
your queen is gone

Living in ones own fantasy novel as a main lead would be a dream come true for every author, the problem is my stories aren't exactly all sunshine and rainbows... " you made me miserable like this...now fix it!" Who would've thought my cold blooded queen would actually want a happy ending from me..

yasminscreation · Fantasy
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21 Chs

3. which one are you?

Mary was scarlet's loyal servant. She was the only servant in the golden palace - where scarlet was born - who survived her blood shed.

She stayed by her side though to guilt of not being able to protect her as a child.

Right...i have to find her first.

I pull the rope next to the bed and 3 servants walk in in a few minutes.

Which one are you mary?

*bowing elegantly*

"Good morning your majesty"

They don't seem to be normal maids, perhaps high ranking ones?

And they called me your majesty meaning scarlet is a queen right now, but she became the queen of three different nations before even reaching 30...


I try to call her out without looking any of them in the eyes. One of them is definitely mary right?

"Yes, your majesty?"

A thin figure with a poker face on, around 40 years old with brown hair that is filled with whites now.

"I have a headache."

Is what scarlet told her whenever she wanted drugs.

"Then i'll bring your medicine right away"

Just as i thought...she's already addicted.

Mary enters with a box in her hand in a few minutes and calls off the other servants so scarlet could get high without anyone gossiping about her addiction.

Not that anyone would dare to talk ill of her in her own castle, rather triggering her would just start another war.

I take a look at the box, there are more than ten different little bags in it, each in a different color.

Some are herbs or powders, but its mostly pills.

"Mary, what's that child doing nowadays?"

There's only one child the queen would ask about with such cold voice.

Thankfully i know exactly how to talk to Mary and others without them doubting my real identity, at least, like this im safe for awhile.

Mary seemed bothered by my question as she made an uncomfortable expression for the first time ever since i came here. She didn't even react when i didn't consume the drugs right away like the real Scarlet.

"He's been learning about magic and swordsmanship from sir.Ricardo your majesty"

Ah so she was afraid of my reaction when i find out he's working hard so that i'd notice him.


"Yes, he's a new appointed knight as well as that child's personal guard."

Even Mary calls him that child...well it is the name her as*hole of an ex-husband gave him.

"I see..."

Ricardo will become Daniels loyal servant and a skillful warrior in the future.

I better keep an open eye around him  since he hated scarlet for abusing Daniel.

I glance over the box once more, I don't have scarlet's memory but at least im not addicted to these sh*t.

Right when i thought that, my headache and dizziness came back. Don't tell me that i have to sober up in her stead?!

"Ugh...Get rid of them..."

Mary looks at me with confused and surprised face as i throw the box on the floor. My temper has extremely changed, is it because of drug withdrawal?

"A..as you wish, your majesty."

Her reaction is no surprise. I mean even Theodore, her current husband and Daniels stepfather couldn't make her quit...

Theo...i wonder if she meant him too last night.