
your queen is gone

Living in ones own fantasy novel as a main lead would be a dream come true for every author, the problem is my stories aren't exactly all sunshine and rainbows... " you made me miserable like this...now fix it!" Who would've thought my cold blooded queen would actually want a happy ending from me..

yasminscreation · Fantasy
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21 Chs

1. when it all began

"Rise and shine sleepy head."

Whose voice is this? How can it be so sweet and seductive yet so... hateful?

It was as if an angle was devilishly whispering in my ears.

I tried to move my stiffened body since i fell asleep on my desk last night. But it felt so light as if i was floating.

"Huh? Where am i?"

Everywhere was dark. All i could see was a silhouette of a woman leaning back on the window.

There was a red light from outside that wouldn't allow me to see her face clearly but even so i could tell she was truly beautiful.

Even her voice was so charming...wait why am i distracted by her beauty? Where is this?

"Who are you?"

I said with a shaky voice.

"Ah...i see you've already forgotten me."

It seemed like she was smiling.

"Your own creation..."

"Ofcourse it's not like i'm disappointed since you never answered my prayers in the first place."

She walked towards me confidently. Her aoura was so strong and murderous that for a second I thought that she's going to kill me.

Now i could see her face better, suddenly i thought of a part in my latest novel.

"Her hair as black as night, as dark as her past and as shiny as her sword. Eyes so captivating that you couldn't look away, as red as all the blood she had spilled, Scarlet like her name."

"No way..."

'Its surly a dream right? It only feels real cause i was thinking about its tragic ending before i fell asleep. Right?!'

However her cold touch was real, her fingers strangling and trying to crush my neck were real, so was the pain.

"You...you made me like this."

Her red eyes were filled with rage.

"Did you think you could get away with it just because it wasn't real to you? The years i suffered were just a few minutes for you weren't they?

If it wasn't for them i would've crushed you already!"

She throws me on the floor as i gasp for air. She turns to face the window. I can now see the red light was actually a red moon.

"But since i can't go back to my body now someone needs to be there for them in my stead don't you think?"

She pitfully hugged herself.

"I couldn't love them. I can never give them the love they deserve and desire... because of me... no, because of you everyone around me suffered too."

Her voice was shaking. This time not from anger but pain and sorrow. Things that i made her live with all her life. My unfortunate queen who had to become a cold-blooded tyrant just to survive the hardships I planned for her.

"Fix it... you're the one responsible for this. Give them what I couldn't. Only then my soul can rest."

The last thing that i saw was her snapping her fingers and then everything went blank.