
your queen is gone

Living in ones own fantasy novel as a main lead would be a dream come true for every author, the problem is my stories aren't exactly all sunshine and rainbows... " you made me miserable like this...now fix it!" Who would've thought my cold blooded queen would actually want a happy ending from me..

yasminscreation · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

16. A couple look

I hide my shocked expression behind an emotionless mask. looking at the couples worried reaction, they seemed to be in the same delusion of me marrying their son.

Theodore looks at his sister with a very cold gaze which sent shivers down my spine

He locked his hands together, putting them on the table in front of him,

"…My marriage is not an affair you should have a say in."

Madeline was shocked by such a statement or maybe he had never talked to her in such a tone. No matter what, she seemed to feel betrayed or fooled.

She looks at him with her eyes wide open from realizing something:

"What about Anna?"

"…That…also doesn't concern you. However, if it makes you feel any better she was never an option to begin with."

Theo says after a small pause.

Madeline who looked defeated throws down her head again, mumbling something to herself, out of which I could hear a few words:

"…can't…ruin your future…if…then…you leave me no choice…"

Unexpectedly she swings her sword, targeting my neck. She had infused her sword with her power which gave it a golden hallow. It was a tactic most sword masters would use but to transfer her powers to it so swiftly… it seems like I must give her more credit than I originally did.

An uneasy soul like Scarlet had met countless assassins throughout her short life, from any background, age or gender you could think of. Different methods in different places, mostly unexpected solo assassinations or ambushes. Even at such a peaceful looking breakfast there was no way she would ever put her guard down.

Scarlet defends herself in the last second with the dining knife at her disposal. Normally both the sword and the knife should have shattered because of her powers, but this time it didn't seem to be the case.

I can see from the corner of my eyes that the couple were shocked and in a state of disbelief. while Theodore had stood up with his hand stretched out to me.

It took a few seconds for me to process what had just happened. The knife and sword were both unharmed since I couldn't use my powers on them, and I was able to hold my guard because Theodore had made a shield protecting me (and with me the knife as well).

I push Madeline back which resulted in her falling back on the floor while she was still processing what had happened too. Thankfully I had come to my senses faster than her.

'To think how much control they have over their powers…fascinating and yet…troublesome.'

I couldn't care less about the sudden marriage talk instead what I was interested in was Theodores next move and my disability to use my power.

He moves his hair back with an angry look on his face.

"you've crossed the line Madeline."

He wasn't frowning but his anger still managed to show itself on his face vividly, usually that's the face I would make when I am at my limit and I've ran out of patience.

Madeline sweeps her fallen sword and runs out with a frustrated attitude as if she was the victim of the current event.

Only after she left did I realize that Theodores clothes were designed with white and light yellow and his brooch decorated with pearls exactly like mine.

'Matching outfits…a couple look...?!'