everyone gathered?". asked the commander.

"Ready, already commander!". Answer all members at the same time.

"Today we are really going to fight against intruders, remember you can't be careless. Before you split up, let's pray together". their commander's orders.

One of the members is appointed as the prayer leader, they all raise their hands up asking for strength and there are also members who have other beliefs and the way of praying is different. All the members had finished praying, and they were all ready to disperse.

"Before you scatter remember, don't be negligent in this war, because we will never know where our enemy is lurking. They have a cunning way of making our members careless!". Hopefully we will all return in one piece, not damaged at all, now everything is lined up neatly and all members are scattered in the directions that have been distributed respectively". The commander commemorates his Junior, it's so hard to be a leader who has a big responsibility towards the other members.

"Come on, Everyone immediately disperse". Said the other members.

They all ran while carrying weapons in their hands, today was really the most stressful day. There were some of them who were afraid to go forward but they mutually cheered.

They all had to put away their fears, they had arrived at their respective hiding places. "Doni, you must be by my side, we must not be separated!". Danendra ordered.

"Ready. I'm still by your side!". They have all started to work, their eyes must be keen to look in all directions.

There was a gunshot from the east, again the gunshot sounded again". Looks like the enemy has started to approach!". We must be careful and we must not be careless". Danendra's message.

"Ready!". Doni saw an intruder who was stalking his whereabouts. "Watch out, be careful, I saw him hiding there". Doni said.

Danendra also saw the intruder. "Okay, I see it clearly". Now we have to focus on this intruder, Doni is really focused, his eyes are fixed on his enemy, he then fires a bullet to shoot "one---two---three--- Bam". Doni made a powerful shot.

The intruder was shot. "You have to be careful!". Danendra's message. "Ready". Doni replied.

The intruder's friend was furious to see his friend's death, he saw Doni's face clearly, he wanted to avenge his friend's death. Suddenly the intruder lurked very clearly from a distance, he had pointed his gun at Doni. The intruder has already started his action". Bam. The sound of intruder gunfire.

"Watch out". Doni and Danendra shouted. They could dodge the shot, Danendra returned the shot but didn't hit. The

the intruder started shooting again, they were really hot, their shots were very powerful. At the moment the bullet Doni is up, he takes a bullet reserve for the pairs.

The Intruder's sly smile. "This is the end of your history!". Then the intruder aimed his gun at Doni who was firing a bullet shot.

But Danendra saw the weapon towards Doni, he couldn't do anything, spontaneously when the gun was fired, Danendra spontaneously pushed Doni's body away. "Watch out." Danendra was hit by a powerful shot seemed

Doni was stunned, his eyeballs like they were about to pop out when he saw his friend was shot. "Comrade.... wake up comrade." Doni looked very panicked seeing Danendra lying down, and his mouth was bleeding.

Danendra was shot in the chest. "Huk..huk..huk...". Looks like I won't be able to last long, friend!". Said Danendra.

"You can't talk like that, friend, you have to be strong, I will immediately take you to the post to get first aid". Doni was really devastated to see his friend, because Danendra became a victim for saving himself.

Danendra held Doni's hand, he shook his head. "You calm down, friend!". I will go quietly, remember you must be able to take good care of yourself here!". You must not fail at all! ". Message Danendra.

"You need a strong friend, remember you're getting married, you have to be strong". Said Doni while giving encouragement to his friend.

Danendra could not speak, he just smiled at his friend's face. Danendra seemed to have no hope to live again.

Danendra looked at his friend's face with a smile, then Danendra took his friend's hand and held it very tightly.

Danendra continued to show that smile, instantly he closed his eyes and breathed his last, the hand that was holding tightly now "No". Doni shouted.

All members mourned the loss of one of the best members of his time.

They felt sad for all, their commander ordered all members to gather to witness Danendra's passing. All mourned and shed tears.