
Your Special Connection

This is a book for girls ONLY. If you are wondering why it is because this book is one of those where you (the reader) is the main character (meaning the book is in second person point of view), and the main character is a girl. Sorry to any boys out there, but if you really want to read the book anyway go ahead. Just to warn you though you will be referred to as a girl. And if you are new to a book where you are the main character then here is how it works, if you're not this is just a reminder. (y/n) = your name (y/ln) = your last name (y/fn) = your first name (y/h) = your height (y/w) = your weight (y/b) = your birthday (e/c) = your eye color (h/c) = your hair color (f/c) = favorite color (or colour) (f/f) = favorite food (f/d) = favorite drink (lf/f) = Least favorite food (lf/d) = Least favorite drink     I hope you enjoy my book!

kenny_g79960 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter One

You wake up in the morning, and get dressed. You and your Mom just moved into a new town. Everyone told your mom that she shouldn't take the job offer, because the down was very secretive and exclusive. But your mom didn't listen and moved you guys to the mysterious town of Sheol, Virgina. It was your first day at your new school and you weren't very excited about it. You hadn't been very popular at your old school and you were hoping to change that. You even had your mom buy the clothes that every popular girl wore, so that you could make a good impression. You were very excited to wear your first day of school outfit, which consisted of a/an (f/c) sweater, a black skirt, and black block heels. You were kind of mad at your mom for making you move schools, but you were also grateful for a fresh start. You go to the bathroom to put a little curl in your hair, then you go downstairs to eat breakfast. And after you are done with breakfast, it is time to leave for school. You get into your car and you follow google maps to the school. When you get to the school, you feel a chill run down your spine. You figure it is just the wind and grab your backpack. After you make sure you have everything, you get out of your car and make your way toward the school. You can feel people staring at you. Plus you get sort of an off vibe from it, but you push the feeling down. When you walk in the front doors you feel every pair of eyes turn to you, like in the parking lot. You find your way to the main office to get a map and your schedule. Once in the office you go up to the secretary. 

"Hey I am here to get my schedule," You say.

"Are you (y/n)?" the secretary asks and you nod your head, "Okay here is your schedule, and a map of the school. If you have any problems just come and ask me." You tell her okay and leave the office.

As you walk to your first class you can hear people whispering about you, but you choose to ignore it. You just fast walk to your class, and wait for your teacher to come in so you can introduce yourself. As you wait you wonder what he is going to be like. Is he going to be nice? You think to yourself, or is he going to be super strict? You don't even notice your teacher enter the classroom until you hear him set his stuff down on his desk.

"Um...," you start, "Mr. Clinton? I am the new student, (y/fn) (y/ln)."

He looks at you for a moment and then says, "Welcome to my class."

You decide to doodle in a notebook you brought until the bell rang. And once the bell rings students start filing in and finding seats. You had chosen one near the front close to Mr. Clinton's desk, so you could see the board and you'd be able to ask Mr. Clinton easily if you had a question. When the late bell rang Mr. Clinton took role and then started his lesson, not even bothering to introduce you. Which you were grateful for because you hated being singled out in class. You take notes as best as you could and ignored all the glances and stares you got. Half way through the class a tall boy walked in the classroom. He looked mysterious and something about his dark eyes made you want to know more. Since the only empty seat was next you he sat down in it. He smelt of freshly printed books and bubblegum. It was a weird combination but you liked it, to you it was unique. You never really knew your dad just that he liked to cook, and no longer wanted you. The boy next you glanced at you with a strange look on his face. You couldn't quite place it but you feel like you knew him. Which was strange considering you are from Montana and you wouldn't have ever met him until now. You smile at him hoping he'd smile back, instead he just looked away. What's his problem? You wonder Do I smell wei- your thoughts are interrupted by the bell ringing. You gather up your stuff and leave the classroom and quick as possible. You hurry off to your next class afraid of being late on your first day at Sheol High.

    And soon it is lunch time and you are starving. Your mom had packed you some leftover chinese food from last night and a 16oz bottle of (f/d). You walk into the cafeteria and find an empty table in the back corner. You had unpacked your lunch and had just taken a drink when you smell the spice rack guy. You look up in time to see him sit down across from you. The whole cafeteria had gone silent, and everyone was watching you guys.

    He turns to face everyone, "Back to your own business."

    Everyone mutters something like "Yes Alpha" and goes back to eating. You look at him for a little while then go back to eating your food. You can feel him  watching you eat so you look up.

"What?" You ask with the least amount of sass as possible.

He looks into your eyes and you look down, "Nothing."

"Then why are you sitting here?" You ask and then add, "Not that you can't, I just want to know why."

He thinks for a moment, "Are you human?"

You are taken aback by his question, "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

He looks around and then stands up, "Come with me."

You hesitate for a moment. Should I go with him? You think and then you figure what is it hurting, "Okay."